$235 for one book?!!! is it made of gold?!
For that price it should be made of gold and guarantee me an A in my course!!!
It came with some ridiculous interactive DVD and a picture book.
$235 for one book?!!! is it made of gold?!
$235 for one book?!!! is it made of gold?!
For that price it should be made of gold and guarantee me an A in my course!!!
It came with some ridiculous interactive DVD and a picture book.
Amanda I have a degree in education & social services and guess what I do for a living? I run an ironing business. I discovered I don't like people too hahaha!$235 for one book?!!! is it made of gold?!
For that price it should be made of gold and guarantee me an A in my course!!!
It came with some ridiculous interactive DVD and a picture book.
That's what pissed me off about going to college. Paying an obscene amount of money for a book with interactive software the professor won't even use. I flipped shit when I paid almost $800 for a semester of books...five YEARS ago!
I am considering a return to school in the future to earn my degree in Accounting. I already have a BBA in Business Administration that I feel like I'm not using. In my post-collegiate experiences, I discovered that I love the numbers side of business rather than the people side. I have always been a math nut, but for whatever reason, when I went to college I wanted a degree that exposed me to all sides of business. At the time, I wasn't sure if I wanted to strictly deal with numbers all the time. Now I know...
I need to vent:
I got into a bit of an argument with a good friend of mine last night. It started out because every freaking time I post something that is even remotely a complaint about my job (I'm a teacher, she is too) she jumps in and says something that implies that she works harder or her job is harder. So we got into a bit of an argument, which was mostly about the fact that she ONLY ever makes contact with me when it's one of those types of comments. I told her I'm going through the hardest thing I've ever gone through in my life with this LTTTC and she never bothers to ask me how I'm doing, etc.
She went on to say that she thinks I am way too open about it and that she thinks that should be "kept private." Then she totally contradicted herself by saying the reason she hasn't asked me is because she didn't know if I was comfortable talking about it. Really? I post about it on FB publicly, which you think is too much, yet you think I don't want to talk about it?
Then she went on to say it was because I stress about it too much and that's why it isn't happening. I told her the FACTS that you'd have to be going through serious trauma for stress to affect your fertility for this length of time, and she's like "it's not all about science." I get that (I'm a Christian) but God certainly isn't gonna say "You're stressed Reilly, so you can't have this."
I was just so annoyed that she 1. made me feel like I should hide in a dark corner alone and go through this by myself and 2. made me feel like it's my fault I haven't gotten pregnant yet.
Feeling optimistic about this cycle. I think we did awesome with planning BD after trigger shot!
vent: Facebook wants to add a status sorta like relationship status but for pregnancy. If that happens, I'm out and deleting facebook as a whole..i wouldn't be able to cope with it. Bad enough when someone announces their BFP and if you're not jumping for joy you're apparently a monster.
Good part of today: Thought our garden was a flop this year but green beans and tomatoes seem to be coming in!
Kinda wish there was an unsubscribe button so I could make them unrecognise me.
Sorry for the second vent in one day but just found out that Quebec health system is such horse sh**. Apparently you gotta go to a doctor to get a referral to a Gyno, then go to the Gyno to get referred to a fertility specialist. So that's wasted gas money and time for something I could just go straight to the source for.
Dh got the job!!!
I need to vent:
I got into a bit of an argument with a good friend of mine last night. It started out because every freaking time I post something that is even remotely a complaint about my job (I'm a teacher, she is too) she jumps in and says something that implies that she works harder or her job is harder. So we got into a bit of an argument, which was mostly about the fact that she ONLY ever makes contact with me when it's one of those types of comments. I told her I'm going through the hardest thing I've ever gone through in my life with this LTTTC and she never bothers to ask me how I'm doing, etc.
She went on to say that she thinks I am way too open about it and that she thinks that should be "kept private." Then she totally contradicted herself by saying the reason she hasn't asked me is because she didn't know if I was comfortable talking about it. Really? I post about it on FB publicly, which you think is too much, yet you think I don't want to talk about it?
Then she went on to say it was because I stress about it too much and that's why it isn't happening. I told her the FACTS that you'd have to be going through serious trauma for stress to affect your fertility for this length of time, and she's like "it's not all about science." I get that (I'm a Christian) but God certainly isn't gonna say "You're stressed Reilly, so you can't have this."
I was just so annoyed that she 1. made me feel like I should hide in a dark corner alone and go through this by myself and 2. made me feel like it's my fault I haven't gotten pregnant yet.
Feeling optimistic about this cycle. I think we did awesome with planning BD after trigger shot!
Just had an instant flashback with our event on STFUParents with those women telling us we should be in therapy and not facebook as well as infertility is not to be shamed and kept in the closet. That's like telling someone (sorry if this is out of lines, i mean no disrespect but) "you have cancer that sucks but keep it to yourself, but i wanted to ask you if you had it because i noticed you balding"
Dh is disgusted with me and refusing to talk.
Hello ladies. Hope you don't mind me. I feel like I need to get it out somewhere/somhow without being told I'm jealous. I know I'm jealous!
Just found out that my DH's younger brother (just turned 19) and his GF are expecting. Since my little sister had my niece last year, I've been keeping myself going by telling myself that at least we'll have the first grandkid on his side of the family.The sonogram and BFP on facebook is eating at me. I know it is so dumb but I'm so mad and hurt and sad! I just I want throw things around and smash stuff but I'm even too passive for that.
Hello ladies. Hope you don't mind me. I feel like I need to get it out somewhere/somhow without being told I'm jealous. I know I'm jealous!
Just found out that my DH's younger brother (just turned 19) and his GF are expecting. Since my little sister had my niece last year, I've been keeping myself going by telling myself that at least we'll have the first grandkid on his side of the family.The sonogram and BFP on facebook is eating at me. I know it is so dumb but I'm so mad and hurt and sad! I just I want throw things around and smash stuff but I'm even too passive for that.
Thats perfectly normal, don't you dare feel bad! Its definitely not dumb! Its like if a friend won the lottery, and posted their piles of cash and gold on Facebook everyday, you would soon delete them for being an arse, in my eyes, having a baby is exactly the same. Just because you have one, don't post it all over Facebook!
If you want, I am more than willing to share all of the instruments I use to throw at pregnant woman! (Not literally, I mean mentally throw at them in anger!)
Vent :
Last night I must have accidentally swallowed a razor blade. My throat is in absolute tatters and my face is just full of snot. thats right, I'm so attractive right now!