Turning 31, TTC #1- would love a TTC buddy!

I can't believe we started this thread about 2 months ago already. Time is flying....

I should have started wrapping days ago. My poor husband is finishing it today... haha... that's what he gets for having a job where they give you the holidays off!! I've got a lot of people in the clinic today. Kind of surprised people aren't too busy shopping and wrapping!

Zoe- my fur babies are in for a treat when this baby gets here. We have two pitbull mixes and our older dog is definitely going to be the protector and the younger one will be the baby's co-conspirator... our dogs are our babies too. Life will get fun with a baby in the mix!!

I think we will be in the same boat. Out golden is going to be the protector and Zoe is going to be the jealous one. Especially at night. She sleeps right beside me and literally cuddles all night lol. She is SOOOO spoiled :rolleyes:
Welcome MzM! I thought I had missed out as we BD two days before O as I went out of town and low and behold it was the month that won! Don't give up hope! I also tested positive at 10dpo.

Afm the obgyn used the Doppler and found the HB! Was rolling at 160! Such as onderful music to my ears! She increased my nausea meds, gave me med for heartburn and prescription for a pregnancy belt apparently it should help my on going back pain. I see her next at the end of January when she will have my results of the IPS

Thanks for the encouragement PURPLE!
Omg I'm SO sorry for my novel Mzm!!! I have learned so much from these 4 lovely newly pregnant girls on this site and apparently I like sharing the knowledge. Sorry for the book of information lol!!!

Perky thank U so much, that information was awesome, I had no idea my ovulation date could shift even if I have a regular 28day cycle. Awesome you are d best! I wish us the best Perky. I really do need to BFP this month. ThANKS. I don't really feel any different at all tho but am just 3dpo from what I know? so I guess nothing yet, how are U? except d fact that my boobs kind of feel bigger...lol....I dont know if that counts or its just my mind....
Purple yay!!! I tried using the Doppler last night but my bladder wasn't full and just got a lot of placenta sounds. I have a retroverted uterus so having a full bladder seems to be critical.

Woke up today to our furnace being out! Ugh... thankfully we have an amazing landlord who came by early to get it going again. We are so lucky to have him and will miss him so much. I told him I'm gonna send my husband to stay with him for a month so he can train him on how to be handy hsha!!
I'm better with home improvement stuff than He is!!

I'm so bloated! I was soooo hungry yesterday. I got a chicken salad and a hot dog- I couldn't even finish the hot dog! I was sooo full and uncomfortable.

Cravings are so weird. I will insanely want something and as soon as I eat it- I never want it again. Our pantry is full of food that has no interest to me. The only constants in my diet are waffles, apples, and clementines.

I wrapped presents for 3 hours yesterday and I'm still not done. I can't believe how behind I got this year.

Hi Joie, sorry about the furnance, lol.... I support the idea of that training 100% .....!!I can imagine your cravings... sorry!

I get your plight with the presents, mine would be worse...I am extra late, I really have not been motivated much. I was out all day christmas shopping though.... Hopefully I get my christmas spirit back tomorrow!
Purple yay!!! I tried using the Doppler last night but my bladder wasn't full and just got a lot of placenta sounds. I have a retroverted uterus so having a full bladder seems to be critical.

Woke up today to our furnace being out! Ugh... thankfully we have an amazing landlord who came by early to get it going again. We are so lucky to have him and will miss him so much. I told him I'm gonna send my husband to stay with him for a month so he can train him on how to be handy hsha!!
I'm better with home improvement stuff than He is!!

I'm so bloated! I was soooo hungry yesterday. I got a chicken salad and a hot dog- I couldn't even finish the hot dog! I was sooo full and uncomfortable.

Cravings are so weird. I will insanely want something and as soon as I eat it- I never want it again. Our pantry is full of food that has no interest to me. The only constants in my diet are waffles, apples, and clementines.

I wrapped presents for 3 hours yesterday and I'm still not done. I can't believe how behind I got this year.

Hi Joie, sorry about the furnance, I support the idea of that training 100% ....lol.!!I can imagine your cravings... sorry!

I get your plight with the presents, mine would be worse...I am extra late, I really have not been motivated much. I was out all day christmas shopping though.... Hopefully I get my christmas spirit back tomorrow!

the lol should come after my support of the idea!
Hope your day is going well ladies!! Please have me in your prayers or send me lots of baby dust. I really need my BFP this month, I don't know if I can handle another negative. I really dont think so. Its so hard.
Hope your day is going well ladies!! Please have me in your prayers or send me lots of baby dust. I really need my BFP this month, I don't know if I can handle another negative. I really dont think so. Its so hard.

