twin mamas to be when are you due and what/who are you having?

Pink - OMG is that where the cord is not directly going through the bellybutton?!! Because thats what my A has too! Crazy!
They say the percentage goes up with IVF babies.

Not sure about the belly button, but from what I understand the cord isn't attached to the placenta properly. It's pretty rare but risk factors are IVF pregnancy and multiples. Do you know if you're going to have to have a c-section because of it? I'm meeting with a high risk ob on Tuesday to get the real low-down. My regular doctor wouldn't tell me anything and I ended up googling and freaking myself out about it. :dohh:
Pink - Not sure exactly….I think its connected to placenta ok, but its a little off from her belly button they say, but won't look abnormal or anything later.
I am having a c-section, but that was planned from the beginning, now its just definite.
I'm due May 5th with boy/girl twins. At our 24 week apt both babies were breech. If that continues we are looking at a c-section around April 21st.

Jury, ive added you to our due date list on the first page. :baby:
Silly question... I havent been pregnant in 18 years and totally forgot if I felt it or not.

Both of my twins were breech at the last u/s I go again Tuesday for another scan to see where they are but I was curious has anyone actually felt and knew the moment that twin A flipped and got into birthing position? I have been waiting to see if I feel it and haven't but boy I get some strong hits and kicks!

I know I have time but they are thinking I will go by 36W so I would imagine something should be happening soon as that is in 37 days.
So far I can't tell the difference wether they are head up or head down lol 20 weeks they were both head down in u/s, 24 weeks they were both breech. I had no idea they had flipped, but it's still early for me. Sometimes I feel weird pressure and wonder if they are flipping around but can't really tell.
Hey everyone! Not sure who all has a Marshalls (I dont ) but my MIL just bought and sent me 10 Chica Chica Boom Boom Muslin Swaddle blankets and the price tag on them was 2 for $3! Thats way cheaper than anything I could make and they were very nice quality. Just thought I would toss that out there since with twins we have to have so many of everything saving a penny now and then is a nice thing!
I've wondered if I would be able to feel them turning too. So far they have been in the same breech position the whole time. Dr keeps telling me there is still time for them to turn but I don't feel like that's likely lol. Although a lady at my work who had twins said things can happen last minute because as she was in labour at the hospital twin b moved and pushed past twin a and b came out first lol.
I've wondered if I would be able to feel them turning too. So far they have been in the same breech position the whole time. Dr keeps telling me there is still time for them to turn but I don't feel like that's likely lol. Although a lady at my work who had twins said things can happen last minute because as she was in labour at the hospital twin b moved and pushed past twin a and b came out first lol.

haha well if that happened then it would mess up the whole naming process we have if B is born first!
I know right lol. So surprising I didn't know that was possible.
I guess while I am here I might as well go on my mini rant....

I am sick and tired of being pregnant PERIOD! Sorry if that makes me a horrible person and how this is suppose to be a magical experience :(

Well it is but not without a price. So for 2 days now I have had the most horrendous back pain and I cant take it anymore. It's 4:15am and I haven't slept a freaking wink. I am fortunate enough to be off work but still I spend the days getting in and out of the Jacuzzi tub (sounds fun until its the only way to get relief for a minute) laying down or moving from one chair to another trying to find a comfort for just a few minutes. I am sick and tired of being told not to pick something up or having my every movement monitored by everyone and their brother.

I have a doctors appt on Tuesday which I go every freaking week now but they can't do anything and I know its not their fault.... Just makes me feel better to whine sorry :(
I feel this way too. I hate to not "appreciate" that ivf worked and that I'm having twins. But my sleep has been so so so horrible between insomnia and being unable to fun a comfortable position. And the difficultly of even just walking around my house or getting dressed is getting old.

Yet I want the babies to stay in as long as possible but that terrifies me of how bad these next few weeks are going to get.
I feel this way too. I hate to not "appreciate" that ivf worked and that I'm having twins. But my sleep has been so so so horrible between insomnia and being unable to fun a comfortable position. And the difficultly of even just walking around my house or getting dressed is getting old.

Yet I want the babies to stay in as long as possible but that terrifies me of how bad these next few weeks are going to get.

Seriously I try so hard not to complain and seem ungrateful but it is really taking a toll on me physically and emotionally. I was just in tears this evening while everyone is sleeping I am trying to relieve pain the best I can it's frustrating. Atleast I am not the only one that feels this way :( Misery loves company although I will probably forget how bad it really was in just a few weeks. :blush:
Really feel for you ladies! Im uncomfortable already and can even imagine how your feeling yet!

I find im really stuggling with keeping up with dd1 when everytime I stand up I go really lightheaded!
Really feel for you ladies! Im uncomfortable already and can even imagine how your feeling yet!

I find im really stuggling with keeping up with dd1 when everytime I stand up I go really lightheaded!

My 2nd tri was almost a breeze I had one hiccup with my cervix. I have to say though at the very moment I hit the 3rd tri (27W) my body started giving up... but thats also when my uterus was measuring as a full term singleton.

