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Updated! U/S pictures...next appt Dec 11th!!!!

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I can't sleep. I was spent 30 minutes ago now I am wide awake. Ugggghhh! So I am having cramps and twinges on my left side. That's the tube I O'ed from (serious O pain, I even wrote it down on my note pad in my phone, Oct. 18th 10pm, left side) The left side is my gunked up side. My right side, totally clear, hardly ever produces follicles. Left side, lots of good follicles, shitty tube! So I am a little worried. I am approaching 6 weeks and that's when a tubal will start to make itself known in most cases. :/ not being a total poopy downer but I am genuinely worried. Maybe I will call doc tomorrow. No blood though! What do yall think? Just call doc in the AM? Or wait til my u/s on the 21st?

I was having alot sharp pains and twinges in my right side (no idea what side I OV'd on) and it only lasted about a day...I read up that it's normal around this stage...things stretching and pulling and even phantom pains when your about ready to "O" again....If it really worries you, you can't go wrong with a phone call!!
i had a lot of sharp pains and twinges around that time, so i don't think it's necessarily indicating a problem. that being said, if you're genuinely worried, i don't see anything wrong with calling your doctor- if for nothing else, you'll get some peace of mind.
Alright girls...I'm off to bed!!! I will see ya'll in the morning!!! I hope! :flower:
well lovelies, now i am off to bed...because 9:30 is waaaaay different from 8! :haha: time to snuggle up and do some reading.
Totally butting my nose in, but wanted to say to Meg that after my first pregnancy I always noticed more cramps/pulling as my uterus stretched. As long as no bleed/serious pain it sounds totally normal. That being said, if you are worried, you should absolutely call your dr. That is what they are there for and there is not a thing that they haven't heard. Ok, sorry to interrupt and huge congrats to all you ladies!
Good Morning Ladies!!! It's going to be an intresting day! Woke up to my bladder around 4:00 this morning and then realized...I'm in bed alone! So I walked in the living room and found my husband passed out on the sectional....ummmm okay, was I snoring? Later on he woke me up around 6:30 telling me he's staying home cause his stomach is upset and he's having diarrhea :-( I think he got it from the company's "Thanksgiving Luncheon" he must of ate something bad...poor guy.....so not only will I be dealing with my new issues cause of the pregnancy and Meghan, but now HIM....this outta be fun...lol...

How you ladies doing? Bex...any progress?

Edit: Oh yea....it's gonna be great *sarcasm* Fight #1- I WON! :)
good morning, gals!

oh pam...hope dh can deal with this himself in case he's got some kind of bug. the last thing you need is to get all sick and dehydrated!!!

no progress :( when i had my internal a couple weeks ago, i had contractions for the rest of the day and part of the next. this time i haven't had so much as a cramp! oh well, guess my lo is just not done cooking yet!
He's doing the best he can...lol...I just love though, how when he is "sick" he locks himself in the bedroom and sleeps...yet when I am ACTUALLY sick (flu, cold) I have to deal with it AND take care of Meghan...there's no one coming to my rescue, you know? If he wouldn't act like such a baby, I wouldn't grip so much...lol...He keeps claiming to be sick...but to ME, sick is a virus or something...not eating something that didn't agree with you.

Sorry things haven't progessed yet Bex...maybe you can go for a long walk or something. Eat some spicey food..and all else fails....have sex :winkwink:
i actually can't complain too much in that arena. dh is a nurse and when i get sick, he's all over taking care of me. it's just in his nature. he won't let me do anything when i'm sick. of course, once i'm well i have to deal with the utter disaster the house becomes from him attempting to cook and not attempting to clean...but it could be worse!
Well that's sweet of him :)

I have an Electrical Designer on my hands....he comes to the rescue when I need a handy man...LMAO....when I am sick I am on my own! I mean, I'm not trying to down grade him or anything....but after watching him turn into a little baby over and over and over again, when he's really NOT sick...it's hard to know it's real when he is sick. It just get's frustrating that he will take off work when he has an upset stomach but when I am suffering horribly with the flu (like a few months ago) he just goes to work without a care...It's like HELLOOOOO...lol...what about me!?
having a handy man around must be great sometimes though! morgan is no good in that department. if something needs fixing, it's on me. on the bright side, i've learned a lot about toilets, sprinkler systems, garage doors, laying brick, and all kinds of things over the years :)
It's definately a blessing!!! We have saved TONS of money cause he does alot of things himself...everything from the house to the cars. I've learned a little along the way, but I just really leave it to him...lol...let him work his magic!
Pam do you remember cramping like kinda intensely around maybe implantation or anything? Just curious having some pretty good cramping going on in uterus...just hurts....
Blood work tomorrow! Then afterwards I will be shopping for Thanksgiving...ooooooh joy! :haha:

Today I have been feeling alot of twitches and thumps in my uterus...LOL...I know it's just my uterus growng and stuff...but it makes me reflect on what it was like when my babies used to kick...lol...I can't WAIT for that!!! :cloud9:

Bex...how you doin? Feeling anything yet?

Meg...how's it going with the inlaws? Is your hubby even home during this time, or are you left alone with them till he get's home from work?
I won't post anything else :( sorry I asked.....have a great happy and healthy 9 months Pam....sure will miss you...but I'll be praying nightly for ya....
nothing yet. my fil just called to ask about some financial crap and he asked me if we were still waiting...like i wouldn't tell him if we'd had the baby! :haha:
LOL...right! I guess they just want to stay as informed as possible...lol...But my Dad is the same way, he'll ask things and it's like...really!? your asking me THAT!? LOL!
totally. i feel like my whole family is on high alert. every time i call them they think it's go time!

how's all your pinching and whatnot?

i wonder how meg's holding up...
Will this be their first grandbaby?

I'm still getting some twinges...but now it's when I move wrong...lol...I'm amazed my uterus is already resisting me...lol...

I wonder the same! Inlaw's can be pretty overwhelming...lol...God knows I would go insane if I had to live with my inlaw's more than a day!!! My inlaws have really dry sense's of humor and NEVER EVER think before they speak....you find yourself completely insulted with no idea how to handle it without a fight....LOL...

I'm sooooo ready for TURKEY DAY!!! Anyone else?
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