TTC/Pregnancy while Breastfeeding and Tandem Nursing: Information and Support

The not knowing is worse than anything. I have fertile cm but don't know for sure if I'm ovulating. Af is regular these days so I hope so! Judging by cm I am roughly 3dpo so hopefully this is my month!! Why are we the hardest species to impregnate!!!
Hi ladies :)

I just got my bfp last week and I think I'm about 5 weeks now. I'm still bf'ing my son a lot. I love it and am not ready to stop and he definitely isn't either.

Have any of you bf throughout your whole pregnancy, or most of it? Did you lose your milk and get back to bf'ing your older child when the next one came along?

I'd love to hear any tips or advice. :) Thanks!
At 10 weeks, we're still going strong! No dip in my supply, though my nipples are a little sore at times. It's still very early days for us, but no problems so far.

Congrats on your BFP!
At 20 weeks my supply seemed to go and she lost interest for about a month. Before that she was nursing easily 4 times a day. Now she asks at night to help her go off to sleep although I´m pretty sure it´s just dry nursing. I think she will want it more when baby comes along.
Thanks ladies :)

I would definitely continue to dry nurse if that is what he wants. I love the closeness.

Thanks :)
I've breasfed throughout my last three pregnancies. I am currently 17 weeks along and still breasfeeding all three of my other children. There has been a dip in supply in all ofmy pregnancies, but I have never dried up. I love tandem nursing too, as it seems to give the babies and older children the bonding time that they need and avoids the sibling rivalry that so many talk about.
Thank you so much! That sounds so wonderful. Lovely family relationship :)
SO glad for this forum! I am almost 6 weeks along and still BF my 8 month old...and I don't want to stop until he is ready! I was worried about my supply drying up but will continue to nurse hopefully until this LO is born and we can tandem nurse. :)
Congrats on your BFP's. :)

I'm still breastfeeding my little man. I found out I was pregnant when he was 15 months old, and he'll be 2 in less than a month. I never completely dried up afaik but my supply did start suffering around 20 weeks. My son nurses twice a day for a few minutes at a time. I have terrible aversion but I've just been pushing through it.

Five weeks left! Full term in 2 weeks, so it looks like I may actually manage to successfully breastfeed through pregnancy.

For tandem nursers that experienced aversion - did it ever subside after the baby was born? If it was still there, did you find ways to make it tolerable?
Thank you :) That's really great your milk didn't dry up.

I used to get some aversion around af (and my milk dipped a little then too) so I'm assuming I'm going to end up with an aversion in pregnancy too. I hope I can power through too.

I hope it goes once your new baby comes. :)
I'm finally pregnant again!!!!! 4th cycle! But still not believing it and worrying myself silly that something will go wrong. I'm still feeding lo and he seems to want it more now! I'm worried that the feeding will cause problems. Anyone got any words of reassurance. He's feeding at Luke 4.30 am every morning again until 6.30 ish so couple of hours xx
I'm finally pregnant again!!!!! 4th cycle! But still not believing it and worrying myself silly that something will go wrong. I'm still feeding lo and he seems to want it more now! I'm worried that the feeding will cause problems. Anyone got any words of reassurance. He's feeding at Luke 4.30 am every morning again until 6.30 ish so couple of hours xx

He may notice something is up/different and so is nursing more than normal. My LO nursed more often at first. There are no studies that indicate breastfeeding during pregnancy will cause issues unless you're not getting enough nutrients or drinking enough. Make sure you're drinking lots!
Hi ladies! I have not been able to do much reading thru this thread so I may find some advice and answers to my questions but I just found out a couple days ago that I'm pregnant.

I have a 7 1/2 month old who is exclusively breastfed. We have started solids but it is very slow going. Although I am sometimes worn out from always breastfeeding, I am not really ready to stop and I know my little guy isn't either. Of course now I am getting worried that I won't be able to breastfeed anymore, or not for much longer as I hear milk tends to dry up around 3-4 months into the pregnancy. So, I am trying to find out what I can do (if anything) to help prevent that and just how to approach this whole situation in general.

I am hoping that if I can continue to nurse throughout the pregnancy, an added benefit might be that it doesn't hurt so much to nurse in the beginning again, lol. Maybe that's just wishful thinking though!

Thanks to all! Looking forward to conversing with everyone!
Hi girls! I'm still feeding my 1 year old and just got my BFP so thought I'd join in.
Hi ladies. I am bf my 10 month old and we plan to NTNP from Sept. As partner will be away a lot till then. I thought I could hang out here and gain wisdom from you ladies. Plan to continue to breast feed DS till 18 months possibly 2. My cycles returned in Feb and now are every 28 days.
So I'm 15 weeks now and breastfeeding HURTS! Ouch! Luckily my daughter is 3 and is able to understand why I need to cut feeds short (mostly...). There seems to still be plenty of milk, but I'm cutting down feeds as much as she'll let me due to the pain. Any hope this will improve, or will it be painful for the rest of pregnancy?
Hi Cangaroo. It's been a bit quiet in here recently. It's nice to know there are other BFing pregnant mums out there. It hasn't been painful for me yet. It just makes me a bit uncomfortable and irritated but I got that even before I got pregnant sometimes. I think I read that the pain often goes away in later pregnancy. Do you plan to tandem feed when your baby comes?
11 weeks today for me. I've been sore since before my bfp. My nipples are on fire. So painful but I grit my teeth and bear it. It really only hurts extra bad when he first starts nursing.

He's been sick lately and a few nights ago he was latched and comfort nursing literally all night long. That hurt!

I hope all you ladies are doing well. :flow:
Latching hurts the most, then it's bearable for a while but I do have to cut feeds short. It was a little sore in 1st tri but has got much worse in the last few weeks. I'm just going with the flow. If DD weans during pregnancy, that will be fine- she is 3 after all! If she wants to carry on (and I can bear the pain) I'm happy to tandem feed. We'll see what happens!

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