TTC with PCOS....anyone in the same boat?? Come join me!!!

I was diagnosed with PCOS in April this year. I have done 3 round of clomid. First cycle, provera and clomid 50mg CD 3-7- no ovulation. 2nd cycle, provera, clomid 100mg CD 3-7, estradiol CD 8-12- no ovulation. 3rd round, provera, 150mg clomid CD 3-7, dexamethasone 2mg CD 3-12, estradiol CD8-12- finally ovulated!!!

Now am waiting for AF to start, but since I have abnormal cycle, doctor wants me to test on CD28 for hopefully my :bfp:! Breasts have been very sore, tender, and sensitive for the past 1 1/2 weeks, and I am urinating very frequently. No other symptoms yet, but I am praying this is the time!!:)

Baby dust to all you ttc!!:dust:
Hi ladies can I join please. I just confirmation from my doc last week after ultra sound that I have pco. We started ttc in May and I decided to use Soy Iso as I have irregular periods usually 35 day cycles. after taking the soy iso my periods dissappered...I am on cd95. I have only ever gone past cd40 once before and that was years ago at uni when i was really stressed with exams and didn't have a period for 6 months!!!

Anyway I think this long bout was caused by the soy iso, i think my pco is the type thats caused by estrogen dominance and not enough progestron and by using soy iso (which basically tricks your body into thinking you don't have enough estrogen so your body makes more) I unintentionally pushed the imbalance further hence cd95 no af.

I've been doing a lot of research since being diagnosed and have started taking vit b6, omega 3, folic acid, calcium, magnesium and zinc as they all help with the symptoms of estrogen dominance pcos.

I have also started taking Chromium - its a natural alternative to the drug metformine and helps to manage insulin resistance and assist weight loss.

I put on 10kg over the last 8 months and I am now trying to get that off by cutting out refined and processed sugar, I eat lots of fruit instead to manage my sweet tooth, and I've started limiting my carbs and excersining. Just bought a rebounder as I don'tvreally enjoy the gym.

My doc prescribed me metformine but I'm going to see what results I get with Chromium and all the other supplements and lifestyle change before using met.

I'm also think of using vitex but after my issues with soy I'm a little weary of hormone supplements, although vitex promotes more progestrone which is what I need. We'll see.

I am scheduled for blood tests next week so will see what that reveals.

Good luck to everyone ttc and hope we all get our bfps vert soon

Welcome Starflower! Sorry to hear about your issues with soy! I ought about trying soy, now I'm glad I didn't! Keep us posted on that blood test :) hope you get a :bfp: very soon!!!! :dust:
momof2boys--Good luck!

Welcome Starflower :) How much soy did you take and on what cds? Soy can be iffy with PCOSers. I took 80 mgs on cd 3-7 just to stay ovulatory. Worked every time I took it but I would O late like cd 19-20. I took it the cycle I conceived my dd but I was also taking 2000mg of Met as well. Before my cycles started to regulate, I would use NOW natural progesterone cream to bring on AF usually worked after about 3 days of use. Provera was just too hard on me cramp wise. Vitex is good as it works on the pituatary gland for regulation also Maca root is a hormone balancer I love it as I didnt really see much from takin vitex.

AFM, I'm 7dpo and I have a really bad headache....Still kinda crampy and I noticed yesterday that I have excess saliva now which is definitely new and unusual for me, I tend to have dry mouth. I still have a stuffy nose which has been around since 3 days pre-o but it is lessening a bit. Halfway throug my 2ww and I'm still sane lolz. I'm sure that will go out the window in the next couple of days

So exciting you're in the 2ww! I have yet to get to experience that as I have yet to ovulate :dohh: Hope it's going well for you! Don't let it make ya too nuts lol :dust:
WOW here it todays 2pm OPK OMG it has never been this dark this early on, I know its not positive yet but it sure is close and im getting a ton of CM today....Plus CP is almost Fertile!! I bet its positive within 48 hours and if it is it will be the first time Ive ever O'd on time....The soy may actually be working yay!! we cant DTD today but im going to be SURE we do tommorow :D

