Wow you guys really do have a lot of connections! That's awesome.
My husband is going to be doing a lot of the work himself and that's the only way we can really save. We've talked to a lot of contractors and know which ones do the best work for the least amount so that helps too.
We are replacing all of the floors (4700 sq ft worth!) and making it all hardwood (although I'm debating on whether to make the family room carpet for baby's/babies' sake. An area rug may do. Updating all the bathrooms--4.5 (showers, tubs, tile so everything), kitchen is also being gutted. Changing the layout a little bit on the first floor. It's probably going to cost us a fortune by the time we're done but we're hoping this is our forever house so we want it perfect. Plus we got a fairly good deal on it which makes us feel better about it. Putting a lot of value into the house.
That cycle length is awesome! This stuff must be amazing. My cycles are typically 24-26 days long so very short. I always wondered if them being so short was the cause of my losses. An RE once told me that it's early (confirmed early O with day 3 tests) and it's possible my eggs are not properly maturing before release and that may be why we ended up with chromosomally abnormal babies. He wanted to start me off with some FSH injections but the cycle before we could start I ended up pregnant (with a CD11 ovulation!) and that one happened to stick and become my beautiful perfect daughter. So I don't know what to believe. I just hope we don't have to endure another couple years of losses and heartache to get another rainbow.