
hello!!! im back from the rugby and a teeny tiny bit drunk lol!!! my soph, please can i have a mudshake!! I've been drinking beer with the boys all arvo!!

been spotting pink again today STUPID witch i hate her.

hang on, gotta get dh a snack lol.....

Oh, Sussex is down south! Gotcha. It was a while ago I lived there (2000/2001) and geography has never been my strong point! Yep, worked there in a second-hand bookshop on Charing Cross Rd. It was one of my favourite jobs ever - got to read lots and there were so many interesting customers. Plus right in the centre of London. It was awesome - so enjoyed my time in England.

My husband worked in a book shop in Edinburgh, he LOVED it, said it was the coolest job. But he has had a lot of cool jobs before settling down and teaching. He ran a backpackers in Kings Cross, Sydney and worked for the UN as a volunteer english teacher in a little border village Koh Kong, in Cambodia. He lived there for 2 years so when we went there last year it was great having him as he could speak Khmer and the locals thought it was so cool having a white man speaking there language - we got a lot of special treatment, and they loved playing with our boys too.

Just drinking my last mudshake :( Had 2 left for tonight and I think they will be my last - for 9 months ;)
And besides they are not good for my waistline!
Oh, Celtic - poor you! That sounds painful and not conducive to fun BDing!! Hope the muscles loosen up! How did you do it?

Soph - wow, that's awesome about your hubby, sounds like he has done some really interesting things. Hope the NZ trip isn't too boring for him after living in Cambodia!

I am loving this thread, loving getting to know everyone better. Am I right in thinking that the 'team' threads are not accessible to those that don't belong to BnB? Cos that makes me just want to share more....!
Is there any way to take a folate supplement apart from in tablet form?
I got a natural liquid multi vitamin that has folate in it from the health food store, but there are also warnings on it against pregnant or TTC ladies taking it because of the vitamin A or some such.

I went through FIVE pre-natal tablets this morning before I finally managed to keep ONE in my stomach, I have a LOT of trouble with tablets, they tend to make me vomit....
Anyone have any idea?
No no Julia dont worry I do have my own son, I have a stepson that I obviously treat as my own and trying for my second biological child was just explaining how I felt at the time when I was looking into IVF lost all hope luckily I fell pregnant eventually naturally. I read back on my post and dont think I explained it well haha....
You would never upset me anyway

hehe Soph make the most of it while you can!

haha honey about choc milkshake I forget the time diff when reading these posts sometimes, Im quite annoying when im tipsy I talk enough as it is but even more after a drink drives him insane he is very quiet
I had a couple of boyfriends before my DH and thought I was in love but now I know I wasnt just feel content and would never now even thinking about looking for someone else content and nothing has got boring as yet lol... yeah we have our ups and downs but who wouldnt Like honey ses as long as your happy

Yummy LuckyD Im starving now!

WTF Niamh that is so funny I am crying with laughter and my DH is just looking at me funny

Moondance Im really not sure about that I take the pregnacare tablet Ive not heard of it being in a liquid sorry hun unless anyone else knows?
moondance are you ok? that's a bit of a deep question. i can only speak from experience, i was crazy in love with my first boyfriend (you know, first love crazy), my second 'proper' boyfriend i thought i was in love with, was with him a couple of years, but i left him because there was something missing. looking back i wasnt realllly in love with him ya know? i loved him like a brother. and now im with dh, who im so completely crazy in love with that it hurts (melodramatic i know, but ya know what i mean).
only you know if it's right, and so long as you're happy, thats the main thing.xx

It's not like I'm unhappy, ah, its hard to describe.... I think right now its just my usual AF moodiness happening.... I have, since I was 12, suffered severe depression, and late last year was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and though for most of this year, its been pretty okay, whenever I get my periods, my mood shifts back to how it always used to be when I was depressed, and though there is nothing wrong, I feel like there is. I've always been this way though. I get paranoid and freaked out, partly because I bloat like a whale during AF, I feel fat, disgusting, wonder how my sweety can love me, the smallest thing sets me crying at the drop of a hat...
Partly its because of friends, I used to have a girl who I considered my best friend, and while I was living with her, because I couldn't do things perfectly, she would go schitzo on me, saying "no wonder nobody likes you" and calling me names and things, and when I feel horrid like I do now, I remember all that stuff. I feel useless and empty and stupid and pathetic.:cry:
But I'm okay, it'll pass...

