Two week wait suckks.. (TTC#1)

Ah if it wasn't for you wonderful ladies I would probably be crazy. My boobs on the side near my armpits are a little sore when touching them. I don't think I have ever had this but then again I don't go around touching my boobs. SO I am afraid this maybe a sign of AF starting to show. I've cried off and on all day and I have been so mad at my bf for no reason. Well maybe because he wants me to test again tomorrow and all I have left are my clearblue digital ones and I don't want to waste them but he is begging me and using that dern puppy dog face. I wish I could just forget about it for a few days. AF is supposed to arrive on Monday and I was wanting to save those two test for then but oh well.

I have been more scattered brain that usual too. I say more than usual cause I was already pretty scattered brain to begin with. But on Sunday I got up and ate some ice cream and I put the ice cream into the fridge and not the freezer. I've been doing things like that. Maybe your tummy was just tender because you possibly being preggo? I guess that could be a good or bad sign. :shrug: Ah September 1st is such a long time away!!! I don't know how I could wait that long to test. I am going to be dying for you to test. I think I am just as eager for you to get your bfp as i am for mine!!!

I can't seem to get full either but I get that right before AF too. I eat like a cow before af and then when af gets here I don't hardly eat. So I am not too sure how great of a sign that is for me. Hopefully for you it will be a GREAT sign!! I know headaches are killer. I told my boyfriend just the other day if I am having these crazy headaches like I am and I am not pregnant I am going to be mad. I have had at least 1 headache a day. Sometimes it teases me and goes away and then comes back.

Thank you! I hope that this is my month and I am trying not to get discouraged but that dern voice in my head is getting louder and louder telling me im not preggo. Heres to hoping for better results tomorrow!

So weird! Every time you mention a symptom I seem to be experiencing the same thing! I noticed yesterday that the muscle beside my boob hurt. Almost like in my armpit and almost like I have been doing push-ups, which I definitely have not done in quite some time. I've also been pretty irritated and touchy, but not really emotional. This all seems so right on cue for last month as well though so I'm not making much of it at all.

I am certainly as anxious to hear about your testing results as I am waiting to see if my own AF will arrive. That's supposed to happen on the 24-25th so I should have a pretty good idea by then if there is any hope or not. Just a little over a week, not as bad as the 1st haha.

I have heard that digital test don't pick up on hCG as easily as FRERs do. I know some people will get +FRER but -digi for a day or two longer so I would definitely only use one of the two you have tomorrow and then save the other for after AF was due and get some FRERs if he wants you to test before Monday :thumbup:

I'm starting to get pretty anxious and antsy. I hope you have a little one in there that is just being a little shy! Im ready for some good news, even if it isn't my own!! :) comeeeeeeee onnnnnnnnnn baby Kylee/Hudson!!

Ah I tested again this morning with two test. oh the shame.:nope: They were both BFN!!! I tested last night in the pm too because my bf went and bought me new preggo test. I now have 3 left ones a digi ones a chapie walmart and the others another type of walmart brand. I am so down and out this morning. All I want to do is cry but I am at work and can't. I feel out. I don't feel like I am preggo. I feel like the few symptoms I feel is AF symptoms. I told my bf this morning that I wasn't testing anymore. I think he realized how upset I was and told me it was okay he wouldn't ask me to test again anymore. I just can't deal with seeing another negative. I tried to text my best friend the only one who knows were TTC and she wasn't much help. I feel like she doesn't really understand. She got pregnant after her first time. I feel like we did everything that we could. We seriously bd everyday so now I am worried something may be wrong with me.

Sorry for the pitty party. How are things with you today? Any new symptoms? My af is supposed to arrive on the 20th so you are not too far from me. Hopefully your af stays far far away!!! I will settle for good news from you!!!! Hopefully your bfp is just a few days away!!!!! :happydance:
Wow I should really keep up to date with this thread! So much going on hard to keep track... could be spotting, wait and see. Hopefully it is, I heard it can happen around the time af is due!

