Turning 31, TTC #1- would love a TTC buddy!

Hi Everyone,
TTC and Purple, I hear you all on the sleeping, that's all I want to seem to do.
Perky, YAY for almost positive OPK's, your temps look good as well. Fingers and toes crossed for you :D I am not done my Christmas shopping... have no energy, have to pull somethings together next week... ugh.. and this is usually my fav. time of the year.
Joie, Let us know how your doppler turns out. I decided against getting one, I will probably drive myself mad, so not getting it.
I didn't even realize we should be using stretch mark creams and oils now... great to know. I am going to start soon as well, I like Burts and Bees, so might give their oil a try. Is that also for stretch marks?
I may get the pillow, not sure yet.
I am not using belly bands yet, just getting my with dress pants and yoga pants, in the event I do wear jeans, I just don't button it.. lol
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, I will update everyone after the US.
Good luck with your US Illa! I can't wait to see that lil gummy bear!!

So many people say the creams don't work but I figure it can't hurt... trying to keep my skin as healthy and supple as I can! Burts Bees makes a Mama oil!

I've been feeling pretty good this whole week. Food aversions are still here but not as strong as before. Nausea is there in the morning and then if I get too hungry during the day. Sometimes I get heartburn but not every time- I had tomato soup for lunch and felt fine.
I do get more bloated as the day goes on... that can be uncomfortable.
As far as fatigue- I'm still going to the gym 4 days a week and trying to be sensible when I go. I'm going to bed earlier but I've been okay in combating daytime fatigue. I haven't really even been drinking tea as much as I was at first.

Hope you guys are feeling well. Perky- good luck this weekend! I'll be thinking fertile thoughts for you!!
This website is horrible! I have been having an issue getting on all day. It keeps on redirecting me to the walmart page. Ugh, finally figured out that I had to go through the mobile site to get in.

Anyway, Can't wait to see your US Illa, yeay! the two times I have went, my OB did a vaginal us. I have not had a regular one yet. Thinking of you!

Have a great weekend everyone!
I saw the baby, I can't seem to upload the picture from my phone. Will upload it when I get a chance to go on the computer. It was such an amazing feeling. They didn't have to go in endo vaginally. The heartbeat was at 170 bpm.
That's great illa! Can't wait to see it!

Perky I second the goodluck and babydust your way!
That's awesome news Illa!!! I'm so happy for you!!! Yea the website has been horrible. I don't know what the deal is but it's annoying...
Hey ladies!

Happy Sunday! Thank you all for the well wishes! Joie, somehow I'm just seeing the photo of your US now! Super cute!!! Argh, I love this!! Illa, I'm SO glad to here that you got to see the baby!! Can't wait to see your US photo too, if you can get the website to cooperate for you (it's been acting funny for me too!). Joie, have you gotten your grandparents ornament?!! Are you siked about telling your family in literally on week finally?! I'm so excited about this reveal for you!!

Guess WHAT?! I don't know if I told you ladies about my really good girlfriend is over 40, and just got married last month and is now pregnant! We are super close :-D. So excited fore her!

Afm, my OPK turned positive this morning!

I hope all of your weekends are going great: restful at the very least I hope :-). I know the nausea is the worst, but I'm SO happy that your babies are healthy and growing well! Some pregnant women would have abandoned their prenatals by now and be guzzling tons of caffeine to beat the fatigue but you mommies-to-be are doing a phenomenal job keeping balanced with all of that!
Perky that would be sooooo wonderful to have a close friend to go through this with! That's absolutely amazing for your friend! everything happens as it should... life takes you where you are meant to go! Congrats to her! And to you on your positive opk!! I hope in two weeks we will be celebrating a BFP with you!!

I am SO excited to tell my family. I can't believe I haven't messed up and let it slip yet! I have to literally watch my mouth every time I talk to her.

I've been feeling great these last few days. Very intermittent nausea. Quite a bit of food aversion still and the cravings are intense. Right now, I'm totally loving fruit! I get full and bloated VERY quickly. Yesterday I was starving for Mexican food and when we finally went I ate a third of my meal and was stuffed the rest of the night. That's a bit weird. I feel like I haven't eaten a full meal in a while but I'm snacking a lot too. Can't get too hungry or the nausea hits.

I got my Doppler but I'm gonna wait till Tuesday to try it- I'm off that day!

Hope you ladies are feeling good and staying warm. It's been so snowy and cold here... ugh....
Yeay Illa - can't wait to see the pic of the little bean! Isn't it such a crazy feeling to see this life being created inside of you and the heart just beating like crazy. I couldn't believe it when I saw it.

Perky - What wonderful news! That would be amazing if you two could go through this together! Fx'ing for a sticky bean!

Joie - The bloat is no joke! My stomach is just a big ball of bloat lately.Can't wait to hear how the dopplar works, mine should be coming on Friday.

Purple - How you doin, girl?

