US - new season of Teen Mom



My thoughts before it airs next week...

Caitlyn and Tyler have never grabbed my interest; I think its because they are not raising a child. I'm hoping something interesting happens with them this season.

Farrah intrigues me, but at the same time I can't quite pinpoint what it is that bugs me about her. She cries too much? Always getting into it with her mom? I don't know - can't figure it out :shrug:

I like Maci because she has balls and has no problem speaking her mind and standing up for herself. The previews allude to Ryan wanting to stop her and Bentley from moving in with Kyle. Uh, Ryan? Nothing you can do about it....?

And lastly, I cannot wait to see what goes on with the trainwreck that is Amber Portwood. :thumbup:
Farrah – that’s why I don’t like her – she’s soooo rude! On getting a boob job, her mom says, “don’t you know that lowers your immune system?” Farrah: “Obviously, Mom. It’s major surgery.” But the way she said it implied she had not yet thought about that….(but why is she so against her mom trying to look out for her?). Maybe Farrah should see if she could actually get any modeling work if she had bigger boobs before actually going through with it….. “Here for boobs” on her paperwork. Wow, I’m so jealous, I wish I could be as mature as she is. :wacko: Wondering why she needs a loan, though – don’t these girls make bank from MTV? Amber makes $280K a year….

Can’t stand Catelynn’s mom; such a bitch!! Yikes on the whole house-getting-broken-into thing. How is her mom affording a BMW? I love Catelynn and Tyler, though – they deal with such crap and yet they are so levelheaded.

WTF is Amber’s excuse for still not having her GED done?? How much time does she friggin’ need? That aside, glad she’s getting some counseling. Poor Gary – when will he get the hint that Amber is not deserving of him? He’s a sucker for punishment; I feel bad for him but at the same time I want to grab him by the shoulders and shake some sense into him. Leah is a total cutie pie.

I’m a big fan of Maci; so good at standing up for herself, although I’m not sure where the wisdom was in forwarding Ryan’s text to Kyle. And Ryan is a douche. Bentley is so adorable!
Farrah-She is such a spoiled brat. She is always thinking of herself. She is such a neglectful parent. ON CAMERA we've seen Sophia fall off the couch, fall off the bed, AND burn herself with hot water while being left in the sink ALONE......BUT, her mom is crazy! I mean I don't care if you don't like the babies dad, you get over it for the sake of the baby. Unless the guy was doing hardcore drugs and raping women, what could he have done that was SO awful to punish the baby? And it looks like in the preview she asks Farrah to give up custody!

Catlyn- I like her and I like seeing this side of teen pregnancy. But I was disappointed that they didn't graduate on time. That was the whole point of giving Carly up. But it looks like this season that they graduate.

Maci-I love her. She is such a good mom and Bently seems like he's very well taken care of. She had some ups an downs with her college but she seems to be pretty on track. I think her boyfriend is kind of an uggo and yes I think he's a bit slow :haha: But he's really good with Bently and he's really sweet to her, so I guess at the end of the day thats what really matters.

Amber- Oh Amber. I don't even know where to begin! She is a drama queen, she takes responsibility for NOTHING! I mean seriously in counseling she's going to say that GARY got her pregnant? Because she just had no control over the fact that she was A/ having sex and B/ not using birth control. And then when the counsler didn't just agree with her right away, she throws a hissy fit saying she wanted to leave! And Poor Gary! When will he get the clue! She is not going to change.

But I dunno. I met him and Leah about a month ago at the local public pool and he let something slip like "I have Leah most of the time". And shortly after the news around here (I live like 20 minutes from where Amber and Gary live) it was released that he had full custody. So to me that sounds like they are not together. Plus I heard she can't be around Leah because of the drug abuse and for hitting Gary.
I love Caitlyn and Tyler! They are making great decisions for themselves in my opinion although it is strange they are on the show without a child in their care.

Farrah and her mother are both bipolar in my opinion. They are both searching for something in their lives and I hope they find it!

I am not sure what to think about Maci and Ryan. It seems like she lets him away with things and makes excuses for him and he treats her like crap. I am not sure if it is just the way the show portrays the situation or what? :shrug:

Amber makes me speechless. I cannot believe some of the things that come out of her mouth!
And it bugged me with Farrah about how at first she threw a hissy fit about her mom suggesting a living will. Seriously, if you have a child you should have a will!!!! Dh and I don't even have kids yet but we already know who will we name as who we want our children to go to if we both die (Which would be my brother and his wife) And its mainly because there are many reason why I want them (They have a 4 bedroom house, she cannot have bio children due to medical conditions, my brother has a VERY well paying job in a high demand medical field, and my sis in law runs an in home day care) But I want that on paper because even though my sister knows my intentions and is fine with that, I do not know how fine with it Dh's sister is. And I don't want my children living with her. She is a total ditz and so many things about her bug me, and I don't want her raising my kids haha.
I love Teen Mom.