As for the rest of you, I feel a little left out because I don't have the symptoms you are describing :(
I don't feel hungry more than usual, my bbs aren't hurting either.
I had cramping the weekend, and I still cramp a little if standing up too long. Today I feel a bit sicky. And I have gone off chocolate which is a huge thing for me, very unusual, I am a chocoholic!! My bbs do seem fuller though. And I am very emotional. I feel so depressed at the moment and get angry at the slightest stupid things (poor dh!)

How are you ladies today? x

Have you ladies checked out this site
It lists loads of success bfp stories along with their symptoms! I have spent a lot of time trailing through these (...not sure what good it's done me but hey!)

I know I am getting lost in this thread and I don't think I am keeping up with it very well. I need to go back through and read everything!

Don't worry Geme I am pretty sure my symptoms are AF symptoms so I am glad you don't have the same symptoms as me!!! How are you feeling today? How much longer till you all test? I can't remember. I guess going back and reading would help with that. I have been getting annoyed at very little things too.

I am def going to have to check out that website. I am not sure how I will be able to endure another two week wait. I am trying to decide if I even want to track my ovulation next month or not.
Ah I tested again this morning with two test. oh the shame.:nope: They were both BFN!!! I tested last night in the pm too because my bf went and bought me new preggo test. I now have 3 left ones a digi ones a chapie walmart and the others another type of walmart brand. I am so down and out this morning. All I want to do is cry but I am at work and can't. I feel out. I don't feel like I am preggo. I feel like the few symptoms I feel is AF symptoms. I told my bf this morning that I wasn't testing anymore. I think he realized how upset I was and told me it was okay he wouldn't ask me to test again anymore. I just can't deal with seeing another negative. I tried to text my best friend the only one who knows were TTC and she wasn't much help. I feel like she doesn't really understand. She got pregnant after her first time. I feel like we did everything that we could. We seriously bd everyday so now I am worried something may be wrong with me.

Sorry for the pitty party. How are things with you today? Any new symptoms? My af is supposed to arrive on the 20th so you are not too far from me. Hopefully your af stays far far away!!! I will settle for good news from you!!!! Hopefully your bfp is just a few days away!!!!! :happydance:

Well I did some more reading just for you, so I would have my numbers correct :) First, even if a couple does EVERYTHING possible and times things perfectly there is only about a 15-25% chance of conception each month. 70% of couples conceive during the first 6 months. So, while it does stink knowing you did all you could and nothing happened, nothing is wrong with you!! It's so misleading to hear and see so many stories about girls who get pregnant without trying, on their first time or even with trying multiple forms of BC. It's even harder to hear those babies referred to as "accidents" when you're trying all you can for one. The reality is that things have to be perfect! And if t takes more than one shot it means that things weren't perfect this month, an you want things to be perfect for that baby right? You want to give your baby every headstart to being born perfect and healthy! And one day you will look back and be glad it didn't happen before it did because you will know that means you wouldn't have the exact child you were blessed with and you wouldn't give him/her up for the world. If it doesn't happen this month don't get discouraged, it will happen when it's supposed to, when the right, perfect little one is ready for you!! It WILL happen and you will appreciate it more than others who didn't have to work and fight for it!!

Now, done with my lame pep-talk :haha: I'm going to tell you how I think there is still hope of a :bfp: for you! Mayo Clinic has an article that talks about how, even though tests claim to be 99% accurate usually 1-5 days before a missed period, the clinic doesn't believe the tests are 99% accurate until a week after a missed period. Don't count yourself out until AF comes and don't ever believe it won't happen for you because it will! It will happen when it's supposed to!
Ah I tested again this morning with two test. oh the shame.:nope: They were both BFN!!! I tested last night in the pm too because my bf went and bought me new preggo test. I now have 3 left ones a digi ones a chapie walmart and the others another type of walmart brand. I am so down and out this morning. All I want to do is cry but I am at work and can't. I feel out. I don't feel like I am preggo. I feel like the few symptoms I feel is AF symptoms. I told my bf this morning that I wasn't testing anymore. I think he realized how upset I was and told me it was okay he wouldn't ask me to test again anymore. I just can't deal with seeing another negative. I tried to text my best friend the only one who knows were TTC and she wasn't much help. I feel like she doesn't really understand. She got pregnant after her first time. I feel like we did everything that we could. We seriously bd everyday so now I am worried something may be wrong with me.

