TW - (Traditional Weaning) Support Thread

We arent doing too bad either - its clear she isnt keen on lumpy things and she doesnt like the feeling - but she is do much better than before and can keep it down :)
I've had a bit of a break through with this lumps thing.
Some may know that Abbie (9 months) would have lumps them promptly throw the lot up and everything else she's drunk/eaten.
It was getting so frustrating so I went back to purees for a week or so.

Last week I tried her on a tiny piece of toast. She ate in the end about a quarter of a slice by me giving about pea size peices.
Then one lunchtime I couldn't get her to eat "her food" but she was really interested in my pizza so I cut a tiny piece of the base off and gave it to her from my fork. I couldn't get it into her quick enough.
From then on I made the decision that she will now have what I eat and give her a bit at a time.
I can't give finger food yet cos she just shoves it in then gags but we are slowly getting there.

I've also discovered she doesn't want to drink out of a cup with a lid on but is quite happy to drink out of a mug/cup.
This child is waaay to independant for her own good!!
Hi everyone :hi: So pleased that your babies are all doing so much better. Unfortunately Megan is still barely eating at all. Yesterday she had about 1tbsp of oatmeal and 1 tbsp of fruit puree. Lunch was about 4 tiny vegan cream cheese sandwiches and 1 tbsp yoghurt. Dinner was 1tbsp of pureed chicken casserole and 1tbsp fruit puree. Not much for almost 10 months old! It's weird she'll eat bread, toast and cheerios but won't eat mashed potato or anything lumpy at all. All day she only had 13oz of milk. It's so very tiring and worrying. :wacko:
:flower: Oh my, so happy to have found you all!

My son is not keen on food that is not mashed and still gag's (he just turned 13 months). He has no problem eating small pieces of cheese, bread with peanut butter/ houmous/ tuna etc, he also eats little cheerio things etc. But when it is his lunch or dinner he gags on it unless it is mashed. I know I need to persevere to get him used to it, but it's tricky when also trying to make sure he gets enough food in him. He is not interested in milk these days and I am lucky if he takes 12 oz's....

I try giving him more snacks as well, but he isn't that interested. Breakfast and dinner go down quite well, but lunch can be pretty taxing....

Megewansmum, do you think Megan has an issue with consistency or tastes? Have you tried putting some of the cream cheese she likes with her mash?

Sb22 - congrats on your pg (I remember you from 3rd tri!) :kiss:
Hi ladies. Omar is the same. He doesnt eat much. He takes 1/2 banana or a pot of fromage frais as a main meal. He doesnt take any snacks. Today he had 1/2 banana mashed with 1/2 weetabix with little cow milk for breakfast (left around 1/4) He had 1 fromage frais for lunch, & will have some pasta with spinach & cream sauce. He only took 6 oz of formula so far & it's already 8 pm. I cant force him to take more as he gags when he doesnt want to eat or drink & projectile vomits. So, I's taking it slow. He's ok with lumps but he eats very little. xx
I spoke too soon, i gave her a bit of potato waffle which ended up in a puddle :s
LOL at the "puddle" (though I'm sure it wasn't funny for you!)

We've had another good day. Weetabix brekky; fromage frais lunch; some "beef casserole" dinner and half a fruit pot. I think he could have eaten more of the casserole but I'd only warmed through a little bit!

This progress has been coincidental with trying a new brand of food - Ella's Kitchen Stage 2 pouches, which don't have little chopped lumps like the jar foods but are just a bit more mushy/lumpy than puree. It may just be coincidence, or it may be that we've found a consistency that he's happy with - funnily enough, it's around the consistency of my own frozen veg & meat cubes.

I still haven't tried him with tiny bits of toast, pancake or pizza. Though he will get tiny bits of chocolate cake on Thursday for his birthday!

ETA. Meant to say, I was calculating A's calorie intake earlier and he's getting about 650c a day, of which 500c is still his formula milk. Presumably at some point I'm meant to reduce the milk and increase the calories from the solids? I'll have to ask the dietitian about that.
Does anyone else give breakfast with the morning bottle, ie at 7am or do most people give bottle and then breakfast an hour or so later?
Does anyone else give breakfast with the morning bottle, ie at 7am or do most people give bottle and then breakfast an hour or so later?

I give a breastfeed in bed when she wakes around 6.30ish then breakfast around 7.30ish, once we've made it down stairs!
ellas kitchen are a lovely consistency - very textured but not lumpy at all :) xx
Does anyone else give breakfast with the morning bottle, ie at 7am or do most people give bottle and then breakfast an hour or so later?
I give breakfast (weetabix with formula) immediately followed by a bottle. I found this was the best way of ensuring that Andrew didn't fill himself up with milk and then not want the solids!
weaning is getting tough this week. i feed rhys in his bouncy chair as its a nice level to feed him at and hes happy to sit in it. this week he is arching himself up to a sitting position so i thought id try him in his high chair. he is perfectly able to sit up but as soon as he gets in his highchair hes not that interested!!

he has also gone from woolfing everything down to opening his mouth a tiny bit then shutting it as soon as food comes near. he is still eating some but he used 2 finish whole stage 2 jars!!

he is trying to grab at the spoon and bowl and i think he wants to feed himself. i may give up and go to BLW with him as i dont think he likes his mummy feeding him anymore :(

How about giving him one spoon to hold whilst you feed him with another?

On a weekend I sit on the floor with Chloe and she sits on my knee to eat breakfast, just so she isn't always in the high chair. Sounds like maybe if he is used to the bouncer it may take him a little while to adjust to the high chair perhaps? Keep at it and hope he picks up agian soon :flower:
There is always a gap of 1.5-2 hrs between bottles & solids for Omar. If I give them close to each other he will drop either a meal of a bottle .
Chloe is the same as Omar, I have to leave a gap otherwise she will miss one or the other. Sometimes I give her the baby cereal with her milk but usually I give her a bottle first on a weekday and a solid first on a weekend. No real reason why except it's just easier to manager that was as I can give her a bottle on the bus and then she gets breakfast at nursery.
Andrew is generally starving when he wakes, hence why we do breakfast & milk in quick succession!

We've had good success again today, three decent meals.
Sending a WOOP WOOP to Andrew for his munching progress! :happydance::happydance:
My son gets his first bottle at 07:30/ 08:00 (he is a sleeper!), then brekkie at 09:00.

He has a mid-morning snack with some milk at 11:00, followed by a nap.

Lunch at 13:30

Nap at 15:00

Milk and dinner at 17:30 (I find giving him milk with his food easier than trying to get him to take it on it's own)

Bath at 19:00

Bedtime (with milk if he is willing to take it) at 19:30

He choked on a pea at dinner this evening which led to nearly puking up his dinner :nope:

Marley - sorry this may be a stupid question, but how did you measure/ calculate your son's calorie intake....? :shrug:


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