TTC Prayer Thread--68 Members & 16 BFP'S!

I'm sorry that I have to say Meg lost her baby this evening. I will be keeping her in my prayers.
Thank you for the update.

We will all need to remember her in our prayers. I know this has to be very hard on her and her husband.
Also praying for Megg and her husband!

I feel bad for asking you Lord considering Megg and her little bubba but I really need your guidance right now too :(

Lord I have been told today I am to lose my job :cry: As you know I have not been treated very well over the last few months in my place of work but have carried on regardless for myself and my family and also because I am a trier and believe in the work the charity do that I work for however I am to be made redundant just as my maternity leave starts :( This is going to have a HUGE financial impact on us Lord and I sit here typing and praying in tears because I truly dont know what to do. I only want to spend precious time with Charlie once he is born and have been making sacrifices to make this happen however now it seems no sooner as hes born I will have to go out and hunt for work because honestly no-one is going to employee me currently and by the time he is born we will financially need a wage coming in from me. It seems Lord that once things seem to be working out for us ie DHs promotion it is then taken away in the other hand and I truly feel at rock bottom and dont know if I can just pick myself up and carry on right now let alone go into work to a place who treats me unfairly and appallling for the next three week as I am expected to do :( Lord please help because quite honestly I give up...I dont know what else I can do!
Dear Lord,
Please be with Megg and her dh tonight as they deal with the sorrow and their loss. Please show her the comfort that I know you can Lord.
Please Lord help Madly in this dark time she is in. Lord show her the light and let her know that you are here for her and that you have a plan. Lord please ease her fears both financial and emotional. Please give her comfort that she is doing the right thing with her job Lord. Lord I ask this in your name,
praying for meg and her family tonight! I cant explain why we have miscarriages sometimes, but i do know that all the Lord does is good. only He gives life, and only He takes it away. i will praise Him in the good times, and praise Him in the bad.

madly- when i had my 3rd baby i realized i couldnt afford daycare for a newborn, and after school care for my two older daughters. it was gonna cost us more to afford all that in a week than what i made in a week. i was not saved back then and really relied on money. even though deep down i really wanted to take care of my children myself and stay at home with them. i had to quit my job and thought i would have to find another job when he was little. Jesus came into my life and was saved when that baby was 2 months old, he is almost 4 now. we shouldnt have had enough money to make our bills and buy food and pay rent, etc etc etc. somehow though God has worked things out every month and i have stayed home since then. we had another baby after him, and have another one on the way. when the Lord gives you the biggest blessing He gives, a child, he will provide for that child as well. maybe not before that child gets here, but God always pays for what He orders. stay in the faith knowing that He has a perfectly made plan for you and your family. when He gives increase, you can believe He will provide in every way for that increase to be a good thing for you. The devil wants you to be fearful and wonder what your gonna do. but you have a savior who says not to worry and to let Him do what He has already planned to do. come to Him in faith knowing that even if you cant see it, you know He will work things out.

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen." Jeremiah 29:11-12
Heavenly Father, I lift up Madly before u, your word says the blessings of the Lord maketh RICH & added NO SORROW. I know of a surety that you are able to supply all Madly's needs according to your riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4 Vs 19). The blessing of Charlie will bring abundance, Help Madly not to worry about what she cannot control. I have seen over & over ur testimonies just as Blessed momma said when children are born it follows with much blessings cos they are gift and i am confident you will give ur peace to Madly & her DH. In Jesus Mighty name we pray. Amen.

Lord i also lift up Megg & her family at this time, comfort them and strengthen them.

I come with praise and refuse to worry but believe I am healed and my cycle is normal & my seed which you will bless me with soon will not fall ever again. Thank you Lord for everyone of us..Praise be to You
Madly, God will show you the direction you are meant to take.
heavenly father i ask you to look after all the bnb ttc or expecting but also to give me paitence and hope that i too will be able to have one of your miracles. also hope that my body will stand up to your testing so i can enjoy my little mirical as much as my disability allows.
Southerngal, your blog is interesting, i enjoy reading it
Thank you so much for all your lovely words of support Ladies :hugs:

All your support brought tears to my eyes...I havent been around for a few days because the whole situation is so hard to bear however I feel a little stronger now and am putting my faith in the Lord that everything will turn out just right.

Your are all such an amazing bunch of ladies and I would truly be lost without you all :hugs:"
im so happy to hear your faith has grown! He will never leave nor forsake you. you can bet He wont let more come on you than you can handle. just keep your eyes on Him instead of your circumstances. His power is made perfect in your weakness!:hugs:
im so happy to hear your faith has grown! He will never leave nor forsake you. you can bet He wont let more come on you than you can handle. just keep your eyes on Him instead of your circumstances. His power is made perfect in your weakness!:hugs:

:hugs: Thank you so much blessedmomma you are truly inspirational and your words on your previous post truly picked me up even more than I have been trying to do myself :kiss: I know we will get through this testing time and already the Lord has shown me his support by helping me to stand up for my pay rights (to start with :)) and my work came back with figures for pay I am entitled to etc. Funny that a little reminder of the law and my rights made them jump into action. I will get my Mat pay, holiday entitlement pay which I would have accured during Mat Leave and even one weeks pay in lieu of notice of redundancy (the hol and notice pay was more than I expected :)) So it seems financially things will be as we planned until at least until January 2012. I am also told by my union that me and my colleague (who is also facing this albeit she isnt pregnant!) have a good case worth fighting because a) my work have not correctly followed their own redundancy procedure and b) we have recieved `set up to fail` treatment from our Manger for the last 3-4 months which of course has ended in redundancy which may not have happened had we recieved the correct support from him. The Lord has given me a good support network so far and I feel able to fight this :thumbup: if not for anything other than my rights!
oh hun im so glad! not sure right off hand where its at, but there is a verse in the bible that says, " the Lords constant care of you will be evident to all." after reading your post, i can see He is the one in control of your situation, not your company. im glad your faith is in Him and not them to be treated fairly! it is truly an answered prayer of mine that things are already looking up... He is showing how strong He is to you and your family! keep expecting His favor in every aspect for your life, things will only go up
Dear Lord

Forgive me but I've been waiting for the last year for my BFP, for it to be my turn. Well, in Your wisdom You have given me two in the last two months but then that horrible witch has turned up and ruined all that hope and joy.

