TTC my Rainbow Baby! Looking for buddies who log in often!

Congrats Britta hope your pregnancy is smooth sailing :)

Ask- I understand limbo, hopefully you'll be out of it soon!

Wish- so so sorry, I swore this would be your cycle! glad you have a game plan though!

afm, I'm on CD22/6dpo nothing to report except some mild cramping all day, but that could be anything haha just gotta wait it through, at least 6 more days before testing! but stitchmaynia is coming up soon, so I should be pretty well distracted. ;)
Ok ladies...this is way TMI but I need some input. AF started today and when I went to the bathroom about an hour ago I passed two big clots that looked fleshy (same thing happened last month with my CP). In the second larger clot there was this little white ball - I've never seen anything like it. It felt kinda hard and was attatched to the clot/tissue. It was about the 1/4 inch or less. Any idea what this could be? Did I have another cp? My beta was 0.8 this past Friday and I stopped progesterone on Saturday and started AF today.
Honestly Ask4joy I have no idea.
When I had my last mc i had lots of clots, but I never saw anything like that...

Darling, only a week left until you test!

I am counting down the days, formal beta is next Monday but might test before hand. Symptom spotting has started, but no symptoms yet. I don't normally get them anyways so I don't know what I am looking for. Just hoping I guess.
This is so scary.
Ask, it's so hard to say. Since you had some faint positives last week, it's possible it was another CP. At 4 weeks an embryo is only the size of a poppy seed, but not sure if it would be too early to see the sac if you passed it? Is it possible it was leftover progesterone stuff? I know with the crinone I had all kinds of weird clumps of white, pink, brown and black! Really sorry you're going through this again if it is another CP :hugs:

Darling and Myshel, I hope you keep busy until you test! Fx for both of you!
It's definitely not part of the suppository. It's attached to the tissue I passed. I couldn't pull it off though I didn't want to tear it. DH agreed it wasn't from the progesterone. He thinks its another early CP. Wondering if it could be a polyp or something? Really gross but I saved it in case my doctor wants to test it. It's like a white little growth that kinda protrudes from the tissue I passed. I'd say it's about the size of an apple seed.
Thanks! and good luck Myshel!

Ask- so sorry. I've not had a CP so I don't know much to say except that saving it for testing will be helpful, the doctor can at least figure out what's going on and give you some insight.

wish- heheh I'll be starting FIFTEEN cross stitching projects between May 1-15! It's going to be legendary! :)
Slow here too I've been procrastinating with my stitching played Sims 4 for a little bit haha how long until testing?
Myshel - I can only imagine how nerve wracking that must be! How are you feeling? Fingers and toes crossed for you!
Hello Ladies! In desperate need a group of women who understand what I am going through. Had a M/C in december waited a full cycle before trying again. It has been a rollercoaster ttc now that I have had my m/c I find myself wanting to get pregnant now more than ever!!!

Monday I had a couple faint bfp's then from Tuesday and on I have had all bfn's. Its so disheartening and such a struggle, I'm thinking it might have been CP but not sure yet since I am still waiting for AF (I am on cycle day 31 now). My DH and mom keep telling me to relax but it isn't so easy. My mom told me all my charting and everything is useless and that hurt my feelings and has had me down all day.

Hoping to join this thread for continued support and advice!
Welcome tntgirl, you're in good company here! Anyone who tells you to 'relax and let it happen' has clearly never struggled with infertility or loss. I hope you can get an answer's a BFP and not AF!

I went in for a beta this morning, and it was negative of course, confirming what I already knew! Oh well.

Mysh, your beta date is only 4 sleeps away! Are you going to test before then?
Hey tntgirl, welcome! I totally understand your feelings, My family is the same way "just relax and it'll happen" or my personal favorite, "just stop trying and then it'll happen, you see it all the time!" I feel like they aren't purposefully trying to hurt us, but they feel they have to respond and that's the best that comes up. Little do they realize that just being a shoulder and ear can be all we need, and some positive thinking!

Myshel- DITTO WISHES QUESTION?! Are you going to test soon??

