I find it quite condescending that the government think people who would have perhaps chosen to breastfeed would change their minds and be swayed by formula adverts.
Unfortunately many women choose to formula feed simply because it is seen as normal to them. Advertising only reinforces this. In countries where advertising of formula is allowed, breastfeeding rates are much lower. It may be condescending but unfortunately it is true.
Give more credit to most new mums who are not going to be looking at it and thinking "right thats it sod bothering with bf when I can just make up a bottle" not everyone thinks like that
You're right, however breastfeeding can be really hard and many women run into problems. Unless they get the right support, they may not know how to solve those problems and therefore think that formula feeding is their only option.
It's the helplines that bothers me the most to be honest. If a breastfeeding woman rang up in the middle of the night, worried and upset because she thought her baby wasn't getting enough milk, I'm pretty sure a formula company would give different advice to the LLL! To be honest, even most health professionals in the NHS aren't able to offer solutions to some of the more complex problems, so I highly doubt that a formula company will provide answers when a much easier and more obvious answer is to start supplementing.