Sorry for the pitty party. How are things with you today? Any new symptoms? My af is supposed to arrive on the 20th so you are not too far from me. Hopefully your af stays far far away!!! I will settle for good news from you!!!! Hopefully your bfp is just a few days away!!!!! :happydance:

Well I did some more reading just for you, so I would have my numbers correct :) First, even if a couple does EVERYTHING possible and times things perfectly there is only about a 15-25% chance of conception each month. 70% of couples conceive during the first 6 months. So, while it does stink knowing you did all you could and nothing happened, nothing is wrong with you!! It's so misleading to hear and see so many stories about girls who get pregnant without trying, on their first time or even with trying multiple forms of BC. It's even harder to hear those babies referred to as "accidents" when you're trying all you can for one. The reality is that things have to be perfect! And if t takes more than one shot it means that things weren't perfect this month, an you want things to be perfect for that baby right? You want to give your baby every headstart to being born perfect and healthy! And one day you will look back and be glad it didn't happen before it did because you will know that means you wouldn't have the exact child you were blessed with and you wouldn't give him/her up for the world. If it doesn't happen this month don't get discouraged, it will happen when it's supposed to, when the right, perfect little one is ready for you!! It WILL happen and you will appreciate it more than others who didn't have to work and fight for it!!

Now, done with my lame pep-talk :haha: I'm going to tell you how I think there is still hope of a :bfp: for you! Mayo Clinic has an article that talks about how, even though tests claim to be 99% accurate usually 1-5 days before a missed period, the clinic doesn't believe the tests are 99% accurate until a week after a missed period. Don't count yourself out until AF comes and don't ever believe it won't happen for you because it will! It will happen when it's supposed to!

You're exactly right. We do want everything to be perfect before we have a baby. I know that everything will happen when its supposed too its just gutting to not get it when you want it...:nope: But I know thats selfish and that when its meant for us to have a baby we will have a wonderful perfect little baby. I just need to be patient and stop worrying that it will never happen.

I am just going to hold out hope that AF doesn't show. No more testing for me cause I can't deal with that gutting feeling of seeing 'not pregnant' on the screen. That was really gutting. talking about not seeing a second line is tough but man to have it slapp you in the face and say not pregnant it was like facing reality. :sad2:

Thank you for the pep talk! It was much needed. I know I am not out but I am not feeling too hopeful. I don't wanna be knocked in the face like that again. I will just sit back and try to enjoy these next five days and wait for AF to show or not.

Thanks for being so awesome. :hugs: it was much needed this morning!
You're exactly right. We do want everything to be perfect before we have a baby. I know that everything will happen when its supposed too its just gutting to not get it when you want it...:nope: But I know thats selfish and that when its meant for us to have a baby we will have a wonderful perfect little baby. I just need to be patient and stop worrying that it will never happen.

I am just going to hold out hope that AF doesn't show. No more testing for me cause I can't deal with that gutting feeling of seeing 'not pregnant' on the screen. That was really gutting. talking about not seeing a second line is tough but man to have it slapp you in the face and say not pregnant it was like facing reality. :sad2:

Thank you for the pep talk! It was much needed. I know I am not out but I am not feeling too hopeful. I don't wanna be knocked in the face like that again. I will just sit back and try to enjoy these next five days and wait for AF to show or not.

Thanks for being so awesome. :hugs: it was much needed this morning!

