If you OH doesn't have a low sperm count just keep until the EWCM goes away/after you've gotten your positive opk. I thought I was gearing up to ovulate on day 14 which would be early for me, but I started testing too early. I kept on testing multiple times daily because we didn't on the 14th day and I just couldn't make myself believe I'd missed my chance. Anyway as you can see in the pics I got a true positive on day 20 (19 looks positive on camera but not truly pos in real life). On that day I also had very obvious ovulation pains, we on day 15, 16, 19, and twice on 20, LOL. Good luck hon!
I'm so annoyed!! Still no positive Ov test but tons od EWCM, definitely fertile type...
We are BD'ing everyday to cover bases.
Just so frustrating to wait for the test
But then again, according to my avarage cycles on the ticker I'm supposed to ovulate in 2 days
I'm just impatient!!!!
here are my tests, still nothing, I have been using digis also since CD13. Not good so far
Hun I wouldn't fret so much. I know its easier said than done...but I would say that you have Ov I know its hard to tell with your opks but those honestly do not work well for all woman and with clomid. I was on clomid for 7 cycles and my opks were always crazy, my last cycle of opks were a mess and I am pregnant with twins...not from clomid though. YOu have to keep in mind we all have lh surges differently and you may not always catch it. The best way to track your O is with temps and cm.
I didn't meant to post that pic but I can't figure out how to delete it. I thought I had a pic of last cycle of opks but I don't that is the month before.
Thank girl. I know, I should relax, lol, yeah right....
I am BD'ing everyday this week regardless due to the large amount of EWCM, and just because of the dates......but was really hoping to get a POSITIVE since the months I did ovulate i got nice POSITIVE ones....aghhh
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