Ooooo I so jealous! All iveever gotten on Them is faint lines...yours are looking great! Hope you've got that positive by now or very soon if not yet!
I was told i had pcos when i was 15 of course i wasnt as worried about it when it comes to TTC since i was wayy to young to even think about it i did worry me some though since ive always wanted to be come a mom!! its just something i felt was destined to be. Well the hubby and i offically started trying to conceive in Jan. 2012 after a horrile news of thinking i was pregnant and with a bfp but when blood work came back it was a bfn. :( so use to the idea of me being pregnant and happy and how exctired we were we have at it. and started looking into doctors my regular doc. put me on 500mg of metformin 3 times daily no luck :( i changed doctors one insurance two because she just didnt seem very helpful in wanted to achieve me getting pregnant. Well my currant doctor i have to say i love her! shes is so honest and was so excited in helping me on getting healthier now i am still one met but with the referral to my now obgyn am on prover for 7 days to jump start a period which i havent had since nov. last year and after that charting starts and will be put on clomid! I actually bought vitex never took them since i was antibiotcs for but now that im going to be on clomid i can take them. but hope for the best baby dust to you and keep me updated by the way has your doctor talk you about maybe clomid or ferma? or anything like that?

Hi Babylove, have you talked to your doc about taking the Vitex and Clomid together? From heat I've read you're not supposed to take them together. Maybe check into that or at least make sure to clear it with your doc if I haven't already ;)
MomofBoys, you sound just like myself. I have just been diagnosed with PCOS via ultrasound, as my periods were very irregular after coming off BCP and then disappeared altogether. I am still waiting for my appointment to hear what my next steps will be, and learn a bit more about my PCOS (as I have no other symptoms, weight is good, etc.).

I am curious how all the natural methods work out for everyone!

Welcome Puppymom! :dust:
I'm not doing so well today :( Had a very vivid dream last night about my cat that passed away 3 years ago. I had her since I was 12 years old and I miss her dearly...I think her spirit was just paying me a visit but I woke up sobbing and I've been crying intermittently since...then I'm nauseated and I keep having to spit due to the excessive saliva *sigh* I think I'm going to lay down for a while until this funky mood passes....Hope everyone else is well :)

:hugs: hope you're feeling better
Im doing alright my body is still getting use to the metformin! ughhh lol but how are you by the way mommyofboys how long were you on clomid and with other medications before you got pregnant i cant wait til i start clomid in 2 weeks hehehe <3 how is everyone else doing?

What sort of side effects are you getting from the Met? What dosage are you taking? I just started met last week at only 500mg a day. Just uped it to 1000 today. So far so good :thumbup: only had issues with "the runs" :dohh: with my very first dose last week and since I've been totally fine. Hoping that good fortune sticks around now I'm doubling my dosage!
I was diagnosed with PCOS in April this year. I have done 3 round of clomid. First cycle, provera and clomid 50mg CD 3-7- no ovulation. 2nd cycle, provera, clomid 100mg CD 3-7, estradiol CD 8-12- no ovulation. 3rd round, provera, 150mg clomid CD 3-7, dexamethasone 2mg CD 3-12, estradiol CD8-12- finally ovulated!!!

Now am waiting for AF to start, but since I have abnormal cycle, doctor wants me to test on CD28 for hopefully my :bfp:! Breasts have been very sore, tender, and sensitive for the past 1 1/2 weeks, and I am urinating very frequently. No other symptoms yet, but I am praying this is the time!!:)

Baby dust to all you ttc!!:dust:

How exciting! Must be such a huge relief to have finally ovulated! :happydance: When is cd28? So excited to hear if you get your :bfp:!!! That would be awesome!
Sorry for all the posts ladies, just had so many new folks in here and didn't want to miss anyone :thumbup: How is everyone doing today? Hope everyone had a good weekend! I uped my Metformin dose today, do far so good with side effects. My AF is still holding on, been almost a week now. Hoping she get off on her way soon so I can start poas! :hehe: really hoping I ovulate but not really holding my breath. Hoping between the met and the Vitex that I will but I'm worried I may need clomid with the met. My regular do wouldn't prescribe me both for some reason and had me pick one or the other to start with :shrugs: Since I was already taking the Vitex I opted to stick with that and go with metformin since I can take them together. My doc got me a referral to a specialist but I don't get to meet with her until November so I've got a few months to see what happens.
MamaMac, hopefully the metformin helps - that's what I'm hoping my obgyn puts me on when I go to my appointment in another week and a half. My friend has been on it for a bit and it's been working wonders for her. Not that it helps everyone the same way, but one can hope, right?! I'm hoping I don't have to have Clomid - the less I have to put into my body, the better!
MamaMac, hopefully the metformin helps - that's what I'm hoping my obgyn puts me on when I go to my appointment in another week and a half. My friend has been on it for a bit and it's been working wonders for her. Not that it helps everyone the same way, but one can hope, right?! I'm hoping I don't have to have Clomid - the less I have to put into my body, the better!

