Good luck ladies for ttc, I hope we all get our babies soon. Good luck with test results/blood tests etc. I hope they all come back with excellent results.
I think my body is gearing up to O. I had ovary pain yesterday and the watery discharge has started. I am cd14 today and I should O on cd17 according to my chart, which at the moment I would say was quite accurate.
I also have concerns over age gaps. I never wanted children close in age, always hoped for 3 years. If I get pg this cycle DS would be just over 4 by the time a new baby would arrive. I just hope it doesn't take too much longer! As DS becomes more aware of how families are made up, he understands that I have a brother and DH has 2 brothers and a sister, he asks where his brother and sister are. This makes my heartbreak as he could have been either a younger sibling or have a younger brother or sister. He does get very protective over babies who are the younger siblings of his "friends", which is adorable to see and I know he would love, and be, a great bigger brother!