
Honey, what a good story!!! That's hysterical. :rofl: Did you ever see that movie "Snakes on a Plane"? It was really the most ridiculous movie ever, but kind of funny. I'd freak out if someone was saying there was a snake! I'm going on a cruise to the Bahamas and Turks & Caicos. One week left! Can't wait! I hope there are no snakes on my boat. :boat:

Good luck on your test coming up! :thumbup:

Squirrel, yup, my doctor is open 7 days a week all year (except Christmas, I think). I was surprised when I found that out, too. :haha: The whole office isn't open, but they do appointments that are time sensitive, like ultrasounds and bloodwork monitoring for fert. stuff, and of course IUIs. I'm glad they have that policy because it means our IUI was timed perfectly.

We had the 2nd IUI today and DH's counts were lower - 18 million this time. The doctor just said to BD for some extra counts. :haha: Hope I can manage...yesterday felt good, but today my stomach is very crampy.

So, when I was coming out of the dr. office this morning, I discovered some kittens. There is an empty building next door and the kittens must be living under the steps. They were so cute! One was all black and the other was mostly black with white paws and a white nose. I so wanted to take them! I tried to get close to take some pics, but they were very scared. I called two animal shelters, and neither will pick them up, but said there is a feral cat population in that building, and people go down there and feed them. So I guess they'll be ok, but I feel kind of guilty leaving them there. I want a little kittie so badly, and DH says I can't have one. :growlmad:

I even named them...Jack & Diane. Like that song "a little ditty about Jack & Diane."
Squirrel, I forgot to say, good luck on your appointment coming up! I don't believe that you'll wind up needing it, but it's good to be pro-active, I think.
How much of the medicine did your OH squirt out? Did you tell your doctor? Super impressed you gave yourself the shot!! I'm not sure I'd trust my OH not to do the same thing and waste all the medicine, but I'm not so sure I could stick myself!

I didn't tell my doc about the medication, because I figured at that point, there'd be nothing I can do, anyway. We had to do the shot on Sat. night, so no doctors would be around and the medication is shipped from a specialty pharmacy. I just hope enough medication made it into me! :shrug: I'm probably worrying for nothing, though.

So, DH had lower counts today, which I was feeling ok about since his counts were so high yesterday, but just read that washed :spermy: only have 6-12 hours to live. Isn't that crazy??? I feel like I may have O'd this morning, so I hope those poor little suckers made it!
Ahh I can't resist posting! MyTurn, your song about the feral kitties is cracking me up!

A little ditty bout Jack and Diane
Two feral kitties growin' up under the stairs
Jackie's gonna be a crazy tom cat
Diane's gonna give it up whenever she can

Oh yea life goes on
long after Jill's DH won't let her bring a kitty home : )

Honeybee, loved the story about the airplane! Especially the lady next to them wanting to move away from the crazy people!

Jill, I so want to go on vacay with you! I told my hubby that the next vacation we take needs to be somewhere warm. We always go somewhere cold, granted, we like to go skiing and cold is kind of a requirement. But still! I want to sit on a beach having a cabana boy bring me margaritas (no salt, I said no salt!!) Anybody seen the movie Office Space? That's my life at work.... It used to be hysterical, now it just depresses me.... :haha:

Teehee, now I will have that song stuck in my head, thanks so much Jaimie! :rofl:
oooooh Jill i really want a kitty cat but im not allowed one either! boo hoo. oh yeaah life goes on! haha love it.
ooooh my in laws went to turks and caicos this time last year, they loved it. mmm im jealous. i did a caribbean cruise a few years ago, it was amazing. i put on so much weight i ate so much! lol!
glad the second IUI went well. oooooh wonder why your tummy is crampy.
ello jaimie!!! awwww i like that you still check in, hope you're doing ok.
squirrel, if you wanna go somewhere hot but like skiing - maybe you should go somewhere with sand dunes you can do that sand boarding thing people do!! i however love salt on my margaritas. mmmmm margaaaritas. is it wrong to want one at 7,30am!?
urgh work. they've changed my hours for the next month or so, so i have to start an hour earlier but finish an hour earlier.
have a super duper fun day.xXxXx
Hey all i'm here and hoovering around at the moment, Jason had a cold for a day then it was passes to Andy and now to me so i'm full of a cold now, oh and we managed to dtd for 3 days running wooooh
Sorry girlies! :wave: I have been so busy lately I havent had the chance to read anything or catch up! Will do soon! CD7 for me today (ticker is off by one day). I cant wait to get this damned witch out of my life for good!

