No Kitty, NO! Mr Tumble is his hair is receding!
But he's funny. Have you seen Gigglebiz? And he's so good with the children. Oh I would!
I have soooo much to learn! Who are these men? Is this what happens when you have kids. I thought frumpy clothes and wearing baby sick was the worst of my worries.
Am I going to find anything in trousers on CBeebies attractive?
I think it depends on the age, Rowan has no interest in the tv whatsoever although I watch it during the day, for me between 2-3 they're able to do a wide variety of activities like painting/drawing/playing with toys/dress up, that there is no need for them to be sat down to watch tv, I don't think its bad in moderation or as part of a bed time routine. I think its bad when anyone adult/child or baby is sat infront of the tv all day!
I don't think TV is the source of all evil its made out to be and I sit firmly on the 'everything in moderation' side of the fence.

Maia doesn't watch any particular programmes but we do have tv on in the background when we're in the lounge, mainly the music channels which she does sometimes watch... but we also play and coo at each other, go out for walks, to baby group and do lots of other things.

I will let her watch some cbeebies when she's old enough to enjoy it but it will be just a small part of what we so together. I don't think that it will do her any harm whatsoever
Rarely. We don't have a TV but sometimes watch stuff on iplayer. I put on Waybuloo once or twice a week when I really need a break though! I decided that having a stressed out, angry mum would have a worse effect than 20 minutes of telly!

That's pretty much my reasoning, I do telly when it's the lesser of 2 evils. Particularly if she's overtired and saying 'I need to go to bed' at 5pm and I really need a break from the sound of my own voice reading peppa pig books :dohh:
As long as its in moderation and your not using the tv as a baby sitter or letting them watch inappropriate stuff then I see no harm in them watching tv.

Brian Loves his tv and its never done him any harm, its more the theme tunes he likes then once the music ends and the show begines he losses interest but we sit together watching it and he shouts out some names of the animals he recognises or I tell him what it is we are seeing such as numbers and colours or silly things like "look at the man riding a bike".
He has about the same amount of time reading together and playing with his toys or going out for walks so I see no harm as its still helping with his learning of the world after all.
Hmm, I probably do use the TV as a babysitter at times. Like if she doesn't want to play alone but I need to cook the dinner. I'd rather she watched 20 mins of TV than clung to my leg crying :shrug:
my LO is 10 weeks,i have him in his bouncer just watchin baby t.v channel just while pop round house do short period housework not everyday though,he seems to like the colours and sounds,or i have him on his playmat or in the chair facing away from T.V so he can see me but hear T.V in background seems keep him happy but at sametime not a couch potato
Oscars watching Discover and so on beebies as we speak . . . so i can have a flick through BnB - bad mummy!
Hmm, I probably do use the TV as a babysitter at times. Like if she doesn't want to play alone but I need to cook the dinner. I'd rather she watched 20 mins of TV than clung to my leg crying :shrug:

Sorry I was more reffering to the more extreme other side of that, I have a friend that just plonks her kids down in front of the tv to ammuse them all day every day while she plays online bingo and such.
That is what I more ment by using it as a babysitter.
Distracting them for a bit while you nip to the loo or cook dinner isnt what id class as a babysitting tool its just doing what you have to do to get on with things :)

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