Feeling frustration with TTC because I'm getting clear signs of ovulation (ewcm and cramps) but haven't been able to catch the egg and been at it for 6 months. I'm looking to wean probably in the next month...little sad about it but wondering now if its the only way I'll fall pregnant. My cycle is so unpredictable (32 days, 31 days, 28 days) and I don't know exactly when I ovulate and LO doesn't sttn still so I can't temp. I don't want to push her to wean if she's not ready but feeling like its the only way I'll get pregnant.
Could you just night wean? My son is 7 months and my dr suggested I night wean him and it was literally the easiest thing ever. He went right back to sleep when we turned in his soother and now he sttn again.
Could you just night wean? My son is 7 months and my dr suggested I night wean him and it was literally the easiest thing ever. He went right back to sleep when we turned in his soother and now he sttn again.
More sex...probably...we DTD every other day around my supposed fertile time...but we'll have to amp it up this cycle I guess. I'm just so damn tired lol
Night wean...I'm just scared lol I don't know how to soothe her back to sleep at night without nursing. I could try. Last night I had a "talk" with her before bed and said if she slept all the way through she could have milk in the morning when we got up...and weirdly enough...she sttn lol I think it was a fluke though.Anyways...I suppose I could just do that and see if it helps. I'm just worried nursing in general is keeping me from getting pregnant.
Don't loose hope for sure. I got my period back at 4 months and wasnt trying and am the fattest I've ever been and am 10 weeks preggo. It just takes. While sometimes. 80% of the time people get pregnant within a year though so hopefully it won't be much longer.