
ooooh waiting, i have ewcm too, not doing opks or anything this month, but looks like im close to ov too.

hey jaimie, yeah it's frustrating huh. how ya doing?

everyone having a good day? I just did a belly blaster dvd, oh my do my tummy muscles hurt now!! off to
Hi honey, got a bit of ewcm today too so maybe we'll ov at the same time!
Soph, yay for the awesome Doctor! And hopefully DH will come around to the SA. When my DH was supposed to do his, the sterile container and the paper bag to take it to the fertility doctor seemed to sit there on his night stand for weeks, and because I think he really didnt want to do it, thats the cycle he got me pregnant. I trulythink it was to avoid the SA! lmao :rofl: Hopefully he'll just get you pregnant also so he doesn;t have to do the SA!
Honey, I have been on the edge of my seat for nearly 2 weeks waiting for your results!!! Fingers Crossed! Fingers Crossed!!!
Hiya Girls! :hi:

I have been only taking opks (not digi ones) and it seems my line yesterday morning is about 5 shades darker than it was yesterday evening and this morning. Do you think it was darker because I used FMU yesterday morning? All the other opks I used SMU. I also had some clear kinda EWCM yesterday but a hard and low cervix, which was also open,but then again it has been open since my MC. My body is sending me mixed signals! It surely cant be O right? I always get horrific ovulation pain from either ovary and back pain and I havent gotten any of that.
Ugh.....Oh well!!! I have been having hot sexy :sex: every other day anyhow!!!
how ya doing bbdreams? are you going with hot sex for fun this month?

im so tired, so glad it's friday tomorrow!

Hi honey! How are you?

I am good! Just have a terrible y- infection that I can't get rid of!!! Yes, I am trying for fun sex this month, but kinda hard with this monster infection!!!

Hello to everyone else! Hope you are having a good week.

BOOOOO!!! To the Y Infection!!! Hope everything gets better! :flow:

Hi there everyone, sorry again for being gone more...
Dunno what to do with myself lately. Have been trying not to obsess about the TTC stuff, and as such, haven't been near BnB much either.

Funnily enough, I managed to get so chillaxed about my cycles, that today when I went to pop in last weeks sexual escapades, I find that I'm on CD49.

Seems like my body is putting me on stupidly long long long long long cycles. Or something, like it did last cycle. I just dunno what to expect anymore. I think I'm broken.
Don't wanna tell DP I'm all broken and can't make babies though, he'd be so upset.

:hugs: Miss Ya Girlfriend!!! You are not broken. If my cycles are going to stay long, I am either A). Going back to the RE before Christmas and starting our treatment we were supposed to start, or B). Going to go on birth control for a few cycles to regulate my cycles to a 28 day cycle and start all over again. At least then you will know when Ovultion is and won't have to wait 2 months for ovulation. :hugs:

hey girlys i'm here still, just had a really bad cold though so going to the doctors today see if they can give me some antibiotics to help me, anyway hope everyone is doing alright and that i havent missed anything.

i'm on CD 18 now and my boobs have been tender sense CD 15 i believe, dunno what that means but yesterday i started getting eggwhite and alot of it so im going to see what happens, been doing it like rabbits sense the MC so fingers crossed we will get somewhere soon.

:hugs: this is for you girlys out there


:hi: I'm having a good weekend, but had my hair done and I think it came out too blonde. It's almost white. :dohh: Packing for vacation tomorrow! I've had a crazy couple of days. Got a job offer and accepted so will be starting a new job soon. Well, it's really my old job that I'm going back to. Anyhoo...that's caused some excitement. I'm happy, but nervous and can't help but feel a little sad. Weird mixture, I know. The older I get the harder time I have with change, I think.

Honey - don't worry, I'm sure the people you talked to were probably drunk, too!:dohh:

Moon - :hugs:

Have a GREAT Vacation!!!! :beer: :wine: party party!!! LOL Congratulations on the new job, hooray!


Im not too sure what cd i am julia, i know im a couple of days ahead of you though so maybe cd15/16? i could work it out but i kinda like not knowing!! I've got ewcm today though wahoo so should ov in a few days. Gonna keep up the sexy sex during until af shows though! yeah!!
is hailey still enjoying school? has she made any new friends?

soph, yey to a new phone! I love getting new toys. i want a new camera, but i have noooo idea which one to get lol.

waiting! Hey hon, havent seen you in ages, how are you? yeah i know, hilarious story huh! Im so glad i wasnt on the plane with her, i hate snakes too i would have been the woman hyperventalating!

