Updated! U/S pictures...next appt Dec 11th!!!!

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Rick was mad about the pills Lori took, but what he is more upset about is the fact that she got all crazy mad at him for killing Shane. He is like WTF bitch he turned on all of us and was trying to take u and carl away from me..tried to kill me, and you are mad because I handled business?!!? Its like Lori wanted to have her cake and eat it too.

Ohh if they kill off Lori, what happens to the baby? Didnt she say she hasnt felt it move in awhile? What if it comes out a Zombie? Ahh. And did anyone else notice Darryls brother is back?! He is part of that compound...
Rick was mad about the pills Lori took, but what he is more upset about is the fact that she got all crazy mad at him for killing Shane. He is like WTF bitch he turned on all of us and was trying to take u and carl away from me..tried to kill me, and you are mad because I handled business?!!? Its like Lori wanted to have her cake and eat it too.

Ohh if they kill off Lori, what happens to the baby? Didnt she say she hasnt felt it move in awhile? What if it comes out a Zombie? Ahh. And did anyone else notice Darryls brother is back?! He is part of that compound...

I did some reading online and it turns out we are going to lose a few of our people. Who? I have no idea...we can ony assume. I look at the situation they are in (individually) and Herschal isn't doing good and neither is Lori and the baby...I DOUBT they would bury any of the prisoner's, so I know the cross isn't for them. In the preview Carol freaks out so I think it's either Daryl or T-Dog. I HOPE it's not Daryl because I really wanna see him get reunited with his brother! (I just LOVE what Merle did with his stump! LOL)

I can see your point of view on the whole Shane thing...but even if she was mad at him, he needs to understand that he was there for her and Carl and protected them and saved them many times. She obviously loved him in a way and I think when Rick killed him (his BEST friend) it scared the shit out of her that her husband was capable of doing that to someone he loved. Once the shock wore off she handled it better, but unfortunately (and obviously) not in time or Rick wouldn't be how he is. And I just wanna SMACK Carl sometimes...LOL...I hate how he treats Lori! It's like, okay kid, we know you have been through alot but STFU and listen to your Momma!! :growlmad:
dh and i were talking about that carl situation last night. i actually feel a little bad for him. he's the only kid and to fit in, he wants to act like a man and be a hero and accomplish grown up things. it would be really hard to be a kid in that situation.
Very true Bexx-- I wonder who they kill of and who or WHAT was looking at Carol thru the trees!? Ahhhh lol and where do you read up on it?! I wanna read some stuff about it
i know...i'm also very curious about who or what was so interested in carol...sunday feels so far away!
Yea it sure does! LOL!!

OMGosh...the EWCM is back and it's ALOT...it's so thick! I've never had this before...lol...Wish it meant I could TTC...unless by some miracle my right ovary caught up with the program...we have BD the other day and maybe we will tonight...but I'm not holding my breath for anything happening...
an extra romp under the sheets never hurts! i say go for it. and it your right ovary didn't catch up, at least you'll have a little fun!
:) I'm starting to get irritated with dh, we haven't romped (lol) in almost a week. He gets all tired after we go to the gym. Then its time to make dinner, feed the animals, bath and feed Hope..next thing we know its 10 and both of us r wiped out! So I think one afternoon after he gets home from school I just have to make it happen. It just gets bleh to "make it happen" every girl wants to be wanted ya know? Maybe ur right side did catch up! Never know, dtd just in case!!
I know how you feel sweetie...Hubby and I can go a month without having sex. He get's so tired after working 10 hour days and I'm exhausted all the time from taking care of the house and kids and having insomnia...the other night when we DTD was the first time in like 6 weeks...We are already acting like two really old people...lol...Maybe it'll get better!!! I hope it get's better for you!!!

It would kick ass if my right side caught up...gonna make sure we DTD tonight BUT since I don't temp, how do I know I really even ovulated? I'm not feeling any symptoms or anything...and since I had EWCM a few days ago and again today, how will I really know if I am in the TWW? LOL! :dohh: Gotta love TTC!
pffft! i scoff at your week and your month. apparently my dh finds pregnancy just about the least sexy thing on earth. i haven't gotten any since we conceived. let me check my chart...aaaah yes. march 1st. that was the last time i got any. coming up on 8 months now.
hopefully once there's no longer a person inside me i'll get some sex again. at this point i don't really feel like it anymore anyway.
I hear that...LOL...I was the same way!! Men are so goofy about sex and pregnancy...it's not like the baby can see anything...LOL...
i don't know what he thinks is going to happen. i guess maybe he's worried that it took us 2 years to get it in there and he doesn't want to hurt anything. who knows????
My husband was okay with preggers sex, just once when we did Hope kicked and omg he freaked out like bigggg time. One step away from crying in the fetal position lol! The last time we did it I was 37 weeks along and he freaked cuz some plug came out during a position shift. Let's just say that was the end of that lol!
oh my gosh! if i lost plug while we were dtd i'd NEVER get it again!!!! :rofl: though it would almost be worth it to see the look on his face!
It was priceless, he goes "I didn't go so..."I said its just my mucus plug. He goes " IS THE BABY COMING OUT???" LMAO. :rofl: poor guy...clueless.
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