
:brat: :haha: Good job Jill! haha!!

Hey peeps. I'm on day 3 of my "30 Day Shred" workout by Jillian Michaels. I'm going to get hotter than hot. :thumbup: Jill, I'm back on Livestrong.
:brat: :haha: Good job Jill! haha!!

Hey peeps. I'm on day 3 of my "30 Day Shred" workout by Jillian Michaels. I'm going to get hotter than hot. :thumbup: Jill, I'm back on Livestrong.

I knew you would be proud. :smug: That's awesome about the 30 day shred!!:thumbup: I actually FORGOT all about Livestrong. Whoops. :dohh: I will try to get back on tomorrow, promise.

:wave:Hello Anna, Julia, Honey, Dee, Soph, Myturn, ans Squirrel!!! Hope you are all doing well! I am trying to recover from the witch... and trying to find a (legal) way to make some extra cash... we got a statement from dh's lab work and semen analysis and it was $500.00 and that isn't counting the dr's visit... so I need to get this paid off quickly, so we can go see the fs...

It is hard to come up with that much extra cash! I don't understand why everything to do with fertility or infertility has to be sooooo expensive.

soph-goodluck with the car buy. Hope you got a great deal!

I may be crazy, but since dh's swimmers have problems swimming I am thinking of standing on my head after bd to help them out!?!:dohh: Just don't know if I can do that for very long???? And I imagine it will be a funny situation to be in. :haha: Have I gone crazy girls?

Oh, I hate that about the FS expenses. It really is unfair and makes me angry.:growlmad: My insurance covers the "A" word, but not my fertility drugs or appointments. WTF?

Hi Myturn, Soph, Honey, BBd, Moon, Anna, tryfor and everyone else :hi:

Sorry to hear about those with af. CD1 for me today too.

Wow! A car on e-bay, interesting! Good Luck, I hope you got a great deal!
Aww, lots of dust to you for this cycle. :hugs:

Hi girls, I'm back!!!!
I'm over my meltdown/hissy fit/ttc tantrum - whatever you want to call it, and have my happy back on!

I'm feeling positive about things and am enjoying life (except parent teacher interviews this week at work, but there is nothing I can do about that). One more week of work and I am on my holidays and it's my birthday soon, so what have I got to complain about?

I started acupuncture last week and am going again tomorrow. She says don't 'try' for 3 months while we get everything balanced and healthy egg production happening and just,,, wait for it....... HAVE FUN! If I fall pg, well that is just awesome, if not we will go balls to the wall with conception/fertility points once everything is balanced. That seems to have taken the pressure off a little. I mean I am sure I will still completely obsess, but not so much because we are working on a plan, kwim?

Ok, a funny story, or crazy, I haven't decided which yet. Dh's car is dieing a painful death. It really is running like shite and unroadworthy now. I would cost more to fix it than it is worth so he has started looking around at getting a new one. By new, I mean second hand. We just got my new car recently so not looking to spend a lot of money but he was thinking about an older 4ww with a tow bar so we don't have to rely on my car to tow the boat. He has been looking int he trading post and car yards etc.

Anyway, last night he went to a friends house and I went to bed early. I don't know when he came home because I was sleeping but he comes to bed at midnight and wakes me up. He says, 'Soph, I just bought a car.' I thought he must have gone and had a look at one that night, but nooooooooo he bought it on ebay!!!! Who buys a car on ebay? I asked him if he rang the sellers. Nope. He said he was looking for cars online and it was just freshly listed and he did some quick research and seems to think that car was worth more than what they were asking so it was a bargain and just bought it before anyone else had the chance to. Is he crazy or what??? I just got home from work and he isn't here so I don't know if there are any further developments but i think we are going to pick it up on the weekend, so I will let you know.

So I have gone back a few pages and it doesn't look like we have any more bfps. That's sad :( Lot's of visits from the witch though :( I am sorry to all of you who have her company at the moment. She left me a few days ago. I hope we don't see her for a looooong time!

Who has some happy plans for the weekend? We are going to pick up the above mentioned car and I am going to an education expo. Other than that I really hope we can get out in the boat enjoy the start of Spring.

Soph! I missed you!! That is good news about the acupuncture and balancing. I thought about going, too, but then got all caught up and haven't made the time. You should check out that book "The Infertility Cure." I like it, aside from the fact that it has the "I" word in the title (hate that word). It's all about naturopathy and balancing.

