TW - (Traditional Weaning) Support Thread

Hey ladies just after some quick advice if thats ok? Brooke is 18 weeks old and I started weaning her at 16 weeks, there was no way we could have stretched it out any longer!

My question is.. what should her nappies be like? They went through a stage of being dark green and thick but not hard, now they are bright yellow watery/mucousy and stink to the high heavens, is this normal or is something I'm giving her not agreeing??
Hey ladies just after some quick advice if thats ok? Brooke is 18 weeks old and I started weaning her at 16 weeks, there was no way we could have stretched it out any longer!

My question is.. what should her nappies be like? They went through a stage of being dark green and thick but not hard, now they are bright yellow watery/mucousy and stink to the high heavens, is this normal or is something I'm giving her not agreeing??

Is she teething? Mucousy poo is usually caused by teething as they swallow the excess saliva. Once u start weaning the consistency, smell & color keeps changing. As it's watery u can stick to food that harden poo like carrots, potatoes, apples & bananas if u already introduced them in addition to baby rice if she has it. Avoid mangoes, pears, peaches, etc for now as they cause loose poo. Once the consistency stebilizes & it's less watery, u can give her any of those. xx
Hi thanks for the reply... she could very well be teething as she is constantly at her gums with her fists and scratches them with her fingernails.

With starting weaning at 6 weeks we have pretty much stuck to baby porridge for a week and now this week she is having baby porridge in the morning and a heinz packet dinner for tea, havent really tried her on anything else yet as was quite worried about her nappies, I think I'll introduce some banana tomorrow see what that does!

Thanks again..
Hello everyone.... My baby girl is 19 weeks old now and I have started her on solids.... Meaning baby food... She was sick and on antibiotics a few weeks ago and I gave her yogurt to keep her from getting thrush. She did so good I decided to go ahead and try to start her. She gets some oatmeal in the mornings and a veg in the evening. When I give her the food she "chews" it like its real food, she has doubled her birth weight from 6lb 11oz to 15lb. She was on special formula that had rice cereal in it to thicken it so it made her gain alot of weight.
For those who make their own food can you use canned veggies? I was going to try my hand at making her some sweet peas.
Hello everyone.... My baby girl is 19 weeks old now and I have started her on solids.... Meaning baby food... She was sick and on antibiotics a few weeks ago and I gave her yogurt to keep her from getting thrush. She did so good I decided to go ahead and try to start her. She gets some oatmeal in the mornings and a veg in the evening. When I give her the food she "chews" it like its real food, she has doubled her birth weight from 6lb 11oz to 15lb. She was on special formula that had rice cereal in it to thicken it so it made her gain alot of weight.
For those who make their own food can you use canned veggies? I was going to try my hand at making her some sweet peas.

Hi hun. Canned veggies usually have lots or salt & sugar & they have preservatives. Frozen veggies are a better option. When I give Omar canned veggies, I always wash it then boil it for few mins, then throw the water to get rid of the extra sugar/salts. Then cook it again with clean water until it's soft. & I use frozen or fresh veggies most of the time.

As for her weight, Omar was also on special formula for reflux, & he also used to add weight very fast. After he was 7 mnths it started to slow down & he went down frm 90th percentile at 7 mnths to 75th at 10 mnths. Once they'r fully weaned & more mobile weight gains slows down xx
I wasn't sure I could use canned food but I think im going to try my hand at making her some food next week. Have you found anything that doesn't freeze and thaw very well? Do you use the icecube method for freezing?
I wasn't sure I could use canned food but I think im going to try my hand at making her some food next week. Have you found anything that doesn't freeze and thaw very well? Do you use the icecube method for freezing?

I didn't prepare any baby food for Omar. I spoon feed from what we eat as I started proper weaning at 6.5 mnth, earlier I was using jars as he didn't like any homemade purée & I wasn't taking weaning seriously. Many ladies here use ice trays to freeze baby food, I'm sure someone can help xx
i went and bought some pear, mango, carrots, squash and pie pumpkin to make mika some food... I made peas today and gave her some and she loved it... The rest is in the freezer... Will let everyone know how it went. Any advice would be great
Hey Trinity :wave: I froze quite a lot, the only thing I found that was a problem was banana for some reason! I used ice cub trays at first and then could thaw a coupe of cubes and mix and match when she started to eat more. Then I got some slighly bigger tubs when her potions went up again. It wasn't until we were more into a weaning routine and she was eating more and moving onto lumps that I started making it fresh. :flower:
Hi everybody first time I've been on this thread - I started weaning LO at 12 weeks starting off with baby rice and porridge and gradually moving on to 3 mini meals a day (she use to have baby porridge for brakfast then a rusk with milk at lunch and then a baby jar for dinner then we moved onto weetabix or porridge for breakfast - lunch is toast or a sandwich (although she tends to enjoy throwing this everywhere) with a fromage frais and maybe a biscuit and for dinner I have started cooking my own meals - I was very nervous at first as I eat frozen dinners due to being lazy! But I'm so happy LO is eating proper food - she had tuna and rice with sweetcorn last week, then roast dinner on sunday(chicken,veg,potatoe) she loves tinned peaches and then tonight I did her some mash and gravy with custard for pudding and she ate it ALL!! Am I doing everything ok?
Also she is on hungry milk has been since around 10 weeks - she has a full 7oz bottle in the morning, a full 7oz in afternoon and another full one before bed - she sleeps through the night am I giving her to much milk? When should I cut one out?
Thanks! x
Hi Hun u'r doing great. She still needs around 3 feeds at this age & 21oz is perfect. She she shouldn't drop before she's almost 1 yr. Just take care of the sugar quantities she's having as fromage frais & biscuits r usually loaded with sugar. U can offer her plain yoghurt with fresh fruits instead as a healthier dessert. X
I made the pie pumpkin today... I had enough to fill two ice trays and a gerber jar for the day... I think it tastes pretty good... I am going to make carrots tonight once the pumpkin freezes... Im excited about making it..... She is taking a nap right now so i can't test it on her LOL..
Mandy2009 :wave: Sounds like your having fun making for LO :D My LO used to be on HB milk, once she was on 3 full meals a day I switched her formula to the 6months formula. I was torn between normal infant and the 6 month but ended up on the 6 months. Switching from HB wasn't recommended or anything but I did it becasue I was worried that at 12 months when she goes onto full fat cows milk it would be a huge contrastfrom the bulky formula to none. She still has three bottles at day at 11.5 months. Not saying you should take your LO off it, it's just anotehr angle to consider! Sorry you came here for help not more options and confusion! :flower:
Mandy2009 :wave: Sounds like your having fun making for LO :D My LO used to be on HB milk, once she was on 3 full meals a day I switched her formula to the 6months formula. I was torn between normal infant and the 6 month but ended up on the 6 months. Switching from HB wasn't recommended or anything but I did it becasue I was worried that at 12 months when she goes onto full fat cows milk it would be a huge contrastfrom the bulky formula to none. She still has three bottles at day at 11.5 months. Not saying you should take your LO off it, it's just anotehr angle to consider! Sorry you came here for help not more options and confusion! :flower:

