Txt/Messaging Buddy - due around may 16th - UK


Pregnant - 1st Trimester
Mar 28, 2008
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Hi! I'm Rhian and i have very recently found out that I am due on or arounf the 16th May 2010...well thats the date until i have my scan anyway!
I'm from scotland and looking for someone to join me every step of the way! I could sure use the support!
Hi Rhianny, hope you and little bean are doing well!

I'd be happy to be your buddy. I don't have a pregnancy buddy myself and was looking to find someone. :)

How are you feeling? What symptoms have you got so far?
hellO! i am feeling alright so far! not too poorly anyway lol. I have been sick a couple of times and considering everywhere i have read is telling me that morning sickness doesnt normally start till 7 weeks i just know i will get it bad!
i have been having alot of quite bad cramps...and sore boobs thats about it!
how about you? how are you feeling? when is your due date?
I've been feeling OK. Been having a mixture of symptoms and it's like my body is trying to decide which ones to put me through for the next few months lol.
But the top ones are tiredness and feeling a bit crampy. It's not as frequent now but I get all freaked out when it happens just in case something is going wrong. But fortunately nothing has gone wrong so far. Hope it doesn't go wrong at all.
Had some backache yesterday, that's gone away now. I just feel tired mainly.
Been feeling a bit nauseous too but not actually been sick.

However, it's all interesting as to whats going on with me, so it's not so bad really.
i know what you mean about getting cramps and thinkins something bad is going to happen! i am constantly running to the loo just to make sure nothing is wrong!
i am feeling so tired the last few days - i have been in bed at half 8 both nights! i seem to wake up about 3am and cant get back to sleep though which is so annoying!
have you told anyone else yet?
my other half doesnt even know yet! he is away until late monday night and i wanted to tell him face to face...i have told two of my cousind though as i thought i would go mad keeping it to myself!
I have pretty much told everyone just because I feel that what will be will be and regardless of who is or isn't told, what happens will happen. I don't want anything bad to happen, I'd be heartbroken but I'm too excited right now to dwell on that.
You asked me my due date, I totally forgot to answer lol. I'm due on 25th May. My first scan is on 9th November so I'm really looking forward to that. So scared incase something goes wrong, but going to keep positive and hope that things will be well.
I get so tired and go to sleep, but then wake up during the night and end up getting up early. I do have a nap during the day for an hour, but you'd think I'd been up all night partying lol!
i havent got any scan date through yet - i have only managed to get into see my gp a week on wednesday but i have decided i am going to just ring the midwife and see if i can self refer so i can get the ball rolling a bit quicker - i am so desperate to see my baby!
your right - what will be will be - i know i will tell everyone as soon as my partner knows although he is the cautious one out of us both so he will probably want to keep it quiet! i will probably ignore him though lol.
i am most worried about telling my mum! she is one of those people that you never know how she will react...so wish me luck for when i finally get round to it!
My dad was the person I was most scared of telling and he's the happiest out of everyone I've told lol. He even did a grandad dance apparently lol!!
Don't worry too much about telling your mum, even if she's a bit shocked and miffed, she'll come round. You're her daughter and carrying her grandchild. :)
I'd love to see the look on your OH face when you tell him. I bet he'll be so shocked but happy! :D
So what are you up to today then? Anything good?
nothing exciting sadly...i am pretty much sitting here dreading going back to work tomorrow! its so much fun lol.
i know i cant wait to tell him...he will be gobsmacked! and hopefully happy as well!
i have decided to tell my best friend tonight...hope she will be happy for me!
i am still struggling to believe that this is happening to me...its so weird to think that i am actually pregnant! i wonder when it will all kick in...?
LOL I know the feeling, the days in which I don't have any or many symptoms, I have to relook at my pregnancy test just to let myself sink it in that yes I am actually pregnant lol!
how are you today?
i had to go to the early pregnancy unit last night as i was getting really awful cramps. they checked me over and said everything looked normal and they sent me home but i got a call off of them today while at work asking me to go for a scan tomorrow afternoon so they can reassure and and find out how many weeks i am.
i am excited to be getting a scan but i feel like it might be a bit too early...i mean if i see nothing due to being too soon to see anything on the screen that will scare me even more than i am now!
i hope you are feeling ok today! any more symptoms??
Hey there hunni, how are you? Is everything OK with you? Did the scan go OK? I recall seeing a thread on the 1st Trimester page, but I've not seen it since and can't find it. Hope you're OK!

I'm still not feeling particularly pregnant. I'm tired a lot more and I'm hungry a lot more but other than that, I don't feel anything else. I did another pregnancy test the other day cos i was scared but a :bfp: came up so theres definitely a baby in here.

hi the scan didnt go very well - two scanners couldnt find anything...apparently it could be one of many reasons why - it could be i am more early on than i thought, that they couldnt find it as i have a very unusual shaped uterus and the baby was just hiding, i have had a mmc or finally it could be an ectopic. i have to go and get more bloods done tomorrow to see if my levels have increased, dropped or stayed the same to see what is going on...
i told my dp last night and he has been just amazing. he doesnt want to get too excited until we know what we are dealing with...he is so worried about me incase it is an ectopis but i am trying to reassue him it will all be ok.
i know what you mean about not feeling pregnant! i have no symptoms at all...i only have cramps and occasionally some pains in my boobs! the gagging has completley stopped but i never had many symptoms to begin wiht!.
Hi Rhianny, how are things for you hun? Any news? xxx

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