UK baby carrier recommendations please


Mummy to 2 gorgeous boys💙
May 24, 2010
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I posted this in the baby club section earlier today but no replies as of yet, hopefully it may get more resound here :thumbup:

I've been thinking about using a baby carrier for baby number 2 but I honestly don't know where to start. We never used one for my ds as I didn't feel we needed to and also oh has a massive fear of one of us falling whilst carrying baby.

I really enjoy taking our dog on our walk with my ds and I just think it will make it so much easier to carry baby.

I'd really like to know your recommendations and advice on the safest and comfortable carriers please. :flower:
You'll probably get a lot of different (and polarized) opinions on this one. And to be honest it depends in part on the baby. I had a couple carriers ready to go when my little one was born, but he was very particular and we went through 3 or 4 more before finding one he liked. I've heard women on forums talk about babywearing meet-ups where you can try out different options, but I've never lived in a place where that was available.

So when it comes to carrier styles, with a newborn it seems that a lot of moms like stretchy wraps like the Boba or Moby wrap, since they hold little one nice and snug. Ring slings are also nice for easy in and out, but can be hard on the back after a while. Soft structured carriers (i.e., backpack style) are great for hands-free babywearing for longer periods, especially with older babies. You'll need an infant insert for a newborn though.

Here's a comparison chart that includes a couple different styles. We eventually had good success with the Ergo 360, but in the beginning we ended up using a mesh ring sling since the Ergo infant insert was way too hot to use in the summer. The sling was alright, but I'd want something more secure for dog walking.

I notice something they don't mention on that comparison chart is that some front facing carriers (where baby faces outward) are controversial because the positioning might be bad for baby's developing hips. I think the original BabyBjorn is an example, and I know that the Ergo 360 was designed specifically to support baby's hips properly in both front facing and rear facing positions. Personally, I much prefer to carry baby rear facing, since it's more comfortable, you can always see their face, shield them better from wind (and strangers without a sense of boundaries, ha!), etc. However some babies (including mine up until about 11 months old) only like to be carried front facing :shrug:.
Thank you so much, the chart is really helpful!
Your best bet is to find a sling library or babywearing consultant near you and try things out and get some personalised advice!
As a general rule though, I personally wouldn't recommend most sscs before 6 months and even with the inserts they often aren't a great fit before around 6 weeks old. If you fancy buckled carriers then the Connecta is a good option as when they're cinched effectively at the bottom with the accessory strap and strapped on in the newborn way they offer a good fit from the start. they are also available from some branches of M&S at a price of around £70 and a standard size will last until toddlerhood easily.
I would really suggest using a stretchy wrap (Moby, JPMB, Hana wrap, etc) or a hybrid stretchy (Close Caboo type) as they support a very young baby perfectly and have the added bonus of being pretied so you can just pop baby in and out as necessary without having to remove the wrap. They don't last for very long though and it's likely that you would have to change carrier before 6 months, though it is possible to carry a toddler in many brands.
A woven wrap is another good option and will last from birth until whenever you choose to stop carrying. They take a little while and some practise and patience to get right though but the myriad of beautiful fabrics, the longevity and the fact they can be used for front carries, back carries and hip carries makes the effort worth while!
Ring slings are also good but the fact that the weight is unevenly distributed means that they're often impractical for long periods and distances.
Definitely find a sling library if you can though and give things a try before you commit to anything! If there isn't one local, companies like It's a Sling Thing also offer postal hire.

Hope this helps! I did my babywearing peer support course at the start of the year and help out at my local sling library so I give out a lot of advice but I'm also fairly new to it and definitely still learning!

Beca :wave:
I used a close caboo from birth to 6 months, and then a Connecta onwards (she is 13 months now).

Totally loved them both, but the stretchy was fab when she was small (and I wasn't brave enough for a woven) x

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