
Ok last link on natural supplements to help in getting up the duff promise :thumbup:

Vitex Angus castus supplements
bleurgh!! My doc wants me to have that done after dh has his SA. gross. but i have heard that a lot of women get preggo after having it done as it 'clears' their tubes.

i do have a slow cooker, i really should use it more. It's just right now, i dont even have time to think about cooking, i get to work for 8.15am to study before work, i study in my lunch break, and then study when i get home. it'll only be this crazy for another 2 weeks, would be nice if he could pick up the slack not moan because i havent done any ironing in weeks ya know. but that's just the way it is i guess. enough of my whinging.

do any of you read? im reading a james patterson book at the moment, i love it, ive read every book he's written!

I am so sorry your DH is a butthead at the moment. :hugs: 2 weeks honeybee.....2 weeks.....I also hear alot of women get pregnant shortly after due to that too!!!

Niamh, you were my first friend on BNB, I'm SO SO SO excited to see that you're preggers! Some of my all time fave people here are preggers.... CONGRATS SO HARDCORE!!! OMG!

Now my news?
I'm sick as a dog, runny nose, sore throat, can barely talk.... AND I'm a day late. My body is so mean! I know there isn't any way I could be, could there??? I'm not wanting to test, I just want to leave it and see if AF arrives... Coz I don't want to waste a test!

But super super congrats to preggers ladies! I love you all, you're my inspiration!

AHHH thanks Moon :hugs::happydance: sorry your not feeling well hun when you going to test being late an all, ooh and I got pregnant on Eireann 5 days before OV and FF gave me a low chance this cycle for catching the egg :haha: delighted it all worked out and your horse is close to you, is he broken will you be able to ride him, I so miss horse ridding one day I want a nice stocky cob you know a steady guy who loves a hack out and a few jumps great way to keep fit and a very rewarding pass time. I still have my cob pony at home in my dads he is grey and lovely.

At the moment he isn't ridable, as he's been out of work for 2 years. We start putting him on the longe line in a couple days to start working up his fitness and muscle and getting him back in order. He is incredibly unfit right now (much like his owner)

Thanks Titi - I was just about to ask if you stop taking Maca at some point during your cycle. I'm doing a dropper full in the am and pm in some grape juice - I don't taste it one bit!

Nice Moon - I'm so glad you found a way to get your horse to that stable you like so much! Hope you feel better soon.

It's not a stable, I found a place mega mega close to my house, just up the road, where some guys are renting a property there. They have horses of their own and had some paddock to spare, so they put up a sign saying they had agistment available. I immediately went over and spoke to them, the two most adorable gay gentlemen on the planet.
He's not even 5 minutes drive from home, has other horses there as companions and I get to go spend time with him every day.

You have been wanting your horse next to you for quite some time! Finally!! Now you can see your horse whenever you want and not several hours away!!! Wahoo! BTW, how is the situation with your dad and his girlfriend coming along? Feel better soon!

tryforbaby2 said:
Mush, I have concidered counceling for this and maybe some medication (and I am anti meds!). The depression is horrible and I cried to the nurse at the obgyn office yesterday that I know I feel so angry at the world and so resentful of some and I dont want to feel that way but I cant help it! Thats when she said that I am probably going to feel this way having been filled with pg hormones and then having it all go to 0 with a day from the d&c. I guess she is right, but I hate feeling so resentful with people and angry at the world. My husband is fabulous through this all and he is my shoulder. Great listener and great ethusiast! :cloud9: Just love him to bits! The doctor that performed the d&c said I will not get over this. I will not get over this until I am pregnant again and have bypassed the 12 week mark. Between my sisters getting pregnant too and due around my due date she totally understands my extra rage of hormones and resentment. But one day at a time I suppose. I am feeling much better!!! :flower: If you dont mind me asking, how long did you bleed for? and How many cycles did you wait before trying again? (If I am correct I think you waited one or two b/c of DH right?)

Sorry I am just looking for answers and some assistance! Thank You!

Dads girlfriend is getting way better, she's on new antidepressent meds now, but she's been messed up forever, so she NEEDS them. As much as some people say they help, I'll be anti-drug with you. I'm supposed to be on them, but I've been off Meds since January.
Sometimes it feels like you'll never get your answers, but I like to think all things happen for a reason, and the world is on track and where it's sposed to be, even if we don't like it or understand it. But I, having been on antidepressents in the past, do not recommend them, seriously!!

I think this is good news girls!

My bleeding is now very light to hardly at all! I amwondering when my doctor stuck his whole fist up there (ewww.....gross image but thats what it felt like!) I think I got cleaned out! He may have brought it all out with him! :sick:

Sorry for the disturbing images! (Is there a barf icon here somewhere?.......)

