TTC Summer 2010 Girls

DJ, congratulations!!! What a lovely surprise! Our next isn't planned for a while but I think I'd be thrilled if he or she wriggled his/her way in there sooner (no pun intended). It'll be so lovely for your two to grow up being so close in age!

Coco, sounding good! Not to want to put a downer of things though but my cramps started about three weeks before H was born. I'll cross my fingers that you won't have to wait that long but try not to get your hopes up too high just yet. I did and the 8 days of waiting after my due date really sucked. So probably best to expect going a little overdue.

Zb, I really hope your results come back okay. Sounds like you've got quite enough to juggle without having to worry about radioactive treatment.

Re: Breastfeeding, my big goal is a year. I'd be happy to go for two if baby H hasn't self-weaned by then but I think after one I won't care much either way. I've actually thought about this lost recently and was wondering if you mums of older babies could enlighten me: How does it affect your supply if you're feeding less regularly? We've started a purée for lunch and will soon do cereal for dinner. Then we're meant to give a snack as well in about 5 weeks time. This will probably mean that H is breastfeeding only at night. Isn't that likely to make my milk go? What about once she sleeps through (there's wishful thinking for you!)? Can I feed her just once in the morning and once at night and still keep my supply up? Or do you think I'd have to express during the day? I'm worried about my milk going before H or I are ready.

Re: Baby #2, I think we'll start trying again once H is about 1.5. We'd like somewhere between 2 and 3 years between them. At the moment we're still thinking three in total but that'll depend on jobs, finances and the state of my body and our brains after two. :haha: if we have three, I'd want to have the last one no later than 6 years from now, but I think having them a bit closer would make more sense in terms of my career (or lack thereof while the kids are tiny).
Amygdala - I only feed N when she gets up and then at bedtime and in the night if she wakes, my supply is fine for what it is needed for :) mine just adjusted as N dropped her feeds. I dont have to pump in the day or anything :)

I'm currently wondering how long it'll take for my milk to go in this pregnancy, it seems to be having the opposite effect so far! If it does go I will continue to dry nurse if N wants me to :)
Luke is now on 3 milk feeds a day. He has a big BF first thing in the morning and then a medium one (depending how distracted he gets !) about 2-3 o'clock. He then get a bottle from DH before bed and will drink 7-9 oz. I used to express for the evening feed but I have just recently stopped expressing and moved just formula for his bottle. My supply seems to be coping fine. I dropped one day time feed about 6 weeks ago as he was just snacking at about 11 and 2 so I now just do the 2-3 o'clock feed and he takes a better feed at this time. He started sleeping through the night at about the same time and drop his one middle of the night feed as well. My plan is to stop breastfeeding before I go back to work in April so will probably change the 2pm feed to bottle at some point and leave the morning feed until last. I am sad to be stopping I will definitely miss my feeding cuddles. Depending how I get on I might keep the morning feed going for a while but will see how things go. I am pleased to have fed him for so long as when I was having trouble at the start I didn't think I would be able to continue. I had hoped to get to 6 months so and very please to still be feeding at 9 months :)
i still pump at work even though i'm pretty sure i can get by without it...O isnt' taking much milk by bottles in the daytime...she feeds in the morning, then they come see me around 1p and she feeds then, and again when i get home around 430/5. then she nurses at 7pm for bed, and wakes usually twice to eat in the night...she's still a booby girl alot....but she was taking the expressed milk by bottle, and she will still take sometimes 2-4 oz if she gets hungry (ie. if she doesn't get a good nurse at lunch cuz she's too distracted by the world going on around her). so i'll keep pumping for a while..i'm just freezing it and we'll use it later when we transition her to goats milk by mixing the frozen BM with the goats milk. i have to pump in the day sometimes at work, as i still get pretty full but that's cuz my body is used to it.

on the weekends when i'm home i feed around 7/8 when we wake, then again around 10 for nap, then again around 1/2, and then 4/5 and then 7pm for bed, so when i'm home i'm still nursing 5 times in the daytime plus any night feeds.

we feed solids at dinner and we have started breakfast recently but don't always do breakfast...she eats a good dinner though. Dh sometimes gives her snack in the daytime when i'm working if she's getting hungry but wont' take's nice for him to have that flexibility whereas before they would both get frustrated at the bottle thing...
Carbafe your baby boy is adorable, how are you and him doing?