Good point Puppymom ;) I've heard a lot of success stories with metformin. And on the flip side I've heard a lot of failed stories about clomid so that's the other reason I opted for met first. Hope you're able to get it from your doc and that it helps us both! So far so good on my end :happydance:
momof2boys--Good luck!

Welcome Starflower :) How much soy did you take and on what cds? Soy can be iffy with PCOSers. I took 80 mgs on cd 3-7 just to stay ovulatory. Worked every time I took it but I would O late like cd 19-20. I took it the cycle I conceived my dd but I was also taking 2000mg of Met as well. Before my cycles started to regulate, I would use NOW natural progesterone cream to bring on AF usually worked after about 3 days of use. Provera was just too hard on me cramp wise. Vitex is good as it works on the pituatary gland for regulation also Maca root is a hormone balancer I love it as I didnt really see much from takin vitex.

AFM, I'm 7dpo and I have a really bad headache....Still kinda crampy and I noticed yesterday that I have excess saliva now which is definitely new and unusual for me, I tend to have dry mouth. I still have a stuffy nose which has been around since 3 days pre-o but it is lessening a bit. Halfway throug my 2ww and I'm still sane lolz. I'm sure that will go out the window in the next couple of days

Thanks for the warm welcome and advice. I took soy cd3-cd7, started with 100mg cd3,4&5 then upped it to 200mg cd6&7. I got positive smilie face on clear blue digital ovulation in that cycle, got it twice during the cycle, first time for one day and s3contime for 3 days in a row then nothing. This was b4 I was diagnosed with pcos so did not realise opks don't work for some people with pcos as their LH is always spiking. I have gotten positive opks on and off since then but no af or bfp, its now cd97 but staying positive.

I have been cramping alot, but thats not new, I have uterine fibroids so most likely the culprit, however since taking vit b6 this has stopped, its resurgence seems to have coincided with the chromium so gonna stop that for a while.

Think I'm just going to start the met asap as my patience is wearing tjing and I just want my body to get back to optimal health, 97 days without period doesn't feel natural or healthy.

Glad to hear you are in the tww, your syptoms sound real promising. When will you test? Fx for bfp when you test.xx
Hi ladies can I join please. I just confirmation from my doc last week after ultra sound that I have pco. We started ttc in May and I decided to use Soy Iso as I have irregular periods usually 35 day cycles. after taking the soy iso my periods dissappered...I am on cd95. I have only ever gone past cd40 once before and that was years ago at uni when i was really stressed with exams and didn't have a period for 6 months!!!

Anyway I think this long bout was caused by the soy iso, i think my pco is the type thats caused by estrogen dominance and not enough progestron and by using soy iso (which basically tricks your body into thinking you don't have enough estrogen so your body makes more) I unintentionally pushed the imbalance further hence cd95 no af.

I've been doing a lot of research since being diagnosed and have started taking vit b6, omega 3, folic acid, calcium, magnesium and zinc as they all help with the symptoms of estrogen dominance pcos.

I have also started taking Chromium - its a natural alternative to the drug metformine and helps to manage insulin resistance and assist weight loss.

I put on 10kg over the last 8 months and I am now trying to get that off by cutting out refined and processed sugar, I eat lots of fruit instead to manage my sweet tooth, and I've started limiting my carbs and excersining. Just bought a rebounder as I don'tvreally enjoy the gym.

My doc prescribed me metformine but I'm going to see what results I get with Chromium and all the other supplements and lifestyle change before using met.

I'm also think of using vitex but after my issues with soy I'm a little weary of hormone supplements, although vitex promotes more progestrone which is what I need. We'll see.

I am scheduled for blood tests next week so will see what that reveals.