I also went and bought a new box of SOFTCUPS!!! I am getting prepared ladies, it is making a little happier thinking about TTC again!!! :cloud9:

Makes me happy to know that you're getting back in the vibe of TTC and trying to keep positive. I know what just happened really sucks, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
And its not ultimately a gross visual, just a very disturbing one! LOL

Moon, I have my fingers firmly crossed for you that the witch stays away! It is unlikely that your are pg with your timing, but not impossible!!! there is always hope until the b**** shows!

And she hasn't yet. I'm now 3 days late. Not sure what is going on!

You know, I never realised just how different oral and vaginal temps could be til yesterday. I am normally an oral temp taker, but because I'm so heavily congested at the moment, I am forced to breathe through my mouth at night, yesterday morning I woke up and my tongue was all dried out from mouth breathing!!!! I took my temp and it was 35.61, I had a vague idea that a temp like that seemed awfully low and so took it vaginally and got a 36.22.
And today, a similiar situation but not as extreme as yesterday, oral temp was 36.07 and vaginal temp was 35.21 -- think I might stick to vaginal temps in future, they seem more reliable for me!

I was on antidepressants years ago because I do have GAD and SAD (generalized and socialized anxiety) and I felt blah taking them.....I didnt care about me or Hailey or even eating.....I was feeling less.....But I had alot of other bad things going on in my life at the moment which made everything worse.
Hmmmm vag temps I hear is what almost everyone is starting to go with! Go for it! If I had the energy to get up at the same time every day to bbt I would do it too!
Glad to hear your dads girlfriend is getting better, thank goodness!!! :hugs: Sre you still in the house or did you move out? Sorry about the disturbing visual!!! LOL.....

Niamh, I didnt know that about SOY!!! Hmmm?......
Titi = realy sorry AF got you, have you thought of trying acupuncture (think Niamh mentioned it) it's worth a try, there is a place just down the road from me that specialises in acupuncture for fertility problems.

Sorry all have scanned through the posts but haven't had a chance to reply to them all, gotta dash to work now as well, just wanted to pick up on Niamh's posts about natural TTC help.

OH and I have decided to try Maca, going to get some at the weekend and I have also started taking wheatgrass as this is supposed to reduce your internal acidity, thought it might help the little guys if it wasn't such a hostile environment in there.

catch up with ya all later. hugs to everyone xxx
Just because one sets an alarm to do their BBT, doesn't mean they need to actually stay awake! I set mine for 6am, and unless I NEED to be awake, I don't even turn on a light, I grab the thermometer in the dark, stuff it in my mouth (or now my vag instead), wait for it to beep, pick up my cell phone and use the screen for light so I can see the numbers, then write it down in my diary beside the bed so I can put it into FF later. Then I snuggle back under my blankies and go back to sleep!
Easy as pie!

And naw, I'm still in the house, haven't moved out. Dads liking me a lot more since my horse came home, as I need to feed him twice a day (especially during the winter as I want him to keep his conditioning) so now I have more of a daily routine and am not on the computer all night and sleeping all day. I now am up by 8:30 usually (except for at the moment, I'm sick, so waking up is HARD), and off to feed the boy and spend some time with him, and back there again in the afternoon to put his rug back on and give him his dinner.

Does anyone here know much about the Discover One Step pregnancy tests? Are they good, bad, reliable, not so good? I'm just curious as awhile ago, they're one of the brands I randomly picked up for cheap and so its all I have in my pee sticks. If its not a reliable test though, won't bother using it.
Am just curious, as I am now 3 days late and not sure whats going on.
Trust me moon, if I get up even for a second I cant fall back asleep. I feel my bladder in the middle of the night full, if I get up to empty it (because I debate if I want sleep or to stop my bladder from aching) then it takes me 1.5 to 2 hours to fall back asleep. But when Hailey starts school aug 30 that may be a time to start bbt.

I am glad he is being nicer to you, that seemed like shit for awhile there and I felt bad for you because of the pressure from himand his girlfriend but glad all is well. Are you looking for a job,is themarket tough there like it is here?

Just take a pregnancy test!!!
Well I used ONE of the two Discover brand ones I had, it showed negative... is why I am curious if its a decent brand, as I took it the day period was due, 14dpo.
My luteal phase is generally 13 days.... am now onto 16dpo.
Only have the one test and no more cash to buy any more, as I have to save whats left of my money for the farrier next week.

