TTC with PCOS....anyone in the same boat?? Come join me!!!


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2012
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Hi everyone,

So here's my story in a nutshell...hubby and I decided to start trying the end of April 2012. I finished birth control (Nuvaring) the beginning of May and had my period as normal. After that I had a lot of nothing. No ovulation, no AF for months. I went to my doc as I'd been told before I may have PCOS. They did the tests and things came back unsure. I have cysts in both ovaries, hair growth that got better on bc and worse now I'm off it, I'm overweight (and gained about 20 lbs rapidly after stopping bc) and I started giving cycle issues in my early 20s. Sound like pcos to you?? I think so! However my blood tests look great do my doc isn't 100% convinced it's pcos. I really think it is. Regardless my dic has let me try metformin and has referred me to the fertility docs. I haven't met them yet but hope to soon!

I started a low dose of metformin on Monday this week. I was on cd97 I believe. The very next day I started spotting and by that evening AF had arrived. What a relief to finally start charting a new cycle after so much nothingness!

So that's where I am now. I've also been taking Vitex for about a month. Looking for some fellow PCOS ladies to share the rough road with. Anone care to join me? :thumbup:
I also have PCOS and am trying natural supplements for at least 6 months. Currently Im trying Soy Isoflavones and Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega 3 liquid (great for you and really helps stabalize glucose levels))

Im also charting, Using OPKS

Would love to join you on this journey :D
I have PCOS. I dx'd myself at age 14 after tons of research. Didnt get an offical dx until I was 23, I'm 32 now. Also have IR and was rx'd met in 2007 which I believe helped me concieve dd along with soy isoflavones. I had her in 2009 and my body refuses met now. After I had dd, my cycles regulated and go no longer than 30 days. I have my PCOS symptoms pretty much under control thro diet and exercise and I actually feel good for the first time in my adult life mentally and physically. We are ttc #2 and this is our first cycle of trying.

ETA-If this cycle is a bust, will start charting next cycle even though I'm pretty sure when I O considering I get THE worst O cramps
Me me me! I have PCOS and we are in our 9th month of TTC... just did our first round of clomid. No idea if it has worked as my temps are all over the place and I have had EWCM on and off for the past week. Bloods to be taken next week and drs appt to see if I have ovulated.... crossing everything though it has worked!
Welcome ladies! Nice to meet you all!

MomofBoys - I'm very interested in what you mentioned about the Omega 3 liquid helping blood glucose levels. When we decided to start ttc in April I was doing research on vitamins etc to take while ttc and I started taking prenatals, calcium and omega 3 supplements. Would those have the same effect on blood glucose? I've been completely baffled by my blood results coming back normal when I have all the other symptoms of pcos and I'm rather overweight and a total sugar and carb addict ( which I'm trying to break!). It made no sense to me that my blood sugar would be normal. Could the several months of omega 3s have done that? It would explain a lot!

Airy - what have you done diet and exercise wise to manag your pcos symptoms? That's what I'm really trying to work on now. Since coming off bc my symptoms have gotten horrible and I hate it.

Jillie - I hope the clomid worked for you! Fx!!!
From what i understand it needs to be a HIGH quality Omega 3 supplement and Liquid absorbs alot better than pill form and you dont get that nasty fish burp from it lol, some of the cheaper products dont contain as much DHA and EPA as this does and isnt as high quality (Nordic Naturals is Triple processed and guaranteed as pure and fresh as you can get it )

Plus it tastes like Lemon :D,,, Its Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega if you want to check it out.

Its pricey though Its about $61 per bottle through Vitacost which lasts about 5-6 weeks but i do buy mine on Ebay for about $45.

I have noticed since ive been taking it that im NOT craving the carbs and sugar as much as i Was. Im not Insulin Resistant but with the PCOS i have horrible sugar and carb cravings even when my Blood Glucose is normal. i find myself very rarely reaching for the sugar anymore and actually craving fresh fruits and veggies which is a first for me lol

Im what they call a thin "cyster" though, I dont suffer from alot of the typical PCOS stuff. I dont have excessive weight gain, and i dont have hirisutism ... I do however get a little excess belly fat and occasional acne breakouts. My Dr refused to listen to me for the longest time but i dont look like a normal PCOS'er and after finally demanding an U/S to check right away they saw the tiny little cysts all over my ovaries and it was confirmed then. I also had all my blood levels checked and everything was normal ...I do occasionally O on my own (not always) and lately my cycles have been 35-42 days.