I love your stories so much. That's hysterical about the car!!! :rofl: You have to fill us in on more of the details!
bbdreams - Ive TOTALLY done head stands after bd before!!! until someone, i think it was titi, said they werent good coz... how did she put it..... something about the 'soup overshooting' or something lol.

yey soph!! and a car on ebay?! fingers crossed for that one! hope it's ok!!

hi everyone. Me and dh went on a date last night, and afterwards had the most amazing hottest loving. omg. it was so hot. if the sex is always going to be like that, im never ttc again lol!!

gotta dash running late. lots of love.xxxxx
Ok, I managed to convince my husband NOT to paypal the money until we go tomorrow to pick up the car and make sure there is actually a car on the other end of this deal. You hear all the time of people who get royally screwed over on buying cars that do not exist. I also got his to get the VIN number and do a revs check on the car to make sure it has no money owing or encumbrances registered against it and so far it all looks pretty legit. Picking it up in the morning. Sure hope it doesn't break down on the way home!

Honey, I am so jealous of your hot date!! Dh has left me at home to go and watch the footy with his mate johnno who I call his boyfriend. I swear johnno gets to see more of my husband that I do sometimes.

Acupuncture was nice this afternoon. I had needles in my feet, ankles and next to my shins. These were the same points as last time and today I also had 2 below my belly button and one each on either side over the ovaries. I kind of fell asleep and then was half in this dream state when i started to hear myself snoring!!!! How embarrassing! She said not to worry because it happens all the time. Still I was mortified because I ain't a pretty sleeper, that is for sure. As soon as I drop off to la-la land my mouth opens up wide enough to drive a semi trailer through. I call it 'catching flies'. Dh says that i am not one of those people you could say 'sleeps like an angel'. The only thing about my sleeping style I like is that Kai sleeps catching flies too :) Like mother like son.
and now happens the left boob aching yay am i ovulating or am i not.. is it a game of knowing if i am or not... who can tell
Soph, a car on ebay???? That makes me nervous! I hope everything works out great! How ya feeling? Like mother like cute! I drool sometimes but I almost always sleep with my arms over my head, and so does my daughter! lmao

Headstands Eh???......I think you might be on to something bbdreams! lol

Honeybee, sounds like super awesome passionate sex. I can't wait for the witch to go away! LOL DH said he is going to try really hard to get me pregnant this cycle! He is even going to come home at lunch time for some surprise quickie's! And middle of the night, half asleep, stinky morning breathe sex! Cant wait!!! :rofl:

TMI! I know! But I am excited!

Squirrel/Myturn, whats the 30 day shred? How much weight are you supposed to lose on that?....

AFM, cycle day 3. Blah. I wonder how long my cycle is going to be this time?
Morning girls! It's the car day today, feeling nervous....
This is the first month I have thrown away the grapefruits and epo because they were not working and I got watery this morning!!! First time in about 8 months!!!! Maybe it is the acupuncture? idk

Well, methinks I will go back to bed for some of that stinky morning breath parent fun time!
Ok, I managed to convince my husband NOT to paypal the money until we go tomorrow to pick up the car and make sure there is actually a car on the other end of this deal. You hear all the time of people who get royally screwed over on buying cars that do not exist. I also got his to get the VIN number and do a revs check on the car to make sure it has no money owing or encumbrances registered against it and so far it all looks pretty legit. Picking it up in the morning. Sure hope it doesn't break down on the way home!

Honey, I am so jealous of your hot date!! Dh has left me at home to go and watch the footy with his mate johnno who I call his boyfriend. I swear johnno gets to see more of my husband that I do sometimes.

Acupuncture was nice this afternoon. I had needles in my feet, ankles and next to my shins. These were the same points as last time and today I also had 2 below my belly button and one each on either side over the ovaries. I kind of fell asleep and then was half in this dream state when i started to hear myself snoring!!!! How embarrassing! She said not to worry because it happens all the time. Still I was mortified because I ain't a pretty sleeper, that is for sure. As soon as I drop off to la-la land my mouth opens up wide enough to drive a semi trailer through. I call it 'catching flies'. Dh says that i am not one of those people you could say 'sleeps like an angel'. The only thing about my sleeping style I like is that Kai sleeps catching flies too :) Like mother like son.