AFM, Ahhhh so close to testing day! I'm about 8DPO right now. Nothing to note except just a little more cramping earlier this morning. Waiting game is crazy hard. I organized 3 of my 15 projects for Stitchmaynia which passed time pretty good today. How are you ladies??
Honestly i will probably break down and get a test to test for Sunday night, but I am not sure. I really don't want to get my hopes up but on the other hand not knowing is just stressing me out hahaha.
I just hate this part so much. I am so scared of another mc. I am so scared of a pregnancy and than another later loss. I just want a baby like five years ago. We aren't officially coming up to six years of trying in June. I am getting so old.
Thank you ladies for your support and open arms! That is so true a lending ear is all we need and just people to be sensitive in this up and down process.

I am with you myshelsong, I hate the waiting game especially after you had what you wanted and then it was taken away. Wanting a baby and not getting it is making me go crazy and feel desperate. Hoping we all get our miracle.
Myshelong I hope you have good results today, and you have a happy snug little one in there! today I think is 1DPO for me, I ovulated on my b-day (29th) or the day after. I think I have a good chance this cycle, my nips are already killing me so I think I have a strong ovulation (all those crazy hormones!) Now I just need to wait it out, ugh god I hate this waiting part >.<
canadianmoose (I love the name btw) sending baby dust your way. The waiting game is almost like torture I'm sonviced.

I am now cd 34 with no signs of AF coming, a crazy amount of ewcm (tmi), bbt's not declining and still bfn, not sure what is happening with my body but I'd sure like to know. My husband and I have an appt this afternoon with my doctor to discuss my cycle and making sure I am ovulatng. Ever since my miscarriage in December its been kind of wonky but its been 5 months you'd think I should be back to normal.

We all deserve our rainbow baby even if this process is long and hard I know it will be worth it for us all! :hugs:
canadianmoose (I love the name btw) sending baby dust your way. The waiting game is almost like torture I'm sonviced.

I am now cd 34 with no signs of AF coming, a crazy amount of ewcm (tmi), bbt's not declining and still bfn, not sure what is happening with my body but I'd sure like to know. My husband and I have an appt this afternoon with my doctor to discuss my cycle and making sure I am ovulatng. Ever since my miscarriage in December its been kind of wonky but its been 5 months you'd think I should be back to normal.

We all deserve our rainbow baby even if this process is long and hard I know it will be worth it for us all! :hugs:

Haha thanks! it's a little joke between my husband and I, I'm actually American trying to get the Canadian citizenship thing rolling but he's my moose! do you normally have long cycles? have you tested for PCOS? I know I might have it except I have only one ovary now (other with tube was removed at age 15 due to complications) and it's evened out now with a good diet and hormonal balancing. and it can take a while for your cycles to regulate after a MC (i've had 3 myself.) maybe you had a wonky cycle in which you didn't menstrate and went straight into another cycle. wouldn't be the first time I've heard of that happening to some women.

Here's hoping that you get good results and the much needed answers! Yes! I can't wait for that rainbow and I wish you a big beautiful rainbow as well!

Haha thanks! it's a little joke between my husband and I, I'm actually American trying to get the Canadian citizenship thing rolling but he's my moose! do you normally have long cycles? have you tested for PCOS? I know I might have it except I have only one ovary now (other with tube was removed at age 15 due to complications) and it's evened out now with a good diet and hormonal balancing. and it can take a while for your cycles to regulate after a MC (i've had 3 myself.) maybe you had a wonky cycle in which you didn't menstrate and went straight into another cycle. wouldn't be the first time I've heard of that happening to some women.

Here's hoping that you get good results and the much needed answers! Yes! I can't wait for that rainbow and I wish you a big beautiful rainbow as well![/QUOTE]

Before my miscarriage I had a 30 day cycle so I never had to worry about when my period was coming. Ofcourse, I wasn't paying to close attention to it either. That's what I'd like to know actually, why are my so cycles so long now, when am I ovulating and if I have PCOS ( I really hope not but I want to be informed).

I'll update you ladies this afternoon wish me luck.
Hello ladies, just stopping in to see how you all are doing!

Keep us updated tntgirl :)

Canadianmoose- wishing you a fast tww, and a bfp :)

AFM, I'm on CD28. Tested on Saturday (10dpo) and it was BFN. I was super crampy Friday and Saturday so I assumed AF was on it's way, but here we are a couple days later and nothing yet, so I guess if she doesn't show in the next few days I'll go to the store and get another test. All the cramping makes me feel like she's just being really slow on showing. My average clomid cycles are 26-28 days so so if she doesn't show today I'll be officially late.. so I'm hopeful but trying to reign in it. I've been disappointed way too much.

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