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Turning 31, TTC #1- would love a TTC buddy!

Good Morning Ladies - and welcome April and tzb!

Sorry I have been MIA, I was in Palm Springs for Thanksgiving then out to Hawaii for my DH 40th birthday. All was great and I feel great too.

Joie - I am secretly stalking you in insta, all of your lovely soups make me so hungry. They look amazing!

Perky - I am so sorry and feel your frustration. You have a lot on your plate with TTC and your studying. I hope you take some much deserved "me" time before you start again next month. And we will all be here waiting for all the details!

Illa / Purple - How do you feel, any new symptoms?

When is everyone's doctors appts? Anyone hear any heartbeats yet? Sorry if you already wrote about this, I only read the last few pages. lol

I go tonight and I am crossing my fingers for a heartbeat(s)!! DH is coming with me too so I hope he gets to hear something while he is there. I also had some light brown spotting over vacation. I was a little worried, but everywhere i read said it was normal, especially after sex.

Really missed our little group on vacay, happy to be back to reality and back in the routine. I have a feeling these next few months are going to fly by!

We have missed you too TTC!!!
How was the vacation?!

I'm doing okay. Nausea, loss of appetite, lots of food aversion.
Biege foods seem to be okay right now so I've been sticking to that but I can't tolerate any protein... not good....

I hope your appointment goes well today. We will all be thinking of you and the lil bean for a good appointment.
I go for mine in 9 days!
Ttc welcome back!! Hope your appointment went well today! I had mine a couple of weeks ago. I had my us last Wednesday the tech was a real piece of work i asked if it was too early to hear the heart beat she looked at me and told me if I wanted to hear a heat breast to go to my doctor's and they could use a stethoscope. After that I saw the heartbeat and saw 130bpm so I asked wow it's beating at 130? That's good! She replied don't look at that it's not accurate. By the time I left I was worried something was wrong. Today I got someone to read the us report and they reassured me it was all good.
Welcome back TTC, will be thinking of you during your appt. Keep us posted.
Purple, it's such a bummer that you had to deal with that person during your first us. I am glad you were able to get someone else to look at the results. Hopefully you get some one else for your next one.
Joie, I'm right there with you on the nausea and food aversions, plus add I'm bloating. Ahhh.... Can't wait for this phase to be over.
Perky, how are you doing? Hope you are taking g some well deserved me time.
Purple- that's a horrible experience!! I would have been so irritated
It really ruins the experience that's for sure.. I'm going to write the manager for the department tomorrow as it's at the same hospital I work at.
Oh my god!!! Did the tech know you worked there?! Thats a good idea...
I was holding my hospital I'd as I use it to get around the hospital. I already asked the receptionist and was told it's a different tech for my next appt in January so I'm happy about that. :) I feel you on the food aversion and nausea things that use to help now make it worse instead of soup my fall back food is poutine lol or anything salty. Joie how r those ginger candies working?
Purple - That is horrible, that person was probably having a bad day and was taking it out on you. People are so inconsiderate, I second writing that note. I am definitely a note writer. lol

Never thought I would be so excited to go to the doctor's.

PS - I am craving Cabbage, I hate cabbage! lol
I can't stomach the ginger candy... I want salty things. Salt and vinegar chips have been working and Club crackers. I'm about to go crazy on those when I get home. Actually I want a potato again. I had a busy evening and got too hungry... sigh.

I'm glad you will have a different tech Purple.

TTC- good luck and enjoy
Good Morning Ladies!
Everything went well last night, I am 7+2 and heart beat is rockin'! It was really cool to see it on the monitor. Next appt at week 10+1 and that is when they will do the blood work to find out what the sex is. Very exciting!

How is everyone feeling today?
Was super nauseous this morning. Ate a cheese quesadilla (yay protein) for breakfast and have been okay for a bit... but sense the need for more food soon. The struggle is real.

Congrats on your ultrasound! I'm jealous that you have had so many!! I am planning on playing for a private one around 16 weeks to see if we can get a early gender reveal. There's a place around here that had an awesome reputation and isn't very expensive. 8 days till our ultrasound...
TTC, congrats, I am glad to hear everything was good :D
I can't wait for the gender reveal. Not sure when I can find out here in Canada.

Joie, I feel you, I feel the exact same way. I am experiencing some cramping the last couple of days as well.. I can't wait for the first trimester to be over (well then I also don;t know what the second an third has in store).
mmmmmm... Cheese Quesadilla sounds so good right now. I say splurge for the early u/s.

Anyone else freaking out a little about the cost of the baby? I live in LA and am planning to go back to work after my maternity leave. I was looking at daycare options and its 1300 a month, holey-moley-guacamole! That is like rent. ahhhhhhh!!!

Anyone else going back to work or are you staying home?
Illa-I'm still having cramping though not as bad as the last two weeks.
The food aversion is crazy. Lil bug is stealing all my nutrients while not letting me replenish them for myself...haha

I know what you mean. What's next? Horrible heartburn, peeing every hour? Sleepless nights?
Have you guys heard of the baking soda gender test?

You use 2 tbsp of baking soda and add some of your urine. If it fizzes then you're having a boy no fizz you're having a girl. I did it and no fizz. But the baking soda was open for some time.. I'm gonna do it with a new baking soda thing next week.

I did have a dream that we were having a boy.

Who knows?! Anyone having any strong boy/girl feelings?
Wow ttc that is crazy expensive! I will take my year mat leave but I plan on going back after that. I'm fortunate to live in Quebec and the daycares around me are only 7.55$ a day

The joie that sounds neat! Never heard of it before but now I really want to try it!
I'm hoping to find a stay at home mom who wants to add another kiddo to the pack. I only work 4 days a week and my mom can come hang out with the kid one day a week so that leaves 3 days a week of child care. I'm hoping to not spend more than $150 a week but who knows... we are moving in April so I need to do some research about daycare possibilities in our new town...
You Canadians know how to do it! I wish I could take a year off and then go back.

Good Idea, Joie, finding a stay at home mom that will watch another babe. I have a lot of research to do.

I started crying this morning for something super stupid. I was on the 405, which is a major freeway here in LA, and I saw a Dad and probably his middle school-aged daughter on his motorcycle. She was wearing pink pants, uggs and a backpack. I got so upset, just balling - it was so stupid! So at least I am having some symptoms :)

Hope everyone has a great day!
I will be taking a year off as well, but as I am on contract now, I would have to look for a new job afterwards, so we'll see how it goes and decide accordingly.
I am kind of scared about the financials and changes, but my husband keeps telling me not to worry... but as a female I find it extremely hard not to worry about every little thing :D
Joie, I have never heard of it before, but sounds interesting, will give it a try for sure.. maybe close to the time I would find out from the scan :D I want to try the weeding ring method too...
My first appt is a week today... I want this week to go by fast... then we leave for my parents for the holidays :D
Perky: How are you doing?

AFM: I have noticed I am loosing more hair than usual, it must be the hormones, any one else have that, or heard about it? do you know of anything to do about it?

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