Jill, i hate it when my hair gets dyed too light, but it's probably not as light as you think it is. wahoooo for vacation! have a great time!

Hey everyone else!

exam a week tomorrow, revision is not going well. i don't seem to care as much as i did about my last ones, i need to get my ass into gear coz i cant fail. going to have some soup then do some studying.


Sexy Sex and EWCM and No TTC Stress???? AF is so not showing up this cycle for you! Thinking of my BNB bestie!!! :cloud9:
Hailey is loving school! She was off yesterday for a teacher in service day! Hailey made a good friend, named Hailey! lmfao!!!

Hey Ladies!

Soph, Squirrel, and Honey ~ I've got my FX'd that you get spectacular SA results. I really truly feel for all of you having to deal with their reluctance and fears. Here we've been dealing with the roller coaster every cycle and all they need to do is produce a sample! Really, it isn't much different than peeing in a cup!! But I still try to be understanding about it, even if I find it frustrating that they can't just do that one simple thing when we have to do so much more. It really is just fear on their part (about their parts!). The best we can do is try to be understanding despite the fact that we have to go through so many more tests, procedures, emotional trauma, etc through all of this!

Howdy Dee and Waiting4!

:kiss: Love you much and miss you tons!!!!! :flow:
longest multi post ever girl!!

wow, seems to be a lot of ewcm around huh!! My mum always says girls 'work together or live together, bleed together'. when i lived at home my sisters and i had our cycles in sync (poor daddy for having to put up with three teenagers with pmt lol), maybe us hanging out in here together has the same effect?!??!!? lmao

could be because of the fmu i guess hun? i was always rubbish with opks, coz i drink loads of water, and they always say not to use fmu for some reason. i only use smileys or cbfm so i can use fmu.
TryFor, I agree with Honey - I am rubbish at the non digital ones. I think you are supposed to do OPKs in the afternoon rather than preg tests which is FMU but I dont think OPKs make any difference when you do them.

If you havent O yet, I imagine it will be very soon - so just keep up the good work!
longest multi post ever girl!!

wow, seems to be a lot of ewcm around huh!! My mum always says girls 'work together or live together, bleed together'. when i lived at home my sisters and i had our cycles in sync (poor daddy for having to put up with three teenagers with pmt lol), maybe us hanging out in here together has the same effect?!??!!? lmao

I've heard that too!

Tryfor - interesting question on the opks, I've never taken one with FMU so can't really say. I know they say that it shouldn't be used in the morning but don't know why. Maybe do one in the morning and see what you get?
Howdy TryFor! My understanding is that the hormone that makes us ov takes time to circulate through our systems, that is why ov sticks should be used between 10 am and 2 or so. Does seem a bit early for you to be ov'ing. If you just keep at it every other day you'll definitely have your bases covered. That is what I did this cycle, then "saved up" for a couple of days before my most fertile day.
omg I am going to kill my cockatiel!!!!!!!!! He is soooooooo hormonal and driving us up the freaking wall!
During winter he calmed right down but as soon as Spring hit he went MENTAL! He is masturbating at least 10 times a day and for every other second he is screaming his head off for no good reason.
As soon as his cage is uncovered in the morning he heads for his girlfriend (the peg) and pleasures himself, then starts his screaming. He flies over to Buddy's cage where he can climb down the ladder to the ground (why he doesn't just fly to the ground I don't know). He then heads for the kitchen where he wants to build a nest behind the bin. Enter any unsuspecting victim going to the fridge for a drink and BAM!! bird attack on the foot!!!! He is so naughty.
We have a friend with a female tiel, I think we need to do some matchmaking. Maybe Fletcher can go and live with Daisy for the breeding season. If they bond he may have to stay there and we can still visit him. We love him, but he is soooo anxious I think he needs to be with a female and we are not willing to have another bird.
I always used my regular and digi opk's in the morning (FMU) but I started this cycle with my SMU because I pee'd then went to the store and went right in the bathroom to pee. So since I used SMU the first day, I did that everyday.
You girls are all right,as I do remember hearing all of that!
Dee,I amgoing to do it in the morning with FMU and see what I get. I did another one this afternoon, just to compare lines and it was even lighter than this mornings! If tomorrow morning's line is really light like this afternoons was, I am wondering if I shall consider myself as in the two week wait. I hope not, as I only :sex: 2 times!
Jaimie, I agree. I think just doing every other day should cover my bases if I havent O'd yet! Love ya lots! Miss ya!
Honey, OMG! 3 teenage girls! LOL Thats how my sisters and I are/were now! Sooo funny!
Ok so I took a regular opk this morning with FMU and it is darker than the rest. So thats probably it, I am using very concentrated LH pee! :)
is it positive yet? I just did one (being home to study isnt good for me!!) and it was totally negative. no idea if i've ov'd already or not. not going to start obsessing again though, will just keep dtd every few days until the witch shows. she will show. she always shows. i wonder what it will be like when she doesnt show.

