Updated! U/S pictures...next appt Dec 11th!!!!

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i love those names!!! and i love willow too! i was just talking about that movie with my dad the other day and he started screaming "i stole the baby!"

i don't think there's any way at all that the doctors can control which ovaries produce eggs, but with o stimulating drugs, you usually produce and release a couple eggs from both, so you should be okay.
i love those names!!! and i love willow too! i was just talking about that movie with my dad the other day and he started screaming "i stole the baby!"

That is freakin hilarious!!! :rofl:

i don't think there's any way at all that the doctors can control which ovaries produce eggs, but with o stimulating drugs, you usually produce and release a couple eggs from both, so you should be okay.

That's a bummer...I am praying I get some good one on my right side!!! What happens if I don't grow follicles?
if you don't grow any follicles on your right side, they'll probably abandon the cycle and try again. i was always really good about producing follies on both sides. i hope you have the same luck!
abandon it!!! But I already paid :-( Maybe if it doesn't work they won't recharge me...and we try again! LOL!!! Now I'm paranoid, I gotta call them Monday morning!
i'm sure you'll get eggies from both. i NEVER had just one ovary produce eggs. really...i'm sure you'll be fine!
I think I need to stop reading stuff online...LOL....But it was intresting to read up alittle on the boy/girl ratio with IUI's...and it seems that you have a higher chance at having a boy with IUI's....I'll be glad for either, but I really want a boy!!!!
how interesting. i had no idea boys were more common with iui. sounds like little connor could be on his way!!!!

and btw...i have extremely lazy ovaries, so if mine can do it, so can yours!
LOL@lazy ovaries...haven't heard that one before!

What makes them lazy?

Feeling ovary pains again! It always follows my dose.
Also...I wonder about my cycle...I started spotting on like, Monday I think and AF came good on Tues and Wed and lightened up on Thursday...now she's gone!!! I've NEVER had such a short bleed. When I was on Provera, I bleed so bad it poured down my legs...I hope a short cycle doesn't mean bad news!
Stopping by to say hi Pam! Sending good thoughts and prayers your way :)
I'm doing okay! In the awful TWW now, not having much hope this cycle since I was sporadic with my temping and didn't see fertile CM once. If it's another BFN this month I am going to be religious about my temping and doing the preseed thing again! How are you faring with the meds you're on? Doing okay?
I'll keep my FX for a BFP and if not I will hope for next time!!!! How far are you into the TWW?

I'm doing okay so far on the pills...I have noticed though that each time I take them I get ovarian pains...so maaaaybe it's a good sign. I dunno. I'm feeling some anxiety about this whole thing, since I only have one good side. My ovaries haven't ovulated in a long time and I don't know how they are going to be now that we are forcing them. Just gotta keep my FX and pray and hope for the best!
how long do you think it's been since you o'd? after i went of the pill, i waited a good 8 months to o before they finally dosed me up with clomid. like i said, lazy freakin ovaries can't be bothered to push out on stupid egg!!! :haha:

some ovary pain is totally normal. it just means your ovaries are finally doing what they're supposed to! :happydance: sounds like you're going to have no problem getting a couple good eggies going on each side. when is your next u/s again?
My ovaries probably having ovulated in over 3 years...when I was on Clomid and such it never worked and I never ovulated...I haven't had my own NATURAL period in over 3 years (ever since my youngest was born)

I found out today that my SIL in pregnant with a boy...It's hard not to be jealous! Plus my husband's ex-wife is pregnant with a boy...please God please let me get a BFP and have a boy!!!! I don't want to sound picky, I'll be happy with either, but I'm gonna think BLUE and pray for BLUE and try to stay positive!!!

My next U/S is on the 19th!!
yay! that's less than a week away!

:hugs: i'm sorry about all the blue pregnancies around you. it's so hard to watch the people around you get what you want so badly...and it always seems like it come so much easier to them!

but i think you're going to be really successful with all of this! c'mon 19th! show us some big, burly follies that are ready for a rough and tumble baby boy!
You have an adorable outlook on things...lol...

Time going alittle fast...I think the 19th will be here before we know it. My daughter turns 11 on the 16th...she's growing up so fast!! Maybe this is the year for boys!

How have you been doing?
I've come to realize this morning...that this cycle is alot better than all my other cycles on Clomid. And it's just a little thing really, as to why I think this. When taking Clomid all you do is take one itty bitty pill a day...not very productive....but with Letrozole, I take it in the morning and at night, so it gives me more to look forward too!:thumbup: It makes me feel like I am contributing more to this cycle, and that's a nice feeling!:flower: Like I said, it's a little thing, but it makes it better for me...lol...

I went online and attempted to educate myself on what ovary follicles look like via an U/S....now I feel better equipped to know what I am looking at when I watch the monitor during the U/S...lol...at least now I won't be laying there watching and thinking, "What's that?!" "Is that a follicle?" "How the hell do they see anything amongst the black and white!?" :haha:

So how is everyone's weekend going?
good for you! i think it's so much better to go in armed with at least a bit of your own knowledge so that you're not relying completely on what one person tells you.

my weekend has been super busy so far. getting ready for my last week at work has been a ton of prep and i'm trying to get baby stuff done as well. right now i'm getting ready for dh to cook me a special pancake breakfast before i get started for today. :)
preparing for baby......makes things so much more real huh? LOL!! I've never worked when pregnant, not that I planned it that way, it's just how it happened....but I would of liked too....be able to be with my co-workers and they watch me grow...be able to show up to work all big belly and not ONE worry about being self-concious about it...lol...My last job was the type of job where if you didn't look the part, you got written up. I spent a fortune on cloths and jewelry and shoes trying to keep myself from getting into trouble.....isn't that sad!!!????? I loved my job, aside from the obvious. At least now, being a SAHM, I'm in my jammies all day...LOL...

Right now I'm just trying to relax from a hectic weekend and watch Xanadu!
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