Up Chuckers unite! (Sickness/Nausea/HG. Share tips, review meds, commiserate, laugh!)

Well it can't last forever? Right? Lol it's gonna end one day... I miss going out for dinners with Dh, friends, hanging out playing with the kids, heck I even miss grocery shopping!!! I think we're in the throes of ms now I think past 9 weeks it should start to decline... I'm praying every single day for all of us suffering that we see the light soon and that the rest of the pregnancy will be uneventful smoooooooooooth sailing xx

Ohh I wish, the 9 week dream has passed for me but I hope it settles down doe everyone else by then!! Yes everything crossed for smooth rest of pregnancy for everyone! Xx
My first pregnancy I was counting the days until 9/10 weeks when I thought the awful nausea would start to get better. 10 weeks it hit me with a bang. I was so sick between 10 and 12 weeks I could barely move. By 15 weeks I was a lot better though. My last pregnancy I kept waiting for it to hit at 10 weeks and thats when I started to improve. Not sure what to expect this time. I'm praying for it to improve again, or at least not get worse :).
My first pregnancy I was counting the days until 9/10 weeks when I thought the awful nausea would start to get better. 10 weeks it hit me with a bang. I was so sick between 10 and 12 weeks I could barely move. By 15 weeks I was a lot better though. My last pregnancy I kept waiting for it to hit at 10 weeks and thats when I started to improve. Not sure what to expect this time. I'm praying for it to improve again, or at least not get worse :).

Bunny I hope this one improves by 9/10 weeks for you. I'm glad to see your second improved sooner than your first, gives me home of some peace soon :hugs:
How are you today laila?

I have had a couple of wretching over the kitchen sink episodes today, couldnt go to the bathroom because DS was in the high chair. Since then I don't feel too awful though. Yesterday was a good day, plenty of nausea but no being sick and just a bit of wretching. The two days before that I was in bed all day and feeling awful so I'm glad I'm getting a bit of a break.
How are you today laila?

I have had a couple of wretching over the kitchen sink episodes today, couldnt go to the bathroom because DS was in the high chair. Since then I don't feel too awful though. Yesterday was a good day, plenty of nausea but no being sick and just a bit of wretching. The two days before that I was in bed all day and feeling awful so I'm glad I'm getting a bit of a break.

That's good to hear! At least you're not being sick ... I'm ok. Not great just ok today. Haven't been sick yet although I feel the nausea. I think the meds drag me down a lot too...really hoping today will be an ok day. So fed up. Can't wait to just enjoy xx
I can't take this anymore :'(

Edit: sorry that's a bit over dramatic. I'm just feeling down and want my normal life like.
Sorry to hear you are feeling so awful angel. I think we've all had those moments.
How are you all doing today ladies? Angel I hope your feeling a bit better today? I so know that feeling of being overwhelmed and frustrated, I also felt guilty for feeling like that but I know that was silly of course we all want our babies we just don't want to vomit 24/7.

So the last 2 days I haven't been sick at all, the nausea is still there but not as bad. I haven't been sick yet today either! I'm really hopeful this is the 12 week thing! Scan day tomorrow eeeeeeeaaakkkkkk

I put my DS to bed last night for the first time in weeks and also got up with him this morning rather than vomiting everywhere or laying in bed trying not to vomit. Feeling much more positive today xxx
Oh angel am so sorry, that's exactly how I felt, on Tuesday I just lay on the sofa and cried pretty much all day. I'm thirteen weeks now and still feel terrible. I had the tablets that they gave to you but I cant take them because they literally wiped me out, I was so exhausted I couldn't get up to take lo to school and go to work so I haven't taken them since.
I feel like I think I feel better from a few weeks ago but the all day nausea is making me so down, my relationship with my oh and lo is suffering 😞 I hope that this goes away soon, its awful. I had it with my lo this bad but i didn't have any other children to look after so could sleep from when I got home from work.....its a million times harder now 😞
Positive post from me today!

It's funny you should say about the metoclopramide making you so wiped out ginga, because I figured out on Friday that despite vomiting less, I was actually feeling a lot worse on the tablets than off, I ditched them and went back to the Cyclizine but found that the jittery feeling was worse than before so I've ditched that too.

Yesterday I took no meds at all and it was awful at first, sick about a million times in the morning, but by late afternoon I started feeling more like myself, and I realised that for me at the moment at least, the meds are more debilitating than the sickness! I am very glad I had them, because before them I was very dehydrated and had ketones and they allowed me to get and keep some fluid down when I was unable to before, but I'm learning how to manage it better now without them.