I bought my car on ebay. $250 for a 1993 Ford Falcon. And mine actually has a somewhat rare engine in it, different than the normal Falcon engine, I don't know how... It goes like stink.
There are a few little problems, like I don't have A/C, but otherwise, I got a bargain!
And I just paid in cash when I went to pick it up. Bugger paying for it before hand when you have to go pick it up anyway.

I had spotting for 4 days. No proper period. The spotting did come when my period would have come, but only spotting, it never went past that.
For some odd reason, have also had massively swollen gums for the past 5 days or so. It hurts! :(
The 30 Day Shred has three work outs on it that get harder as you progress. Each has three segments with 3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of abs. 20 minutes of working out per session, so she makes you do a lot in a very short amount of time (instead of spending hours phoning it in at the gym -- according to her!) I think it promises 20 pounds in 30 days, but I'd think you'd have to be fairly overweight and also make many dietary changes as well to achieve that... A good quick workout though!

Hmmmm.... might have to get me this:

ooh, and this:

somebody stop me before I buy everything on about increasing my fertility! aaaaah!
Squirrel, I was cracking up when I read your post because I already have "Meditations for a Fertile Soul.":haha: I put it on my iPod and fall asleep to it all the time. So far, it hasn't gotten me pregnant, but it is relaxing. :rofl:

Soph, I can't wait to hear about your car! That's good that you did all that stuff about getting the VIN. Are you the more sensible one in the relationship? Just wondering, because my DH totally is. Meanwhile I bought my last car on my lunch break from work. :dohh: It was really fun going back to the office and saying "I just bought a car!" aferwards, though.

It sounds like the acupuncture is working! That is so exciting. :happydance:

Honey, I'm so jealous of your hot date, too! We're going to be past the TTC stage on vacation week after next and I just can't wait to not-TTC. :haha:

Well, I finished my Clomid and had my day 11 ultrasound and blood test today. Dr. just called and said all looks good to do the trigger shot (that will make me O) tonight, and then tomorrow morning we go in for the IUI! Sooooooo excited. I actually had 4 follicles, but she said "it looks like 2 are ready to go...are you ok w/ having twins?" I was like, "absolutely, I am!" :haha::baby::baby:

So that's where I'm at. I might try to take a break from TTC related stuff (like incessant internet searches, etc.) immediately after the IUI. Just want to relax and not think too much about it, so we'll see how that goes. Will try to check in, but maybe not as much in case you are wondering where I'm at. Thank God vacation is coming up so will (hopefully) take my mind off the TWW. Get back on the 28th, and the 29th is when I take the HPT.
Crap, I just realized the 27th is when AF will be due for me, which is the day before I get back from vacation. Oh my, I'm going to be soooo gutted if that witch comes on my vacation. Ugggh! So much for all my "relaxing" self-talk!
WHOO HOOOOOOOOO for the IUI Jill!!!!!!! Just enjoy your vacation and don't think about what comes after it. So excited for you!!!!!!!!

I ordered that yoga set, where you do a different disc depending on where you are in your cycle. We'll see how it goes... So after work, I'm going to come home and do my 30 day shred workout, then before bed do the fertility yoga.
Jill, I am sooo excited for your iui!!!! Do you have to give yourself the trigger shot? I would have no problem jabbing myself, but I know a lot of people would find it hard!! Maybe dh can give you the jab? Hope your holiday is an af free zone ;)

Car update: It is really good, a bargin, what a relief!
I got a high on my cbfm today!! Happy days
Ok, todays plan: we are going to take the 'beast' - that is the new cars name and head to O'Reillys for some bush walking and a tree top walk.
Check out the splendour in the Gold Coast's backyard
I heart Australia
Squirrel, that video has a different routine for where you're at in your cycle? That is really I want it, too!! I'm thinking of trying to do yoga tonight before bed.