Hey Jaime, Moondance, Honeybee, Squirrel - everyone else!!

Hullo Lucky, Celtic, Jaime, Honey, Squirrel, tryfor, EVERYONE!
Moondance - get them to reevaluate you. I was also diagnosed with Borderline personality disorder, but turns out it was Bipolar all along - often starts as severe depression and at least that one is more easily treatable. Like you my cycles determine my mood to a tremendous extent - usually severe depression when AF arrives and once AF is finished I'm usually fine til after I ovulate and then downhill from there (and that is even on medication) By the way what did happen with your horse?

Today the other vet that works in my practice had her home burgled and they poisoned all her dogs - one was fine, one died and the other two I had to see to in the hospital. Its awful and I am never keen on treating another vets pets. The one is critical and the other should be fine soon. Its been a busy morning. She was on holiday so is returning to sort everything out this afternoon - its a long drive to get back.

6dpo today and I am playing computer games to try to pass time. I do not feel pregnant or not pregnant - I feel nothing, which is nice cause then I can just carry on as usual.

Soph the things that happen when we are pregnant - so just enjoy the time before ovulation - that way we can even celebrate when we aren't pregnant - it gives us another two weeks+ to live it up a bit. Your husband sounds like he is involved in a lot of things - must be nice.
Moondance - get them to reevaluate you. I was also diagnosed with Borderline personality disorder, but turns out it was Bipolar all along - often starts as severe depression and at least that one is more easily treatable. Like you my cycles determine my mood to a tremendous extent - usually severe depression when AF arrives and once AF is finished I'm usually fine til after I ovulate and then downhill from there (and that is even on medication) By the way what did happen with your horse?

The diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder was one that happened over several months of therapy, the doctors said my moods were not erratic enough to be Bipolar. Specially since I do spend long periods of time being okay and not an emo shit.

And when you ask what happened to my horse, do you mean the physical things that made him the way he is? Or whats happening with him now, and me not knowing where to keep him?
Originally, he was bred and raised by my partner. He's currently 6 and a half. He went into race training at age 5, and late last year whilst in the care of the race training facility, some idiot at the stables abused both him, and my partners other horse, Dennis. He apparently was seen repeatedly slapping their faces, slapping their ears, punching them between the eyes, that sort of thing, a lot of head abuse. Both my horse, Regal, and the other horse, Dennis, ended up somewhat headshy from the whole experience, very mistrusting of people on the whole. Regal however was made worse by an accident that happened because of his abuser.
One day Regal was limping a bit, but it turned out not to be a limp, just one of his race shoes coming loose, but he was taken outside, tied to a fence and left to await the arrival of the vet. When the vet arrived, the abuser guy went out and started manhandling Regal and shoving him around, yelling at him, and he freaked out and threw his head back.
The fence he was tied to had a large spike of metal poking out of it where they were redoing the fence, he had a section the size of my palm ripped off his face, right near to his left eye. It healed well, physically, as the vet was on hand to immediately stitch it up, but since the incident Regal as been very peculiar around people. Very jumpy, flighty, skittish.
When Baz and I first started dating, I made friends with his horse Dennis very easily, but Regal was less open to me, and I asked Baz what happened and Baz told me the whole story. I decided right then that what I wanted to do, was help Regal deal, because due to abuse as a kid, I spent most of my life being messed up and scared, and something in me said that he was living that same way and I didnt want that for him.
In my first few days of working with him, I went from not being able to get anywhere near him, to being able to cuddle his face, having him lick my hand, having him chew my hair, having him WANT cuddles and attention.
I didn't go to my sweeties place for a few weeks due to bizarro scheduling conflicts, as he lives so far away, we don't usually bother having me go there when he's too busy to spend time with me, if you get that? But by the end of those few weeks, Regal was missing my attentions and started going to Baz for attention.
Last time I was down there, Regal came to me immediately, following me around. He's shown he wants to trust again, but at the same time, he is afraid...
But we're working it out.
Sounds like you are very good with Regal. Animals tend to know when they are with someone they can trust :) He is lucky that you came into his life.
Sounds like you have done an excellent job with Regal - it takes a lot of patience to get through to abused animals.

