Turning 31, TTC #1- would love a TTC buddy!


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Oct 9, 2016
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I think I'm starting my period which means my first cycle TTC is almost over.
I'm due for my period between the 21st-24th but I started very light spotting yesterday and noticed it this morning too. So I think AF is coming sooner.

A little about myself- I am turning 31 in exactly one month...
life goes by so fast... I was busy with under grad and then grad school and I happened to be with the wrong guy. I'm done with school and married my amazing husband 6 weeks ago. Now we are anxious to start our family.
I'm a huge nerd, love to read, workout, and spend time with my amazing dogs!

Anything with a similar cycle or similar place?

I ordered more pregnancy tests and a basal body thermometer today. I am due to ovulate again around Nov 5th. Trying to read as much as I can so we can make it happen next month.
Hi Thejoie,

We have similar backgrounds and wanted to share as I believe we are in the same boat. I am also TTC #1, I am turning 33 in Jan, was with wrong guy for a number of years BUT married my amazing husband last Sept. I am anxious to start our family, I have PCOS and do not ovulate on my own so I have to take Clomid to induce ovulation.

My first cycle was last month, and I responded too well to the Clomid and produced 4-5 eggs that were ready to go, so doctor would not let me have sex as there was too big of a risk for multiples. Frustrating!!

I am on my second cycle now, reduced my Clomid to half pill for 5 days and took the OPK this morning and came up with a smiley face!

I also am a huge nerd, love to read - just got the book The Impatient Women's Guide to Getting Pregnant (on Amazon), ordered my BBT, and the UP3 by jawbone as I want to monitor my sleep cycles as well. I am a complete planner so I have the Glow app and my calendar all synced up to when I ovulate. LOL.

Where are you in your cycle? How have things been going so far?
Hi Thejoie,

We have similar backgrounds and wanted to share as I believe we are in the same boat. I am also TTC #1, I am turning 33 in Jan, was with wrong guy for a number of years BUT married my amazing husband last Sept. I am anxious to start our family, I have PCOS and do not ovulate on my own so I have to take Clomid to induce ovulation.

My first cycle was last month, and I responded too well to the Clomid and produced 4-5 eggs that were ready to go, so doctor would not let me have sex as there was too big of a risk for multiples. Frustrating!!

I am on my second cycle now, reduced my Clomid to half pill for 5 days and took the OPK this morning and came up with a smiley face!

I also am a huge nerd, love to read - just got the book The Impatient Women's Guide to Getting Pregnant (on Amazon), ordered my BBT, and the UP3 by jawbone as I want to monitor my sleep cycles as well. I am a complete planner so I have the Glow app and my calendar all synced up to when I ovulate. LOL.

Where are you in your cycle? How have things been going so far?

Wow!!! I am an avid FitBit user (as evidenced by my Fitbit tan line on my wedding day hahaha) I too am a planner, so much so that I refuse to give up my paper one and lug it around with me everywhere. I have the Glow App but have really became a fan of the Fertility Friend one too.

I'm on CD 7 today. According to FF- I'm supposed to ovulate Tuesday (ish) I've started opk's today. I ordered my Pre-seed today. I'm a little concerned that my CM isn't sticky enough... I never got the whole sticky "egg white" consistency. Figured it can't hurt! I've been a bit consumed by this TTC journey. My poor husband haha....

Congrats on getting your smiley face!!!! I always find those digital opk so reassuring- whoever thought to make it a smiley face was a kind soul. Haha....
Good luck!! Keep me updated!!! The TWW is a whole other torture chamber. Vent when needed....
Hi Thejoie,
I just 31 a month ago and similar background as you. Was busy with grad school for a while, finally married to my DH and want to start a family. Trying for #1 for 3 months. AF came on the 17th, so Im now CD10, my app says I ovulate next week, also started temping this month. So hopefully we both will be testing around the same time. Happy to find friends on this forum... it really takes some stress off to talk to others. :D
Hoping for a lot of BFP's :D :D :D
Hi Thejoie,
I just 31 a month ago and similar background as you. Was busy with grad school for a while, finally married to my DH and want to start a family. Trying for #1 for 3 months. AF came on the 17th, so Im now CD10, my app says I ovulate next week, also started temping this month. So hopefully we both will be testing around the same time. Happy to find friends on this forum... it really takes some stress off to talk to others. :D
Hoping for a lot of BFP's :D :D :D