Soph, so you picked up the car? I'm going to go check out that link. It's my dream to go to Australia!!! Someday. It'll just be hard to get DH on that long of a flight because he's afraid to fly. I did have to give myself the shot, but I did really well! DH was going to do it, but then he had the syringe and pushed too hard on it (you're supposed to push on it a little to get the air out) and a bunch of the medication came out!!! So, after that I didn't trust him to inject me. :haha: It wasn't bad at all, and I'm a baby. :baby:

So, had first IUI today!:happydance: All went well...DH was terrified to produce a sample in the office. He had to go in this other office down the hall and there were these 2 pretty young blonde girls working in the lab. I felt kind of bad for him when I saw that, but he did his "job" and I was very proud of him. :haha: I kept thinking about how much he must love me to do that in a strange office and have to hand it off to a pretty girl. :cloud9: He had 50 million :spermy: which I think is good. :happydance: One more tomorrow, and then it's waiting time! I want to see if we can sneak in an extra BD session, too, though, for luck.
Forgot that I wanted to say...slightly worried about my DH pushing on the syringe and the medication shooting out...I hope that I got enough of it!:dohh:
ok, first... :saywhat: I'm really shocked and impressed that your doctor's office was open on a Sunday (it is Sunday, right? I didn't just forget to go to work today, did I?) ...................... I've never heard of such a thing!! I didn't realize you were starting today!!

From the limited amount I know about SA's, 50 million is good. I was thinking 40 million was the thresh hold for "good". (But I'm no expert), and besides, don't they spin it and wash out the bad ones? So 50 million to pick from sure sounds like good odds!

How much of the medicine did your OH squirt out? Did you tell your doctor? Super impressed you gave yourself the shot!! I'm not sure I'd trust my OH not to do the same thing and waste all the medicine, but I'm not so sure I could stick myself!

I'll let you know how the fertility yoga dvd's are, but you aren't going to need em! :wohoo: But yes, they have a different workout for when you're menstruating, the folicular phase, ovulation and luteal phase. If nothing else, I hope it's relaxing. I've read sooo much good stuff about yoga and fertility and pregnancy. I keep meaning to tell LuckyD that I read an article about Yoga during pregnancy, but now I can't remember exactly what it was supposed to help with, but it was something good!! :dohh:

I got my first "I-word" appointment scheduled for January 3 at 10:30 am. The very first appointment I could get after switching insurance January 1!!! Now, OH needs to get an SA and get results back by then so I can have the most productive appointment possible. So until then, I'm just going to sit back and not obsess. I'm currently in the mindset that it's not going to happen on it's own, so I may as well relax and enjoy the next few months before all the testing starts... It's actually not a bad place to be, I feel much more relaxed about it all. And you never know, it could turn out to be a surprise.... :haha:

I just went back and re-read, and you did say yesterday you were starting today. I guess my reading comprehension skills aren't always sharp! And I will have every possible finger, toe, eye, boob and vajajay crossed for you. If you end up with triplets, can I have one? :rofl:

I'm so glad you have a vacation during the TWW, I hope you have a wonderful relaxing time!

jill, im so excited for you!! fx super tight for you

ive had a mega busy weekend with guests so havent been on here at all. and im running late so i gotta go but will try to catch up later!!!xxx
I've been to work and come home again and had dinner and STILL no one has been on here?!!? Do you all have lives or something!!?!! lol.

Jill I forgot to ask, where are you going on vacation? You've probably said already, but im rubbish at remembering stuff (except song lyrics, really good at remembering those).

I've brought one of my exams forward and I'm doing it in 2 weeks yikes, i just want to get them all done, because i know once i stop studying i wont ever start again!!

omg my friend at work told me the funniest thing today. she was telling me about her holiday and how she's really scared of snakes. she was on the plane home and she saw the pocket on the back of the seat in front of her move. she saw it do it again, and panicked and pointed it out to her hub. he saw it too, she said it was like something was wiggling around in there. she took her seat belt off and jumped on her seat and started shouting that there was a snake in there!! everyone looked at her like she was crazy, she jumped out of her seat and ran down the aisle of the plane shouting about the snake. The airhostesses and captain came out with like an extinquisher thing to kill the snake with, they opened up the seat pocket (her hubs had been holding it shut) and.....nothing!!!! Transpires that the kid in front had been sitting on her knees, so her toes had been wiggling around in the pocket!!! My friend had to walk back to her seat, EVERYONE sniggering at her, a woman was hyperventalating as she thought there was a snake on the plane, and the lady sitting on the other side of her hub asked to be moved as she didnt want to sit near the crazy people!! how funny, i was nearly crying with laughter.

sorry that was a bit long, but i thought I'd share!!

Are you having a good day?xxx

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