Ugh I get it, you LOVE breastfeeding...

I don't mind people being over excited about breastfeeding it's a lovely thing to do, however there is no need for the bashing of formula feeding. I breastfed my lo for 6 weeks and it was very hard as he was constantly on me and i couldn't do anything and he prefered formula and i saw an improvement. I think the term breast is best isn't always true it depends on the baby and parents know whats best for their baby whether is breast or formula. :)
I dislike the tagline Breast is Best. I prefer Breast is Better. It may not be as snappy, but more accurate I think.
I dislike both methods being labeled better than the other, whatever the baby takes is best for them.
I dislike the tagline Breast is Best. I prefer Breast is Better. It may not be as snappy, but more accurate I think.

I think the two mean the same thing and will still get back up.

Breast Is best (all other conditions being equal....) is probably more accurate. But equally less catchy! are so right! It is totally annoying. I especially hate when people that are still pregnant and have no other kids are up in your business about breastfeeding and how great it is! Enjoy getting up every hour while my fam and I snooze it up for 4-5, sometimes 6 hours! But they will never admit it! I also hate how I would like some honest, real life advice about other people's experience with their baby's reflux, changing formulas, and adding rice cereal to the bottle to help keep at least 4 of the 5 oz in his tummy each feeding! But instead all I get are links to websites about how great breastfeeding is!

When I was pregnant I was adamant to breastfeed (Sophie is my first child). This was my choice and I think it should be respected regardless of my reasons, just as I respect fully that other women choose to formula feed with or without trying to BF as I believe fully in Happy Mum = Happy Baby.
Sophie now sleeps 8 hour stretches at night and she's not even 2 months old, I've never had to get up every hour with her, so it seems a bit silly to 'brag' about your own sleep. Every baby is different, I doubt the way they are fed concludes whether they sleep well or not.

I hope you get the advice your after, I always found that BnB was very openminded and I hope that someone can help you out with our babies reflux. are so right! It is totally annoying. I especially hate when people that are still pregnant and have no other kids are up in your business about breastfeeding and how great it is! Enjoy getting up every hour while my fam and I snooze it up for 4-5, sometimes 6 hours! But they will never admit it! I also hate how I would like some honest, real life advice about other people's experience with their baby's reflux, changing formulas, and adding rice cereal to the bottle to help keep at least 4 of the 5 oz in his tummy each feeding! But instead all I get are links to websites about how great breastfeeding is!

I agree that FF advice should be available more, but to be fair, many BF mums cannot get good advice either.

The rest of your post is just nonsense. I wasn't up every hour feeding my baby, and many BF babies don't need fed every hour. If anything, BFing aids a mother's night time sleep as you barely even need to get up to do it. I'd rather half awake, pull my child beside me and let her feed whist I doze, than have to get up and faff around with a bottle and bringing up her wind afterwards. But I don't think night time sleep is a particularly good reason to choose one over the other. And certainly to brag and laugh about it, is a bit off.

I'm not surprised some BFing mums become quite militant sounding with these types of comments. We're constantly told we have to be careful not to offend FF mums by 'flaunting' our BFing, but then get comments like these? If a BFing mum here had made a similar remark, folk would go nuts. are so right! It is totally annoying. I especially hate when people that are still pregnant and have no other kids are up in your business about breastfeeding and how great it is! Enjoy getting up every hour while my fam and I snooze it up for 4-5, sometimes 6 hours! But they will never admit it! I also hate how I would like some honest, real life advice about other people's experience with their baby's reflux, changing formulas, and adding rice cereal to the bottle to help keep at least 4 of the 5 oz in his tummy each feeding! But instead all I get are links to websites about how great breastfeeding is!

I agree that FF advice should be available more, but to be fair, many BF mums cannot get good advice either.

The rest of your post is just nonsense. I wasn't up every hour feeding my baby, and many BF babies don't need fed every hour. If anything, BFing aids a mother's night time sleep as you barely even need to get up to do it. I'd rather half awake, pull my child beside me and let her feed whist I doze, than have to get up and faff around with a bottle and bringing up her wind afterwards. But I don't think night time sleep is a particularly good reason to choose one over the other. And certainly to brag and laugh about it, is a bit off.

I'm not surprised some BFing mums become quite militant sounding with these types of comments. We're constantly told we have to be careful not to offend FF mums by 'flaunting' our BFing, but then get comments like these? If a BFing mum here had made a similar remark, folk would go nuts.

yes, remember the uproar and upset about the study that FF had a higher risk of 'behavioural problems'? The behavioural problems in question were actually clinginess and poor sleeping at night, both things that BF is often accused of causing-yet when one study suggests the occurance of such things may be higher in FF babies, woe betide whoever wrote that study :flower:
I think it depends on the baby aswell, some BF mums are up every hour feeding and so are FF mums. I don't think it has anything to do with the method of feeding. Although sometimes women I have worked with havn't left baby on the breast for long enough and are taking them off instead of letting baby come naturally off. Which means baby isn't getting a full feed and they they will ask for another feed soon after as they are hungry

ETA: As for the sudy I find that very hard to believe as behaviour and sleep can be affected by many factors, the way we feed would be a very minute one. Again I have seen bf/ff children have sleep and behaviour problems and they were caused by a range of things x
I dislike the tagline Breast is Best. I prefer Breast is Better. It may not be as snappy, but more accurate I think.

