Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Hi everyone! Sorry I havent been on so much. Everything is crazy busy around here!
I will get back on later and read everything Ive missed. I have a quick question:
Can you gals tell me what Glucophage does? My Re had me do some bloodwork earlier this weekand he just sent me an email telling me he called that in and he gave me this crazy schedule as far as taking it and to not go by what was on the bottle and said if I had questionsto call the office Monday cause they are already out today. I know he said something about shortening my cycles before the bloodwork. I figured Cupcake you would know what it is and what it does. He did put in my email today that it may take 2-3 months to work.
I have to get to the pharmacy real quick before they close so I can get this started. Ill try and get back on tonight or early in the morning! We have a race tomorrow and tomorrow is the last day I get a phone call from my son before he heads to Afghanistan.....Ive been trying to keep myself extremely busy cause this is really bothering me😔. Im not liking my baby being so far away for so long! Im very proud but scared to death as a mom! Well gotta get to the pharmacy!
Hey LL!!!! I've missed ya! I'm on Metformin, generic glucophage. It is used to increased ovarian function & to decrease insulin resistance. I take 1000mg/day. Can cause some pretty bad gas & diarrhea. Some lose weight while taking it, me not that lucky :nope: Hope that helps :)
Hey chicks! I just read everyone's posts and caught up.
Faith I hope you had an awesome anniversary.
Brandi, I hope your little one shows his pretty little face soon.
Fluter, I hope your period shows or you are pregnant. Waiting is the worst.
Cupcake, I hope your bleeding is implantation bleeding. Also, the reason I don't quit is because I know I would always ask myself, "What if." I would always wonder what if I had just pushed myself a little bit farther, just tried one more time.
Moms I hope your hsg shows both your tubes open. For everyone else, I hope you are all doing o.k.

Just gonna give an update. I had my appt. today and my surgery is set for next Thursday the 3rd at 7:30am. I had a water hsg in the doctor's office today, but he couldn't see my tubes really well on his little ultrasound machine. I have been having horrible cramps and bleeding since the procedure but that's mainly because during the vaginal ultrasound before the hsg, he showed me where my pregnancy had implanted since there was still a little bit left and I haven't fully miscarried yet. He said what is left should just shed with my next period. At least I finally made it far enough to see if a pregnancy made it to my uterus and verified that I am not having tubal pregnancies. The medicine he is going to prescribe me is called Menophur?? I haven't read anything about that medicine before. I also have a pretty big follicle on my left ovary.. wouldn't you know it when my hubby is gone. He will be gone for about 7 to 10 more days. I will be given a blue saline solution before my surgery to try to verify one more time that my right tube is blocked.. If it is, I will finally get one more huge thing off my list and only have an estrogen issue left, (or an unfixable egg problem...) Either way, my list has dwindled down and I am almost finished. The doctor said something about giving me progesterone shots from now on. I don't know what the difference is really. I also want to research what menophur is since that will be my new med as soon as my next cycle gets here. I cannot make myself count my miscarriage as my cd-1 since I bled for only a few hours. I am just waiting to see what happens. Not counting, not tracking, not posting... When my husband gets back and after this surgery we try again, I will have to track for the next few months until we leave here.. Then I will be taking a break for a few months. I am ready to accept that I will need to take a break for myself and the people around me if I don't find myself with a viable pregnancy in the next few months. I will begin ntnp and saving money for IVF.
Great news that you're not having ectopics, Angie, and I'm glad you finally have a doctor willing to listen to you and help you through all this and figure out how to get you your sticky, forever baby.

Take as much time as you need, but please keep us updated. We're all here for you through this!
Good luck Angie. I hope it brings you peace finding out what's going on and getting all fixed up. Baby dust to you my friend.

Fluter... fx for you.

Cupcake...good luck. ....

All you ladies have a great weekend. It's supposed to be raining here so I'm gonna make the best of things.

Afm... my day 3 blood work was excellent EXCEPT my Tsh. ..aka thyroid was really high so I should start meds Monday. Any of you have this issue?
Angie that is great new and I am sure a huge relief for you to be able to see. I hop eall goes well with the HSG and that if it is blocked that you get some relief and have your surgery. Fx that all works out well for you.

Jen I haven't had any problems with that. I am of no use in this situation. Sorry hun.
Menopur is a pretty common med used in IVF for stimulation. It's usually pretty expensive, so I'm glad your insurance is paying for it, Angie.