Hi Illa! We are definitely very close in our cycles...today is CD 8 for me. I'm hoping for a positive opk Monday or Tuesday... though it feels like forever...
I agree full heartedly. Finding people who are in the same place you are and are thinking, planning, obsessing, worrying like you are is so helpful. I am so ready.
My opk sheet is started, my tentative BD schedule is made. Just gotta get that positive opk first... My thoughts are consumed by TTC thoughts. We are hoping to buy a house this Spring but that's more my husbands focus. Im in baby mode.
Hi Thejoie,
I just 31 a month ago and similar background as you. Was busy with grad school for a while, finally married to my DH and want to start a family. Trying for #1 for 3 months. AF came on the 17th, so Im now CD10, my app says I ovulate next week, also started temping this month. So hopefully we both will be testing around the same time. Happy to find friends on this forum... it really takes some stress off to talk to others. :D
Hoping for a lot of BFP's :D :D :D

Hi Illa! We are definitely very close in our cycles...today is CD 8 for me. I'm hoping for a positive opk Monday or Tuesday... though it feels like forever...
I agree full heartedly. Finding people who are in the same place you are and are thinking, planning, obsessing, worrying like you are is so helpful. I am so ready.
My opk sheet is started, my tentative BD schedule is made. Just gotta get that positive opk first... My thoughts are consumed by TTC thoughts. We are hoping to buy a house this Spring but that's more my husbands focus. Im in baby mode.

I know what you mean, I am ready as well... didn't realize how ready until my AF came this month :(.. oh well hoping for a better luck this cycle.
You seem very organized.. I am only taking my temps (that too has been all over the place as i haven't been able to sleep properly :(), I oredered some cheap opk's but they won't get here for another month... debating to buy other opk, but I really don't want to become addicted (I already think I am very addicted to ttc without them, and they will just make it even worse), so most likely I will just wait it out.
Since I am not sure exactly when I "o", only the fertile days based on my app, I think I am going to try and BD everyother day, and hope that the sperm and egg meet.

Haha... good luck with the house hunting.. I know what you mean... .I can't focus on anything else atm.
I am definitely addicting to peeing on sticks! I gives me a sense of control which I like. Temping is really good too- and the only way to actually verify you ovulated so it's good!!
My whole life I said I didn't want kids until I met my husband... suddenly I wanted everything... it's how I know we were meant to be. That's the first time I ever felt like that with anyone
I am very happy for you Thejoie, that feeling of finding the right person is just AWESOME!!!!

I am stressing out about whether I actually ovulate at all... my DH keeps telling me to stop stressing and things will happen when they are meant to... but what does he know about the short window we have to make and egg and sperm meet.. lol
Hi Illa - Hope to butt in here, the DH is giving you positive vibes but I believe it is really in our control to make it happen. TTC is so hard, everything has to be just right.

I don't ovulate on my own and I saw a RE, have been on clomid the past two cycles to help me along. Don't be worried if you don't O, once you feel like you know for sure I would definitely see a RE, it is an easy fix.

Thejoie - I feel like we are long lost sisters, complete type A personalities. Trying to plan every step of the way. I also didn't want kids before I met my DH, I was married beforehand and just couldn't see myself with that person. Now that I have DH I feel so secure and am ready. Isn't love grand!!
I am very happy for you Thejoie, that feeling of finding the right person is just AWESOME!!!!

I am stressing out about whether I actually ovulate at all... my DH keeps telling me to stop stressing and things will happen when they are meant to... but what does he know about the short window we have to make and egg and sperm meet.. lol

My husband says the same thing- but I am so with you! After actually looking into the odds of getting pregnant each month and how many women struggle for years... it scared me! I should have done this research in my early 20's. I used to be terrified to get pregnant- man if I only knew how hard it actually could be I wouldn't have stressed as much about it!!
I think once you want it so much... you just try to do what you can to make it happen!

