It sort of surprises me that Farrah explodes at her mom over little stuff, but when her mom hijacked her business plan, Farrah was somewhat civil. Italian-Asian fusion does sound strange, though.
Seriously, Farrah's mom is an overbearing trainwreck who never shuts up (dinner scene).
Maci and Ryan are all about "what's best for Bentley", but it seems to me like they just hold grudges and each want to be the victor. I was annoyed when Ryan's dad said Ryan needs to figure things out because it's ripping his mom's heart out. This right on the heels of them talking about how it's only about Bentley. Um, okay... I'm still convinced Ryan has had Botox; his face just never changes!!!
Tyler, I worked at a pizza place in high school; funnest job I've ever had. You'll love it!
Why doesn't Amber just take Leah trick-or-treating in another neighborhood? Instead of all this drama why she can't do so in her own? And that rent is SOOOOO cheap!!!!! That home in my area would rent for twice as much!
A little O/T, and I'll admit I haven't had a child yet, but I've read that kids should be weaned off pacifiers by the time they are a year old. Yet Sophia and Bentley are still sucking away. Is it normal for most 2 year olds to still use them?

Maci and Ryan are all about "what's best for Bentley", but it seems to me like they just hold grudges and each want to be the victor. I was annoyed when Ryan's dad said Ryan needs to figure things out because it's ripping his mom's heart out. This right on the heels of them talking about how it's only about Bentley. Um, okay... I'm still convinced Ryan has had Botox; his face just never changes!!!
Tyler, I worked at a pizza place in high school; funnest job I've ever had. You'll love it!
Why doesn't Amber just take Leah trick-or-treating in another neighborhood? Instead of all this drama why she can't do so in her own? And that rent is SOOOOO cheap!!!!! That home in my area would rent for twice as much!
A little O/T, and I'll admit I haven't had a child yet, but I've read that kids should be weaned off pacifiers by the time they are a year old. Yet Sophia and Bentley are still sucking away. Is it normal for most 2 year olds to still use them?