Jen - I had a high TSH level and took meds for it. It just means hypothyroid, which is pretty common. Levothyroxine is usually what's given for it. Getting your TSH levels back to normal will actually help with TTC. :)

Taryn and I are going to the trampoline gym today, so fingers crossed that no one gets hurt, LOL. Also, I learned the hard way that relying on your daughter to apply sunscreen to your back is pretty much exactly the same as not wearing sunscreen.
Hi everyone, I had my gynae appt the other day, and she has agreed to do the reversal for me and I'm booked in for 16 August, eeks, I am soooo excited 😃, Hope you are all well xx
:witch: has arrived 4 days early :growlmad: Meaning this was a 22 day cycle...I'm assuming with this the rash/acne & tender bbs since last cycle; my hormones were nuts. Not even sure I did O...Oh well onward & upward I guess. Will call Dr. Nelson Monday for my Femara & pick up a new supply of Opks this week...Good news is I should HOPEFULLY O on a weekend day, so dh won't be too tired from work.....Praying this will be our last try & we will get our sticky :baby:
Sending you lots of good vibes Cupcake!!

I have had EWCM since yesterday but it is not as much today. We didn't DTD as we did it on Thursday and OH was tired from work...not only that he has been a whine bag about TTC and feeling like it's not full filling as he has to work to give me a baby. So i let it go...late last night I start cramping from my right side and I automatically know we have missed our window this month. He has another long day today is in a pissy mood so who knows if we are even gonna Bump dirties or not. So i figure I am out as well this month already.
Angie I'm glad your knocking things off your list. I think the meds will help a ton. The shots are a good idea for you.

Good luck Angie. I hope it brings you peace finding out what's going on and getting all fixed up. Baby dust to you my friend.

Fluter... fx for you.

Cupcake...good luck. ....

All you ladies have a great weekend. It's supposed to be raining here so I'm gonna make the best of things.

Afm... my day 3 blood work was excellent EXCEPT my Tsh. ..aka thyroid was really high so I should start meds Monday. Any of you have this issue?

jenafyr-I do. I get it checked every year and they up my meds every year. I tame Levothyroxine first thing every morning on an empty stomach about an hour before I eat breakfast.
I had high tsh levels after my 2 child almost 13 years ago but nothing since. Just want my body right for the baby to be
Hey Beautiful Ladies!!

First I gotta say, MommaBrown, I laughed out loud at the 'bumping dirties' comment. I know the circumstances are not funny, but I have never heard it called that particular thing before and think that is hilarious description.

Navy, I really like your little girl's name. I hope you guys had fun at the trampoline place..

Mumof5, I bet you are so excited. I was so happy to get mine done. I hope you get your thb right away!!

Cupcake, I bet you are so ready for your IUI! I hope this is the last one you need! I am praying for you.

Thanks for the well-wishes Jenafyr. I don't know much about thyroid except most people say it's not too bad to get under control and once it is, pregnancy is easier.

Fluter, Do you have 9 days left to start your period? Are you due to start it? I don't know if I caught that. I sure hope you bleed in the time you have left. I am rooting for you!