Good luck to everyone ttc and hope we all get our bfps vert soon

Welcome Starflower! Sorry to hear about your issues with soy! I ought about trying soy, now I'm glad I didn't! Keep us posted on that blood test :) hope you get a :bfp: very soon!!!! :dust:

Hi MamaMac, thank you for the lovely welcome and starting this thread. was reading your signature and saw you were on cd97 b4 starting met n you got af. This is I am on cd97 and I've decided to start met asap as I just can't stand the limbo plus I don't think the chromium and I are getting on as well as I'd hoped. Ah well here's hoping met sorts me out.

As soon as af starts I'll do the vitex as well.

Got my blood tests on thursday.

Fx met n vitex bring you your bfp. Xx
Hi everyone:)

Im 9dpo today and I caved and tested lolz I used fmu on a dollar store test and I got a really really I mean really faint line within the test time frame but it was colorless so idk...I'm sure its wayyy to early. I'm a little less optimistic about my symptoms as this is the time that I tend to get pms symptoms so I'm trying not to read to deeply into them...I'm still nauseated, still have excessive saliva which is gross and I hate, my bbs are tender and my dreams have been so crazy. I just cant wait to know one way or the other 2ww sucks big time
Well what do you ladies think? This is CD 15 OPK from 11 am you think its positive? I cant beleive that

1. The soy seems to be working VERY well

2. This will be my earliest O in a LONG exciting hehe
I would say so, but I'm not good with those! I had one like that the other day, but have yet to see a temp. shift... I'm hoping tomorrow morning though. Hope that's it for you! Test again tomorrow to see for sure.
Yeah im frustrated now because i dident sleep well last night and i had a few glasses of wine with hubby so i couldnt temp... but i pretty well know my coverline so depending on what tommorrow says i should be able to figure it out :D... I hate that you have to wait 3 days for the temp shift lol
Haha, yeah, I haven't been very good at tempting the last couple of days. I was up in bed this morning before I took my temp, so I didn't record it... but know that it wasn't high enough for ovulation anyways.
Hi ladies can I join please. I just confirmation from my doc last week after ultra sound that I have pco. We started ttc in May and I decided to use Soy Iso as I have irregular periods usually 35 day cycles. after taking the soy iso my periods dissappered...I am on cd95. I have only ever gone past cd40 once before and that was years ago at uni when i was really stressed with exams and didn't have a period for 6 months!!!

Anyway I think this long bout was caused by the soy iso, i think my pco is the type thats caused by estrogen dominance and not enough progestron and by using soy iso (which basically tricks your body into thinking you don't have enough estrogen so your body makes more) I unintentionally pushed the imbalance further hence cd95 no af.

I've been doing a lot of research since being diagnosed and have started taking vit b6, omega 3, folic acid, calcium, magnesium and zinc as they all help with the symptoms of estrogen dominance pcos.

I have also started taking Chromium - its a natural alternative to the drug metformine and helps to manage insulin resistance and assist weight loss.

I put on 10kg over the last 8 months and I am now trying to get that off by cutting out refined and processed sugar, I eat lots of fruit instead to manage my sweet tooth, and I've started limiting my carbs and excersining. Just bought a rebounder as I don'tvreally enjoy the gym.

My doc prescribed me metformine but I'm going to see what results I get with Chromium and all the other supplements and lifestyle change before using met.

I'm also think of using vitex but after my issues with soy I'm a little weary of hormone supplements, although vitex promotes more progestrone which is what I need. We'll see.

I am scheduled for blood tests next week so will see what that reveals.

Good luck to everyone ttc and hope we all get our bfps vert soon

Welcome Starflower! Sorry to hear about your issues with soy! I ought about trying soy, now I'm glad I didn't! Keep us posted on that blood test :) hope you get a :bfp: very soon!!!! :dust:

Hi MamaMac, thank you for the lovely welcome and starting this thread. was reading your signature and saw you were on cd97 b4 starting met n you got af. This is I am on cd97 and I've decided to start met asap as I just can't stand the limbo plus I don't think the chromium and I are getting on as well as I'd hoped. Ah well here's hoping met sorts me out.

As soon as af starts I'll do the vitex as well.

Got my blood tests on thursday.

Fx met n vitex bring you your bfp. Xx

Yeah, 97 day cycle was just getting ridiculous! I know just how you're feeling! Was so relieved to get AF. And for me it happened real quick. Started e lowest dose of met on Monday and by Tues night my period was starting. Hope it goes that quick for you!!!

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