That is interesting what they said about BPD (Borderline) as I was under the impression that that disorder results in even more erratic mood swings and fewer periods of normality than bipolar - just that you shouldn't get the swings into mania that come with bipolar (maybe that is what they meant) As I said after multiple periods of severe depression they diagnosed me with Borderline but I tend to have more stable relationships than borderline has too - thats also why I am asking because you seem to be quite stable with your boyfriend. Just ignore me if I frustrate you asking this - I'm just interested because of my own past.

The dogs I treated this morning died so I am not feeling so great about that - they were very ill, but still its not nice.
Moondance can you try crushing them and adding them to food may be! the concern about vit A is to much can case birth defects, my understanding is that it would have to be high amounts though. they would generally have safe amounts in supplements and the vit A you get from your food is in the form of beta carotene and would not have the same effects . I would ask the chemist or my doc if your worried or just swap when you get that BFP:thumbup: oh and your amazing and always remember that :flower:

Tankit so sorry about the dogs :cry: that would break my heart, I love animals

LuckyD I don't know how I did it I woke up with it yesterday and it just got worse and worse, I have loosened up now though, wish I was sore for a good reason LOL :winkwink:

wantingagirl I know it so good, I was laughing my head off as well :thumbup: glad you liked it.

HoneyBee you look like you had so much fun :happydance:
Tanikit - that is just nuts about those poor dogs. Why on earth was the burgler so vengeful? Ugh! Are you a vet?

Moondance - so sad about the abuse at the race track. I know there are good people in the racing industry, but i've heard far too many bad stories from the track...

Did I tell you and Moondance that my Mom is a ferrier? She also has a couple of carriages and morgans to pull her around in them ; P

I agree ladies, I love getting to know you all better and other aspects of your lives.

Niamh - that is quite a fetching avatar!

TryFor - did you know that shit on a shingle is an actual meal? it is some sort of meat on toast. there are a few restaurants where I grew up that you can order it at - so that lovely saying is on the menu at those fine dining establishments ; P My Mom also likes to say "well I'll be dipped" and one day she told me that the full expression is "well I'll be dipped in shit". She only pulls out the full expression for special occasions. My mom is a pretty salty broad!

LuckyD - that sounds like a fantastic movie - I'm fascinated with Lennon. I also really like Harry Nilsson - a singer songwriter he was pals with during his "lost years" when he left Yoko.

Shona - I'm sorry the EPO has been messing with you! It is making me wonder about taking it - but my cycles seem to be staying consistent despite the EPO. I'm only taking about half the recommended dosage. I'll keep an eye on things though. I definitely feel like I'm getting better cm due to it, but I don't want headaches or fluctuating ov dates!!

Honeybee and Soph - have you ever had an espresso martini? I had one on Friday night and sometimes I motivate to make them at home. I make them with a shot of espresso, chocolate flavored vodka and a dash of kahlua. Then I put a yummy cinammon sugar mix on the rim of the glass! alcohol makes me sleepy so I usually drink a coffee before going out, but this drink is a mix of both ; )

Sounds like we are having a good weekend out there around the globe! I've got some laundry and bathrooms to clean this morning, but then I'm going to make some greens and beans for dinner at a friend's house tonight. I just had a nice video chat with my DH - he works at a solar telescope and he wanted to show me the incredible view from the top. He has to work one weekend a month up there.

Loads of baby dust as we approach ovulisciousness - hope y'all get some quality BDing in. No more pulled muscles though!
oh my goodness! Lots to read up on in here! Not even sure where to start, so I figure I'll just say HEY EVERYONE!

I've just been spring cleaning, moving all the furniture to thoroughly vacuum and throwing out stuff I don't need. I always enjoy a nice clean house, so while it's tiring at the time, I love the end result!

LuckyD, I'm happy for you and your land purchase. Hope you find the perfect home for it! My OH and I have 6 acres in the country and we absolutely love it. Our dog really seems to be happier too. We go for a walk every single day (weather permitting) and it's just so peaceful. I'm not sure I could ever live in a city again. Not a big fan of noisy neighbors, and now I'm so used to the peace out here!