Prayers and fingers crossed for you girl!!
I realized that I never formally introduced myself to you ladies... so a little bit about me

My name is Jennifer, and I'm 31 and have been married to my husband for 5 1/2 years. I have been ready for babies since I said I-do, but my husband has not, and it's been quite the journey to talk him into even trying. But he is finally on board. We have two fur babies, Zoe is our maltese and we have a golden retriever named Tucker. Super spoiled and they have been our children so I'm interested to see how having baby will change things with them.

Anyway I'm excited to be a part of this thread. I have introduced myself on other threads before, but I just feel like I'm in a more similar situation with you ladies so thank you for being very welcoming :)

Hi Zoe, U are very welcome!!
I was put into a FB group of July babies and I'm mostly there for the comedic relief but this week there has been a lot of loss in that group and it makes me so sad and worried. So you can imagine how happy I was when I used my Doppler and heard the wonderful "chugga chugga" heart beat within the first few min of searching.. Thanks for the reassurance Lil Bug. That's my tip for you guys when you start using the doppler. You hear your own heart rate but it's slower and pretty loud, the placenta is squishy and slow, tans then you find this little, soft (for now) and fast sound that sounds like a train...."chugga chugga chugga"- that's it!
I have a funky uterus but having a full bladder helps me a lot.

I hope you ladies are doing well and you have a wonderful holiday with your loved ones.
Hey ladies! Just wanted to pop in and say hi :) hope you all had a great Christmas!
Hey ladies! Just wanted to pop in and say hi :) hope you all had a great Christmas!

HI Zoe, mine was just a pensive christmas, fun tho but am in my 2ww, and 7dpo today, cant feel anything @all.
hope u had a better christmas than i did

Perky where are U?
I know u should be around 9dpo today. hope u are okay?
Hey ladies! Just wanted to pop in and say hi :) hope you all had a great Christmas!

HI Zoe, mine was just a pensive christmas, fun tho but am in my 2ww, and 7dpo today, cant feel anything @all.
hope u had a better christmas than i did

Perky where are U?
I know u should be around 9dpo today. hope u are okay?

Sorry it wasn't so great :( hope your week gets better!! So you're not having any symptoms? Fingers crossed for you :) I'll say a little prayer for ya!
MzM: nothing is okay! I truly didn't feel "pregnancy" symptoms that some people experience!! I didn't!

I can't believe tomorrow we will be 10 weeks! I'm off today and Lil Bugs heart rate was 165! I was laughing because my bladder was SO full this morning... that plus my uterus made my belly stick out so much! It's crazy to think that will be the norm soon. The next few weeks have a lot of growth so I'm a bit concerned about my work pants... any one have any maternity work pant suggestions yet?! I'm debating buying a some belly bands and trying to make that work for the first few weeks
Hey ladies! Just wanted to pop in and say hi :) hope you all had a great Christmas!

HI Zoe, mine was just a pensive christmas, fun tho but am in my 2ww, and 7dpo today, cant feel anything @all.
hope u had a better christmas than i did

Perky where are U?
I know u should be around 9dpo today. hope u are okay?

Sorry it wasn't so great :( hope your week gets better!! So you're not having any symptoms? Fingers crossed for you :) I'll say a little prayer for ya!

thx Zoe!
MzM: nothing is okay! I truly didn't feel "pregnancy" symptoms that some people experience!! I didn't!

I can't believe tomorrow we will be 10 weeks! I'm off today and Lil Bugs heart rate was 165! I was laughing because my bladder was SO full this morning... that plus my uterus made my belly stick out so much! It's crazy to think that will be the norm soon. The next few weeks have a lot of growth so I'm a bit concerned about my work pants... any one have any maternity work pant suggestions yet?! I'm debating buying a some belly bands and trying to make that work for the first few weeks

that is really encouraging. thx!

lol belly out :) :happydance: time moves so fast though! hmmm belly bands sound like a good idea!
MzM: nothing is okay! I truly didn't feel "pregnancy" symptoms that some people experience!! I didn't!