:hugs: I know it's tough no matter what you try and convince yourself. Even if I know at this point I'm out for this month it will still be hard for menwhen AF comes and it will take me reminding myself what i told you constantly and every day that AF is around. But knowing I'm giving the right baby a chance to become a part of our family when the time is right is the best way I can make sense of things. I want it so bad I can taste it. I can picture telling DF, reading baby books, buying clothes, bringing a baby home from the hospital but it just keeps not happening and it's hard. You think about it every day. I'm not saying you shouldn't be allowed to be frustrated, scream, cry, vent, eat an entire chocolate cake if AF comes :) do whatever you have to to get back in a good state of mind before TTC again if you have to because guaranteed I will be there with you!! We will keep at it until we can hopefully become bump buddies! :happydance: and we are here to listen to you vent every day if you want to! I just don't want you to be hard on yourself. You will be stronger because of all of this, no matter the outcome. And one day soon you will be an incredible mommy!!!
The same best friend who I texted this morning to tell how upset I was over my negative pregnancy test just called to tell me she was in wal mart and was looking at cute baby stuff and how I need to hurry up and have a baby because she wants to buy cute things for it. I know she meant nothing but good from it but it just kinda was another slap in the face considering I had just texted her an hour earlier telling her how upset i was over the fact that i wasn't pregnant. Now i wish i wouldn't have even told her we were ttc.
You're exactly right. We do want everything to be perfect before we have a baby. I know that everything will happen when its supposed too its just gutting to not get it when you want it...:nope: But I know thats selfish and that when its meant for us to have a baby we will have a wonderful perfect little baby. I just need to be patient and stop worrying that it will never happen.

I am just going to hold out hope that AF doesn't show. No more testing for me cause I can't deal with that gutting feeling of seeing 'not pregnant' on the screen. That was really gutting. talking about not seeing a second line is tough but man to have it slapp you in the face and say not pregnant it was like facing reality. :sad2:

Thank you for the pep talk! It was much needed. I know I am not out but I am not feeling too hopeful. I don't wanna be knocked in the face like that again. I will just sit back and try to enjoy these next five days and wait for AF to show or not.

Thanks for being so awesome. :hugs: it was much needed this morning!

:hugs: I know it's tough no matter what you try and convince yourself. Even if I know at this point I'm out for this month it will still be hard for menwhen AF comes and it will take me reminding myself what i told you constantly and every day that AF is around. But knowing I'm giving the right baby a chance to become a part of our family when the time is right is the best way I can make sense of things. I want it so bad I can taste it. I can picture telling DF, reading baby books, buying clothes, bringing a baby home from the hospital but it just keeps not happening and it's hard. You think about it every day. I'm not saying you shouldn't be allowed to be frustrated, scream, cry, vent, eat an entire chocolate cake if AF comes :) do whatever you have to to get back in a good state of mind before TTC again if you have to because guaranteed I will be there with you!! We will keep at it until we can hopefully become bump buddies! :happydance: and we are here to listen to you vent every day if you want to! I just don't want you to be hard on yourself. You will be stronger because of all of this, no matter the outcome. And one day soon you will be an incredible mommy!!!

Thank you for all your encouraging words. I know I have been doing the same thing. Picturing myself buying stuff. Picking out nursery ideas. Telling our families telling my bf who will just be over the moon. its so hard to remind yourself that it will happen at the perfect time when you want it so bad. But it will happen for us because we would be wonderful moms and we deserve it! My old roommate had a 3 year old daugther who was like my kid. My friend worked at a bar and she was constantly dropping her daughter off with her grandma or great grandma or me. I didn't mind it I loved the little girl more than anything and I treated her as if she was my own but it made me so mad to know that people like this who don't give two craps for their kids get pregnant after an uh oh and people who would be amazing parents and be there for their kids and not put men or a bar over their kids have such a hard time getting pregnant. I just find it unfair. But I guess God has a special timing and our little ones will be here soon. Like you said this just makes us stronger and makes us so much better parents when it finally does happen. I am waiting for that day that we can be bump buddies. Until then we will just keep each other positive and remind ourselves everyday it WILL happen for us.
Wow I should really keep up to date with this thread! So much going on hard to keep track... could be spotting, wait and see. Hopefully it is, I heard it can happen around the time af is due!