Hi Illa - Hope to butt in here, the DH is giving you positive vibes but I believe it is really in our control to make it happen. TTC is so hard, everything has to be just right.

I don't ovulate on my own and I saw a RE, have been on clomid the past two cycles to help me along. Don't be worried if you don't O, once you feel like you know for sure I would definitely see a RE, it is an easy fix.

Thejoie - I feel like we are long lost sisters, complete type A personalities. Trying to plan every step of the way. I also didn't want kids before I met my DH, I was married beforehand and just couldn't see myself with that person. Now that I have DH I feel so secure and am ready. Isn't love grand!!

Love is pretty awesome. Or blinding... we will see haha!! JK!! I am so ready for this next adventure.

Still waiting to ovulate. I was a little irritated with my opk's today. I felt like last month, I saw the progression really clearly and this month they seem paler to me? I dunno. I just hope I ovulate next week as I'm supposed to. C'mon Monday or Tuesday!!! My last cycle was only 25 days and I'm not sure if that's because it was my first one back after my iud or if that's something new... I guess I'll find out if it comes again this month. Which it won't because I am going to get that BFP!!!
Thank you TTCfirst for your reassuring words, it made me feel a lot better, actually coming to this forum makes me feel better. I finally have others that are going through the same thing as me :D sending you a lot of babydust for the BFP this cycle. Where are you at your cycle?

Thejoie, I was just like you, I didn;t really want kids until we got married. I am still very scared about the process but I think having a baby is worth all that. I am not thinking about the process yet, I just want to be pregnant... but that is much easier said than done. lots of babydust to you as well for a BFP!!!
Anytime Illa, I didn't even know this whole world of support existed until about two days ago as I am new to this process. And don't get me started on the process of being pregnant and birth, I am super scared.. But from what I have heard it IS all worth it!

As for my cycle, I should get O this weekend, going to my RE tomorrow for an ultrasound to see how many follicles I have and if i am ready to O. If RE says I am ready, I will be doing IUI this weekend (hopefully!) And then my TWW starts and I have to figure out what I am going to do with myself! Should be doing HPT around Nov 13/14!
Hi ladies :winkwink:! Its nice to meet you all! I like many of you am 31 years old and have been married to my knight in shining armor for 11 months now (1 year in 2 weeks!)! We are both pretty ready and excited to start trying next month officially :-). Its been kind of a whirlwind though trying to figure out "what to do before TTC". There's so much to consider and Im so happy that there are many others like you lovely ladies in a similar boat, trying to figure it all out :-). Are you ladies doing anything in particula by way of sleep, exercise/activity, and nutrition to prepare your body for pregnancy? Also, im considering getting a bbt thermometer. I am on cycle day 14 today by calendar (my periods are like clockwork), so im thinking i ovulated yesterday but it would be nice to check my temp as well. I will be out of town on work till sunday lol. So much for trying for this cycle i guess! Its nice to meet you!
Hi Perky - welcome and congrats on making the decision on TTC! There is so much information out there, so don't get overwhelmed.

Once I decided to start, I was already taking care of my body, but started to more so. For example, taking all of my vitamins (prenatal, vitamin D, lots of Folic Acid).

I just got my UP3 which will monitor my heart rate and sleep cycles and it syncs to my Glow App which tracks my fertility and fertility treatments (I do not ovulate on my own so I have to take Clomid).

I workout regularly 5-6x per week and try to eat healthy, no sugar/carbs (although mornings I tend to cheat). Upped my water intake and only have one coffee a day (at least i try too!).

I also just got at BBT, my first day of tracking was this morning. At this point in my cycle I am just recording as I have no idea what my temperature should be.

I would also order OPK and start tracking your fertile days. I think the key is to start tracking as much information now so that you start to understand when you O and best time to do the BD.

Welcome to the club!
TTCfirst, Good luck on your ultra sound tomorrow. Are you doing IUI this time? or getting a trigger for O and then BD? I am still not familiar with all the processes. We should all be testing around the same time. Babydust to all!!!

