TTC my Rainbow Baby! Looking for buddies who log in often!

Sorry just jumping in quickly tomlet yiu know my test was negative. Good luck to you glades and this cycle

taking a few days off for a few days from bnb....
Good luck to all you ladies in the waiting period it is a roller coaster for real!

So update I went to the doctor for family planning questions and felt pretty confident leaving that I would get my period soon. She basically told me that this is technically my third cycle since the miscarriage and that after this cycle it should regulate. Surprisingly she didn't give me a pregnancy test even when I told her I was late.

I'll try to upload my BBT chart here because my temperatures are still raising to my highest being 98.2. I took a pregnancy test this morning and it came out negative but with my temperatures are rising I'm not really sure what to think.


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So sorry Myshel. :hugs: Take care of yourself.

TNT - not sure what to think about your looks like you may have ovulated 9 days ago but I'm not sure what cd you're on.
Myshel so sorry hope you feel better soon.

Tnt well here's hoping you will get your bfp soon ;)

Afm, umm not sure what's going on for me. Cd 30. No sign of period but all bfns.. I'll day one thing though my cm is crazy! Having to change multiple times a day because of how much cm I have. I swear it's af coming then I run to bathroom and it's just Globs of cm. I actually had ewcm Sunday-tuesday which I thought was weird now it's lotiony... i hate being in limbo.. lol
Huge hugs Myshel.

TNT I think maybe you O'd around CD27 based on your AF may not be due for a couple of days. Limbo is the worst....keep testing, hope it turns out to be a BFP!

Darling, any news? Have you tested again? I hope all that CM is a good seems unlikely but could all of that ewcm been a sign of a later O?

AFM, I had my tube test yesterday and everything is good! Both tubes open, uterus looks fine and I have a dominant follicle on my right already. So we'll go au naturel this cycle, and try IUI #2 next month!
WishnandHopn, Thats what I was leaning towards, if that is the case then I might be out of luck this cycle we BD on Friday but were fighting on Sunday so didn't BD until Monday again. Don't you hate when your hubby picks a fight on your fertile days lol

Darlingqueen, I've had a ton of EWCM this cycle too it is really weird and hard to distinguish what is happening with our bodies when we are having so much discharge. I have heard its a good sign though :)
I've been having nothing, no discharge, had sensitive nips (I think that was partly due to O and bding *don't ask*), and only thing remotely positive is a huge wave of nausea I had after using the restroom just now. However, that could be because of stale probably nothing. I did eat grape tomatoes this morning that tasted waaaay different, not off just...different. But I'm thinking I'm around 4-5 DPO and I'm frustrated and sad beyond belief thinking it's another failed cycle. I'm at the end of my rope about to just give up completely since I keep asking Hubs to take us to get fertility help but he always responds "sure, we'll go sometime soon. Just wait a bit more ok?"
I've been having nothing, no discharge, had sensitive nips (I think that was partly due to O and bding *don't ask*), and only thing remotely positive is a huge wave of nausea I had after using the restroom just now. However, that could be because of stale probably nothing. I did eat grape tomatoes this morning that tasted waaaay different, not off just...different. But I'm thinking I'm around 4-5 DPO and I'm frustrated and sad beyond belief thinking it's another failed cycle. I'm at the end of my rope about to just give up completely since I keep asking Hubs to take us to get fertility help but he always responds "sure, we'll go sometime soon. Just wait a bit more ok?"

Canadian Moose, I'm so sorry you are feeling that way. The emotional toll TTC can take is way harder than I ever imagined and I feel for you. I hope that your thinking of it being a failed cycle is wrong and you get a bfp this month. When I made the doctors appt this week I had to convince my husband to come along because its not just me wanting to have a baby. I think getting fertility help if it comes to that I'll be in your same shoes. They mean well but don't really understand how you are feeling.

Try to do something for yourself today, paint your nails idk something for you. We all deserve to feel special and be happy!
Wish good news on the tube test! That's awesome! Get your bding on hehe and no I've not tested again im out of tests and sent hubby out for them today and some lunch... he got the lunch forgot the tests. Ughh... so I guess I'll wait until tomorrow to buy them.

Tnt.. cm confused me way more than it helps me lol I always have it going, never have a dry period, but it does change around from wet thin, to lotion to ewcm. And everytime i think i have it right with my cycle it's not lol!

Canadian moose, hang tight, you're not out yet! 4dpo is really early so you are still in the game :D
Well took a test last night.. And it was negative. Sigh..did I every say how much I hate limbo?
Sorry darling limbo is the worst.

So we are putting off FET until this summer, I just can't have the same due late as our last loss. It is way too much for me.
Yes I agree limbo is the worst so frustrating ugh.

Darling queen, I tested yesterday morning and got a negative on FRER I am now on cycle day 42 what the heck?!

Myshelsong, I feel you. I wouldve made the same decision I could have the same due date as my loss as well. May I ask what is FET?
Tested yet again on cd37 and bfn... called my doctor and she says by this point she thinks I didn't ovulate and to take provera. So now to finish them up and wait for lovely af.. plus side she's giving me another round of clomid instead of making me break a month. So here's to one more round! Haha
Hi can I join in?
I had mmc and a d&c on the 3/5/17 still lightly spotting but got a very faint test this morning so hopefully will be completely negative by the weekend.
When did you guys start ttc?
Had a bad day and I just need to vent it out ladies...I apologize if it's a bit too much or upsetting.

I saw a free clinic doctor today, and he had bad news that if I wanted to find out what was wrong or if I wanted to try and get fertility help I have to wait till I get my PR finished and get my health card. That I would need to get a tran-vaginal ultrasound and that would be expensive without the healthcare, so I'm officially up shit creek without a paddle.

Can't even get meds to try and help me "O" or be more fertile or anything. Only thing I can do is try what I have been and just bang my head against a wall cycle after cycle with failure and not knowing why. *sigh* makes you almost want to give up and not even try! Hubs and I talked about it and he still thinks we should keep going on with the effort, because we don't know now, can't find out, but should keep trying and hope. First positive thing really I feel he's trying to push for, although I'm sure that's not true but it really feels like he's trying to keep me hoping. Honestly I think he likes the sex. :haha: I'm not complaining either but it does take it's toll on you when you know it's useless cause you won't get the "fruit of your labor" from it ya know?

Anyways, just wanted get this out and possibly say goodbye to you ladies cause I don't know when I'll be back on. Now I know I can't get anything fixed or start on trying fixing it, I might just take a break and stay out of the loop. I wish you all better luck and that you get your much needed Rainbows/BFPs.
So sorry Moose. Have you tried vitex and evening primrose oil? I know there are sights where women give away leftover least I've heard some women on here mention it. Not sure if that's an option for you? Do you know you aren't ovulating?
I've tested and have gotten positives with LH but then again the ovary might not pop and release the egg. who knows we are trying to have a healthy diet and taking more supplements and prenatals for me.

I can't get meds here that need to be prescribed by doctors...

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