Hot steamy sex for TTC this month! Thats it!
Oh pick me!! I had hot steamy sex last night!! dh was like a cave man, I like it like that!!
Pretty sure I Oed yesterday, so 1dpo today and the wait begins. We haven't had much bd though. Oh well, lets see what happens. 3 more days at work, can't wait for holidays, soooooooooooooo tired :(
Julia - wahoo for hot steamy sex, and letting the good times roll!!! YEYYY!! Hopefully it'll be the answer to all our problems! (it's certainly the answer to one of my problems lol!!)

ello Soph! ooh how long are you off for? wish our summer would come back!! it's miserable here. ooooh you have such short cycles don't you. fx.

hi everyone else, are you having a good day?

its so miserable and cold today. Im going to have a bath and read a book i think, ive been studying all evening.
dh is playing squash tomorrow, so we've had to move date night to thursday. im so excited about it, cant wait.

I just finished my first fertility yoga session. Did the menstrual phase one, since obviously that's where I'm at right now! Pretty decent into section where a doctor explained how the menstrual phase workout was to help clear things out, then follicular is to help things grow, etc.

It was mostly just stretching to open up the hips, hamstrings and back. But in the end I did feel very relaxed. I do wish, though, they would have mentioned how often you should do the workouts..... like, do they recommend you do it every night, three times a week, or what?? oh well, I'm planning on giving it everything I got and trying to do it most nights. If nothing else it will really help with my flexibility, which will help in the TTHF-hot sex department! :rofl:
wahoo for increased flexibility SG!!! lol. that yoga sounds good, ive never done yoga. is it similar to pilates?
Happy day, happy day :)
I won a competition today!!
The Queensland Resources Council which is about mining/energy/science eduction has been running a term 3 competition where they put out a weekly question for teachers to answer. I won the week 9 question!!

This from the website:
Question: In a solar thermal collector, what colour are the surfaces normally painted and why?

Answer: Dark coloured as these absorb more energy.

Congratulations to our winner from Week 9, Sophia Marini - Mabel Park State School.

I can't wait to see my prize!! Only thing is they will be sending it to my school and that mean I probably wont get it til after the holidays, Oh the suspense!
ello Soph! ooh how long are you off for? wish our summer would come back!! it's miserable here. ooooh you have such short cycles don't you. fx.

hi everyone else, are you having a good day?

its so miserable and cold today. Im going to have a bath and read a book i think, ive been studying all evening.
dh is playing squash tomorrow, so we've had to move date night to thursday. im so excited about it, cant wait.

2 weeks of bliss coming my way. I know they say teachers have it easy with all those holidays, but far out, we need them! There would be no teachers if there were no holidays. Such an exhausting job. Yes it is satisfying and I love it, but it sure takes it out of you and you need those holidays to recharge and get ready to face another 10 weeks with the little devils.

Honey, my cycles are dead on average for the most part on 28/29 days but the last 2 were especially short having Oed on days 10 and 8. This cycle is back to normal on cd13. Even those couple of days either way make a difference in the long run as to how many cycles you have been trying for though doesn't it? I've been going for 9 months but 10 cycles. And I think by memory you are on cycle 10 as well but have been trying since November (am I right or completely mixing you up with someone else?). It is just not fair is it?
Yeah soph you're right, cycle 10 but since November. it does totally suck. mine are like 33-38 days - would love them to be shorter. but im not even thinking about it. i dont know what cd im on. dunno when i'll ov. no idea when af's due. im done with ttc for now. :gun:
2 weeks, nice. Hey, i dont think we'll be going down under now, it was getting soooo expensive. may go to thailand instead. where did you go soph? we're looking at bangkok and hua hin.
im such a nightmare, i always look at about a zillion holiday options before i pick what i want to do.

me and hubs have been married for 9 months today wahoo. he cancelled squash to take me out for dinner tonight yey.
wowzers im sleepy, really need an early night.

