That's interesting! I was just reading in AITN that you won't really run out of milk. Something like 30% of women notice no change in supply throughout pregnancy. I think I'm going to be educating the midwives
I did actually get engorged after DS2 was born, but DS1 was more than happy to help reduce it. I actually ended up with mastitis a couple of times because of the engorgement, but I was lucky to have both feeding so I could have them super nurse that one side and the infection went away both times in about 24-48 hours.
I noticed very little changes. Slight dips, but not more than that.
Tacey, I love that Alice said it tastes like cereal milk with strawberries! That's so cute! I did get engorged after DD was born, just like DS. I also had oversupply issues. When it got really bad, I would have DS help out with it a little, but not much. I avoided that as best I could because I wanted my supply to regulate downward without relying on DS taking a lot extra, thereby keeping the oversupply present, iykwim. But yeah, there was a few times I just couldn't stand it and had DS take a few extra drinks.
Are you pretty regular with your cycles, Ozzie? Are you temping? I just started temping this cycle to see when/if I'm ovulating (only my second PP cycle, so not too sure how long its going to be)
My AF has been regular for the past two months and from my physical symptoms, I have been O'ing. Can't be bothered with temping as we're not avidly TTC.
Yes, I would be able to fly! They don't like you flying in your third trimester. I might have to get a note, but I'll be flying!!!!!
I'll test on Monday if no AF. That's when CTC go into the bank, lol!
Oz, if it wouldn't take just as long to get to you, I'd totally post a few tests to you just so I could know!!! I think your CTC will get there before post from the Western US, though.
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