I have a question for you ladies that are breastfeeding. How do you do it? When I had Jayden I couldn't do it no more after 2months. It was so painful for me.
Thanks Shey :) I found BF really hard at the start but then we settled into it quite well. I think after the first couple of months and growth spurts it got easier. I was lucky in that I never really had any pain our problem was getting Luke to latch. Once he was on he seemed to have a good technique.

Luke must be a typical boy already as he eats so much food ! :) (He is pretty much contantsly eating :))

7.30am - Milk
8.30 - 9am 3oz of milk/water cereal
(Some days) 11-11.30 Snack usually fruit or cracker
12 - 12.30 Lunch 120g of food and a yoghurt (His favourite !) He then has some finger food from my lunch (Bread, fruit etc)
2-3pm Milk
Some days 4ish snack (Baby biscuit, baby veggie crisp or fruit)
5-5.30 Dinner 120-140g of food (I make up batches about once a week and freeze them) and 60g of pudding (Usually a baby jar - fruit, custard etc) a few finger foods mainly to play with
7.30-8pm Milk

Membas I started giving Luke a bigger lunch when I merged his two daytime milk feeds to one and that is when he started sleeping through the night. Not sure if it would work for O though.
Shey, if breastfeeding is properly established it doesn't hurt. It can be painful if baby doesn't latch properly or there are issues with thrush or blocked ducts/mastitis but usually you don't feel very much at all. Maybe if you want to try again next time, you could talk to a lactation consultant if you experience pain again.
yeah i think we'll start giving O more foods at 1 year. I don't really regulate how much she's getting--Dh feeds her at breakfast off his plate and she eats dinner with us, whatever we are having so hard to say how much she's getting. today the sitter came while DH and i had a date and she was here for 5 hours. I nursed O before I left and the sitter gave her 7 ounces and her dinner of beans/meat/cottage cheese. I was surprised she took 7 oz of milk (the milk was mid afternoon and dinner was 6pm)! thankfully i had pumped and left some's funny some days she won't take any by bottle, other days she'll take everything that's there.

i think at a year though we'll start offering lunch and see what that does to her nursing. breakfast has only been on the menu the last few weeks regularly. we tried it early on a few months ago and she got to where she wasn't taking milk in the daytime and i didn't want her doing that quite so we stopped breakfast, but now we do it most days. i would really prefer most of her nutrition until she's a year old be breastmilk, and then after a year i would still like her to BF but would like her to have more solids...but I'm hoping to keep her BF at least to 18 months...if not 2 years. But if she self weans with more food then so be it. I think she'll nurse before bed for a long time to come, and morning, as she really likes nursing then (and in the bathtub :))
yeah i think we'll start giving O more foods at 1 year. I don't really regulate how much she's getting--Dh feeds her at breakfast off his plate and she eats dinner with us, whatever we are having so hard to say how much she's getting. today the sitter came while DH and i had a date and she was here for 5 hours. I nursed O before I left and the sitter gave her 7 ounces and her dinner of beans/meat/cottage cheese. I was surprised she took 7 oz of milk (the milk was mid afternoon and dinner was 6pm)! thankfully i had pumped and left some's funny some days she won't take any by bottle, other days she'll take everything that's there.