you having a good day?
hey girlys i'm here i havent ran away lol

anyway i had blood test monday for my INR (warfarin results) anyway i was talking to the nurse there she said yes i did have a misscarrage on the 31st as it was a heavy bleed, anyway she was saying about me seeing a diffrent doctor about putting me on a injection (like the warfarin but injection form) that is safer to take incase i do fall pregnant because she thinks that the warfarin was to blame for me misscarrying, anyway i have an appointment next thursday (30th) to sort all that out, so i am hoping that this time round will be it, i have yet again the same symtoms as i did end of aug where i felt tired alot, back was hurting, i felt sick odd times, boobs was feeling strange, but sense last thursday i was on steriods and antibiotics with a bad cold, i am still on my antibioitcs till tomorrow hopefully i will be better then but for some reason i have been after it all the time, why is this?

anyway i hope you girls are doing alright and that there was some BFPs while i was away, if not fingers crossed for you girls and take it easy
Take Care Anna!

Honey, the lines yesterday were the same in color, but when I used to take thses tests the test line would be mega mega dark, so I am waiting until I see some of that again. Plus I normally get wicked Ovulation pains in one of my ovaries I believe on the day of ovulation. I think its going to be another long long cycle.......blah
I hope she doesnt show for you, its getting old already!!! lmao I am CD16 today so 'roughly' you'd probably be around CD20-ish right? Do you normally ovulate around then?
Any news on the SA yet?
Hi Honey & Tryfor - I think today might be ov today for me. Will do OPK later today so will know for sure!

Anna - :hi:
Hiya Dee!!! OOoooh! Have fun :sex:

My opk today has lines that are the same color. After about an hour or two I decided to dip my digi in the pee from this morning (I didnt want to dump it just incase I changed my mind) and the digi is negative with a very light line. I have been feeling little twinges in my right and left ovary, but then again I guess it could be constipation pains.

I am in a bit of a mood today, as I get every week around thursday or friday. Wouldve been 24 weeks this week. Totally sucks seeing other girls moving on past the past I was. Don't get me wrong, its great that everything is going great, it just sucks.

Blah......well on a better note, today is our 4th wedding anniversary! I bought 3 lobster tails, steamed seasoned shrimp and cream of crab soup for dinner for my hsuband, hailey and I. I am going to light some candles, enjoy my red wine, and then after dinner,give hailey a bath, read her book 'Olivia', put her to bed and then happy baby dance time with daddy!!!


awww happy anniversary hun!!! hope a nice evening with your hubs will change your mood around.

yeah i must be around there. i normally ov around cd 16-cd20. so i may have ov'd already, or maybe i will do soon! who knows. i seem to get bad ov pain every other month. had it last month, so not expecting it this month. we'll see. yeah it is old already.

ooooh dee, fx for your positive opk. i love that loads of us are in sync.

soph, you must be well into the 2ww by now?
Thanks Honey and happy anniversary tryfor. Food sounds yummy. Have fun!
SA RESULT SA RESULT!! My doc just called, hubs spermies are all ok WAHOOOOOO!!!!! Yeah!!!!
She's referring us to a fertility clinic who can start looking into things further. Really hope it happens for us soon so we don't have to go down that route though.
Called hubs to tell him, he is SO relieved!!!

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