I'm just wondering though, if this "no period" thing continues and I can scrounge up the cash for a test, which brand is best?? I can't buy anything off ebay at the moment, as my paypal is in arrears from a foul up last week that still hasn't been sorted.
Honey - men! I asked my DH to call in his mother to help since we have all been so ill recently and he said he was a tough guy and could help me himself. He started vomiting last night himself though so now we will go to the inlaws for the weekend and hopefully both get some rest. My DH is not too bad though he refuses meds - he does cook occassionally, but doesn't clean and he does help with DD when its his turn (but if its my turn and I am sick, its still my turn, when he's sick its also my turn)

You can mellow men eventually but it takes a lot of patience and a lot of trial and error. I got DH to take a multi vitamin eventually and fell pregnant the month he took it - I also persuaded him to get the laptop off his lap when we were trying (I think from now on though he'll use that as a form of contraception as its straight back on his lap now I'm pregnant)

Moon - take a test!!!!!!!!!
Glad things seem to be improving and also that you sound like you are living more healthily too with your horse there - yay for animals/pets!
Well I used ONE of the two Discover brand ones I had, it showed negative... is why I am curious if its a decent brand, as I took it the day period was due, 14dpo.
My luteal phase is generally 13 days.... am now onto 16dpo.
Only have the one test and no more cash to buy any more, as I have to save whats left of my money for the farrier next week.

I'm just wondering though, if this "no period" thing continues and I can scrounge up the cash for a test, which brand is best?? I can't buy anything off ebay at the moment, as my paypal is in arrears from a foul up last week that still hasn't been sorted.

I dont know what test to tell you to take as Im in America and I think we have some different ones here. I used dollar store cheapies and FRER and clearblue digital and I got results on all of them. Maybe soph knows since she is in australia where you are?.....
Not to be rude, but you better get your finances straightened out a bit before you get pregnant!!! You never know what surprises will be thrown your way while pregnant and after!!!
honeybee28 said:
urgh im super tired today and studying tonight. jaimie i have one exam in two weeks, then one in sept and 2 in october. if i pass them all then i will be qualified to give financial advice. im not sure that i want to be an IFA just yet, but it gives me options, and means that they have to increase my salary for my current role. fun times.

Wow honeybee! That really rocks and is very impressive! Good luck with all your exams :thumbup: Really hope your DH picks up the slack while you are trying to boost your income and improve yourself ~ sometimes they need to be asked more than we think is necessary. For instance, when I think my DH should do something I usually get pissed because I figure he should be able to read my mind and figure it out on his own :winkwink: But sometimes, even when you ask super pretty please several times, they still act like donkeys.:dohh:

Thanks for all the supplement links Niamh ~ I've got DH on multi vitamins, flaxseed oil, and maca but maybe I'll buy some zinc too.

Titi is the queen of TTC aids, especially ones that you can stick up your vajayjay. There is little she hasn't tried :hugs:

Tanikit ~ really sorry your family is sick! I hope you all feel better soon.

Moon ~ glad to hear things are better with your Dad and his girlfriend. Wish my Mom could pop over to the UK and be your ferrier : )

Ejay ~ thanks for waging war on the witch!!

TryFor ~ how are you feeling this morning hon? How is the bleeding?
Feeling pretty decent, little moody as my sister, Kim, had her "A" done yesterday. She is upset because the family is angry at her and comparing her to me, saying things to her like: "Your sister Julia wouldv'e raised that baby" and "How could you do that after seeing everything your sister has been going through" etc etc.....I am upset she did it because it was alive and she planed this baby with her dumbass ex-boyfriend. But she cannot raise a baby, she cannot even support herself. I was angry when she fell pregnant to begin with. I am not one to believe in "A"s but she has a right to make a decision whether we agree with it or not.
I was asked by family if I would raise the child and I sadly said NO. I cannot raise a child so that in 5 years when someone decides to get their thumb out of their ass get a good job, make money, buy a house and get married then she'll want the baby back. And I am sorry but I cannot do that. I would sooner burn your house down or move to another country than to give back a child I have raised or bonded with.....sister or not.
So thats it, other than that I am pretty good. How are you? Yes the bleeding is very light! Hopefully I can get my DH to LOVE me later!!! hehe
julia that sucks. your sisters really are crazy huh. do you just have the two of them? am i right in thinking you have a brother too? haha bet you cant wait to get back on the love stick lol!! glad the bleeding's better.

Thanks Jaimie!

niamh thanks for all the info!! I've been on maca for a while now, nearly run out in fact. might try soy or something when it's gone. dh wont take anything sadly. but we'll see how his SA goes, that may change his mind if the results arent too good.

good day everyone? my day at work went badly. i messed up some investing, luckily i managed to stop them before the investment house dealt, but its still not great. i had to email my big boss to get him to delete the stuff i messed up off the system, but he didnt get back to me. im sure he'll be pretty mad at me. never mind, at least the deals didnt go through, that would have been bad!

at least it's friday!!!! woooHOOOOOOOOOOOO xx
Moon not sure about those test, may be on the Australian one we both use will know :winkwink: not sure I can name it here LOL

Tryfor holy shit on a stick! :wacko: my head is reeling just reeling god Julia your sis is going to need so much counselling a year from now, to me she has made a knee jerk decision, may be punishing her x boyfriend. I feel the same are you regarding A they would never ever be for me. each to their own I guess! but when your other sister has her baby and when its her due date she will crumble in to a mess may be even before that :dohh: there is no telling some people though.

