I can't sleep. I was spent 30 minutes ago now I am wide awake. Ugggghhh! So I am having cramps and twinges on my left side. That's the tube I O'ed from (serious O pain, I even wrote it down on my note pad in my phone, Oct. 18th 10pm, left side) The left side is my gunked up side. My right side, totally clear, hardly ever produces follicles. Left side, lots of good follicles, shitty tube! So I am a little worried. I am approaching 6 weeks and that's when a tubal will start to make itself known in most cases. :/ not being a total poopy downer but I am genuinely worried. Maybe I will call doc tomorrow. No blood though! What do yall think? Just call doc in the AM? Or wait til my u/s on the 21st?