Maci is my favorite, Farrah gets on my nerves, Caitlin & Tyler are a good couple, but I don't like her mom, & Amber is psycho! lol
First thing I noticed is that Catelynn's little brother STILL uses a pacifier?! WTF? He's 4! Now that is some bad parenting in my opinion!

I did laugh at Farrah writing 'Here for BOOBS' on her form at the doctors. I was also laughing at her clutching all those frozen veggie bags :rofl: I'll admit I was maliciously laughing at how young and immature she is and sort of laughing with glee that she was in pain from her choice. At least she didn't go for the huge pornstar boobs though, right?

Amber just needs help, and I can't wait to see what happens on the show and really hope she does lose custody. Her breakup with Chris seemed so fake on her side. She clearly thinks she deserves better than Gary and then resents him when she's with him. He does deserve better but he's kind of a loser for wanting to be with her so much.

I love Maci, but I have to say that she, like all the girls, LOVE the drama. Sending Kyle that text was just to stir shit up and it looks like Ryan breaks up with her because he doesn't want to deal with Ryan forever? That is some serious shit that people need to think about as far as teen pregnancy goes! Even if you find the perfect person who is great with your kid, they may not want the baby daddy/mommy drama in their lives.

I still don't have a will written. I want my son to have a guardian of our choice, we know there will be a fight over him otherwise. But our parents aren't young enough to be the first choice and ALL of our siblings are totally unacceptable choices (we're not just being picky.. they are truly unable to raise a child in a healthy and safe environment). We're thinking of asking DH's stepbrother and wife, but we're not really close to them so it seems weird.
@lisaf- i thought the same thing about the pacifier deal lmao

Farrah-She is such a spoiled brat. She is always thinking of herself. She is such a neglectful parent. ON CAMERA we've seen Sophia fall off the couch, fall off the bed, AND burn herself with hot water while being left in the sink ALONE

Amber- Oh Amber. I don't even know where to begin! She is a drama queen, she takes responsibility for NOTHING! I mean seriously in counseling she's going to say that GARY got her pregnant? Because she just had no control over the fact that she was A/ having sex and B/ not using birth control. And then when the counsler didn't just agree with her right away, she throws a hissy fit saying she wanted to leave! And Poor Gary! When will he get the clue! She is not going to change.

I'm so glad you brought that up about Amber. When she said that, I about lost it. Jaw dropped, staring at the TV in disbelief. And Gary does need to get over her. Some relationships are just not meant to be. At this point, I don't think anybody is meant to be in a relationship with Amber...

And you're right about Farrah - with the other moms, the segments make it about the mom and the child; the whole point of the show. When it's Farrah's turn, its just about, well.....Farrah.
Maci - She's always been my favorite, but it always irks me when she gives Ryan all these chances with Bentley (last season he called her a shitty person b/c she was moving so she told him he'd only see Bentley on her terms - then even after he didn't call for weeks she caved in and called him) even though he doesn't deserve them. Ryan does not voluntarily ask to see him son, his parents do. I know that she only does it for Bentley, but I think she gives Ryan more rights than he deserves.

Amber - Argh, she gets on my nerves. Her and Gary are just not right for each other! They both need to be single and concentrate on Leah. Amber has her moments but Gary really bothers the shit out of me. He is definitely an enabler to Amber, which is the main reason the two are better off separate.

Catelynn - Cannot believe her mom sometimes. When they discovered that someone was trying to break in and Catelynn told her mom to look, she said "No, I don't want to." Then they saw the window that was actually opened her mom was like, "What can I do? Save you?" Uh YEAH you're her parent. :roll: I love Catelynn and Tyler together, I think they do so well as a couple because they both come from difficult backgrounds and their parents are disappointments. In an odd way, they are like brother and sister but I think that's what makes them so strong as a couple.

Farrah - Glad she is spending more time at home, but it seems that that won't last long, because she is trying to accelerate her modeling career (for the sake of supporting her family). I do want a boob job as well, so I can relate. She definitely has her obnoxious moments though, especially when she was making comments to her dad (who was helping her after surgery) and her mom (about creating a will). I don't think I could be as patient as them, I'd definitely smack her upside the head if she was my daughter. :haha:

As for the future episodes, I cannot believe that Social Security is saying that Derek is not the father! :shocked: I thought his sister was a 99.9% match with Sophia? :shrug: Also, does anyone know where Butch was the first episode? Still in jail maybe? I'm interested in the drama between Kyle and Ryan, especially since I think Kyle could beat Ryan's ass anyday and Ryan has such a big mouth. I can't wait for the whole story on Amber as well. :happydance:
I think Maci keeps giving Ryan visitations not just for Bentley but to avoid a custody fight (which it looks like they end up going to court anyway this season). Ryan is a lazy father, but unfortunately, he's not a danger to the child so the courts wouldn't award her sole custody.
Farrah - She definitely has her obnoxious moments though, especially when she was making comments to her dad (who was helping her after surgery) and her mom (about creating a will). I don't think I could be as patient as them, I'd definitely smack her upside the head if she was my daughter. :haha:

I'm not advocating domestic violence, but last year when Farrah's mom hit her, I was kind of amazed that it took her so long. That girl is a bitch to her mom, I would have hauled off and smacked her loooooong before her mom did!
Farrah - She definitely has her obnoxious moments though, especially when she was making comments to her dad (who was helping her after surgery) and her mom (about creating a will). I don't think I could be as patient as them, I'd definitely smack her upside the head if she was my daughter. :haha:

I'm not advocating domestic violence, but last year when Farrah's mom hit her, I was kind of amazed that it took her so long. That girl is a bitch to her mom, I would have hauled off and smacked her loooooong before her mom did!

Her mom makes me mad though. I feel like Farrah is the way she is because her mom is such a B.

And DH was in the family room on his computer while I was watching Tuesday night. I tried explain too him how Catlyn's mom and Tylers dad are married. He looked at me with the most disgusted look going "That's just F-ed up!"

But at first he thought Catlyn and Tyler got together while being step siblings, so when I said they were together first and THEN heir parents got married, he said that was better but still pretty f-d up :haha:
I had a friend in high school who started dating her stepbrother. Their parents met online. They all moved in together and they 2 teens started sleeping together and hiding it fromthe parents. We were only 14, you would think the parents would have known better!! Not sure what happened to them b/c they moved to wherever the husband was from.... Wouldn't be surprised if she ended up PG fromthe whole strange situation!
Amber and Gary – WTF is wrong with those two? Is the eighteenth time the charm or something? They are so stoopid. I can’t stand how Amber refuses to control herself/mouth around her kid. And I can’t stand how pussywhipped Gary is. He needs his head checked.

Catelynn & Tyler – First of all, Mr. Landlord, it is your responsibility to replace the intercom, not that of the incoming tenants.

Dear Farrah, you are a bitch. Love, your mom.
Dear Farrah, most successful models have no boobs. It’s acting you’re thinking of. Love, your local modeling agency.
Dear Farrah, your eyes look dead when you model. You need to learn to smize. Love, Tyra.
Thought it was interesting when she was telling the stylist that since she had Sophia, her priorities have changed. I was like, really?? Hmmmmm.

Dear Maci, when giving a child time-outs, you are not supposed to sit with them. Love, Supernanny.
Farrah - She definitely has her obnoxious moments though, especially when she was making comments to her dad (who was helping her after surgery) and her mom (about creating a will). I don't think I could be as patient as them, I'd definitely smack her upside the head if she was my daughter. :haha:

I'm not advocating domestic violence, but last year when Farrah's mom hit her, I was kind of amazed that it took her so long. That girl is a bitch to her mom, I would have hauled off and smacked her loooooong before her mom did!

Her mom makes me mad though. I feel like Farrah is the way she is because her mom is such a B.

I do dislike Farrah's mom as well. I feel like she is one way because of the cameras and another off screen, and it frustrates Farrah because she knows its bullshit. It's apparent in the clip in 16 & Pregnant when Deborah yells and smacks Farrah in the car.

Farrah's dad isn't much help either, he is so passive and not at all aggressive / assertive. :roll:

I caught the last 15 minutes of tonight's new episode. I don't get why Ryan is telling Maci it's against Tennessee law for her to move in with her boyfriend Kyle unwed. And it's ridiculous how he has the nerve to call her dumb when he is the complete idiot. Why does he think he even has the right to tell her what to do? :nope:
I think the reason the landlord said something about the intercom was because HE didn't install it, the previous tennat did. Or at least thats what it sounded like to me? But if thats the case, he should just patch the wall.

And I"m only a few minutes in...but when Farrah's mom said "Are you eating good?"....God Farrah was such a bitch to that answer. "Yeah mom, I go to culinary school, of course I eat good!". Uhm not necessarily. You could be making nothing but tiramisu!
And ugh Amber just makes me so mad! All Gary did was ask her to not cuss in front of the baby. So what does she do? Cusses more. Real mature Amber. And I like how when her brother was saying "You guys need anger management, you always have to blame your problems on someone" And then she proceeds to say how she doesn't have an anger problem but Gary just always needs the last word! Seriously!?

And Maci's mom is kind of a B. They like Kyle, and even if they don't agree with them moving in together, there isn't much you can do. Its not like they are worried about Kyle being alone with Bentley, and they seem to like him. And WHAT!? Ryan is trying to say that its a bad idea for Maci and Kyle to live together because they are not married. Uhm, pretty sure you lived with Maci unwed....

And man what a B Tylers sister is! He's 18, his mom can't make him NOT move out.
Okay so I got teary eyed when Caitlyn and Tyler got to see the video of a day in the life of Carly. And I lost it and cried horribly when Carly got all excited about the book that Caitlyn and Tyler had recorded for her, and when she yelled their names and clapped...I was a goner lol.

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