AFM - I bought a whole bunch of stuff on Amazon... A boppy, it is a back pillow, my lower back has been bothering me. Usually in the mornings when i first wake up or when I am sitting at my desk. I slept with it last night, it was good. I definitely felt a little more support in bed. I also got the Mambino Organics oil and butter. It is soo nice, makes you all shiny and feels really good on your skin. I am hoping for NO strechmarks! And then i got my parents "Grandparents" books. I will be giving it to them for christmas, it is a book where they fill in stories about there lives and then they share it with the baby. I thought it was cute as I never know what to get my parents for christmas.

Other than that, all good in sunny LA. Sorry for the snow Joie!
Hey ladies!

TTC, girl, you are better than me, hah! I still have yet to finish this shopping. In fact I totally just started this weekend. My hubby is the hardest for me to shop for because he is picky and "doesn't need anything". Uye.

I heard the bloating is super intense around this time too! You all have the right idea with eating small food quantities and frequently.

Thanks for sharing my joy ladies :-)! I sent my friend a link to the pregnancy forums on this website. Any other suggested resources for her? Any apps or books or anything you all have found helpful? She literally just found out this past Friday, lol.

AFM I was cramping pretty intensely yesterday, so I'm hoping I ovulated overnight.
Perky- YES! I noticed that too with the Preseed!

I made my 12 week appointment today! Jan 11th!
Even tho Lil Bug measured two days smaller- the nurse says they are gonna keep my July 26 due date... ok!!! Though I completely agree with the two days smaller assessment, I know I ovulated two days later but I also know what that two days difference doesn't really matter...

Perky- I am so insanely hopeful for you! Now we just have to wait two weeks and we will get your BFP. I'm saying we, as if this is a group effort hehe...

One of my old co workers is 10w 2d pregnant! How freaking cool!!! I'm pretty excited to have someone in real life who is where I am. Also fun fact- her wedding was two weeks before mine so it's safe to say that we are on similar life paths!!

3.5 hours left in my long Monday. I am so mentally done today. I just want my bed... but I gotta go home and hide all my pregnancy stuff. My mom is coming over to clean tomorrow (she lost several of her cleaning clients so I'm paying her to clean my house so she's not missing out on too much income... she wouldn't just let me give her money!) ANYWAY... I can't wait till I don't have to hide being pregnant from them anymore.
It dawned on me ladies, you all are nearing the end of the first trimester (it ends 12 weeks, right?)? That's kind of exciting and something to look forward too. I can't believe you 4 have been pregnant for 8 weeks already. where does the time go?

Joie you are hilarious hahah! I read your post about rushing home to hide all of your pregnancy stuff super late last night and burst out laughing. That's sweet that you are paying her to clean for you :-). My Mother in law cleans houses too! I'm excited for you with the pregnancy reveal and the Doppler :-D! It's going to be just plain awesome to check on your little bug regularly between visits. January 11 will literally be here before you know it! Will you do it on Christmas Day or Christmas Eve or what?

TTC I LOVE your grandparents book idea :-). So sweet! I'm sure they will love it too! When is the get together with the 7 fishes? Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Are you planning on giving your Doppler a whirl this week?

Illa and purple how are you ladies feeling today?
Oh, updates: so my temp went up a full degree this morning so I'm thinking I ovulated Sunday most likely! In unrelated news, work has been so-so today: some interesting cases which is always good for learning. It's been SO busy, I'm really looking forward to things slowing down after Christmas some, so I can get back to studying and reading again.
Perky I'm in the same boat with my husband for Xmas shopping lol his answer is always I don't need anything :s

Joie we share a date! Jan 11 is my IPS bloodwork and us!

Nausea has been worse this week and I actually got sick Saturday night for the first time. Just got cleared today by cardio as I have an arrythmia told me I was OK to stay off my Metoprolol for the pregnancy. Thursday is my 4 week follow up can't believe it's already been four weeks since I saw my obgyn last!!
Joie - that is awesome you have an actual person to go through this with in real life. Not that we aren't real, just not physically there. You are so good about holding out on the Dopplar I get mine on Thursday and am taking it right out of the box and trying it out. Thursday I will be 9+4 so I will let you know what I do or do not hear! We are 3 days apart for EDD, I am July 23rd. I would really love to go earlier, but I think you actual go later for your first.

Perky - the 7 fishes will be had on Christmas Eve, my mother and sister will come over Friday night and we will be cooking Christmas Cookies, Stromboli's, Zucchini Souffle and Foccachia. Since moving out to the west cost we have not been able to find any good Italian deli with authentic Italian meats or breads. Its kinda sad so we are going to attempt to make everything from scratch or my mom is going to have to overnight everything! That is great about your temps, I will be thinking about you!!

Purple - Hope you are feeling better. Let us know how the appointment went with you OB! Can't wait to hear your update!

Illa - How you doin?!