I found out that my husband is due back on the 4th. If I go off my bleed for my loss, I should ovulate on Thursday sometime. Today he tells me that he might get to come back even a few days earlier to help me with my surgery. I started bleeding again today, but I know I am going to ovulate soon, mostly from the ultrasound I had the other day and from my ovary pain. I also am ovulating from my working side. Sometimes I think God loves me so much and trusts me so much that He wants to see just how much worry and stress I will try to deal with myself, or if I will give in and give it to Him. I can't imagine a more stressful situation. I haven't seen my husband in a month. I am ovulating from my good tube, without medicine. My hubby is coming home on the day before I am due to ovulate and I am to have surgery either the day of ovulation or the day after. Plus, I am still miscarrying. Note: I have not seen my best friend in a month and will be having a surgery on my hoo-hah parts the day or so AFTER he gets home which will require no hooching it for a few days. What do you ladies think? You think God has a very tough lesson for me to learn in my future that He must give me such struggles?
I guess what will be, will be. I am nervous about the surgery. I had the most horrible experience the other day with that water hsg in the doctors office. It hurt my right side so badly I thought I was going to cry. He did do the procedure after I had a three year pap and a vaginal ultrasound though.
The doctor had told me that the Menopur was expensive and he didn't understand why no one had prescribed it since the military covered it. I am just so glad to finally be able to have this surgery that I would never be able to pay for on my own. I do consider myself blessed to have the insurance I do have. I actually am supposed to pay 20%, but the doctor hasn't given me a single bill as of yet. I feel very blessed to get to take even these small steps. I don't get to have IUI's or anything like that, but the Army covers anything diagnostic completely and any prescription I get is just 5 dollars. I could wish it covered IVF or IUI, but I feel lucky to get these two months of a really kind doctor. The funny thing is that he is in his middle 70's and has more common sense than any other doctor I have met here. I am gonna pick an old doctor from now on. I wish I had found him sooner so I would have more time, but God does what He will and I will try to spend the few months I do have doing what I can.
There is only 2 more things on my list. I am scared that neither of them is what is wrong. At least I will finally know though and that is important. I am excited to try a new medicine too. The hardest part is waiting. I am ready to stop bleeding, I know that. I have been bleeding/spotting since the 20th and this loss was hard enough without it not ending. I am proof though that you can ovulate and be bleeding, I think my number has not went all the way down yet either, but I am sure it wasn't all down on the 20th.
I am so so glad I have proof finally that my pregnancies have not been tubal. Not saying that some of them couldn't have, but I know that this one made it to the right place. It was so awesome to see that on ultrasound. God gives me little tiny victories every time. A victory is a victory---no matter how small.
I am praying for you all.
I just had to come on and chat out my heart since my husband is coming home early and I am so happy and excited and ask you ladies to pray for my surgery. I will only have one tube left. Pray that it stays open and healthy and I don't get another infection.

Anyway I am nervous talking.
I pray for you all. I will check in after my surgery and give the news.. Good or bad. God bless!!
Still no AF today. Angie it was supposed to be here 10 (almost 11 days ago) my time is technically up but my cousin offered to help so I have about a 3 week window now. I start school Aug 26 and would have to be home then. I wish I could go as soon as my AF comes now but I can't due to a wedding.

Angie I'm glad dh is coming home early. Tricare really does pay for a lot of infertility stuff. I miss having it.
Cupcake, Ive missed you too! He has me on metformin also. 500 starting out and working up to 1500 a day...I have a question and its probably tmi but I took my first pill yesterday (only the 500mg) I did fine until about 6 hrs later and all hell broke lose! My stomach was cramping horribly and of course had the diarrhea which I expected as Ive seen everyone say that happens but I had alot of stomach bleeding I guess? There was blood in my stools. Is that normal you think? Do you think these symptoms get better as you are on it? If so I can stick it out but I didnt know if that was a bad sign or what? Now Im scared to leave the house, I almost didnt make it home to the bathroom last night and it didnt help that my dh and son were telling jokes and I was scared to laugh or move for that matter. LOL
Sorry Af hit but I have my fingers crossed for you!
Mommabrown, we always called it Bumpin Uglies! LOL
Thanks Angie! I will keep you in my prayers!

LL-Maybe you have internal hemorrhoids that are aggravated from the diarrhea? I never have had any stomach/bowel problems taking it, so I'm not sure its working for me :/ I would tell your Dr. tho just to see if you need to have your colon checked out....

AFM-Femara is at the drug store, just got to pick it up & will start it tomorrow :) I had decided to go ahead with the SIS procedure, but my Dr. is trying to get another HSG approved to just be sure all is well & we won't waste money on a blocked side :/ He's optimistic, I'm scared to know lol Anyways If its approved it will be on CD 10(Monday) if not then we will hopefully do the SIS Monday.....
OMG I thought I was out, test this afternoon and BFP!!! I honestly can't believe it. My hubby is buying me a first response and I'll test again in the morning. :) :)
Cupcake, it could be. I had a colonoscopy last year and everything looked good so I hope I dont have any colon issues.
Whats an SIS?
Congrats Momsbaby!
Angie, Im glad you are finally getting things done and figured out with a good doctor. I wish you the best of luck! You sure deserve it!
Congrats Moms!

LL- Its like an hsg except he uses saline & Ultrasound. Usually done to check abnormality of uterus but it also flushes thru tubes. If any pain occurs can indicate blockage. If that happens then hsg is recommended to verify....Its good to clear any mucus or debris tho :)
Still having issues or is it better?

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