There is also new evidence that DCI may even reverse PCOS symptoms and help with conceiving... Check out CHiral Balance (the only place that sells it right now since they own the patent) I have several online friends that have taken it and had GREAT success with it :D
Mama Mac--I watch my simple carb intake as that is what causes my symptoms to get out of hand. I get in lots of protein and fresh fruits and veggies. I really dont like to eat so I drink most of my nutrients. I take Omega 3s too as Momof2boys suggested. I exercise 4-5 days a week mostly cardio 30-60 mins on the treadmill or eliptical depending on my mood and I do strength training no less than 3 times a week. Exercising and taking a bcomplex has definitely helped level out my mood as I suffered from bouts of depression as well as mood swings.

I also stopped focusing on my actual weight and started paying attention to how I felt makes the whole diet/weightloss thing an easier journey. I weigh myself once a week to make sure I'm not gaining...dont really care if I'm losing as I am finally comfortable in my skin...Of course I wouldnt mind losing a lil bit more lol. So far I released 37lbs this year and I am down 4 pant sizes. Smallest I've ever been since pre-teens
I was told by my RE that I have PCOS. I started Metformin (again) this month, 2000mg a day, started exercising cardio and strength training 60-90 minutes 5 times a week. Is there a limit on exercise? I've read that you shouldn't get your heart rate too that true?

I take a prenatal vitamin but that's it as far as supplements go. DH told me to start taking one of his Omega 3 vitamins, but I can't the smell, they make me gag. I don't eat seafood and he said that's why I should take a supplement.

The RE told me the South Beach diet is the best fertility diet and I've been doing research online on what to eat, but some websites say one thing and another will say the opposite. I love fresh fruits and veggies, I don't know if canned/frozen is ok or if I should be eating them. My down fall is I love carbs, bread, potatos, rice...I love it all. lol. Can anyone tell me if there are some key things I should be eating? What to stay away from?
If you have PCOS Carbs and Sugar are your WORST nightmare!!

Omega 3's need to be of excellent quality. They are really good for you and help control your blood glucose levels.. (liquid IMO works best and the lemon stuff i use isnt fishy at all) as a matter of fact i have put it in my tea and it tastes just like lemon tea :D

Caffeine should also be regulated.

Frozen veggies are super healthy, more so than the canned from what ive told but fresh tends to be best :D

Im not much help on the exercise as im not currently doing it :blush:
I dont think its a limit to your working out...I monitor my heart rate while doing cardio--the equipment has heart rate monitors and charts and try not to go over the 80% marker for my age which is 160ish I think? I've read that stregth training is more effective for PCOSers and I did get better results when I started incorporating it into my work out versus just cardio. As long as you're comfortable with your workout, you should be fine.

Simple carbs are definitely a no-no which sucks because I think we have a tendency to crave them. I LOVE bread and would marry it if I could lolz but unfortunately, it does not love me. I buy whole grain bread and pasta products but I limit my intake...Like I said, I really dont like to eat but you cant tell that by looking at me :s So I mostly do green smoothies and protein shakes and lots of filtered or alkaline water with lemon.

Definitely stay away from canned/processed foods they are not good for you. My Dr said PCOS is on the rise in my area and I would bet the house its because of the chemicals they lable as food. Once I started reading lables and eating cleaner, my weight started coming off and my symptoms started to ease up
Well OPKS are getting darker yay!! Still negative but WAY darker this time around in my cycle than last. Maybe i can actually O on time and on my OWN..... OMG that would just be awesome!!
Hi ladies can I join please. I just confirmation from my doc last week after ultra sound that I have pco. We started ttc in May and I decided to use Soy Iso as I have irregular periods usually 35 day cycles. after taking the soy iso my periods dissappered...I am on cd95. I have only ever gone past cd40 once before and that was years ago at uni when i was really stressed with exams and didn't have a period for 6 months!!!

Anyway I think this long bout was caused by the soy iso, i think my pco is the type thats caused by estrogen dominance and not enough progestron and by using soy iso (which basically tricks your body into thinking you don't have enough estrogen so your body makes more) I unintentionally pushed the imbalance further hence cd95 no af.

I've been doing a lot of research since being diagnosed and have started taking vit b6, omega 3, folic acid, calcium, magnesium and zinc as they all help with the symptoms of estrogen dominance pcos.

