uk induction. what to expect?


1 earth 1 angel 1 on way
Mar 12, 2011
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Ok so I had a hospital appointment today and ive been booked in for an induction on my exact due date if I dont go spontaneously myself before then.
So just in case so as I know what to expect I'm looking for honest stories/experiences and what to expect as in how long did it take, hospital stay, birthing partners etc.

Thankyou :)
Well, I had a really good induction so I'll tell you my story.

They put a pessary in (not that different to one you get for thrush!) in the morning and basically told me that I probably won't go into labour on that friday and that they will try another one the next day and then put me on a drip. Basically, they didn't get our hopes up. This was around 11am.

We went for lunch, read magazines, chatted etc. and I was getting really bored by around 5pm so decided to go to Mcdonalds which was over the rd from the hospital. I started getting cramps in Mcdonalds which got stronger as we were walking back to the hospital. My husband realised that these 'cramps' were actually contractions as they were coming every 2mins and I had to stop and breathe through them.
When I got to the hospital, I threw up my fries and Mcflurry and had so many poos! my body pretty much cleared out before the big event.
By this time it was around 5:30pm and the midwife said I was 5cm. I did say just before she checked that if it gets any worse then I want an epidural but as soon as I found out I was 5cm, I just wanted gas and air. For the next 2 hours, I was laying on the bed traying to time the gas and air just right so that it would help ease the contractions...which were very painful by this point on their own. My husband was given the job of fanning me and keeping me cool and he wasn't allowed to speak as I just couldn't concentrate!
around 7:30, it was time to push. This didn't seem as bad as I expected and I found it to be easier than the contractions. You can definately feel the head crowning though, there is no doubt about it. I knew I was going to tear before it happened because it was stinging quite bad.
When I pushed the head out, my little girl had her eyes open and was looking at daddy - how sweet. My contractions seemed to stop for a good 10mins before the final push.
My little girl was born 8pm and weighed 7lb 9oz. According to the midwife, active labour was 2 hr 17mins!

I had RLT from 34 weeks :)
Thankyou :)
On the leaflet it doesnt say anything about being able to move around freely.
The leaflet doesnt really give any info other than once the 1st pressary is in ill have my cervix checked after 24 hours then another inserted if necessary.
But I dont want hubby hanging around that long so im hoping he can get me to hospital then go home for a few hours until things start to pick up.
I have mw in 2 weeks anyway so will talk it through with her but wanted honest stories from real people rather than just 'basic info' from other websites! Xx
Hi there. I also have a positive induction experience. I had dd2 3 and a half weeks ago, and was induced with the propess pessary that our nhs trust is favouring at the moment. Its a slow release pessary which looks a bit like a tiny tampon.
I was told I wouldn't be examined for 24 hours unless I was showing signs of labour. The pessary was inserted at around 7.30pm. I was told I would be monitored every 4 hours to check on baby. I was expecting to be in it for the long haul, dh went home around 10pm to try and get some sleep. When I was woken at 11.30pm to be put on the monitor, mw asked if I was having any contractions. At that point there were a few bh's, but nothing painful.
I woke at around 1am to some slightly painful contractions every 5-8 minutes or so. I got up and walked around the unit. By 2am the contractions had become much more intense, coming every 2-3mins. I was about to go in the birthing pool for a bath to relax me but mw decided to examine me- at around 2.45am I was 3-4 cm. I phoned dh to come back in and got in the pool, then felt my waters pop. The contractions got way more intense after my waters went and I needed gas and air.
At around 4am I started to get the urge to push and dd2 was born in the water at 4.21am.
Once things properly got going it was only 2 hours 21 minutes until baby arrived.
It was a really positive experience for me. I wish you the best of luck with your induction, hope it goes smoothly and quickly.
The length of time it takes all depends on whether your body is ready unfortunately. I was induced at 41+6 and it seems my body still wasn't ready even by that point. I had the first pessary inserted at 8am on the Wednesday morning, got very strong contractions straight away and made it to about 2pm before asking for gas and air. They checked me at 3pm and I was truly expecting to be at least 4cms but I hadn't even started to dilate. Got another pessary at that stage and then another at 11pm that night. Next morning I was still only 1cm dilated. They offered me another pessary but by that point I'd had enough of being in constant pain with no progress so I asked them to break my waters. They did this at about 2pm (still only 1cm) then inserted the pitocin drip. I was on the drip from 2pm til 3am the next morning (Friday morning) and still only made it to 2.5cms and at this stage my DD started to get distressed so she was delivered by c section.

I think mine was a bit of an extreme situation but I wished at the time that I'd been more aware it could take that long as I'd gone in with false expectations of having a baby within 24 hours whereas it actually took 43. Not meaning to scare you by any means, this is just more of a "keep an open mind" post as it really could go either way. Good luck to you and hope it goes as smoothly as the people above' did for you :) xx
The length of time it takes all depends on whether your body is ready unfortunately. I was induced at 41+6 and it seems my body still wasn't ready even by that point. I had the first pessary inserted at 8am on the Wednesday morning, got very strong contractions straight away and made it to about 2pm before asking for gas and air. They checked me at 3pm and I was truly expecting to be at least 4cms but I hadn't even started to dilate. Got another pessary at that stage and then another at 11pm that night. Next morning I was still only 1cm dilated. They offered me another pessary but by that point I'd had enough of being in constant pain with no progress so I asked them to break my waters. They did this at about 2pm (still only 1cm) then inserted the pitocin drip. I was on the drip from 2pm til 3am the next morning (Friday morning) and still only made it to 2.5cms and at this stage my DD started to get distressed so she was delivered by c section.

I think mine was a bit of an extreme situation but I wished at the time that I'd been more aware it could take that long as I'd gone in with false expectations of having a baby within 24 hours whereas it actually took 43. Not meaning to scare you by any means, this is just more of a "keep an open mind" post as it really could go either way. Good luck to you and hope it goes as smoothly as the people above' did for you :) xx

Thankyou for sharing :) sorry you didnt have a good experience.
Im not really scared but was looking for honest stories from real women be it the best time or the worst time theyve ever had so I really appreciate you sharing you story as its good to know what can happen be it either way it goes :) x
Here is my birth story -

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