Updated! U/S pictures...next appt Dec 11th!!!!

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wow...then i'd better keep testing. two years of negatives is a lot of preggo stick peeing!
LMAO...I know what you mean!!! There's no way I can even catch up to the negatives, but it's fun trying!
Why don't we buy stock in the companies that sell HPTs??
So how is everyone today!? Ya'll are being so quiet...lol...Today has been a lazy, stay at home kind of day! Due to construction going on nearby they shut everyones water off for a few hours. We finally got it back and I think I better get in there and shower before it happens again, please don't let it happen WHILE I'm in there...lol...
hi, hun! i did a bunch of chores around the house today- dishes, wiped down the counters, swept, vacuumed, laundry. then i needed a nap. i'm going to make some chili for dinner. upped my usual jalapeno to a habanero. i'll get this kid out of here!!! :haha:
Eat a pinapple Bex!

I have been doing the same thing because my in laws will be here Tuesday. Joy. I got so irritated with DH today. I feel like I did everything plus take care of Hope. I know that's not the case lol, he vaccumed and carpet cleaned and folded about 3 loads of laundry (omg we sound like slobs) haha I let the laundry go last week, so sue me. Haha anyways lots of cleaning today and I think I just got overtired.

Tomorrow! Walking dead!!
I tried cleaning today...I just didn't have it in me...lol...I started cramping so I laid down and next thing I know I woke up from a 3 hour nap....aaahhhhh....it was SOOO needed!!! But now I am tired again...lol...I have a long list of chores for my hubby (things I can't do) and he's barely cracked it and since I was so tired and BLAH today, he took advantage and didn't do anything...lol...go figure! If I'm not on his ass about stuff it'll never get done!
I'm siked for tomorrow....I just PRAY I'm not disappointed!!! It's already going to be sad enough reliving Lori's ordeal and watching Rick lose it.

Next Friday is Breaking Dawn Part 2!!! And my sis and I have tickets! I'm so excited!!!
^^^^ u r so lucky! I wanna see it! DH and I will go see it once the in laws get here, I hope Iys not disappointing! None of the series has been so far..

I just hope the whole show isn't about Rick going wacko! Poor Carl, jeezus he shot his mom in the head..is anyone gonna give the kid a hug???
Well seeing as I have read all the books before the movies every came out...I have found all the movies disappointing because there's so much detail and not enough movie...lol...Plus I hate that they throw in stuff that never happened or things that did happen and they left it out...Just like the last movie...there was NO BIG FIGHT SCENE, NONE...NADA!!! So it's like...damn...lol...

I think if anyone tried giving him a hug he would fight them off and try to kick their ass to get his anger out....maybe that's why they have kept Beth so "innocent"...because everyone that has fought and killed has an intense dark side to them.

I seriously need a new bra...I already can't fit into mine...I'm shoving my girls into them and they hurt so bad right now....
I hate bra shopping. With a passion! Hate it hate hate it!

Good luck with yours tho lol!

I read the books frer watching the 1st movie..I read them in a week I think? I was all up in it.

Tonight! Yay!
i hate bra shopping too! i still haven't purchased any nursing bras and i know i really need to get on top of that.
I hate bra shopping too! When I am done my skin is all red and irritated from taking them off and on...and it never fails that when I bring them home they don't fit as good as they did when I was in the store...lol...

I'm so ready for tonight!!!

Time for LUNCH..mmm...Subway!!!!!
subway sounds great! someday i'll let myself eat deli meat again...when i'm done bfing, i suppose.
Bex, is deli meat bad?? Lol there's so much I don't know. Did u read and preggy books? Have any recommendations? Last pregnancy I was so rushed moving and so so broke! I want to read some literature about Brest feeding and pregnancy.. if anyone has a recommendation lemme know!
deli meats/hot dogs/sausages are supposed to be bad because of their high nitrate/nitrite content. you're supposed to avoid them when pregnant/bfing. i don't know how much stock you want to put in that, but i'd rather be safe than sorry.
I've heard the same thing about that...but the only thing the doctor's have warned me of, is the packaged lunch meat...if I got it from the deli then it's okay....but every doctor is different. I'm not much of a hot dog fan anyway...so no loss there...LOL...

Meg...I always read "What to Expect When Your Expecting" I think it's a great book! BTW, the movie is super cute too...LOL...
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