OOOH ride that love stick heheh :haha:

Jaimie glad they are some use I'm watcing you all now!!!!

Honey hide it in his food or tell him the MACA makes his orgasms stronger and better and he will last longerhere even makes his man hood bigger (im so bold ) :winkwink::winkwink::winkwink: the fact it improves his swimmers is an added bonus :winkwink: sure a little white lie wont hurt. ooh there is a thread on Soy here and the vitex, the MACA thread is getting a lot of BFP now as most of us have been on it 3 months so was my DH I'm thinking it helped us.

I needed this cry..........I found this on another thread in miscarriage support.....It also makes me see what we have to look forward to. Beautiful babies, hands and feet and toes, and smiles.....
Hi All :hi:

I've been lurking a bit. Julia that's so lovely, it made me teary.

Hope everyone's doing well.
Well I used ONE of the two Discover brand ones I had, it showed negative... is why I am curious if its a decent brand, as I took it the day period was due, 14dpo.
My luteal phase is generally 13 days.... am now onto 16dpo.
Only have the one test and no more cash to buy any more, as I have to save whats left of my money for the farrier next week.

I'm just wondering though, if this "no period" thing continues and I can scrounge up the cash for a test, which brand is best?? I can't buy anything off ebay at the moment, as my paypal is in arrears from a foul up last week that still hasn't been sorted.

I dont know what test to tell you to take as Im in America and I think we have some different ones here. I used dollar store cheapies and FRER and clearblue digital and I got results on all of them. Maybe soph knows since she is in australia where you are?.....
Not to be rude, but you better get your finances straightened out a bit before you get pregnant!!! You never know what surprises will be thrown your way while pregnant and after!!!

It's not that I'm having financial issues, its just that this past week I've had the bank stuff up, which in turn led to paypal being stuffed up. And its the first week I've been personally taking care of my horse, and I put quite a lot of money into transporting him here, which was a one off. Now that he's here, local trainers, equine vets and farriers come to us so I don't have to go through the problems of transportation and the costs again for awhile.
And right now I don't see paypal being in arrears as something that I NEED to have fixed up until I'm ready to do it, so thats not a huge deal to me.

Moon ~ glad to hear things are better with your Dad and his girlfriend. Wish my Mom could pop over to the UK and be your ferrier : )

I'm not in the UK, I'm in The Land Down Under where we eat Vegemite sandwiches.

This morning is now overdue day 4, and not only did my temp NOT drop, it went UP. WAY UP. I do believe my chart appears (at least for today) to have gone somewhat triphasic perhaps. What the.... :shrug:
Moon, is the one you have a blue dye or a pink dye? I think the pink ones are the best, but then again I have never used a blue one so could just be talking out of my ass ;)
I have always just bought the frer and ic's, but I have never had anything but white on them, although I did have my first evap last cycle on a frer, but I still think they are good.

I have a pack of digis with indicators but I am saving them for when I do get some kind of line on another test.

Just use the one you have love, or get a frer!!!
:dohh: sorry moon! you've got your location clearly identified beneath your avatar :dohh:
Oh my gosh, it's been a whole week since I've been on and am having serious withdrawals, and to make matters worse, my computer battery says I have 15 min. before it dies. I'm giving myself the 15 min. to read through and then am going to hang with hubby and try to have a TTHF night as have been a bit moody this work.

Had a major project this week at work and going to my sis's at night to help w/ new niece, so that's why I haven't been on. Has been very stressful workwise, but I just got an award for my efforts! It was $500, but mostly the recognition made me feel a bit better. Squirrel, we were relaunching our website so I know you know how that goes. :haha:

And holy canoli - Niamh!!!! Congrats!!!! That made me sooooo super excited to see. :happydance::happydance:

Have been a bit emotional lately (again moody) so tearing up a bit reading about Julia. Julia, I just want to hug you. :hugs::hugs: Also, those pics of your vacation are so gorgeous.

Crap, computer about to die, aaahhh!! Check in soon, and will be joining the page! yay!!
Went out and got a FR test today, came in a pack of 3. I have trouble telling which box is sposed to be the FRER and normal, as one is in a pink box and one is in a blue box.
It came back negative.

I'm finding this to be extraordinarily weird... normally immediately after ovulation, my boobs feel all swollen and sore from progesterone... I've had nothing this cycle... but yet I am 4 days late, with a BFN and not entirely sure whats going on.
Stupid body. Hate you so much!

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