A have had suffed some aversion before I got pregnant. It got a bit worse and more frequent from early pregnancy but I wasn't that concerned because I thought I was strong and knew how to cope with it. To be honest I had no idea how hard it was going to get. To begin with I managed to switch off from it by distracting myself and found being well rested and relaxed before starting nursing helped. At about 13 weeks maybe I started finding the evening feed hard but it was still mostly okay during the day. Not long after I stopped night feeds which LO accepted well. She still wakes in the night but it's mostly her dad who gets up with her now. At about 16 weeks the aversion started getting a lot worse and my milk supply dropped a lot. Soon every feed felt like torture. It was all I could do not to scream and throw her off me! We were away from home for a few days which got us out of routine and disrupted normal feeding times. She had already cut down drastically on amount and length of feeds but I suddenly realized she was going to wean altogether within a short time if I didn't make more effort. While I admit that to part of me the idea of weaning had it's apeal I didn't feel I wanted it to end like that. I was feeling tired overstretched, distracted and irritable and wanted to give the tandem nursing thing a better chance of success. So I have made an effort to rest more and do what I can to make it work.
The aversion seems to have improved a little over the last week, or maybe I'm just coping a bit better. I've put a lot of rules in place like where she is alowed to have her hands and she can't wiggle, she has to be latched on propperly even if it takes loads of trys and I hold her head firmly in place with my hand and my boob with the other. She hated it to start with as she has always been a wiggly feeder even as a newborn. Often she would stop and refuse to feed as she was getting so fustrated but she is finally accepting 'the rules' now which helps.
I find distraction a good way of making it bearable but I'm struggling to work out what now as feeding her takes up both hands so my phone or a book don't really work. Tv is good but the sound distracts her. It used to work with earphones but without a free hand they tend to get in a tangle and I give up.
The aversion seems to have improved a little over the last week, or maybe I'm just coping a bit better. I've put a lot of rules in place like where she is alowed to have her hands and she can't wiggle, she has to be latched on propperly even if it takes loads of trys and I hold her head firmly in place with my hand and my boob with the other. She hated it to start with as she has always been a wiggly feeder even as a newborn. Often she would stop and refuse to feed as she was getting so fustrated but she is finally accepting 'the rules' now which helps.
I find distraction a good way of making it bearable but I'm struggling to work out what now as feeding her takes up both hands so my phone or a book don't really work. Tv is good but the sound distracts her. It used to work with earphones but without a free hand they tend to get in a tangle and I give up.