Great news on the scan, Span, and happy birthday to your little girl.
tickledpink3 - I had much the same soreness second time round as first. I also had agitation when nursing my toddler, but that eased towards the end of my pregnancy. My milk hasn't come in just yet (it had dwindled to pretty much nothing in pregnancy,) but I've been told to expect engorement. Something to look forward to!

Ourlittlebump. I know how disappointing it is when you get your hopes up before a BFN. Hope next month is the one!
Spunky - Thank you. It was a bit scary at the end, but an otherwise amazing birth. Pushing his head out was a breeze. Just a shame he'd got in an awkward position! Quite a shock he was that weight as Alice was only 8lbs 7oz.
Arthur isn't nursing as often as I'd like, but when he does, I get major after pains. It's hard to grit my teeth and get through it. I've not attempted nursing them both together yet, even though Alice keeps asking to. I think we'll save that until my milk comes in. Here's my not so little boy: