
TryFor you are hilarious. Maybe softcups are fun? If they are fun then they definitely fit into the tthf approach. Maybe the spermies trampoline on the softcups! :happydance:

I love how you fell for your DH the second time Mimi - that is sort of how I feel about my DH but by then it was really the umpteenth time! I definitely appreciate you holding back on the sk8ter boi jokes - just typing those words upset me :haha: Glad you enjoy Delaware Park - such a treasure.

Unfortunately my Dad lost his battle to cancer in 2006 - a year after DH and I got married. He was very healthy for our wedding which was such a blessing - he had a great time and it was awesome to share that day with him.

LuckyD - did I mention how dreamy I thought your story was? How cool is it that you and your DH shared that experience of working at that hostel?
Well Jaimie, you have me on a rollercoaster of emotions here. First I was :rofl: about the soft cups...spermies on a trampoline...OMG!

Then, I am so sorry your daddy passed away. :cry: I am glad he got to share that very special moment with you, though. And I know he's watching over you right now and rooting for your bundle(s) of joy to come along and bless you lives even more.

Well girls, I'll be off to bake some biscottis soon. Talk to you later.
Um, have I mentioned that I LOVE this group?

So nice to wake up and read everyone's stories.

Moondance - sounds like you have a natural gift with animals - that's wonderful. I have known a couple of people like that and it's like the animals can sense it - it's very special!

Tanikit - I am so sorry about the dogs - that is a horrible experience. Why would someone do that? The world upsets me sometimes. Hope you are ok x

Ooh, saucy new Avatar Celtic!!

Squirrel - I didn't know you had 6 acres -that is really cool. I might have to come to you for some advice! Do you have chickens? That is our plan - chickens, vege garden, mini-orchard, greenhouse. We are vegetarian so not planning to have animals for meat or anything.

Hey mimi (sorry, michelle!!) - loved your story of meeting your OH. Isn't that funny how you can not look twice at someone, and then a while later they are the love of your life? I am a big believer in timing - you can meet the right person but if it's not the right time, it doesn't always work. Don't beat yourself up about not having a baby yet - you have been waiting to feel ready and that's important.

Jaimie - loved your story. I thought the skater punks were hot in high school too. Although I tended to go out with the grungey band boys. Another instance of a relationship waiting for the right time! Me and my OH were like that too. And totally feel ya on the three years long distance. It's hard work - but I actually think having those three years apart was only beneficial to our relationship - we talked SO much and it really made us commit to being with each other right from the start.
I am really sorry to hear about your Dad :hugs::hugs:

Julia - so happy that TTHF is working out well for you! Sounds like you are having heaps of fun - the shower, no less! I am gonna take a leaf out of your book and do something fun with OH tonight...

Hey, my Dad says 'well, I'll be dipped in shit' too! He is pretty crass though - manages to fit a swear word into almost every sentence he says.
Squirrel - I didn't know you had 6 acres -that is really cool. I might have to come to you for some advice! Do you have chickens? That is our plan - chickens, vege garden, mini-orchard, greenhouse. We are vegetarian so not planning to have animals for meat or anything.

No, we don't have any chickens, though we've discussed it! We have a gigantic garden and some apple trees.

I've been buying as much organic food as I can, free-range eggs, local non-gmo milk, etc... But I'm excited that our garden is starting to grow. Some spinach has already come up and radishes will be ready very soon. Can hardly wait for the onions, green peppers, tomatoes, and corn to be ready!!! Love fresh food that hasn't been sitting around forever on a truck!

Gardening and cooking with our home-grown food will definitely be a good way to live the TTHF mentality! :happydance:

Oooh, and I definitely can't wait for the apples to be ready! yuuuummmmmm apple pie, apple cobbler, apple muffin.... i dunno what else, but I bought an Apple Cookbook so I'll be prepared for three trees worth of apples! :haha:

grr, now I'm craving pie! haha!!
Squirrel - I didn't know you had 6 acres -that is really cool. I might have to come to you for some advice! Do you have chickens? That is our plan - chickens, vege garden, mini-orchard, greenhouse. We are vegetarian so not planning to have animals for meat or anything.

No, we don't have any chickens, though we've discussed it! We have a gigantic garden and some apple trees.

I've been buying as much organic food as I can, free-range eggs, local non-gmo milk, etc... But I'm excited that our garden is starting to grow. Some spinach has already come up and radishes will be ready very soon. Can hardly wait for the onions, green peppers, tomatoes, and corn to be ready!!! Love fresh food that hasn't been sitting around forever on a truck!

Gardening and cooking with our home-grown food will definitely be a good way to live the TTHF mentality! :happydance:

Oooh, and I definitely can't wait for the apples to be ready! yuuuummmmmm apple pie, apple cobbler, apple muffin.... i dunno what else, but I bought an Apple Cookbook so I'll be prepared for three trees worth of apples! :haha:

grr, now I'm craving pie! haha!!

That's awesome! I love eating from the garden. We just have a small garden where we are at the moment, but it has been great. We are going into Autumn now, so summer food is over - but we have lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, rocket and coriander all growing like crazy! Love being able to just pick a few things for dinner - tastes sooooo good.

Apples rock. We went apple-picking at a friend's orchard a few days ago and now are in the same boat as you - we need to use them up! I am making apple crumble, but if you get some good apple recipes send them my way!

Did you grow up in the country or in a city? I did a bit of both, but this is definitely a life-style change for me and my OH. We are only an hour away from the city so it's not really isolated, but we really wanted to slow down and not be so stressed and busy all the time. It's great to hear that it is working out well for you.
Yum Sara!!!!!! That sounds sooo nice. I pay tons of money for organic stuff. DH and I would love to start our own veggie garden in the back yard, but since we don't have the luxury of acres of land, we want to plan it well so it's kinda like a raised garden, patio, entertainment area. I have an idea in my head but it's hard to translate it and I don't want to mess it all up.

LuckyD - I LOVE this thread too, it's good to talk about other stuff other than :sex:, :spermy:, :bfp:, and :af:!

This is my BIGASS P.O.T.D while I try to catch up with everything that happened whilst I was doing the :sleep: thing this morning!

Sounds like you are very good with Regal. Animals tend to know when they are with someone they can trust :) He is lucky that you came into his life.
Thankies! My sweety must think so too, because without me asking, or probing or any such thing, he GAVE Regal to me... at the time we'd only been together for 8 weeks. It was like "wooooah".... huge.

Sounds like you have done an excellent job with Regal - it takes a lot of patience to get through to abused animals.

That is interesting what they said about BPD (Borderline) as I was under the impression that that disorder results in even more erratic mood swings and fewer periods of normality than bipolar - just that you shouldn't get the swings into mania that come with bipolar (maybe that is what they meant) As I said after multiple periods of severe depression they diagnosed me with Borderline but I tend to have more stable relationships than borderline has too - thats also why I am asking because you seem to be quite stable with your boyfriend. Just ignore me if I frustrate you asking this - I'm just interested because of my own past.

The dogs I treated this morning died so I am not feeling so great about that - they were very ill, but still its not nice.

So sorry about those doggies passing.... That would have to be the worst thing in the world as a vet. Our local vet, you can see everytime he has to put an animal down, it takes its toll on him, he looks so depressed. But having them pass regardless of what you did would be harder... :cry:
And when I am WITH my boyfriend, I'm pretty stable, when we're apart, I spend the majority of the time paranoid, freaking out, missing him, crying, wishing I was with him and also freaking out that he's going to find someone better, who lives closer, that he'll realise I'm a big fat lump and not want me anymore, and quite a few times I've completely gone nuts and sent 100 text messages to him during the night, asking why he loves me and will he leave me for someone else.
The NIMH website says about it "People with BPD often have highly unstable patterns of social relationships. While they can develop intense but stormy attachments, their attitudes towards family, friends, and loved ones may suddenly shift from idealization (great admiration and love) to devaluation (intense anger and dislike). Thus, they may form an immediate attachment and idealize the other person, but when a slight separation or conflict occurs, they switch unexpectedly to the other extreme and angrily accuse the other person of not caring for them at all. Even with family members, individuals with BPD are highly sensitive to rejection, reacting with anger and distress to such mild separations as a vacation, a business trip, or a sudden change in plans. These fears of abandonment seem to be related to difficulties feeling emotionally connected to important persons when they are physically absent, leaving the individual with BPD feeling lost and perhaps worthless."
That paragraph there describes how I react with EVERYONE.... You should see the names I constantly call my dad behind his back, because his girlfriend is evil, and there have been a few occasions she's really upset me, had my in hysterics, and where does dad spend the night? At home with his daughter who can't sleep because she's so upset? No! At HER house with the person who caused his daughter so much distress. I spend the night screaming at the top of my lungs about what a jerk he is, hoping he can hear me (as she only lives next door).
Animals are the only thing that keep me properly sane... There was a time a few years ago, where I was so bad, I had thoughts of suicide, and the ONLY thing that kept me from it was my two Pomeranians and my cat that I had, because I didn't trust ANYONE to look after them the way I do, and to love them the way I do.

Moondance can you try crushing them and adding them to food may be! the concern about vit A is to much can case birth defects, my understanding is that it would have to be high amounts though. they would generally have safe amounts in supplements and the vit A you get from your food is in the form of beta carotene and would not have the same effects . I would ask the chemist or my doc if your worried or just swap when you get that BFP:thumbup: oh and your amazing and always remember that :flower:

Meh, hard to feel that sometimes, but thank-you Celtic! BTW..... LOVE your smexy new avatar!
I don't tend to eat a lot of food with Vit A in it.... I'm not very big on the fruit and veg, which I know, UBER bad... I like my MEAT.... But maybe I'll ask a doctor about it, when I have my appointment on May 5th.... The liquid vitamin itself is called "HyVita LiquiVita", linked so maybe someone who knows about this stuff can have a squishy for me?
Crushing them doesn't seem to work for me, I mean, I can only take "Aspro Clear" soluble aspirin because its the ONLY brand on the market that dissolves 100%, while others leave white residue floating around and I can't even handle that. When it comes to things like tablets, drugs, whatever, I have the most sensitive gag reflex.
While I know its probably all in my head, partly created by my own hatred of pills, its developed over the years to the point where I have to have chewable Vitamin C tablets that taste like Orange, and whenever I'm on antibiotics, it has to be chewable or liquid! Doctors call me crazy, but they've seen me try it... Tablet hits my throat, I gag and throw up almost a second later.

Moondance - so sad about the abuse at the race track. I know there are good people in the racing industry, but i've heard far too many bad stories from the track...

Did I tell you and Moondance that my Mom is a ferrier? She also has a couple of carriages and morgans to pull her around in them ; P

Loads of baby dust as we approach ovulisciousness - hope y'all get some quality BDing in. No more pulled muscles though!

Awesome! I love going in horse drawn carts!!!!
Ovulisciousness! :rofl: Best word ever.
But I'm still around 20 days or so off that! Boo! Stupid 37 day cycles!

Thank you honeybee for the invite to join you lovely ladies! :hi: You made me feel so special.:hugs:

DH and I met [the first time] on a blind date, and I went to meet him up at his house. Turns out, that time I was soooo NOT attracted to him. Plus, we came to my apartment and he fell asleep in my lame!!! So I woke him up, took him back home, and never called him again. According to him, he was very interested, called me lots of times, but I never returned the calls. If you ask me, I can't recall him calling, but I guess since I was so uniterested I blocked any mental record of that experience.

Everyone here is special! :) All beautiful ladies who are flipping awesome, EVERYONE HERE IS FULL OF WIN!

That sounds like me, Mimi, lol. When I first met DP, was not attracted to him at all, I thought "he's not exactly the prettiest man on the planet, he has a funny little lip, and his eyes crinkle funny when he smiles, and he's so weird" and for a long while, I was putting off meeting him, until my ex dumped me, and I decided to take the plunge and just go for it (even though at the time, I was more interested in his HORSES than in him as horses for me are like therapy, and I wanted to spend time with his horses and get my brain back into being normal after being dumped). Was planning to just be friends and all, but then.... he kissed me and it was like .... all gone now. Most beautiful kisser on the planet!

AND PLEASE, don't be all "its all my fault", no no no it isn't. You weren't to know that when the time came, it'd end up being so darn hard! When I was an early teen, I didn't think I ever wanted kids, and I constantly said there was no way I was having any (despite at the same time, having names picked out, just in case).
But nothing is your fault. Sometimes life throws unexpected bitchiness your way. I mean, I honestly didn't think I'd have any trouble having babies, my mum and my sister were both such fertile things, I mean, I was the proverbial "accident", mum and dad didn't plan me... But here is me trying, and not going anywhere. Life is a bitch like that and you can't blame yourself.

Tryfor - I'm happy for you...and I hope this is what you needed to get your bfp! And, I too would have the same that too much for TTHF???

*noms on hair whilst :blush:*
I feel like a spazzy idiot, coz I still don't know what TTHF means....

TryFor you are hilarious. Maybe softcups are fun? If they are fun then they definitely fit into the tthf approach. Maybe the spermies trampoline on the softcups! :happydance:

Unfortunately my Dad lost his battle to cancer in 2006 - a year after DH and I got married. He was very healthy for our wedding which was such a blessing - he had a great time and it was awesome to share that day with him.

I had the most incredibly awesome visual of spermies jumping up and down on a softcup trampoline.... accompanying sound effect in my head was a very comical "boinga boinga boing" as they bounced, accompanied by high pitched, maniacal giggling. ROFL
Damn cool!

My mum passed away from cancer in 2003.... It took too long.
Strangely now after all these years, I can't remember anything good about my mother, all I can remember is all the horrible, weird, psycho things she did to my brother and I, but if you ask my sister, she remembers her as this saintly person who was so sweet and kind and loving, it makes me go :wacko:

Well Jaimie, you have me on a rollercoaster of emotions here. First I was :rofl: about the soft cups...spermies on a trampoline...OMG!

Well girls, I'll be off to bake some biscottis soon. Talk to you later.

Yup, I'm still giggling over my head visual. "Boinga Boinga Boinga"....
Whats a biscotti???

Um, have I mentioned that I LOVE this group?

Moondance - sounds like you have a natural gift with animals - that's wonderful. I have known a couple of people like that and it's like the animals can sense it - it's very special!

Hey, my Dad says 'well, I'll be dipped in shit' too! He is pretty crass though - manages to fit a swear word into almost every sentence he says.

For some reason, one of the sayings in our family is "Holy shit on a rock!" .... or if someone says "Whats for dinner?" Mum used to say "shit on toast!"

No, we don't have any chickens, though we've discussed it! We have a gigantic garden and some apple trees.

Chickens are the proverbial bomb. IMO, Isa Brown and Rhode Island Reds are fantastic layers, but make sure they're purebred, purebred appear to not go clucky, but every mixed bred one I've ever gotten has gone broody.
If you want to breed your own chickens, silkies are the best egg sitters! They go broody so easy and so often! They make great parents too!
And the coolest breed of chicken on the planet? A Frizzle! Look em up! They are just spunky!

LuckyD - I LOVE this thread too, it's good to talk about other stuff other than :sex:, :spermy:, :bfp:, and :af:!


But... sex talk can be fun! LOL

Bow Chicka Wow Wow!

Erm, think I addressed anything directed to me with my post of doominess! Now I get to go and look after my chickens!
what you mean Anna?

I have to go soon but will read all other posts later xxx
i just hide because i dunno what else to day

ugh my body dont like fish for some reason grrr
This thread makes me smile - sperm on trampolines - maybe they use them as diving boards considering they are meant to be swimming well.

Love the stories of where you met DH - I met mine on the internet and we got together 2 weeks after the first email. I know internet relationships don't often work and we needed a lot of counselling after being married the first year, but it definitely works and we love each other a lot.

I am battling to keep up with where everone is in their cycle - so hopefully there will be some BFPs on here soon. I told my DH he had a choice for next month about BDing and then picked a good many days and schedules we can BD to - but in the end they aren't much different and wouldn't change anything - he just laughed.

Had my DD at work with me today because the school was closed (we have a public holiday tomorrow) It was chaos - she was trying to stain herself - maybe she wanted to look under the microscope at herself and trying to feed a puppy disinfectant - luckily she can't open screw top bottles very easily. Anyway, she had fun and wants to be a vet.
Moondance, you seem to be just wonderful with animals, while myself on the other hand can do without. Pet wise, anyhow. I am not a pet person. I feel the only poop for me to clean up should be from babies!!! :rofl: Glad to hear you are an animal lover and it's refreshing to hear someone use horses (animals) as therapy instead of crazy stuff!!
Your mom sounds like mine; Nuts. My mom says she is bipolar but I have never seen medicine for it or her even treat herself for it. Her parents made her nuts (Her dad beat her and her mom committed suicide when my mom was 3 months old following her son's death from leukemia at age 9).We talk only here and there. She stole our rent money from us the week before we got married, I uninvited her to the wedding, then she showed up and took my grams flowers and her seat and made my gram cry, at my wedding!!! She is not a good person, neither was my step dad. Too much details would make you cry and I don't want pity. I grew courage. My father also passed away while I was 2 months pregnant with DD in 2004. He was only 43. He didn't have medical insurance, and didn't know he had high bloodpressure and diabetes and went into sugar shock and had a heart attack, sitting up on the couch in the living room. All my grandparent's are deceased but I am fortunate enough to have a step grandmother that is still here to occassionally talk too!! Life is a surprise and what death has taught me is that you can't anything for granted. I had a horrible childhood. I have always thought to write a novel and sell it, I'd become famous for all the crap one person can go through~~~Confessions of a Crazy Mother!!! Ahaha a biography about my mom, I even have her crazy letters from jail in a file I can use in the book!!! Can you smell it? Famousness!!! LOL
Enough about my crazy life.

Jaimie, cancer is always the hardest for me to see people deal with. It's heartbreaking. I am so sorry for your loss. You must of loved him dearly as most little girls do to their father. :hugs:

LuckyD and squirrel, sounds like wonderful gardens to me!! I'd love to do that also one day, when I eventually buy my own home!!! I'll hollar to you guys for tips! My mother in law has chicken's. We eat only fresh eggs; they are the best!

Anna, did you eat fish that upset your stomach?

And michelle, moondance is sooooo right! Please don;t blame yourself; it's not your fault!!! It's hard to live your life around guidelines and set goals. I tried it. I wanted to get married at 21 (which I did) but I wanted to start having children around 26, which I didn't. We can't take back the past, we can only do for now, the present. In a perfect world, we would all have a perfect house, perfect cars, good paying careers, nice cushioning in the bank, a size 6 body, a dog named fido and a cat named fluffy and a boy and a girl. Life works in mysterious ways. The worlds not perfect (even though we may think we are at times hehe!!! :haha:)
You are no where near out michelle! This is just the beginning! Let's get the party started!!! :sex:
hellooooooooo ladies!!
oh my god i feel so awful today, such a boozy weekend lol. soooo much fun though!!
tryfor - shit, that is a crazy story honey. i thought of you at work today, i asked my friend what she was going to have for dinner and she said 'shit and sugar' lol!!!
The witch hasn't got me yet, im trying not to get excited, im sure she'll catch me in the night while im asleep she's crafty like that lol.
hope you're all ok
Moondance, you seem to be just wonderful with animals, while myself on the other hand can do without. Pet wise, anyhow. I am not a pet person. I feel the only poop for me to clean up should be from babies!!! :rofl: Glad to hear you are an animal lover and it's refreshing to hear someone use horses (animals) as therapy instead of crazy stuff!!
Your mom sounds like mine; Nuts. My mom says she is bipolar but I have never seen medicine for it or her even treat herself for it. Her parents made her nuts (Her dad beat her and her mom committed suicide when my mom was 3 months old following her son's death from leukemia at age 9).We talk only here and there. She stole our rent money from us the week before we got married, I uninvited her to the wedding, then she showed up and took my grams flowers and her seat and made my gram cry, at my wedding!!! She is not a good person, neither was my step dad. Too much details would make you cry and I don't want pity. I grew courage. My father also passed away while I was 2 months pregnant with DD in 2004. He was only 43. He didn't have medical insurance, and didn't know he had high bloodpressure and diabetes and went into sugar shock and had a heart attack, sitting up on the couch in the living room. All my grandparent's are deceased but I am fortunate enough to have a step grandmother that is still here to occassionally talk too!! Life is a surprise and what death has taught me is that you can't anything for granted. I had a horrible childhood. I have always thought to write a novel and sell it, I'd become famous for all the crap one person can go through~~~Confessions of a Crazy Mother!!! Ahaha a biography about my mom, I even have her crazy letters from jail in a file I can use in the book!!! Can you smell it? Famousness!!! LOL
Enough about my crazy life.

Jaimie, cancer is always the hardest for me to see people deal with. It's heartbreaking. I am so sorry for your loss. You must of loved him dearly as most little girls do to their father. :hugs:

LuckyD and squirrel, sounds like wonderful gardens to me!! I'd love to do that also one day, when I eventually buy my own home!!! I'll hollar to you guys for tips! My mother in law has chicken's. We eat only fresh eggs; they are the best!

Anna, did you eat fish that upset your stomach?

And michelle, moondance is sooooo right! Please don;t blame yourself; it's not your fault!!! It's hard to live your life around guidelines and set goals. I tried it. I wanted to get married at 21 (which I did) but I wanted to start having children around 26, which I didn't. We can't take back the past, we can only do for now, the present. In a perfect world, we would all have a perfect house, perfect cars, good paying careers, nice cushioning in the bank, a size 6 body, a dog named fido and a cat named fluffy and a boy and a girl. Life works in mysterious ways. The worlds not perfect (even though we may think we are at times hehe!!! :haha:)
You are no where near out michelle! This is just the beginning! Let's get the party started!!! :sex:

yep i did it again grrr, i dunno why it happens though ive always had fish though either from the chippy or mum makes it
Hi everyone,

just read through all the posts, just had to laugh and realised that was the purpose of the thread :haha:

Well I better tell my story, now I have finished a big bowl of chocolate and cookies and cream ice cream yum yum.

OH and I have been together for two years now, although we have known each other for about 4. We first met through work, although because of the jobs we were in we couldn't actually have a relationship, so for the first couple of years it was purely professional. OH moved on to a different job and I took the opportunity to track him down with the aim of getting to know him on a more personal level. Well it all worked out well and he has recently moved in with me.

I have a collection of animals:

2 horses, 2 cats, three rabbits and now OH and I have 3 Rhode Island Red chicks. I have a reasonable sized garden and grow some veges, salad crops and fruits (rasberries, strawberries, gooseberries etc)

On the TTHF front, when OH and I went to see the Doctor before TTC, his main advice was to have fun, in his words discounting AF days 23, days of fun. Although up until now it has been very hard not to get a little obsessed with catching the spermies and O days and symptom spotting in the 2WW.

So from this point forward I vow to follow the advice of the Doctor and you guys here and TTHF:happydance::happydance::happydance:

Thanks everyone xx
Honeybee, thanks for thinking of me when someone says "shit!" ahahaha! :rofl: Oh lady, I say if she isn't here by tomorrow morning to :test: Ohhhh I just got chills up my spine!!! Feel better sweetheart! :flow:

My past has given me character and strength for without those I wouldn't be who I am today. I am a spunky lady, with lots of good humor! ;)

Ejay, it is refreshing to hear that internet stories are horror stories! My friends mom had spoke to someone online for years and dated here and there, and eventually they got married and moved away together! Internet loves really do exist!

Tanikit, how sweet dd is?! I bet she was simply adorable sitting there trying to feed something to the dog! And this is going to be a lucky thread, I feel it. It's the way of not stressing over TTC and just going with the flow and having fun with it!!! I'm feeling like wrestling my hubby tonight, just for the hell of it! ;)

And I love the idea of sperm jumping and doing flips on the softcup trampoline!!!

Squirrel, I buy alot of natural and organic foods too but it breaks the bank to eat healthy. I buy a handful of not so healthy items (to keep my sanity) but mainly all fruits, veggies, low fat/sodium free/sugar free, basically tasteless but good for you foods and I spend alot for a few items. I went from spending $275ish a month on groceries for just three people to $450+ and it doesn't last no where near as long!!! Crazy!

But eating right and exercising really does wonders for you. My blood pressure went from normally being 150/106 (ish by a few digits) to 128/84 ish and thats great!!!! Near perfect! I feel great too!
Thanks for all the sympathies on my Dad’s passing ladies – that is super sweet. It really was one of those situations where it was a relief to see him not struggle anymore, in the end.

