Mommy of IVF Twins!
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Hey peeps. I'm on day 3 of my "30 Day Shred" workout by Jillian Michaels. I'm going to get hotter than hot.

Good job Jill! haha!!
Hey peeps. I'm on day 3 of my "30 Day Shred" workout by Jillian Michaels. I'm going to get hotter than hot.Jill, I'm back on Livestrong.
:wave:Hello Anna, Julia, Honey, Dee, Soph, Myturn, ans Squirrel!!! Hope you are all doing well! I am trying to recover from the witch... and trying to find a (legal) way to make some extra cash... we got a statement from dh's lab work and semen analysis and it was $500.00 and that isn't counting the dr's visit... so I need to get this paid off quickly, so we can go see the fs...
It is hard to come up with that much extra cash! I don't understand why everything to do with fertility or infertility has to be sooooo expensive.
soph-goodluck with the car buy. Hope you got a great deal!
I may be crazy, but since dh's swimmers have problems swimming I am thinking of standing on my head after bd to help them out!?!Just don't know if I can do that for very long???? And I imagine it will be a funny situation to be in.
Have I gone crazy girls?
Aww, lots of dust to you for this cycle.Hi Myturn, Soph, Honey, BBd, Moon, Anna, tryfor and everyone else
Sorry to hear about those with af. CD1 for me today too.
Wow! A car on e-bay, interesting! Good Luck, I hope you got a great deal!
Hi girls, I'm back!!!!
I'm over my meltdown/hissy fit/ttc tantrum - whatever you want to call it, and have my happy back on!
I'm feeling positive about things and am enjoying life (except parent teacher interviews this week at work, but there is nothing I can do about that). One more week of work and I am on my holidays and it's my birthday soon, so what have I got to complain about?
I started acupuncture last week and am going again tomorrow. She says don't 'try' for 3 months while we get everything balanced and healthy egg production happening and just,,, wait for it....... HAVE FUN! If I fall pg, well that is just awesome, if not we will go balls to the wall with conception/fertility points once everything is balanced. That seems to have taken the pressure off a little. I mean I am sure I will still completely obsess, but not so much because we are working on a plan, kwim?
Ok, a funny story, or crazy, I haven't decided which yet. Dh's car is dieing a painful death. It really is running like shite and unroadworthy now. I would cost more to fix it than it is worth so he has started looking around at getting a new one. By new, I mean second hand. We just got my new car recently so not looking to spend a lot of money but he was thinking about an older 4ww with a tow bar so we don't have to rely on my car to tow the boat. He has been looking int he trading post and car yards etc.
Anyway, last night he went to a friends house and I went to bed early. I don't know when he came home because I was sleeping but he comes to bed at midnight and wakes me up. He says, 'Soph, I just bought a car.' I thought he must have gone and had a look at one that night, but nooooooooo he bought it on ebay!!!! Who buys a car on ebay? I asked him if he rang the sellers. Nope. He said he was looking for cars online and it was just freshly listed and he did some quick research and seems to think that car was worth more than what they were asking so it was a bargain and just bought it before anyone else had the chance to. Is he crazy or what??? I just got home from work and he isn't here so I don't know if there are any further developments but i think we are going to pick it up on the weekend, so I will let you know.
So I have gone back a few pages and it doesn't look like we have any more bfps. That's sadLot's of visits from the witch though
I am sorry to all of you who have her company at the moment. She left me a few days ago. I hope we don't see her for a looooong time!
Who has some happy plans for the weekend? We are going to pick up the above mentioned car and I am going to an education expo. Other than that I really hope we can get out in the boat enjoy the start of Spring.
Ok, I managed to convince my husband NOT to paypal the money until we go tomorrow to pick up the car and make sure there is actually a car on the other end of this deal. You hear all the time of people who get royally screwed over on buying cars that do not exist. I also got his to get the VIN number and do a revs check on the car to make sure it has no money owing or encumbrances registered against it and so far it all looks pretty legit. Picking it up in the morning. Sure hope it doesn't break down on the way home!
Honey, I am so jealous of your hot date!! Dh has left me at home to go and watch the footy with his mate johnno who I call his boyfriend. I swear johnno gets to see more of my husband that I do sometimes.
Acupuncture was nice this afternoon. I had needles in my feet, ankles and next to my shins. These were the same points as last time and today I also had 2 below my belly button and one each on either side over the ovaries. I kind of fell asleep and then was half in this dream state when i started to hear myself snoring!!!! How embarrassing! She said not to worry because it happens all the time. Still I was mortified because I ain't a pretty sleeper, that is for sure. As soon as I drop off to la-la land my mouth opens up wide enough to drive a semi trailer through. I call it 'catching flies'. Dh says that i am not one of those people you could say 'sleeps like an angel'. The only thing about my sleeping style I like is that Kai sleeps catching flies tooLike mother like son.