As for the rest of you, I feel a little left out because I don't have the symptoms you are describing :(
I don't feel hungry more than usual, my bbs aren't hurting either.
I had cramping the weekend, and I still cramp a little if standing up too long. Today I feel a bit sicky. And I have gone off chocolate which is a huge thing for me, very unusual, I am a chocoholic!! My bbs do seem fuller though. And I am very emotional. I feel so depressed at the moment and get angry at the slightest stupid things (poor dh!)

How are you ladies today? x
I'm extremely emotional... I'm either wanting to cry at the drop of a hat or punch someone... It's been crazy. I still haven't actually been visited by AF. Which is a little strange for me. Usually I will spot & almost immediately get the visit. This time it's different. I'm spotting almost only when I go pee. But I think stress has a lot to do with it right now. I'm going to wait until tomorrow, my actual scheduled day to start & then test if AF doesn't show... Best of Luck to you.....
Wow I should really keep up to date with this thread! So much going on hard to keep track... could be spotting, wait and see. Hopefully it is, I heard it can happen around the time af is due!

As for the rest of you, I feel a little left out because I don't have the symptoms you are describing :(
I don't feel hungry more than usual, my bbs aren't hurting either.
I had cramping the weekend, and I still cramp a little if standing up too long. Today I feel a bit sicky. And I have gone off chocolate which is a huge thing for me, very unusual, I am a chocoholic!! My bbs do seem fuller though. And I am very emotional. I feel so depressed at the moment and get angry at the slightest stupid things (poor dh!)

How are you ladies today? x
I'm extremely emotional... I'm either wanting to cry at the drop of a hat or punch someone... It's been crazy. I still haven't actually been visited by AF. Which is a little strange for me. Usually I will spot & almost immediately get the visit. This time it's different. I'm spotting almost only when I go pee. But I think stress has a lot to do with it right now. I'm going to wait until tomorrow, my actual scheduled day to start & then test if AF doesn't show... Best of Luck to you.....

Oh I hope this is a good sign for you!!!!!! FINGERS CROSSED
that sounds like me and dh i always told him its gonna take time and maybe not even possibledoc once told me it would be vv hard to concieve due to irregular peroids plus i have underactive thyroid also. i tired the clearblue digital ovulation tests but got no smiley face i only used it once a day and normally in the morning so im hoping i just missed it. how long have u been trying? im trying to hold out until tuesday been craving sweet stuff so unlike me tho how about u?:shrug:

I had irregular cycles off and on but used Vitex for a couple months and it did wonders for me. I don't think I was always ovulating but the last two months since starting OPKs I've had a positive each month! I would definitely suggest buying cheap OPKs if you have to go on to next month (certainly hope this isn't the case!!) but testing once in early afternoon and once in evening gives less of a chance of missing it.

This is only our first true month of trying, but I tracked with OPK last month and we were NTNP for about 5 months prior. Did you mean you were holding out until Tuesday, yesterday? Have you tested?! Hope craving sweet stuff is a good sign for you!! I usually crave salty/spicy stuff but lately I've been craving veggies, so unlike me. But I also want to eat everything I can get my hands on so it's not much of a sign. I hope you will have good news to report soon!!
Thank you Ashleyy, but honestly at this point I don't think so. I just don't "feel" it. And I'm so afraid to take that test, like you I don't want the reality of the BFN thrown in my face. As for your friend..... I have one that is that exact same way. She has 3 of her own with the youngest being 5 weeks old now. UGH.... I'm so sick of hearing her tell me about how if I'd hurry up we could raise them together, they could be best friends too. It's getting to the point to where I don't even wanna talk to her anymore. I actually rejected her phone calls yesterday for the first time ever.