Moondance – I’m really sorry to hear you lost your Mom to cancer. It is funny because my Dad told us not to remember him as a saint after he died – it is hard not to though so I can see why your sister only remembers the good stuff. We grow more from the bad stuff though.

Speaking of which – TryFor – sheesh! What is up with people having babies that they eventually steal rent money from?! You seriously sound extremely mature for your age and I can see why, just from the little you’ve expressed in that one post. Have you read Running with Scissors? Or Choke? Those are both best sellers about F#%*’d up childhoods. Nothing like negligent parents to make you want to raise a child of your own the right way! That is super sad about your Dad – must have been so hard to lose him suddenly like that. We had lots of time to get used to the inevitable with my Dad. My Mom doesn’t have health insurance either and it really makes me worry. She is pretty healthy though – but being a ferrier (horse shoer) is dangerous work.

Michelle – I totally feel the same way about putting off getting pg – now that it isn’t happening as quickly as I expected I feel like an idiot. But what all these great ladies are saying is true – so much in life can’t be planned or controlled. You just gotta do the best you can, TTHF, and trust it will all work out for the best.

LuckyD and Squirrel – your gardens sound awesome. I am part of a CSA (community supported agriculture) group here but want to start my own garden soon. I get a “share” of what a local farmer produces once a week. It is a little trickier to grow stuff in the desert but we can grow during the winter and early spring. You just have to be more selective about what you grow in the summer heat.
Good Morning ladies!

BTW, I hope no-one minds the use of 'ladies' - I used to hate it, didn't want to be referred to as a 'lady' - and I still don't like it it some contexts. But then I started playing Roller Derby and we all referred to each other as 'ladies' all the time - kind of ironically I guess - and now I can't stop using it!

Anyway - really lovely to read all your stories, both sad and happy. It's nice to get to know you all better.

Tanikit - your daughter sounds like a cutie! Also, I know lots of people that have met through the internet and are still together and really happy. I think the stigma around it is changing - it's just another way to meet someone these days.

Moondance - wow, good job on responding to everyone in your mammoth post!

Anna - hope you are feeling better x

Julia - definitely sounds like you have had some challenges to overcome - families can be the best thing in the world, but can also do the most damage huh? It sounds like you have taken those challenges and become stronger from it - which is not always easy to do!

hey hungover honeybee - hoping so much that AF does not show up for you!!!

Yay, Ejay's here! Good to know that your Drs advice and the TTHF advice are one and the same! See, we do know what we are talking about...

Jaimie - true, gardening in the desert may be a bit more challenging! The garden where we live now is so easy - it just grows and grows. But the last few years we have been living in Adelaide in Australia - which is basically desert - the hottest and driest state in Australia. Gardening was hard work there!

Well, I am in a good mood today...

My OH has the day off work and we had some awesome BD action this morning. We almost lost the way of TTHF last night...according to SMEP we were meant to BD last night but we had just looked at our budget and my OH was worrying about money and then we got talking about a few stressful topics, and it just wasn't BD mood. But - last month I probably would have really pushed to do it anyway, but we just left it, and then after a little bit more discussion this morning we ended up having a fantastic time. I attribute it to TTHF!! I am following SMEP but very loosely this time I think. Last month I followed it to a T - this month we are just a bit more chilled about it.

Also - we just got the sale and purchase agreement for the land - just need to sign it and it is OURS!!! Yay!!

Hope you are all doing well xx
oh wow, each time I come into this thread I'm amazed by how much there is to catch up on!

Jaimie, that is so cool you're in a CSA. I'd really like to do that, but haven't found any around here. So I'm mostly planning to go to farmers markets and grow what we can.

As far as it being expensive to buy organic, I haven't found that veggies/fruits are all that much more. And I try to stay away from over-processed food, regardless of whether it's organic or not. I do feel a lot better physically too. I really liked the book "In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan. It talks about why it's "worth" the extra cost.

Oh, by the way, I started taking Maca a couple days ago... and holy cow! Practically all I can think about is "having fun" in all sorts of "fun ways"! :haha: Can't wait to get OH on them and see how that goes! :rofl:
Wow, has it been that quick a response Squirrel? That's awesome! Hmmmm, might have to look into that for next month....

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