I have to laugh because when I got PG and found out it was twins I was very demanding with my doctor that I was delivering vaginally and no induction that they would come when they were ready... He almost laughed and said at 36W you will be begging me to take them out via Csection. I thought he was nuts... turns out the old bald dude knew what he was talking about haha! I haven't asked him to do that yet but I see now in a moment of weakness how that could be on my mind.
I guess while I am here I might as well go on my mini rant....

I am sick and tired of being pregnant PERIOD! Sorry if that makes me a horrible person and how this is suppose to be a magical experience :(

Well it is but not without a price. So for 2 days now I have had the most horrendous back pain and I cant take it anymore. It's 4:15am and I haven't slept a freaking wink. I am fortunate enough to be off work but still I spend the days getting in and out of the Jacuzzi tub (sounds fun until its the only way to get relief for a minute) laying down or moving from one chair to another trying to find a comfort for just a few minutes. I am sick and tired of being told not to pick something up or having my every movement monitored by everyone and their brother.

I have a doctors appt on Tuesday which I go every freaking week now but they can't do anything and I know its not their fault.... Just makes me feel better to whine sorry :(

Brandy--You are not alone. As much as this pregnancy is a true miracle, I am so over it and ready to be done. I cannot believe there are six+ more weeks until my induction. I cannot get up from the couch without help anymore. I cannot roll over in bed without fully supporting my stomach or one of the twins rolls off the side of my body and it is the worst feeling ever. I cannot stand in line at the post office without needing to sit down. Everywhere I go people are like "you are ready to pop any day now!" I just sigh and say "no, 7 more weeks to go...." I have a feeling these next few weeks are going to be really hard on us. The only consolation is that it will be over soon and we will have babies!!!!

BTW, in terms of babies turning, my A was breech and B was head down for about two months. They have now swapped positions and A is finally head down but B is breech. Hoping B turns as well so I can try for a vaginal delivery without any worry. Doc said he will try for it if A is head down but I have fears about what it will be like if they have to turn B inside me....yikes! There is a site called that gives tips on turning babies. I am not sure if it works for twins too but it may be worth a shot.
Blue12-That's crazy! I didn't know it was possible for twin B to come out first...

Oh Brandy :( I'm sorry you are so uncomfortable. No reason to feel bad about it, pregnancy is an amazing thing but it is not easy on the body! I'm scared for how I will feel when I get to where you ladies are! I was completely miserable for the first 16-17 weeks with nausea. Since then it hasn't been horrible even though I'm always pulling round ligaments, my uterus weighs a ton and gets hard all the time, it's hard to get up/down/roll over and my legs and arms feel tingly sometimes. I have to sit all the time. Sitting too long in the same position makes my ass/hips hurt. I'm only 26 weeks I am definitely scared for what's ahead. I'm pretty sure I have SPD as it feels like my pubic bone is about to split apart at any moment, so far that's been the worst part and it's been getting worse. I'm sure I'll be ready for these babies to be here before too long...
Oh boy! So sorry you're all in so much pain.

I'm not as far along but its definitely starting to affect my ability to sleep. I'm terrified of what's ahead!

I had my first moment yesterday where I felt absolutely helpless. Was taking a shower and bent down to scrub my legs and feet, and started to get horrible braxton hicks. I got dizzy and was in so much pain - hubby heard me moaning and came to my rescue. He had to help me out and dry me down so I could lay down as fast as possible. Time for a shower seat?
Oh boy! So sorry you're all in so much pain.

I'm not as far along but its definitely starting to affect my ability to sleep. I'm terrified of what's ahead!

I had my first moment yesterday where I felt absolutely helpless. Was taking a shower and bent down to scrub my legs and feet, and started to get horrible braxton hicks. I got dizzy and was in so much pain - hubby heard me moaning and came to my rescue. He had to help me out and dry me down so I could lay down as fast as possible. Time for a shower seat?

I get that way in the shower too. I have a small built in seat in the shower but its just not the same when I shower anymore. I started taking the worlds longest baths because im weightless in it... I have even been caught sleeping in it by my dh ;) Sounds weird I know but when your back hurts and you barely have room to eat putting your belly in water and making it weightless is a life saver.

I bent over to pick something up on the last stair in our house and my lips went numb the other day and I almost fainted! Be careful with that bending stuff.. we have sooo much extra blood that our bodies have made right now and our circulatory system is working triple time to keep up.
Barely room to eat is right!

I tried having dinner yesterday and baby B suddenly shifted positions to the point you could see her big bulge at the top of my stomach. My stomach suddenly felt like it was going to explode, and I felt like I had just eaten a huge meal - couldn't get myself to eat anything and still feel like that. She needs to move so I can eat!
The sleeping situation sucks! No one tells you this stuff. I never imagined rolling over from one side to the other could be soooo hard….literally overnight! Crazy! It took me by surprise!!!
Besides that and the feet swelling, I'm pretty much ok for now. I like to work a lot, in which I stand most of the time, i don't get tired, but my heels kill! I change my shoes at least 3 times per shift, the marble floors don't help either.
I do think working has helped me keep the access weight off and keep me from getting all the aches and pains. Im pretty sure if I stayed home I would become a rolly polly….eating everything in site!

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