everyone having a good day?
Happy nine months!!
Yeah I know what you say about holidays getting expensive. They add up so quickly. In Thailand we went to Bangkok and Koh Samui. Personally I wouldn't go back to Koh Samui, it was tooo touristy. I would have loved to go to Krabbi and Chang Mai. If we ever go back those are my top destinations.
Yay! for yoga... I have had a migraine three days in a row and yesterday I said a prayer and started yoga and God healed my headache. Today my migraine came back... I came home and did yoga and my headache is gone again. Woo hooo! Thank you Jesus! :)
Soph you are right... if it wasn't for the holidays I don't think I could be a teacher. Those kids wear me out some days. I love them, but they test my faith!

Hello everyone!!! How is everyone doing?
how ya doing bbdreams? are you going with hot sex for fun this month?

im so tired, so glad it's friday tomorrow!
Ahh I can't resist posting! MyTurn, your song about the feral kitties is cracking me up!

A little ditty bout Jack and Diane
Two feral kitties growin' up under the stairs
Jackie's gonna be a crazy tom cat
Diane's gonna give it up whenever she can

Oh yea life goes on
long after Jill's DH won't let her bring a kitty home : )

This is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl: :rofl:

Honeybee, loved the story about the airplane! Especially the lady next to them wanting to move away from the crazy people!

Jill, I so want to go on vacay with you! I told my hubby that the next vacation we take needs to be somewhere warm. We always go somewhere cold, granted, we like to go skiing and cold is kind of a requirement. But still! I want to sit on a beach having a cabana boy bring me margaritas (no salt, I said no salt!!) Anybody seen the movie Office Space? That's my life at work.... It used to be hysterical, now it just depresses me.... :haha:

Teehee, now I will have that song stuck in my head, thanks so much Jaimie! :rofl:
We should totally do a TTC cruise!!!! Now I'm thinking about margaritas, too, but am not drinking on this vacation, boo! Office Space is one of my favorite movies of all time! My office looks eerily similar to the office in the movie, and even has a similar name....scarrrryyy.
I just finished my first fertility yoga session. Did the menstrual phase one, since obviously that's where I'm at right now! Pretty decent into section where a doctor explained how the menstrual phase workout was to help clear things out, then follicular is to help things grow, etc.

It was mostly just stretching to open up the hips, hamstrings and back. But in the end I did feel very relaxed. I do wish, though, they would have mentioned how often you should do the workouts..... like, do they recommend you do it every night, three times a week, or what?? oh well, I'm planning on giving it everything I got and trying to do it most nights. If nothing else it will really help with my flexibility, which will help in the TTHF-hot sex department! :rofl:
Yoga video sounds fantastic. I'm so going to get it! I found a prenatal yoga class that starts in October and I'm hoping the IUI worked so I can join. :haha:
Happy day, happy day :)
I won a competition today!!
The Queensland Resources Council which is about mining/energy/science eduction has been running a term 3 competition where they put out a weekly question for teachers to answer. I won the week 9 question!!

This from the website:
Question: In a solar thermal collector, what colour are the surfaces normally painted and why?

Answer: Dark coloured as these absorb more energy.

Congratulations to our winner from Week 9, Sophia Marini - Mabel Park State School.

I can't wait to see my prize!! Only thing is they will be sending it to my school and that mean I probably wont get it til after the holidays, Oh the suspense!

Awww, congrats on winning! And have a great time on your holiday!!

Yay! for yoga... I have had a migraine three days in a row and yesterday I said a prayer and started yoga and God healed my headache. Today my migraine came back... I came home and did yoga and my headache is gone again. Woo hooo! Thank you Jesus! :)
Soph you are right... if it wasn't for the holidays I don't think I could be a teacher. Those kids wear me out some days. I love them, but they test my faith!

Hello everyone!!! How is everyone doing?

Yay to answered prayers!! :hugs:

Right now, I'm praying I make the right decision in regards to work...had a couple of interviews and think I'm about to get an offer on one that would basically be going back to my old job. It's just slightly less stressful than where I'm at now, but I feel like I'm giving up on my current job and I like the people a lot. I'm confused. :shrug:

Honey, I tried to include you in my quote, and don't think it worked...happy 9 months anniversary!!!!!!!!!

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