Hiya many many thanks for your post - i was going to move her onto the 6months + formula but hv's advised me not too. I may give it a go but I'm scared she wont sleep through the night anymore (she sleeps from 6pm - 7am and has done since 8 weeks so im nervous she will wake!)

Hi Mandy2009. Follow on is also filling (it's thicker than stage one) Omar was on Anti reflux which is also sooo filling. We didnt cut it off immediately, we started by mixing it with the follow on (as advised by his paed) & them we started slowly to reduce the amount. He still have 2 oz of anti reflux with 4 oz of follow on in his bottles. It didnt affect his sleep. We'r planning to reduce it to 1 oz this week & see how it goes.Or u can give her 6+ during the day & keep the HB for her night feed xx
Hi ladies!! So i'm a new parent to my daughter who will be 6 months next thursday..I have been giving her cereal since she was about 5 months. I recently just started giving her jars of banana, carrots and now apple sauce. I have been usually waiting about a week to introduce different foods but i know at 6 months you can start solids, but it will take forever for her to get a variety if giving her something new once a week.

If someone can fill me in and give me some ideas of what i can give her, do i still only give her fruits and vegetables?? And how often should i give her solids? I usually give her cereal mixed with fruit in the morning and at dinner i usually give her cereal mixed with her carrots, only because she doesn't like the carrots by themselves..Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Oh ya and i'm giving her 1-2 tbsp each meal, not sure if thats too much or not enough, i'm sure she would eat more if i let her..haha
Hi ladies!! So i'm a new parent to my daughter who will be 6 months next thursday..I have been giving her cereal since she was about 5 months. I recently just started giving her jars of banana, carrots and now apple sauce. I have been usually waiting about a week to introduce different foods but i know at 6 months you can start solids, but it will take forever for her to get a variety if giving her something new once a week.

If someone can fill me in and give me some ideas of what i can give her, do i still only give her fruits and vegetables?? And how often should i give her solids? I usually give her cereal mixed with fruit in the morning and at dinner i usually give her cereal mixed with her carrots, only because she doesn't like the carrots by themselves..Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Oh ya and i'm giving her 1-2 tbsp each meal, not sure if thats too much or not enough, i'm sure she would eat more if i let her..haha

Hi hun. At 6+ mnths u can give ur Lo everything except honey, nuts & shellfish & cow milk as drink. Anything else is ok & u dont have to wait 1 week anymore to introduce sth new. U can also start mashing real food (frm what u'r eating) & offer her few tastes to get her used to more tastes & flavors (just make sure u dont add salt to food). As for quantities ur Lo will let u know when she's full. U can also give her steamed veggies, bread, toast, etc as finger food. Good luck xx
hey ladies! I'm not to sure on the whole EGGS situation are all eggs ok? Izzy is 8 months now so I thought they were ok but just wanted to check before I start giving her them!

thanks x
Hi Mandy2009. Follow on is also filling (it's thicker than stage one) Omar was on Anti reflux which is also sooo filling. We didnt cut it off immediately, we started by mixing it with the follow on (as advised by his paed) & them we started slowly to reduce the amount. He still have 2 oz of anti reflux with 4 oz of follow on in his bottles. It didnt affect his sleep. We'r planning to reduce it to 1 oz this week & see how it goes.Or u can give her 6+ during the day & keep the HB for her night feed xx

Thanks for ur post - I'm going to try her on the 6+ milk in the day time and then HB milk for her night like u said! Hopefully it be ok! xx
hey ladies! I'm not to sure on the whole EGGS situation are all eggs ok? Izzy is 8 months now so I thought they were ok but just wanted to check before I start giving her them!

thanks x

Yes hun, as long as there r no allergies in ur family. I started offering eggs at around 7.5 mnths. Just make sure to cook it very well until it's dry with no soft parts. xx

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