lol jaimie about the 18 year old!!! I have heard of that working, and it scares me that maybe dh's sperms just hate my eggy. Maybe my egg nags them too much?! They're probably really untidy sperm, bet my egg hates that. Perhaps they just dont get along, and so when they meet, they refuse to do what they're meant to do. Gah.
Plenty of red spotting. Game over. On to cycle 11. ELEVEN!!! Pah. I'm f*cked off (which is better than sad I guess )
oooooooh and to REALLLY cheer me up, I found out last night one of my BILs and his wife are expecting. Fabulous. Still, they live a long way away so at least I wont have to watch her get all fat and pregnant and stuff.
anyhooo, at least it's the weekend!! waaaahooooooooo!!!

Honey, I am so so so sorry. She's not meant to bother you. Damnit. Why cant she bother young teenage mom wannabe's???.....Totally sucks about your BIL and wife. I mean, its probably good for them because they probably want it, but know what I mean.
Hi Tryfor, how are you this morning?
I am doing ok. I am awaiting AF for tomorrow or the next day. I am very watery down there, like I always get right before she shows and some very light cramping. My In Laws just got down here a few hours ago, so they get to experience me moody again when AF comes!

I wanted to buy a hpt before they came but they got here very very early, so I didnt get to buy one. I wanted to rule it out before I drink this weekend.
How are you? I see you are spotting, Im sorry Dee. Like I keep saying.....sick of this shit.
Yes, we are here! :wave: How are you???
Jaimie, 18 year old studs probably have super killer sperm!!!
i'm doing alright hun thanks for asking, hope your doing alright where abouts are you in your cycle now?
I am CD32/13 or 14dpo and due for AF either today or tomorrow. Today is almost over so I am sure she will be here tomorrow. I am extremely tired, very very bloated, backache for 2 days and very watery down there where I feel like af arrived when it didnt yet and my Cp is low and hard.....just a waiting game now.
Where are you at on your cycle?
I have got the WORST cramps I've ever had. i feel like I'm dying, i wanna throw up. taken painkillers, got a hot water bottle. nothing's helping, I dont know what to do with myself!!!xxx
UGH!!! I have never known you to have horrible cramps!! I am so sorry!!!

A nap and painkillers downed by a glass of wine should do the trick!!!
So glad to read you're feeling better!
Having a pretty good day, just been sitting on the couch paying bills, watching tv, playing a bit of Little Big Planet and otherwise not doing much at all. Gotta get up and start making that chili though. The weather is fantastic, I should take the dog for a walk too...
Weather is beautiful! Yumm Chili, perfect for fall!!!
I do hon - no one understands fully unless they've been where you are at personally. And nearly a year of TTC totally sucks

I put up all my fall and halloween decorations today. And we just finished weeding the alley way. Tomorrow I'm going to put a bunch of plants we've been given along our fence in the alley way. Hopefully those native plants will make it more difficult for the weeds to take over.
I got bit by a nasty black ant and it hurts! They have a type of sting that really burns for hours afterwards. We have some crazy mean bugs here in the desert.
Dont you also have scorpions out there as well??? Ouch! Hooray for the plants!
That's cool. Will you carve out a pumpkin? I havent done that in years. Not cool about the ant though! Ouchie.
This thread doesn't have a great success rate does it?! Wonder why.
I think this is going to be my month. I think the thing that is stopping me from getting knocked up, is me believing it'll never happen. I'm going with the power of PMA and acu all the way this cycle.
I think maybe we should scrap this thread and make some new thread thats sweet and meant for us happy go lucky, lovale long time ttcrs?!!!
Love the PMA!