I need to be honest that I'm starting to worry that there is something really wrong and I don't really know what to do about it. I know that Doctors are pretty good at sorting out these things but I had kind of had that lovely innocent thought that because I love my DH and he loves me that somehow You would give us our forever baby.

I'm praying, please, can you send my DH and I our forever baby this time around. I'm honestly not sure I can keep hoping like this, particularly if that Aunt Flo is going to keep turning up.

I want to be able to create a wonderful place in our heart and home for a baby. I want to be able to show the world the physical manifestation of the love that my DH and I have. We'd love and care for any baby you chose to give us.

It's been a long time coming and I swore that I would never write a prayer like this to You but I suppose that this is my hope... Please, I don't want to have to go to my Doctor and ask for extra help. Surely love is enough?!

Please Lord. Here is my hope, in your hands.

I know that this is fundamentally a very selfish prayer and there are many more people in more need than I but I have the aching need inside me that You put in my heart years ago. I need the wisdom to know what to do with it Lord.

Please Ladies, I could really do with some prayer at the moment.

I'm feeling ok but I'm coming up to my 12 cycle in 14 months and I'm at the point if a BFP doesn't turn up then I am going to have to seek extra help.

I don't know how well I am going to be able to deal with that and while I am feeling pretty upbeat most of the time I do not know what I am going to feel or do if AF turns up again this month.

I have had two lines (pink) on early tests for the past two months but then witch has turned up anyway. It seems like some kind of irony and while I know that there will be a greater purpose in there for me somewhere, I'm finding it a little difficult to understand what that would be.

Thank you.
lauraclili- i pray the Lord answers your prayers and gives you that precious baby you want so badly in your heart.

i know that there are people who dont agree with me about this so i hope i dont offend you or anyone else. i feel though that sometimes the Lord uses Dr's to assist Him in His work for us. we know that Luke in the bible was a physician after all. we are all here to help each other. a dr doesnt even have to be a christian for Him to use them to help His people.

i had cancer on my cervix after my first 2 children. i didnt get it taken care of like i should have and didnt get pregnant again for 7 years. after having my 3rd, i quickly got pregnant again on purpose. i almost had to induce him early because it had gotten pretty bad. i prayed through the whole pregnancy that He would just heal me, and i truly believed He would. i didnt have to induce, but within 6 weeks of having my 4th i had to go into surgery to have the cancer removed. i was told that i would have a slim chance to be able to have more children. i was devastated that he didnt heal me and was losing the chance of more children and didnt understand.

my DH told me one day while we were praying before the surgery that the Lord WAS gonna heal me. it just wasnt the way that i had asked for or expected. He used the dr to heal me. and although he was gonna work through her hands, all the glory is to go back to Him! i hadnt thought of this before. i realized that He had given me insurance and money to take care of it and i had to trust that it was His way of doing things. i had been scared of surgery, but He brought me through it and all the cancer was removed. i didnt even have to have chemotherapy as expected. even though i was supposed to have a slim chance of getting pregnant again, i was pregnant with this baby 5 months after my last one!

i truly believe now that if i didnt have access to a dr that could perform the surgery to remove the cancer, He would have healed me in a different way. He wasnt letting me down, just waiting for me to accept the way He had provided for me to be healed. not saying that this is the way He has in store for you, im sure He will speak to you as He did us. im just saying that He can use a dr to help you conceive and it in no way is any less miraculous than if you conceived without. the baby would still come from God, because only God can make life!

and honey, love is enough- because God is enough and He is love- so whatever path He chooses for you to follow, love is there! your marriage and family will not only be built on the love between you and your DH, God is the third partner in our marriages :hugs:
Pray for me and my husband to conceive our first child together. I have been trying for years to get pregnant since a miscarriage and I have a very low cervix that's also backward. He's in Afghanistan at war, we tried on his r&r three weeks ago and once again I failed at getting pregnant. It all feels so hopeless.
Blessedmomma :hugs:u r such an encourager...your testimony is uplifting.

Lauraclili, God loves u & ur DH very much...Isa 55 v8- 11 says that for my thots are not ur thots, neither my ways ur way.....u might be familiar with that bible verse.

I agree with Blessedmomma...God can use medical personnel...but finally the Glory still goes to Him. I have heard that ivf /similar processes are 15% chance of success, bottomline God gives medical person can do that. I pray God will speak to u & ur DH & give u guidance on what path to take & u will feel His peace. Be encouraged His plans for u are good:hugs:
Madly, glad to hearu r feeling much better, praise God, whatever route u take i pray that the Good Lord will direct ur steps..

Lilmama, do not be discouraged, d word of God says none shall be barren in the land or miscarry. God commands us to be fruitful & multiply and our bodies have no choice but to respond to the word as we hold on in faith. I pray indeed u & ur DH will have your bundle of joy soon & have ur quiver full of arrows.

Dear Lord, I pray for all bnb ladies on this thread & ask that your patience may have it perfect work in us & grant each and everyone of us our heart desires. Let our faith continue to increase & more bfp & successful pregnancies this year Amen.

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