I have also started taking Chromium - its a natural alternative to the drug metformine and helps to manage insulin resistance and assist weight loss.

I put on 10kg over the last 8 months and I am now trying to get that off by cutting out refined and processed sugar, I eat lots of fruit instead to manage my sweet tooth, and I've started limiting my carbs and excersining. Just bought a rebounder as I don'tvreally enjoy the gym.

My doc prescribed me metformine but I'm going to see what results I get with Chromium and all the other supplements and lifestyle change before using met.

I'm also think of using vitex but after my issues with soy I'm a little weary of hormone supplements, although vitex promotes more progestrone which is what I need. We'll see.

I am scheduled for blood tests next week so will see what that reveals.

Good luck to everyone ttc and hope we all get our bfps vert soon
momof2boys--Good luck!

Welcome Starflower :) How much soy did you take and on what cds? Soy can be iffy with PCOSers. I took 80 mgs on cd 3-7 just to stay ovulatory. Worked every time I took it but I would O late like cd 19-20. I took it the cycle I conceived my dd but I was also taking 2000mg of Met as well. Before my cycles started to regulate, I would use NOW natural progesterone cream to bring on AF usually worked after about 3 days of use. Provera was just too hard on me cramp wise. Vitex is good as it works on the pituatary gland for regulation also Maca root is a hormone balancer I love it as I didnt really see much from takin vitex.

AFM, I'm 7dpo and I have a really bad headache....Still kinda crampy and I noticed yesterday that I have excess saliva now which is definitely new and unusual for me, I tend to have dry mouth. I still have a stuffy nose which has been around since 3 days pre-o but it is lessening a bit. Halfway throug my 2ww and I'm still sane lolz. I'm sure that will go out the window in the next couple of days
WOW here it todays 2pm OPK OMG it has never been this dark this early on, I know its not positive yet but it sure is close and im getting a ton of CM today....Plus CP is almost Fertile!! I bet its positive within 48 hours and if it is it will be the first time Ive ever O'd on time....The soy may actually be working yay!! we cant DTD today but im going to be SURE we do tommorow :D
I was told i had pcos when i was 15 of course i wasnt as worried about it when it comes to TTC since i was wayy to young to even think about it i did worry me some though since ive always wanted to be come a mom!! its just something i felt was destined to be. Well the hubby and i offically started trying to conceive in Jan. 2012 after a horrile news of thinking i was pregnant and with a bfp but when blood work came back it was a bfn. :( so use to the idea of me being pregnant and happy and how exctired we were we have at it. and started looking into doctors my regular doc. put me on 500mg of metformin 3 times daily no luck :( i changed doctors one insurance two because she just didnt seem very helpful in wanted to achieve me getting pregnant. Well my currant doctor i have to say i love her! shes is so honest and was so excited in helping me on getting healthier now i am still one met but with the referral to my now obgyn am on prover for 7 days to jump start a period which i havent had since nov. last year and after that charting starts and will be put on clomid! I actually bought vitex never took them since i was antibiotcs for but now that im going to be on clomid i can take them. but hope for the best baby dust to you and keep me updated by the way has your doctor talk you about maybe clomid or ferma? or anything like that?
Ive used Clomid for all 3 of my pregnancies. And it obviously worked hehe....but im tryng to get pregnant right now with natural supplements. If i dont though my doc wants me to try Femara sincei want to try to lower my chance of multiples.
MomofBoys, you sound just like myself. I have just been diagnosed with PCOS via ultrasound, as my periods were very irregular after coming off BCP and then disappeared altogether. I am still waiting for my appointment to hear what my next steps will be, and learn a bit more about my PCOS (as I have no other symptoms, weight is good, etc.).

I am curious how all the natural methods work out for everyone!
I'm not doing so well today :( Had a very vivid dream last night about my cat that passed away 3 years ago. I had her since I was 12 years old and I miss her dearly...I think her spirit was just paying me a visit but I woke up sobbing and I've been crying intermittently since...then I'm nauseated and I keep having to spit due to the excessive saliva *sigh* I think I'm going to lay down for a while until this funky mood passes....Hope everyone else is well :)
Im doing alright my body is still getting use to the metformin! ughhh lol but how are you by the way mommyofboys how long were you on clomid and with other medications before you got pregnant i cant wait til i start clomid in 2 weeks hehehe <3 how is everyone else doing?

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