I can't believe tomorrow we will be 10 weeks! I'm off today and Lil Bugs heart rate was 165! I was laughing because my bladder was SO full this morning... that plus my uterus made my belly stick out so much! It's crazy to think that will be the norm soon. The next few weeks have a lot of growth so I'm a bit concerned about my work pants... any one have any maternity work pant suggestions yet?! I'm debating buying a some belly bands and trying to make that work for the first few weeks

I'm excited to follow along on your journey :)

So we weren't being very careful this month and my period is 4 days away but I've been feeling very off. Not thinking too much into it, but I wouldn't be too upset if period doesn't show :) we're usually pretty careful but this month we just didn't care and did the deed quite a few times during my fertile window (oops) I'm 11 dpo today and my cervix is unusually high and my stomach is not happy with me today (could be all of the holiday treats I ate) who knows I'm probably just over thinking it and my period will come on time, but I am feeling weird so we will see. If she does show then we will officially be tying come January :)

Also TMI but is it normal to have EWCM at 11dpo? I've really been tracking my cycles for the past few months and never experienced this so late in my cycle. Thoughts??
Hello Ladies - Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday weekend! Sorry I have been MIA, I am battling a horrible cold that I cannot take anything for and was so busy with Christmas that I had no time for anything other than trying to sleep in between all the family functions!

Purple, Illa, Perky - How are you feeling today?

Joie - Must be nice to have the day off and just relax today!

Welcome Zoe!

MzM - Hang in there and Fx'ing for your BFP. I never had any symptoms through out my 2ww nor have I had any symptoms now during my pregnancy so everyone is different. You may not feel anything.

AFM - Other than this stupid cold, feel pretty good. I had my 10 week us today! I saw Baby move and everything is right on track! It actually looks like a baby now. I use my Doppler every night and hear the train chugging too. I got a little scared the other night because I heard the heart beat on both sides of my uterus and thought I was having twins but it is normal to hear it on both sides.

My Squishy!
TTC you're squishy looks positively wonderful!!! ommmmmg, I can NOT believe you all are already 10 weeks, eeek! Almost done with 1st Trimester!! Seriously where has the time gone. I'm glad you are starting to get over the cold. I was sick last month and it was a hot mess to say the least lol.

And Joie, my word, I can't believe you are 10 weeks too! So excited for you! omg, how did the reveal go?! Details please :-D!! I love that you had a little pooch this morning too, heheh. Fun!!!

Mzm, I'm well! No symptoms yet that I can't attribute to progesterone post-ovulation hah :-). Today, I'm feeling optimistic so I'm very grateful for that :-). When are you planning to test?

Zoe, wouldn't that be an exciting way to start the new year?!! With a surprise BFP?! Excited for you, your symptoms sound promising!!! Good luck!!

AFM, I am doing well! 9 dpo (FF is saying I am 8dpo) today and feel well! Minimal mild pelvic cramps and that's about it :-). I'm getting siked about testing Saturday morning!! AF would technically be due wed-fri and so far no signs of her!
TTC you're squishy looks positively wonderful!!! ommmmmg, I can NOT believe you all are already 10 weeks, eeek! Almost done with 1st Trimester!! Seriously where has the time gone. I'm glad you are starting to get over the cold. I was sick last month and it was a hot mess to say the least lol.

And Joie, my word, I can't believe you are 10 weeks too! So excited for you! omg, how did the reveal go?! Details please :-D!! I love that you had a little pooch this morning too, heheh. Fun!!!

Mzm, I'm well! No symptoms yet that I can't attribute to progesterone post-ovulation hah :-). I went up and down between being worried that I had no symptom and reassured. Thank you TTC and Joie for reminding us that no symptoms is still ok, lol. Today, I'm feeling optimistic so I'm very grateful for that :-). When are you planning to test?

Zoe, wouldn't that be an exciting way to start the new year?!! With a surprise BFP?! Excited for you, your symptoms sound promising!!! Good luck!!

AFM, I am doing well! 9 dpo (FF is saying I am 8dpo) today and feel well! Minimal mild pelvic cramps and that's about it :-). I'm getting siked about testing Saturday morning!! AF would technically be due wed-fri and so far no signs of her!

Its really great to have you guys I must say. Makes me feel lots better, Its awesome Joie and TTC that you guys are 10weeks, really it is! U sound like very caring and wonderful mums to be!

Perky I am 7DPO, I plan to test 11DPO, AF is on the 3rd..... Baby dust for us both!!
TTC- what a gorgeous scan!!! Looks so different already! I'm sorry you're sick. I've been very sniffly lately and am hoping it doesn't get any worse... isn't the heart beat the greatest thing ever? I just love hearing it.

Perky- it was soooo good! My mom shouted and my sister cried and it was wonderful!!! 10 weeks tomorrow- I can't believe it!!! Time truly has been flying these past few weeks. I'm so happy.

Zoe- a surprise BFP would be amazing! Fingers crossed!!

Perky- I am SO excited for you to test... 4 days till test time!

Today I bought corn dogs and pizza rolls. Hahaha.... my cravings are seriously ruling my life. I have been doing well calorie wise but my low carb high protein diet has been pushed way way way to the back! Still able to work out about 4 days a week so I'm happy about that.

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