And today, just like yesterday all I want to do is crawl up into a dark corner & cry my eyes out. But I'm sitting at work with my "brave" face on acting as though my world isn't falling apart.
Wow I should really keep up to date with this thread! So much going on hard to keep track... could be spotting, wait and see. Hopefully it is, I heard it can happen around the time af is due!

As for the rest of you, I feel a little left out because I don't have the symptoms you are describing :(
I don't feel hungry more than usual, my bbs aren't hurting either.
I had cramping the weekend, and I still cramp a little if standing up too long. Today I feel a bit sicky. And I have gone off chocolate which is a huge thing for me, very unusual, I am a chocoholic!! My bbs do seem fuller though. And I am very emotional. I feel so depressed at the moment and get angry at the slightest stupid things (poor dh!)

How are you ladies today? x

It sounds like you have some promising symptoms, so don't feel left out at all! Especially if they are different for you! That's where I'm getting a lot of my failing hope and negativity, I track my symptoms now and looking back they're the exact same as my unsuccessful months :( nothing is really different this month besides maybe a little extra hunger, the CM thing and craving veggies.

Sorry to hear that you have been feeling depressed and emotional :hugs: We are here if you want to vent! Hopefully all the emotions youre dealing with is just a promise of a :bfp:!! It will be totally worth it so keep up hope! It could be just around the corner :winkwink:

Oh and thanks for the website, very interesting!! I've never been on there before but it's pretty awesome. We will all be posting on there soon!
I'm extremely emotional... I'm either wanting to cry at the drop of a hat or punch someone... It's been crazy. I still haven't actually been visited by AF. Which is a little strange for me. Usually I will spot & almost immediately get the visit. This time it's different. I'm spotting almost only when I go pee. But I think stress has a lot to do with it right now. I'm going to wait until tomorrow, my actual scheduled day to start & then test if AF doesn't show... Best of Luck to you.....

Anything different is usually a good sign! Especially AF staying away! Maybe it's not stress keeping AF away but it's a shy :bfp: causing the elevated hormones and stress! Hopefully you can be our first thread :bfp:!! No matter what remember it WILL happen for you and you will be the best mommy and will be able to tell that baby how much you wanted him or her.

Sending lots of positive thoughts your way as well as babydust and some witch-be-gone dust :winkwink: Keep us posted!

QUOTE=MiraclesHappn;20485801]Anything different is usually a good sign! Especially AF staying away! Maybe it's not stress keeping AF away but it's a shy :bfp: causing the elevated hormones and stress! Hopefully you can be our first thread :bfp:!! No matter what remember it WILL happen for you and you will be the best mommy and will be able to tell that baby how much you wanted him or her.

Sending lots of positive thoughts your way as well as babydust and some witch-be-gone dust :winkwink: Keep us posted!

Thank you so much for the positive vibes!!! I truly do need them right now. I don't know what I'd do without you ladies here to help keep my sanity.

Sending lots of :dust: :dust: :dust: to each of you!!!!
Thank you for all your encouraging words. I know I have been doing the same thing. Picturing myself buying stuff. Picking out nursery ideas. Telling our families telling my bf who will just be over the moon. its so hard to remind yourself that it will happen at the perfect time when you want it so bad. But it will happen for us because we would be wonderful moms and we deserve it! My old roommate had a 3 year old daugther who was like my kid. My friend worked at a bar and she was constantly dropping her daughter off with her grandma or great grandma or me. I didn't mind it I loved the little girl more than anything and I treated her as if she was my own but it made me so mad to know that people like this who don't give two craps for their kids get pregnant after an uh oh and people who would be amazing parents and be there for their kids and not put men or a bar over their kids have such a hard time getting pregnant. I just find it unfair. But I guess God has a special timing and our little ones will be here soon. Like you said this just makes us stronger and makes us so much better parents when it finally does happen. I am waiting for that day that we can be bump buddies. Until then we will just keep each other positive and remind ourselves everyday it WILL happen for us.