Anyway, guess I'd better get back to vacuuming! Hope everyone has a fantastic, fun-filled day!
Thank you honeybee for the invite to join you lovely ladies! :hi: You made me feel so special.:hugs:

Well, I am so glad I finally got my ass in here and read through all the posts, this vibe is exactly what I needed! After AF got me this last time, I lost hope and was (and still am) very emotional. I tried to catch up on BnB threads, but was so uninterested in the whole TTC. Don't get me wrong, I really wanted to catch up with you girls, but didn't feel like digging through 100s of posts to do so. So now I'll officially be TTHF! Our counselor even ordered it...he told us we should not try so hard to have a baby, that we should just focus on our relationship and the rest should come. Now...I don't know how you can not try too hard without temping or POACBFMS every morning :confused: :help:

Anyway, I've really enjoyed all the stories here, you girls make me laugh. I especially enjoyed the stories about how you all got together with your DP's...:cloud9:. They're all sooo romantic and special. It reminds me of why we want a baby so bad... I think it is the ultimate expression of love! So, in keeping with the 'tell your love story', eventhough i kinda joined late, here's mine:

DH and I met [the first time] on a blind date, and I went to meet him up at his house. Turns out, that time I was soooo NOT attracted to him. Plus, we came to my apartment and he fell asleep in my lame!!! So I woke him up, took him back home, and never called him again. According to him, he was very interested, called me lots of times, but I never returned the calls. If you ask me, I can't recall him calling, but I guess since I was so uniterested I blocked any mental record of that experience.

The second time I met him, fast forward a year and a half later, I see this cute guy in a club and I asked him for a dollar b/c I couldn't find my friend who had my purse. I did stupid shit like that when I was younger :). When I really look at him, it was him. But this time, it was love at first sight (well, second sight)! To this day, I don't understand what happened. Maybe it was him that was different, or I was, I don't know. But this time we clicked, we spent all night together. He moved in with me slowly, kind of like by osomsis, left a toothbrush here, underwear there, xtra socks in a get it. After about a month, he was settled. Six months after that, he proposed while camping on my birthday in front of a bunch of our friends on one of the most (if not THE most) beautiful beaches of Puerto Rico. We got married a year after that, and the rest is history.

We've been together 10 years, married 9 in July 4th. We have three furry baby girls, although you can call them old ladies since they're all more than 10 years old. We adore them! Like many of you, we've (well maybe just me) been trying to avoid a baby for most of our relationship. I've managed to come up with many reasons of why we were not ready for a baby: not until we have stable jobs/income, not until we have a house, not until I finish school. etc. We've been NTNP for about 2 years. When it finally hit me that babies don't just happen by just not avoiding them, we really started trying 3 months ago. So, DH has been ready for a baby for about 8 years and I feel like an ass for coming up with all these stupid excuses because now I see that they were just that...stupid excuses! And I feel like I've been preventing him from having what he wants most, and I feel it may be too late now! UGH! :cry:

Anyway, as of now, we really have everything I was "needing" to be ready for a baby. A beautiful house, he is in the Coast Guard, I am about 1 year away from my PhD, we both have stable income, guessed it...NO BABY! (I'm such an ass, it's all my fault!](*,)). What we do have, however, is lots of loooove! So, honeybee, I completely understand when you say that you're so in love it hurts! I text him those exact words all the time when he's away on duty.

End of story/rant! Love ya girls, thank you so much for inviting me over. I promise from now on, my old, pre-AF, humorous self will be back. No more drama! (I hope :winkwink:).

-Michelle (my real name BTW, since we're letting it all out :haha:)
:hug: and :dust:
Woot for letting it all hang out! That is a fantastic story Michelle - i adore it. I was thinking of you today because I have a friend that just moved to Buffalo and I asked him how is liking it. I used to love taking long walks along elmwood to the art museum and then around the casino and pond in the park. The architecture in that town knocks my socks off!

Anyhoo - I'm taking a break from scrubbing the bathroom to share the story of me and my DH, if ya'll don't mind some more over sharing ; P

I've known Eric since High School. He was a couple of years ahead of me, back when that sort of thing seemed like a monumental divide. He hung out with the skater punks and I thought skater punks were hot. (No one is allowed to mention that gawd awful song sk8ter boi by what's her face - i was into skaters before she was born and I don't need a reminder :haha:)

But he was really shy and a little weird around girls so he wasn't one of the ones I really drooled over. I went for the bad ones that couldn't care less if you were infatuated with them - that very typical teenage boy girl drama. Anyhoo - I ended up dating a very good friend of his and he ended up dating my best friend. In fact, we went on our first date together but it was a double date and he took a friend of mine and I took a friend of his. It was an incestuous little group we hung out it but he and I never hit it off back then. We hung out plenty though and have lots of great memories of growing up together.

