Hi ladies
Here is my story so far
We are onto cycle 9. When trying for our second I was so nieive as I thought it would happen more or less right away as it did with my first, with my first our first month we didnt really try as we had family issues which made my mind elsewhere and the second month we tried properly we conceived and I sort of thought it would be pretty quick again. We were not ready for another till end of last year and now its taking so long Im worried the time gap will be way too big (dd is 5 now) Im 35 next month and saw my gp a few weeks ago who has referred me right away which also worries me. I feel the more I worry its not doing me any good ! Ive tried concive plus, pregnacare pre conception and dh has taken well man conception. I know no one can give me answers but felt I wanted to share x
Here is my story so far
We are onto cycle 9. When trying for our second I was so nieive as I thought it would happen more or less right away as it did with my first, with my first our first month we didnt really try as we had family issues which made my mind elsewhere and the second month we tried properly we conceived and I sort of thought it would be pretty quick again. We were not ready for another till end of last year and now its taking so long Im worried the time gap will be way too big (dd is 5 now) Im 35 next month and saw my gp a few weeks ago who has referred me right away which also worries me. I feel the more I worry its not doing me any good ! Ive tried concive plus, pregnacare pre conception and dh has taken well man conception. I know no one can give me answers but felt I wanted to share x