Ugh. Sorry to hear about your friend. Some people just don't think before they speak and it's difficult when that person is supposed to be one closest to you. I also know all too well about people who are undeserving having kids while those of us that would be totally dedicated to our kids can't seem to make it happen. I know of far more parents that don't seem to care about their well-being through my job than parents that do put forth effort. My DF also has a family member with multiple children, one who has already been taken and put in foster care and it has been threatened that the others will be taken as well and parents have done nothing to change that or try to get the one child back. Sometimes I feel like maybe there is something I dont know about why I would make a bad parent and that's why we are unable, but I know that's not the truth I just get so frustrated. Maybe DF and I were just meant to adopt kids in bad situations. I don't know but i just try to have faith in whatever is meant to be will find it's way. Easier said than done some days.
Has anyone had any problems bding?? My bf and I bd last night and let me tell you it HURT so bad. I thought I was going to have to stop him. I felt swollen. I was feeling like cramping during and afterwards as well. It was strange. I know thats TMI but I was just wondering if that was normal? I haven't had that problem so far and we have always bd like everyday so I don't see how I could be bding too much??
I had the same problem the last time my DH & I bd'd. I felt swollen & it hurt pretty bad. I found myself actually tmi but pulling back from him when he would enter....
I had the same problem the last time my DH & I bd'd. I felt swollen & it hurt pretty bad. I found myself actually tmi but pulling back from him when he would enter....

Yes thank goodness I am not alone. I mean I hate it for you but I did the same thing. I kept pulling away too. Never ever had that problem. I had it the night before but it wasn't near as bad.
Thank you Ashleyy, but honestly at this point I don't think so. I just don't "feel" it. And I'm so afraid to take that test, like you I don't want the reality of the BFN thrown in my face. As for your friend..... I have one that is that exact same way. She has 3 of her own with the youngest being 5 weeks old now. UGH.... I'm so sick of hearing her tell me about how if I'd hurry up we could raise them together, they could be best friends too. It's getting to the point to where I don't even wanna talk to her anymore. I actually rejected her phone calls yesterday for the first time ever.

And today, just like yesterday all I want to do is crawl up into a dark corner & cry my eyes out. But I'm sitting at work with my "brave" face on acting as though my world isn't falling apart.

I feel you completely!! Don't take a digi one because I swear seeing the word not pregnant was so gutting. I mean I felt like someone had gave me a swift kick to the gut. Hopefully you wont have to see those words. If AF hasn't came yet that is a really good sign!!!! I am very hopeful for you and think this could be your BFP month.

The friend situation is just a bad thing. The one person who I can talk to in person about it and she just doesn't understand. I know they don't mean any harm but still yet it still is very painful the words they chose to use.

Maybe these emotions are a sign of your BFP. I would so test in the AM!!! I really wanna hear of your bfp!!
I feel you completely!! Don't take a digi one because I swear seeing the word not pregnant was so gutting. I mean I felt like someone had gave me a swift kick to the gut. Hopefully you wont have to see those words. If AF hasn't came yet that is a really good sign!!!! I am very hopeful for you and think this could be your BFP month.

The friend situation is just a bad thing. The one person who I can talk to in person about it and she just doesn't understand. I know they don't mean any harm but still yet it still is very painful the words they chose to use.

Maybe these emotions are a sign of your BFP. I would so test in the AM!!! I really wanna hear of your bfp!!
Thank you so much!!!! I think I may test tonight & if BFN then I'll test in the am. If BFN then, well I'm pretty sure AF is going to show & it's just stress. I have the same issue with my friend & not understanding. I know she means well, but sometimes her words hurt really really bad.

Best of Luck with you!!! I'm hoping we will both end up with a BFP before the month is up!!!!

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