We all went to college and lost touch a bit. He broke up with my best gal from High School and I started dating a guy that I got very serious with. We ended up dating for 9 years. I completely thought he was the one - but we took a serious hiatus when I graduated. The summer before I went to New Zealand I was home for a few months and so was Eric (my DH). He was waiting to start grad school and I was all set to start grad school after I finished a semester in New Zealand. Neither one of us had anything important to do that summer except hang out and party - so we did quite a bit of that. He wanted more but I was happy to be single and I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I was a bit of a playa in those years :haha: so it was really hard for him to put up with me. But we still stayed close and called eachother quite a bit in grad school.

I got back together with the guy I had been serious with and after I got my masters I moved to Buffalo to be with him. After a couple of years I was pissed that he hadn't proposed and my Dad got very sick from cancer. All of that sort of put me over the edge and I quit him for good and applied for a phd in the same program I had gotten my master's in. I really longed for security at that time, with my Dad fighting so hard for his life and me getting into my mid 20s and thinking it was high time I started acquiring the outward appearance of adulthood (a good job, a husband, babies - you know the drill). I got accepted into the program, but I was flat broke and starting from scratch. Eric was extremely supportive during that time and I realized that he was everything I wanted but hadn't been able to see up till that point - he had a great job (theoretical astrophysicist and telescope rock star :winkwink:), was very stable, and wanted a family too. And best of all he still wanted me, even though I'd taken his affection for granted for so many years. So one day I emailed him and said "why don't we suss this thing out and see if we can make a go of it". Only thing was, he was in Tucson and I was in upstate NY :wacko: but he flew out the next week and I fell flat on my ass madly in love. when he left I cried for 3 days straight - because we couldn't be together until I finished my phd program and that would take at least 3 years :dohh: but we stuck it out and have built a fantastic life here in the desert. We've got a lovely house, a dog that cracks us up incessantly, and good jobs.

Like you said Mimi - now I just want the ultimate expression of our love and mutual respect - a lil bundle of joy to call our own. Eric gets a little frustrated when I get really upset because he needs reassurance that even if we can't get pg I'll still love him and stay. And of course i will, I just know he'd be such a great dad that I get super bummed when it doesn't work out every month. I've just gotta hope that a baby is in the cards for us.

Wellp, the dirty bathroom is calling and I've chewed your ears (eyes?) out for long enough. Thanks for sharing your stories with me, I've really appreciated it.

Happy Sunday Ladies :flower:
Ahhhh Jaimie and Michelle two more beautiful stories to add to our bunch:flower::thumbup:
Awwwww Jaimie, loved your story too! Made me all teary-eyed! Don't know why I'm so emotional lately, been crying at least once a day, every day since I got AF (not normal!). Your stories are wayyyyy more interesting in vaccuming (what I should be doing)! BTW, I take walks through the casino and parks during the summer with my neighbor. I live super close to Delaware park. So sorry about your Dad, hope everything is better now. :flow:

Hey, I see you're in the 12th cycle, have you seen a Doc yet?

PS: I was going to say a joke about sk8er boy, but I want you to know I'ts taking everything in me not to!
Jaimie and Michelle :flow: such beautiful stories!!!

I am now feeling all hopeless romantic now because of your stories!

Moondance, I take nature made liquid gel prenatals and if they are sold out (they usually are) I buy the tablet form. They also have gummi prenatals out now for the nauseas type!!!

I have got so much to do, I read all the posts but not enough time to respond! Talk to you girlies later.

By they way, tthf is working wonders so far for me and I am only CD7! CD5 I dragged by DH into the shower for fun :sex: (lol) and then today I threw him down on our bed after grocery shopping!!! I think I am going to enjoy this cycle!!! No stress baby!

Has anyone here used digital opk's? I think that is the inly thing I will use and MAYBE my softcups after I lay propped for a bit......maybe it's too much for tthf?

Tryfor - I'm happy for you...and I hope this is what you needed to get your bfp! And, I too would have the same that too much for TTHF???
:haha: I think it just may be a step ahead of crazy for ttc!!!

We will see, I just may change my mind!!! :shrug:

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