Spunky - I had the same as you, a couple of days of horrible cramps. I wonderered if AF was returning but then got a positive OPK, followed 2 weeks later by my 1st PP AF. I'd never noticed ov pains before, though I'd been on the BCP for years until about 3-4 months before TTC dd.
Good luck!
Celesse, do they give you extra points to account for the breastfeeding/ tandem nursing?
Spunky - I had the same as you, a couple of days of horrible cramps. I wonderered if AF was returning but then got a positive OPK, followed 2 weeks later by my 1st PP AF. I'd never noticed ov pains before, though I'd been on the BCP for years until about 3-4 months before TTC dd.
Good luck!
Span - XJessicaX sends her love.
I had never noticed ov pains before either. So far I'm 3dpo and in 2ww!
mine really dipped at the start, improved at about 7/8 wks, the night before I got my bfp C was latched on almost constantly!Question to you ladies who got your BFP's while BFing? I am in my two week wait (and obsessing a bit) and LO is feeding constantly, I'm so sore!!!! She's been up about 8 times a night feeding for the last few days, and I'm completely shattered.
So I was wondering what happened to your supply when you first got preggy??