i think at a year though we'll start offering lunch and see what that does to her nursing. breakfast has only been on the menu the last few weeks regularly. we tried it early on a few months ago and she got to where she wasn't taking milk in the daytime and i didn't want her doing that quite so we stopped breakfast, but now we do it most days. i would really prefer most of her nutrition until she's a year old be breastmilk, and then after a year i would still like her to BF but would like her to have more solids...but I'm hoping to keep her BF at least to 18 months...if not 2 years. But if she self weans with more food then so be it. I think she'll nurse before bed for a long time to come, and morning, as she really likes nursing then (and in the bathtub :))
Thanks Amy and Carb! Jayden latched on right away when I had him its just my boobs were so sore and when i would feed him it would hurt, so i would put cream on after each feeding and it didn't help, but I will keep that in mind next time.
Get a lactation consultant to look at your latch next him. Chances are he wasn't fully latched and therefore pulling on your nipple. When I started, LO wouldn't latch so we used nipple shields. They'd also be an option if you're very sore.
Ooh, interesting hearing about the "big kids" eating schedules. :) Silas still nurses about 8 times per day. He's so fast at it now, it feels like he hardly nurses at all compared to the early days...

Shey, Silas had a good latch, my nipples weren't sore but they were somewhat tender/sensitive for the first two months... now they are pretty much fine all the time though!

Thanks for all the good wishes for my thyroid. It will probably take a while to get it all sorted out... I will most likely stop the meds after my next appointment in March. Then by the summer should find out if I am okay without the meds or not... if not, I can go back on meds temporarily and would be looking at possibly radioactive treatment in the summer/fall I would guess? So I probably could wait until Silas was almost 1 to quit breastfeeding if I have to end up doing that... Maybe I would like to bf longer than a year, but at that point I don't think it would be the end of the world. Anyway, hopefully I don't have to worry about it! :)
Zb I hope you get the all clear but if not it sounds like you have a plan of how to work things.

Ladies we are on our 500 page and nearly at 5000 posts! That is a lot of baby talk :D

DH and I have just decided that we would like to go on a warm holiday in the summer and have asked my mum and dad if they want to come too. They of course jumped at the chance :) which is great and means we might have some chance of actually lying by the pool :) So now all I had to do is actually find somewhere to go! Exciting!
Zb I hope you get the all clear but if not it sounds like you have a plan of how to work things.

Ladies we are on our 500 page and nearly at 5000 posts! That is a lot of baby talk :D

DH and I have just decided that we would like to go on a warm holiday in the summer and have asked my mum and dad if they want to come too. They of course jumped at the chance :) which is great and means we might have some chance of actually lying by the pool :) So now all I had to do is actually find somewhere to go! Exciting!

Wow, haha!

Holiday sounds great :)
Coco, you are really getting close now! I will have to keeps eyes on this thread for any news this week.

Carbafe, a vacation sounds great. We are going to a wedding in August in Seattle and then will probably head down to California to see some family and friends and introduce everyone to Silas. Including my 90 year old grandmother and my new cousin who was just born last week (2.5 weeks overdue!!). I want to see everyone but in a way I wish we could just go to the beach for a week instead! Maybe we can do both, I need to figure out what the situation is with vacation time when I start back at work.

Page 500, wow!
Carbafe how bout taking a holiday down to Orlando,Florida?Its nice down here and there's fun things to do.

Woohoo 500 pages! that is really a lot of baby talk. My lil man keeps telling me he wants a lil sister.
Hey all

Coco - thinking of you xx

Shey - bless your little boy he sounds so cute wanting a baby sis! Does he ever ask for a brother?

Carbafe - lucky you having a warm holiday! we are hitting center parcs in a few weeks with my Mum and Dad and my brother and his fiance - should be fun but not that warm! We are also taking B to Disneyland Paris in March but only for a day. I hope you get to go somewhere lovely.

Simply cannot believe page 500! Too cool :)

- Dinah
Dinah thank you! yea he wants both a lil sister and lil brother. But its cute when i take him to the playground and he sees babies and other kids there he goes and protects the babies from getting hurt from the bigger kids, its so cute. How is your lil one?
Thanks ladies. I saw the midwife this morning and all good as usual although not much to get excited about! She said the head is 2-3/5 engaged and offered me a sweep at my next app in a week... x

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