AFM - My 10 week appt is next Tuesday and it cannot come soon enough. It is crazy how I was just here two weeks ago and have a strong need to go back! I go in for my First Trimester Screening where they do all the blood work for the abnormalities on Jan 17th. I will find out the sex a week later so that is exciting!
Hi everyone,
I still can't seem to get the picture up. Have been traveling a lot so still haven't been able to go on a computer. Glad to hear everyone iSsdoing good great. Perky, it would be great if you and your friend can be bump buddies. I'm keeping everything crossed for you. Joie, I'm glad you got a buddy at work as well. Let me know once you can hear a heartbeat. I can't wait to hear about it.
Purple, did you get yours yet? Keep us posted when you try.
TTC, I have bad pack pain as well, have been looking at pillows, let me know how yours work out. Since we are pretty much away for the next two weeks I'm going to wait to order anything.
Hey ladies :) so I have literally read through this entire thread. So excited for all of you who are expecting. I just turned 31 last week and we are going to start trying in January. I'm so excited and nervous. I haven't decided if I'm just gonna go with the flow and have fun or actually use the OPKs to find out exactly when I'm ovulating. We will see how I feel. Anyway so excited to find this thread. Hopefully in the next couple months I'll join you ladies on the pregnancy journey :)
Perky- we are going to tell them Christmas Eve. My lil sister had to work so I'm going to stop at her job and give her the "you're going to be an Auntie mug"

I'm so excited for you Perky- your temps look ammmmazing!! You are definitely getting that BFP. Just a warning- the first 6 weeks were the longest weeks of my life.
I'm 9 weeks today!! I can't believe it! After week 7... time seems to have picked up.... which so am soooo grateful for.

88 days till our anticipated house closing date. I'm sure that will get pushed back with more snow days and super cold days but I am so insanely excited. I'm mildly panicking because our new house is going to be 3,200 square feet. That's over twice the amount of space we have now. What the hell am I going to PUT in a house that big?! We only have two bedrooms now and a small living room. We will have 4 bedrooms, a loft, and a den!! Not to mention the basement!!!! Our room, baby room, office, guest bedroom.... the den is going to be a "baby playroom"
Our current living room furniture is going into the loft. So much to think about!!! Buying a house and having a baby at the same time was a brilliant idea. One is distracting me from the other...

TTC- I broke down and tried my Doppler!!! I caught the heartbeat twice!! 144 and 148!!! The placenta sound was so annoyingly loud haha but it was so cool to hear! I had a full bladder and propped my pelvis up on a pillow. The placenta was giving me a 110-120 reading and sounding like a low squishy sound, the heartbeat was faster and more regular and distinct. Good luck!!!

Purple- oh noooo!!! I thought I was in the clear since I haven't been sick yet. No one is safe.. haha.... I hope you feel better. Jan 11th is a great day... I'm not excited with the 12,000 tubes of blood that will be stolen from me but alas- mommy sacrifices.

Zoe- welcome and good luck!!!! It's such an exciting time. My impatience took over reeeaaaallly fast so I dove into the opk's and temping! It's such a whirlwind... just like that one day- you are growing a tiny lil baby!!
Hi everyone!

Ladies! Do any of you have a bump yet?! I'm totally living vicariously through you all, lol! I want to hear about it if so!!!

Thanks, Joie! I am getting excited too. I'm trying not to symptom spot lol. 3dpo, I feel about the same. Some mild cramping but that's about it. That's awesome that the days are moving right along! Also, on the big house situation, that was my situation last year! I found that making a pinterest board for each room/space was helpful :-). Then taking each space one day at a time. It comes together over time and starts to feel like home! SO excited for you!! Argh, 2017 is seriously your year, girl!!! Good luck with Christmas Eve! Eeeek!! Omg, I would TOTALLY want to get a Doppler as soon as I can haha. My friend with the 3 month old had one and raved about it. She said it kept her sane between ultrasound visits.

Purple: uye! So sorry to hear that you got sick! Is it letting up some this week? I'm glad you have the right specialists taking care of you between your Obgyne and cardiologist :-). Is you're appointment already that close?

TTC: Fun!! Omigosh that food sound delish! So fun that you are cooking it together too!! And let us know how the Doppler goes!! So exciting!!!

Illa: I hope your back gets to feeling better. Did any of the pillows stand out to you in particular in your research? I'm glad you and DH get to spend time with family this week!!!

Zoe: welcome to our sweet thread! DH and I just started TTC baby #1 last month :-D. I am in my TWW, grrr. Exciting but kinda nerve wracking! Will this be baby #1 for you all too? Nice to meet you!
Thejoie - Thank you :) And congrats on your little one!

Perkygal31 - I read all of your posts and I'm rooting for you this month! And yes this will be our first. We just got signed up for health insurance so thats out of the way, not just gotta get through this cycle and we will start trying next month. I'm thinking that the first month I'm just gonna have fun and not stress about OPKS and stuff and see what happens. I've been off the pill for 7 months, but hubby and I have been being very careful, so I'm excited to just go with the flow :)

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