I think the two mean the same thing and will still get back up.

Breast Is best (all other conditions being equal....) is probably more accurate. But equally less catchy!

I think they mean the same too...if there are 2 options and one is better, then it's the best :)

I tend to think along the lines 'breast is normal'. and that's as someone who didn't manage it first time around...
I think it depends on the baby aswell, some BF mums are up every hour feeding and so are FF mums. I don't think it has anything to do with the method of feeding. Although sometimes women I have worked with havn't left baby on the breast for long enough and are taking them off instead of letting baby come naturally off. Which means baby isn't getting a full feed and they they will ask for another feed soon after as they are hungry

ETA: As for the sudy I find that very hard to believe as behaviour and sleep can be affected by many factors, the way we feed would be a very minute one. Again I have seen bf/ff children have sleep and behaviour problems and they were caused by a range of things x

The study showed that out of their sample a higher proportion of the babies who were FF from either birth or early on slept worse in the night and were more clingy in toddlerhood and up to five years than the BF babies, it didn't claim that FF was the sole cause of such behaviour nor was the likelihood all that much higher, but I remember many FF mums getting really defensive about it on this forum even saying such studies should be banned as they are clearly designed to bully women into BF (yep I can just imagine the doctors and scientists involved in their board meeting with a big whiteboard with big letters on saying 'number one objective of study-bully women into BF :dohh:), yet some of those same FF mums in particular were those I had seen on other occasions saying that BF babies are clingy or wake up hourly at night to feed and other such stereotypes. Some of them even repeated the same stereotypes on that very discussion thread but they just couldn't see how that was equally as offensive to the BF mums as they found this study regarding FF mums. When the shoe is on the other foot and all Foogirl is right that if someone said that FF babies wake every hour it would cause an uproar xx
Studies are funny things and you will find a study to support anything, I have found that during my training. But I wouldn't find it offensive if someone said FF babies wake every hour as some so as do some BF babies. It just depends on the baby :) x
I think its great to BF as long as possible I am the only one out 8 of us that go to toddlers that doesnt, but what makes me sad is when people say its sad that us that dont BF dont its not that we dont some of us cant and in some of the statistics I was shown in special care (where believe me I was bullied into expressing, they had the pump set up ready to go when I had only opened my eyes from a GA after section went wrong, and it was Peter who said shes not ready for that yet, good on him) was just BF and FF not reason behind it if that makes sense
I dislike the tagline Breast is Best. I prefer Breast is Better. It may not be as snappy, but more accurate I think.

I think the two mean the same thing and will still get back up.

Breast Is best (all other conditions being equal....) is probably more accurate. But equally less catchy!

I think they mean the same too...if there are 2 options and one is better, then it's the best :)

I tend to think along the lines 'breast is normal'. and that's as someone who didn't manage it first time around...

Breast is normal, I prefer that as well, it doesn't mean FF is abnormal or inadequate but that BF is the normal average bog-standard way to feed a baby, 'breast is best' does give the idea that formula is the normal average way to feed a baby and that to BF is some kind of impossible ideal that is nice and all that, but not really possible for most women to achieve. In the countries with very high BF rates BF does tend to be very mainstream and seen as just a normal, run of the mill thing to do, not held up as some kind of mysterious art as it tends to be in the UK. xx
I think its great to BF as long as possible I am the only one out 8 of us that go to toddlers that doesnt, but what makes me sad is when people say its sad that us that dont BF dont its not that we dont some of us cant and in some of the statistics I was shown in special care (where believe me I was bullied into expressing, they had the pump set up ready to go when I had only opened my eyes from a GA after section went wrong, and it was Peter who said shes not ready for that yet, good on him) was just BF and FF not reason behind it if that makes sense

I think it is sad for those who really want to but can't :shrug:
I BF, and am the only person in my family who has made it past a week (currently 7 weeks). All my family have tried to get me to FF as they said it's easier etc. I did give lo the odd bottle of formula as I was struggling, and tbh I found it harder! I'm not organised enough with the sterilising and hats of to ff mommies as its hard work.

I was upset the other day when a friend asked me how I was feeding lo. (I don't publicise the fact I bf unless someone asks). I told her I was bf and she said urgh, are you one of those new age people who goes on about it all the time?! Erm asked me!

I also use cloth nappies as tbh, I'm desperate to save money. I do think that some bfers do preach sometimes, but I hate that just because I bf people will automatically go on about it all the time.

I think every mother has the right to do what they think is best for their child without being made to feel guilty.

Breast maybe best, but only if right for both mommy and baby. By the same token that formula is best if that's what works for mommy and baby.
I think its great to BF as long as possible I am the only one out 8 of us that go to toddlers that doesnt, but what makes me sad is when people say its sad that us that dont BF dont its not that we dont some of us cant and in some of the statistics I was shown in special care (where believe me I was bullied into expressing, they had the pump set up ready to go when I had only opened my eyes from a GA after section went wrong, and it was Peter who said shes not ready for that yet, good on him) was just BF and FF not reason behind it if that makes sense

I think it is sad for those who really want to but can't :shrug:

yeah I expressed for Ellie as she was tube fed for 6 weeks but then my milk ran out but if anyone knows I FF all I get is you had a prem baby and you dont BF they dont ask thats what makes me upset and sometimes angry :flower:

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