A question for all you tandem BFers.....
I still BF my daughter to sleep for her nap and at bedtime....but am not sure how/if this will work when the new baby is born? It's one thing at night when my partner will be home so he can have the baby, but during the day when it's just me, how will I have time to do this? It takes about 15-20 mins usually.
I know newborns do sleep....sometimes....I guess I find it hard to imagine as my DD didn't ever nap anywhere but on one of us for months! I guess if the baby can have a nap in the moses basket I could feed my toddler to sleep for a nap? Just trying to get my head around the logistics of it all, and wondering if I need to find another way to get DD to sleep before the baby is born (which I am kind of reluctant to do as it works so well for us at the moment!).
Has anyone been in this situation before?
You have two breasts