Updated! U/S pictures...next appt Dec 11th!!!!

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Sorry about the.night sweats! My af is here, 2nd one since giving birth and they are crazy. So heavy for 3 days and make me so tired and crampy :(
It should get better tho, usually it just takes a little bit to get used to it, I hope thats the case for u anyways! How long do u have to take it?
Aww...sorry to hear that! I know that's gotta suck!!! I hope it get's better over time and things start getting regular!

I have to take the pills for 10 days and wait for the 1st FULL FLOW day and then I have to call into the doc office and let them know and then on my 2nd or 3rd flow day I have to go in for an ultrasound. And then on CD3-CD7 I have to start my Femara....so basically the next 10 days are going to KILL ME...lol...because once I start the ball starts rolling real fast :) COME ON FLOW...come sooner!!! LOL!!
oh i was always so horrified by those ultrasounds during af....:sick: of course it's always worth it to get closer to having a baby, but i always felt so embarrassed! i know i shouldn't have because all of the other patients have to have them too, but that's definitely not the best time to go putting your cooch on display!

but i'm super excited for your new cycle to start. i can't wait to see how everything turns out. you need to start a ttc journal so i can follow your story all the way through!
Ya those period ultrasounds were not my favorite but helped so much! Ask for a pic, I have a pic of Hope when she was just a follicle!!
OMGosh...I totally forgot that they are going to be doing an INTERNAL U/S...oh ew ew ew ew ew ew ewwwww...LOL...So not cool, especially since I'm a clotter :rofl: Oh well though, it's what has to be done!

I will DEFINATELY ask for as MANY pictures as I possible can...it's so amazing that you can a picture of the GORGEOUS baby as just a follicle! Can you post it! I would love to see it!
oh gosh! sorry. maybe i shouldn't have said anything!

oh yes! i'd love to see your follie pic!
I will try and put it on tomorrow since I am on my phone right now :)
No it's okay...I think back now and they mentioned something awhile back I just totally forgot...LMAO...I need the reality of it all, I want to know what to expect! LOL!!! So please feel free to share your experiences and stories!
How is everyone doing!?? Today has been such a busy day!!! I've been getting ready for my Scentsy launch party next weekend (6th)...so I've been a crafting maniac today...LOL...I'm covered in glitter flakes, glue and probably full of papercuts just waiting to introduce themselves when I come in contact with soap...lol...But overall it's been fun. It's been a GREAT source of entertainment, I've been so boggled down with TTC and all, I've needed the distraction, even if it's just for a day :)

The progesterone is definately affecting me, my mood is very snippy and I've been getting really hot (hotter than normal) and today I've noticed the cramping. I'll be glad to start AF and get to the good stuff :)
Cramping is good! Like I said before, maybe u don't have to take the full dose if u start sooner. It made ne super snippy too! Like just AH! in everyones face. Lol I am glad u have a distraction! My AF has been subsiding so that's great! I wonder if I should be OPKing, just to see if I am having ovulation. The last time 1 of my many problems was that I didnt ovulate on my own..but I also didn't have regular AF, and now after pregnancy and birth I do...so..what do u think should I OPK?
Only problem about the distraction...is that I did everything yesterday...so now I am back to being undistracted...LOL...now my brain is screaming "baby, baby, baby!" :rofl:

It couldn't hurt to OPK...but shouldn't you at least wait till a few days after AF? Or do you think you will ovulate soon after AF leaves the building?

I went through the same thing...after I had Meghan over 3 years ago, my periods just STOPPED!! It sucks to be so irregular!!!
:hugs: i definitely understand the irregularity/ceased periods. i've definitely dealt with that. for me, i have very long cycles, so i never bothered starting to use my cbfm until cd 14 or so.
Your getting really close to Baby Day!!! :) I bet you can't wait!
we are excited and nervous and all those things. i just can't wait to hold this little stinker in my arms!
CRAAAAAAAAAAAMPS!!! OMGosh...these cramps are trying to kill me I swear!
:hugs: hopefully you'll get some relief once af decides to show. i wish i could remember how long it took to feel better after they had to force my af...
Meghan!! That's exactly how I spell my name yay :) I will wait a few days :)
Bex...when I was on Provera it didn't feel like this...I never felt a thing! But this other meds is like "WHOA!!!" I swear sometimes it hits me like a contraction...and I still have like 6 days of this...LOL...One day it's going to be a law for a man to get an instant pat on the nuts everytime a woman has to endure reproductive pain!!!

Meg...awesome!! Not many people do! Everyone wants to leave out the "h"...lol...Everyone OPK's at different times, but I have seen woman (including myself) get positive OPK's soon after AF and it's really confusing!

Today was a sad day..one of my Scentsy Sister's lost her husband over the weekend. He was only 30 years old and suffered a heart attack. I have been so emotional since finding out. I think about my husband and the stupid argument we had today...I have GOT to start appreciating my loved ones 100x more than I do. Life is to freakin short! Just thinking about her and what she is going throug just tears me up and hurts my heart. They haven't even been married a year. No kids that I know of. If you find yourself praying tonight, could you please say a prayer for my Scentsy Sister Shauna. I would really appreciate it.
i'm so sorry to hear about your friend. :hugs: how very sad. she'll definitely be included in my prayers.
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