Niamh, you were my first friend on BNB, I'm SO SO SO excited to see that you're preggers! Some of my all time fave people here are preggers.... CONGRATS SO HARDCORE!!! OMG!
Now my news?
I'm sick as a dog, runny nose, sore throat, can barely talk.... AND I'm a day late. My body is so mean! I know there isn't any way I could be, could there??? I'm not wanting to test, I just want to leave it and see if AF arrives... Coz I don't want to waste a test!
But super super congrats to preggers ladies! I love you all, you're my inspiration!
AHHH thanks Moon

sorry your not feeling well hun when you going to test being late an all, ooh and I got pregnant on Eireann 5 days before OV and FF gave me a low chance this cycle for catching the egg

delighted it all worked out and your horse is close to you, is he broken will you be able to ride him, I so miss horse ridding one day I want a nice stocky cob you know a steady guy who loves a hack out and a few jumps great way to keep fit and a very rewarding pass time. I still have my cob pony at home in my dads he is grey and lovely.
At the moment he isn't ridable, as he's been out of work for 2 years. We start putting him on the longe line in a couple days to start working up his fitness and muscle and getting him back in order. He is incredibly unfit right now (much like his owner)
Thanks Titi - I was just about to ask if you stop taking Maca at some point during your cycle. I'm doing a dropper full in the am and pm in some grape juice - I don't taste it one bit!
Nice Moon - I'm so glad you found a way to get your horse to that stable you like so much! Hope you feel better soon.
It's not a stable, I found a place mega mega close to my house, just up the road, where some guys are renting a property there. They have horses of their own and had some paddock to spare, so they put up a sign saying they had agistment available. I immediately went over and spoke to them, the two most adorable gay gentlemen on the planet.
He's not even 5 minutes drive from home, has other horses there as companions and I get to go spend time with him every day.
You have been wanting your horse next to you for quite some time! Finally!! Now you can see your horse whenever you want and not several hours away!!! Wahoo! BTW, how is the situation with your dad and his girlfriend coming along? Feel better soon!
tryforbaby2 said:
Mush, I have concidered counceling for this and maybe some medication (and I am anti meds!). The depression is horrible and I cried to the nurse at the obgyn office yesterday that I know I feel so angry at the world and so resentful of some and I dont want to feel that way but I cant help it! Thats when she said that I am probably going to feel this way having been filled with pg hormones and then having it all go to 0 with a day from the d&c. I guess she is right, but I hate feeling so resentful with people and angry at the world. My husband is fabulous through this all and he is my shoulder. Great listener and great ethusiast!

Just love him to bits! The doctor that performed the d&c said I will not get over this. I will not get over this until I am pregnant again and have bypassed the 12 week mark. Between my sisters getting pregnant too and due around my due date she totally understands my extra rage of hormones and resentment. But one day at a time I suppose. I am feeling much better!!!

If you dont mind me asking, how long did you bleed for? and How many cycles did you wait before trying again? (If I am correct I think you waited one or two b/c of DH right?)
Sorry I am just looking for answers and some assistance! Thank You!
Dads girlfriend is getting way better, she's on new antidepressent meds now, but she's been messed up forever, so she NEEDS them. As much as some people say they help, I'll be anti-drug with you. I'm supposed to be on them, but I've been off Meds since January.
Sometimes it feels like you'll never get your answers, but I like to think all things happen for a reason, and the world is on track and where it's sposed to be, even if we don't like it or understand it. But I, having been on antidepressents in the past, do not recommend them, seriously!!
I think this is good news girls!
My bleeding is now very light to hardly at all! I amwondering when my doctor stuck his whole fist up there (ewww.....gross image but thats what it felt like!) I think I got cleaned out! He may have brought it all out with him!
Sorry for the disturbing images! (Is there a barf icon here somewhere?.......)
I also went and bought a new box of SOFTCUPS!!! I am getting prepared ladies, it is making a little happier thinking about TTC again!!!
Makes me happy to know that you're getting back in the vibe of TTC and trying to keep positive. I know what just happened really sucks, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
And its not ultimately a gross visual, just a very disturbing one! LOL
Moon, I have my fingers firmly crossed for you that the witch stays away! It is unlikely that your are pg with your timing, but not impossible!!! there is always hope until the b**** shows!
And she hasn't yet. I'm now 3 days late. Not sure what is going on!
You know, I never realised just how different oral and vaginal temps could be til yesterday. I am normally an oral temp taker, but because I'm so heavily congested at the moment, I am forced to breathe through my mouth at night, yesterday morning I woke up and my tongue was all dried out from mouth breathing!!!! I took my temp and it was 35.61, I had a vague idea that a temp like that seemed awfully low and so took it vaginally and got a 36.22.
And today, a similiar situation but not as extreme as yesterday, oral temp was 36.07 and vaginal temp was 35.21 -- think I might stick to vaginal temps in future, they seem more reliable for me!