Perky, Welcome! This forum helps me keep my sanity in control. I am taking prenatal vitamins and just recently started taking my bbt. I have not done anything else differently. I have ordered some cheap opks from amazon, but they are not due to arrive till next month, so I can't use them for this cycle.
Illa- I agree... having others who are in the same place is a breath of fresh air. Most of my friends (almost all my friends already have kids so to them... none of this is exciting...) I have maintained my sanity researching and reading other people going through it!
Today I'm CD9...

Perky- welcome!!! Yes- I felt the exact same way a month ago. I highly recommend the book The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant. It was very helpful!! Congrats on your almost 1 year anniversary! I have learned almost everything from these forums. They are a great source of information and support. I'm glad you found your way here!

TCC- good luck this weekend... I hope it's all systems go!!! I'm pretty scared too. I am worried how it's going to affect me and my job. I'm worried how throwing a lil nugget will affect our daily lives. It's going to change us and I worry about that too. I'm excited but also apprehensive at times. I always think to myself "do this now because any day now... your life stops being just about you..." It's a big step. It's like the last "grown" up step... like am I done hitting all my adult milestones after this?! Get married, career, baby.... and now what?!
Hi, ladies! Thanks for all of the encouragement Illa, TTCfirstovr30, and Thejoie! I just read the amazing amazon reviews for the Impatient Women's book you all are referencing and i think im going to order it today! I'll also order a bbt. For some months i used a random oral thermometer which was an epic fail with a capital "F" lol. :wacko::wacko::wacko:The temps were all over the place! So a TRUE bbt would be a good investment :-). Also, my diet is moderately healthy but im trying to make a conscerted effort to decrease my refined sugars and carbs (so hard!). As far as fitness, i am up and down with my workouts :wacko: so im trying to be more consistent lol (light cardio 3x a week and strength training 2x).
Also, TTCfirstovr30 and Thejoie, i totally share your concerns with what "life postbaby" will look like. I am ready on the insude but i worry about how i will make it all work sometimes you know? I am in medicine and most of the women are putting off having children until they are done with training and i simply dont hve peace withh that you know? It can be really tricky to "time it" right... and then there is the challenge with us and maternity leave, le sigh. But it will be an adventure worth taking :thumbup:!
Also, TTCfirstovr30 and Thejoie, i totally share your concerns with what "life postbaby" will look like. I am ready on the insude but i worry about how i will make it all work sometimes you know? I am in medicine and most of the women are putting off having children until they are done with training and i simply dont hve peace withh that you know? It can be really tricky to "time it" right... and then there is the challenge with us and maternity leave, le sigh. But it will be an adventure worth taking :thumbup:!

It's hard to know... I just think what about how life will be better. I watch my husband goof around with our dogs and it melts my heart and I know he will be amazing. I know together we can do it.

What do you do in the medical field? I'm a Family Nurse Practitioner... school was long and most of my friends have already multiple kids!

Hope you guys are doing well. I had a rough morning. My temping Fitbit alarm didn't go off at 4- I woke up to my husbands alarm at 5 am. Did my temp and opk- the opk pissed me off because it took forever to get darker and my mind started turning against me. I worry that I won't ovulate. I wasn't expecting to ovulate last month so doing the opk's was awesome. This month I'm worried that last month was a fluke.

I am a logical person, and I know that I have time to ovulate. I KNOW I don't have to ovulate on CD14.... the self doubt creeps in though.
Thejoie, you are so right :-). Your optimism is so encouraging! We will all figure it out and you really have to get into the water to test/develop your swimming skills :-). Thats cool that you are in medicine too! I am a physician, in residency. its a lot of fun and i love my job. But ive always been family oreiented and am excited about this new chapter :-). Be encouraged about ovulating! You are young and healthy, and im sure will ovulate!!! Our bodies are so tricky sometimes and Sometimes our systems can take some days to readjust the cycle post contraception you know. Youre on top of it and i know you'll be just fine :winkwink:!

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