Updated! U/S pictures...next appt Dec 11th!!!!

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Definately feeling the side affect of the Prometrium...cramps, bloating, dry mouth...I feel down right icky right now *blah* I am just so tired today!!!! Maybe I will feel better later on. I still have about 5 more days before the pills are gone and I wait for AF...I hope she arrives sooner rather than later!! I'm ready to get this show on the road!

How ya doin Jodie?
Isnt it funny how we are now routing AF to hurry up n get here so you can move on to your cycle!?! lol! I am ok sweetie. Just trying to be strong. I have you..thanks again! :hugs: ps. hope the side effects leave you soon
Come on :witch: so we can beat your arse next cycle ;)

LOL I told that old :witch: didn't I :)?!?!?! hahaha <3 ya girly!
Yea ya did! LOL!!! <3 ya too!!!

Today has been another rough one...I'm feeling really blah with a headache, extreme fatigue, sore bb's and body ache...I'm going to assume it's the progesterone. Did I tell you guys that my PCOS has taken such a toll, that my testosterone level is MORE than my husbands?!!! Can you believe it!? He's married to a man...:rofl:

But, there's been another death...my Scentsy Leader's friend lost his girlfriend in a car accident when they hit a moose. I know these things come in three's and I pray it doesn't happen!!!

How have you wonderful ladies been doing?
Wow that is so sad :( so sorry :( for all the losses......My bb's are KILLING me this cycle...thats nuts about the testosterone LOL!! I'm secretly thinking another cycle of my meds.....maybe we could be on them together ;) eeeek I'll probably be behind you though who knows ;) my cycles are so short AF could be here any freaking minute...last cycle was 25 days one before was 27 my cycles are so wonky :( lately!
oh my gosh! how tragic! i'm sorry there have been so many losses among your friends.

on the "married a man" issue...pregnancy has made my pcos facial hair so much worse! i have to keep a pair of tweezers on the end table next to the sofa so i can mindlessly pluck facial hair. i swear i have at least 1 new chin hair every day. it's so embarrassing! :haha:
Thanks ladies...

Bex...yea that is a pain in the butt...lol...I hate my stupid upper lip hair that I have to shave off...I don't bleach it anymore cause my skin is to sensitive and plucking hurts to freaking much...lol...
Andrea...I think if you have the resources...use them up!!!! LOL!!
oh yeah! those upper lip hairs are the worst to pluck! oweeeeee!!!! i'm still doing it because i don't like the stubble, but they really make me cringe.
Yea...so I avoid plucking...I just use my razor and shave down in the direction of the hair so that it basically just trims it real short and I avoid any kind of razor burn...lol...been doing that for years with no problems...lol...I just hate feeling like a dude when I do it!

I have 4 more days on these damn pills...they are making a mess of my life, I am so damn tired all the time!!! It's making me moody and crampy and endless headaches and dry mouth....my goodness, they said Prometrium is different for every woman but I think I got the shitty end of the deal!

I woke up this morning with that nasty wet feeling, down there, I was hoping AF would show but I doubt she will...oh well...just gotta be patient!!! (patience is NOT my forte!)
Oh shaving is the topic! Lol I have to shave my 'stache every now and then. It does feel pretty manly :( PCOS sucks. Since having Hope I have to shave my legs every other day just about and it grows back so so fast :( when I was pregnant it went away I guess my estrogen was where it needed to be. No 'stache, only shaved every Monday to be exact!
Yea...when pregnant the hormones seem to balance out...my other problem (amongst many with PCOS) is extremely OILY hair...it's ridiculous!! I can lube a car with what's in my hair! LOL!!
thankfully i haven't had the oily hair problem. i think my biggest pcos gripe is the weight. it's so hard to lose weight and keep it off. i have to be beyond disciplined with my diet. pregnancy has done a number on my willpower :haha: so i am going to have to be an extremely good girl once this baby makes its appearance on the outside! hopefully bfing will help too!
Yea...weight is a huge issue! And I mean HUGE...lol...But I have always had weight issues...accept my junior year of high school...I lost a TON of weight and was lookin gooooooooood...lol...till I got pregnant with my oldest a year later! Oh well...I suppose my babies are worth it...once I pop one more out I am done and gettin fixed! Then I can focus on my weight loss!
i didn't notice anything when i was on it, but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen. i think it all depends on the person.
the reason I asked was because I have noticed my sense of smell is off. Things that don't normally sink to me all of a sudden smell like decomposing meat...YUCK...even canned corn! I dunno...it's weird!

Not including today...2 more days and then I wait for AF!!!
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