Some things I've changed (in case they help anyone):

-Windows and doors open all day whatever the weather, no jumper on. Helps with the smell sensitivity and I feel less nauseous when I'm cold for some reason.
-Not trying to drink water, it just isn't possible at the moment and makes me 100x worse.
-Upping liquid intake from food instead, broths, porridge, cereal and milk
-Sipping lucozade, isotonic sports drinks and non alcoholic lager
-Eating salted corn nuts and salted seeds before I drink anything, the salt makes my body accept liquid better.
-washing all my bedding every couple of days, sleeping with windows wide open and head propped up with 3 pillows
-Gaviscon tablets... Lots if them. Especially at night or if I manage a rare decent amount of food.
-avoiding sweets, I was relying on them to take the taste away but it comes back stronger. Salt helps much more.
-Accepting every offer of help and asking for it.
-Resting in the morning, but sitting up. Otherwise I'm sick when I move from lying down.
-Doing one productive thing each day when i get a brief moment of energy and being proud rather than worrying about what I can't do.

Today I have only been sick twice so far and have managed a small breakfast. :happydance: My husband and MIL have taken Micah out to do some food shopping while I rest and am enjoying the peace.

I hope this lasts but if tomorrow is awful then I need to remember that there are good days. Hopefully those good days will keep me going. Xx
Glad you have found some ways to deal with it. I didn't want to try the meds because of my history of reactions to medications so had to do it like you. Its not that it makes it go away but there were tricks for me that kept me from getting in a really bad way. Rest and help were key. Porridge was also my friend.
Good stuff angel glad you found some relief. I noticed I have 1 out of 2 that are good days but then I have bad bad days where the nausea gets horrible by 4pm and just continues until I sleep it off. Today is a good day so I'm planning on not taking zofran which turns me into a zombie...
Hi all, we had our scan today and saw our lovely little pickle looking just like my Ds. We were put back 3 days so due 17th may. All fine apart from a slim chance of heart issue but 95% chance will be fine by 20 week scan.

Still no vomit since Friday but feeling sick lots. Hope your all having a good day xx
I had such a good weekend nausea wise that it worried me, in fact because I also had bad cramping and greenish discharge I went to A&E on Sunday night and was scanned Monday morning. Bubs is fine and 100% on track, even ahead by 2 days! I needn't have worried because after drinking all the water for the scan I was sick allllll day yesterday, and today I've kept absolutely nothing down. I'm so miserable :( I can't win can I?:haha:

I'm still off the meds as I can't stand how they make me feel but if tomorrow is as bad as today then I might have to take one as I feel very dehydrated today. I've a pounding headache and dry mouth . I just wish I could down some water. I fancy it but my stupid stomach just instantly rejects it. :(
I took a metoclopramide, I threw up 3 times in 30 which makes over 20x today and I just can't take anymore vomiting today. I hope it kicks in soon. OH is working late but I just can't manage Micah's bedtime tonight so we're up watching cbeebies on iPlayer until OH is home, even though it won't be until 7.30. I managed to make Micah's dinner and I was so so sick from the cooking smells. Poor kid isn't even phased anymore, I was throwing up in the toilet earlier and he knocked and said, "oh mummy actually I need the toilet so can you use the sink for your sicking?" And then when he was done he shouted "swap!! Now you can have the toilet back because I need to wash my hands remember!" :dohh:
Oh man angel I feel for you!!! I really do bc I can sympathize. I seem to have one good and one bad day it rotates. The good days I can function but the bad days are just awful. Today was an ok day minus my terrible migraine :(. Now it's past 4 and I can feel the nausea creeping up again... I find nighttime worse. I don't enjoy any foods it's really sad. Hopefully it will end soon for us all. I did notice a big difference when I hit 9 weeks...
Sorry you are so rough again. You are so brave cooking. I did lunch today as it was one of my better days and I was determined to make propper food but it made me feel pretty miserable. Tomorrow I'm back to giving them cereal unless OH cooks! Thankfully I am much better at night so even when I struggle with water in the day I get up in the night and drink it. It makes me keep getting up to pee but at least it stops me from getting dehydrated.
OH just doesn't get it. Tonight he came out with these gems:

"Are you sure it's not like, all in your head? Like a mental thing?"

"I think what you've got to do is just push through it and act like you're normal and then you'll feel normal"

"If you went outside you'd probably feel better. I'd get sick if I stayed on the sofa all day doing nothing"

There isn't a smiley angry enough for how I feel right now.
OH just doesn't get it. Tonight he came out with these gems:

"Are you sure it's not like, all in your head? Like a mental thing?"

"I think what you've got to do is just push through it and act like you're normal and then you'll feel normal"

"If you went outside you'd probably feel better. I'd get sick if I stayed on the sofa all day doing nothing"

There isn't a smiley angry enough for how I feel right now.

Don't u just love those lines?! My personal favourite is " if u went out for a walk and took some air in sure you would feel great"

"Put some makeup on, do your hair and go out! You'll see you will feel fine!"

"The more u lie around the worse you'll feel"

So sad that ppl just don't understand that sometimes I feel so shitty I can't even take a shower let alone take a walk outside! Urgh. Can't blame them they don't know... I think I may be onto something though... Don't wanna speak too soon but I'm feeling slightly better these days. Since hitting 9 weeks I find it's more manageable. Not feeling good by any means I'm just able to function a little more and even chat on the phone I couldn't even do that a week ago!!

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